Is taking my own pancake mix too far?



  • astrampe
    astrampe Posts: 2,169 Member
    Rude...really rude...If you have allergies to something it's fine, but obsessing over a few calories?? It's a lifestyle, and what you are doing is obsessing....
  • AntShanny
    AntShanny Posts: 366 Member
    My theory is: If you can't attend social events without constantly worrying about calories and diet, you might as well stay in your house forever!

    Life is way too short. Eat, drink and be merry! You won't gain 10 lbs overnight and you will most likely be under your TDEE.

    Enjoy the pancake/pizza party!

    This, completely! I'm trying to change my thinking and eating habits, but no way am I going to restrict myself...that's setting me up for failure. What's wrong with having a slice of pizza, or a pancake or 2? Maybe see if your hostess would mind if you bring a salad, and have a slice of pizza with that. I just think bringing your own foods starts to get a little weird...unless you're on a restricted "diet" for medical reasons. Or if you're going to bring your own pancake mix bring enough to share.
  • ekz13
    ekz13 Posts: 725 Member
    Enjoy the party, have a few bites to eat, enjoy your friends company, enjoy life and live it.. you can always work out a bit harder today/tomorrow if you want to, but don't cheat yourself out of a moment for a few calories.. life is all about balance..
  • kgordon7
    kgordon7 Posts: 130 Member
    I'd say take your own if you want because I always take my own food with me when I go places. I personally prefer my food anyway. Also, if the shoe were on the other foot, they'd bring their own food if you invited them somewhere. So if you want your own pancakes, do so. It's your choice.
  • AislingRA
    But sure all that is in pancakes is flour, eggs and milk. And that is it. I just have mine with a squeeze of lemon, .I make mine really thin though, am not into American pancakes at all.
  • giantsfaninvt
    giantsfaninvt Posts: 26 Member
    Pizza and pancakes sounds like a strange combination to me. Anyway, have a pancake and a small slice of pizza, and enjoy the party! Exercise before you go, and you can work the calories into your day.

    Good advice...enjoy the party, just know your limit before you go.
  • kgordon7
    kgordon7 Posts: 130 Member
    I do the same also, and I use to get laughs in return, but it's normal now because that's what I like doing and they know that that's just me now. So there's no stopping now.
    I always bring my own stuff to my friends gatherings. They know me and just laugh at me. It's all good though. I'm at my goal and that's how I got there. :)
  • Shayyy01
    Shayyy01 Posts: 290 Member
    My theory is: If you can't attend social events without constantly worrying about calories and diet, you might as well stay in your house forever!

    Life is way too short. Eat, drink and be merry! You won't gain 10 lbs overnight and you will most likely be under your TDEE.

    Enjoy the pancake/pizza party!

    ^^^ this^^^
  • caroldot
    caroldot Posts: 388 Member
    I've been known to take my own baked chips to a mexican restaurant and/or my own salad dressing :smile: But I think in this case, do as you said - eat before you go and then just enjoy a couple pancakes made by the hostess. Drink lots of water - that will help!

    BTW - I have never heard of a pizza and pancake party!! What a weird combination - is this a new trend I don't know about? LOL!
  • vim_n_vigor
    vim_n_vigor Posts: 4,089 Member
    Well, you knew about this in advance. You could have had a kick *kitten* workout and burned a lot of calories and then used them while out with your friends. Life still happens. Will you never eat pizza again? Does it magically become ok once you lose those last few pounds?
  • MattGetsMad
    MattGetsMad Posts: 429 Member
    I take food with me anytime I am going to be away from the house for awhile. It is just easier for me that way. I do not let social convention dictate what I eat.

    I think if you want to stay in control over what you decide to consume you are well within your right.

    Good luck to you op! Good luck to the rest of you guys too!
  • princeza9
    princeza9 Posts: 337 Member
    I've had pancake parties before. Though this hasn't come up, I imagine I'd feel offended if someone else brought pancake mix and expected me to use it. I'd do it just not to compound rudeness, but I would think twice about inviting them again. Unless they were a very good friend, and then I'd already know anyway. My friends have always brought juice or fruit to my pancake parties, that's fine. That's my suggestion.

