Build to 200 situps challenge



  • penny_eclipse
    penny_eclipse Posts: 524 Member
    W2 D2, 21, 24, 19 (oops), 18, 30
  • tree145
    tree145 Posts: 4
    I am in! Excited and movtivated! My problem area is my midsection, this is just what I needed!
  • monicamk1975
    monicamk1975 Posts: 298 Member
    I love the site! I needed a kick in the butt to get on working my abs and strengthening my core. Thanks for this posting! I'm starting today! :)
  • rbrannock
    rbrannock Posts: 169
    I just saw this on the sight and checked it out....I'm TOTALLY starting this today. I asked a question earlier on the best way to get rid of my GUT....and I think this just might do it. I've always had trouble knowing if I'm doing them correctly or not tho...that's my biggest challenge. I guess if my abs are hurting tomorrow, that's a good sign. :)
  • meerkat70
    meerkat70 Posts: 4,616 Member
    Sorry all, been a bit poorly, but will be back with this from tomorrow morning. I'll see how far I get.
  • jencjeffery
    jencjeffery Posts: 99 Member
    W2 D1 C3 - done
  • Savyna
    Savyna Posts: 789 Member
    I'm doing that site's push up challenge and I have began their squats, dips, and sit ups challenge as well. I'm liking it so far.
  • jencjeffery
    jencjeffery Posts: 99 Member
    W2 D2 C3 done
  • chrisdavey
    chrisdavey Posts: 9,834 Member
    I just saw this on the sight and checked it out....I'm TOTALLY starting this today. I asked a question earlier on the best way to get rid of my GUT....and I think this just might do it. I've always had trouble knowing if I'm doing them correctly or not tho...that's my biggest challenge. I guess if my abs are hurting tomorrow, that's a good sign. :)

    You can't spot reduce fat.

    Just a word of warning to those doing this. I would recommend doing some FULL core exercise as well or lower back specific exercise like good mornings or supermans. You want to keep you're muscle's balanced.

    Same as for anyone doing 100 pushups should also do 100 inverted rows.
  • meerkat70
    meerkat70 Posts: 4,616 Member
    ok enough lazy girl on this and the pushups. I'm reviving my efforts as of tomorrow. :-)
  • imthelobster
    imthelobster Posts: 179 Member
    And when we get done there's this;

    I'd forgotten about both of these until I saw this post! Time to get busy!! :wink:

    I'm working on this one, when I'm done I'll be doing the situps!
  • meerkat70
    meerkat70 Posts: 4,616 Member
    I've just bumped the pushups thread too. :-)
  • Silypupilly
    I'm on it!
  • Ripken818836701
    Ripken818836701 Posts: 607 Member
    I tried to find a thread for this through the search engine, but the ones I could find were all a few months old.... So... I'm starting this programme today, if anyone wants to play along:

    I've just done week 1 day 1, column 3

    15, 18, 10, 10. 14
    If you want to see better results and save time get yourself an excerise ball and 5, 10 lb pltates to start and do weighted crunches. ( hold the plate behind your head and pause at the top) Do 4 sets twice per week. Also pick yourself an ab wheel. Its a little wheel with 2 handles and not one of these as seen on tv. gadgets. These inexpensive things will make a huge difference. Also remember abs are made in the kitchen you can get rid of belly fat that covers your abs by doing exercises.
  • ranmca
    ranmca Posts: 121 Member
  • mom2tek
    mom2tek Posts: 75 Member
    I'd like to start this! I just did my test and did 47. So now I'll look to see what column I start in. I want to get rid of more fat and strengthen. I know it'll make be a better and stronger runner also.
  • mom2tek
    mom2tek Posts: 75 Member
    Wow! It says I should start on Week 3 Column 3! Looks like alot to me!
  • meerkat70
    meerkat70 Posts: 4,616 Member
    off to a great start then, mom2!
  • JaySpice
    JaySpice Posts: 326 Member
    I'm in.
  • ranmca
    ranmca Posts: 121 Member
    ive created a group for anyone who wants to start the challenge with me today

    lets motivate and support eachother :)