    And anyway, enjoying pancakes/pizza and friends every so often is good for you as long as you don't go overboard. Friends are relaxing, and help you deal with stress.

    My $.02 anyway.
  • 77tes
    77tes Posts: 8,027 Member
    Get a good workout in before the party; then enjoy! Just don't go crazy.
  • galegetsthin
    galegetsthin Posts: 1,352 Member
    I think that is a bit too far. It could possibly offend the hostess, it will make people less likely to invite you in the future. Suggest bringing something else healthy that everyone can enjoy. Ask her if she wants you to bring the pancake mix for everyone, then make everyones healthier (bring some tasty syrups for people who want it not as healthy), or ask if its ok to bring one (or chip in for) pizza that is healthier...... light cheese, thin crust, veggie pizza. OR........ just have a little of what is provided, and accomodate for it tomorrow. Part of being healthy is being mentally, emotionally AND physically healthy. You cant push others away for a few silly calories.
  • HeidiRene
    HeidiRene Posts: 335 Member
    Please take your own pancake mix!!! It is sad that we don't feel worthy enough to take care of ourselves. If the hostess is your friend she should support you. You are not asking her to buy/make something different - you are bringing it. Many people care about what they put in their bodies and that is OK. I don't eat trans fat and I have had to have uncomfortable conversations with well meaning people who try to feed me their version of healthy foods that have trans fat and other undesirable ingredients. Maybe you can inspire others to eat well. People should not apologize for being vegetarian, eating healthy or eating less than others. Good luck to you and be proud of you pancake mix!
  • JillyCornwall
    JillyCornwall Posts: 376 Member
    OMG you are 19..19......pancakes are about 100 cals each....a pretty young lass of 19 can dance a 100 calories off in no time...and at 19 I could think of other ways to burn a few 100 calories off too...go to your party & enjoy it...OMG I so wish i was 19 again..i would not waste one opportunity to enjoy myself.....
  • MrsCon40
    MrsCon40 Posts: 2,351 Member
    If someone showed up to a party with their own food, I would think they were weird and rude.

    Exactly. This is not being a gracious guest.

    Did they spring this party on you after lunch time? No? Then you should have planned your day to include 2 slices of pizza for dinner.

    Besides, you said you were going to eat in advance. Why do you need to eat there then? It would be perfectly ok and much preferable to say, "I was dying of hunger and my preparty snack turned into a HUGE meal and now I'm stuffed. Can I help you flip some flapjacks for everyone else, or maybe help you with these dishes?"
  • paigemarie93
    paigemarie93 Posts: 778 Member
    Having one a slice of pizza & a pancake today wont do you any harm. :] enjoy yourself!
  • fabulousby45
    I think everyone is right. Enjoy, eat in moderation and just get in some exercise!! If I denied myself pizza, well let's just say, I wouldn't be a happy girl!!
  • FitLink
    FitLink Posts: 1,317 Member
    I've been invited to my friends house tonight for pizza and pancakes. There's about 15 of us going, and i'm going to eat before i go so hopefully i don't eat any pizza, but i don't want to let food get in the way of me having a good time so am going to allow myself some pancakes. I've seen a few low cal recipes on the message boards on MFP, but i don't know whether taking my own pancake mix is too far. I don't have that much to lose, so the few extra calories could prevent me from losing any if i didn't take my own, but this also means i always have people telling me i don't need to lose weight - what would you do in this situation? Either way it's going to be a big test of my self control!

    In a choice between pizza and pancakes, you decided pancakes was healthier?

    Yes, I think taking your pancake mix is too much, as is eating before you go. Eat a piece of pizza, maybe even two, (avoid the pancakes) have something no-calorie for a beverage and enjoy yourself. It's all but impossible for you to gain actual weight in one day, so just just relax and enjoy life a little.