Getting back at someone



  • muffin_shufflin
    muffin_shufflin Posts: 239 Member
    2 stories.. neither of which were me, just associates....

    1. when her husband cheated on her, she filled his shampoo bottle with NAIR. it worked....

    2. my son is a tattoo artist and one of his fellow co workers found out his girlfriend had slept with his best friend. the next day he offered to tattoo the small of her back, but did not indicate that he knew about the cheating. she is now wearing on her back a sketch of a pile of S**T with hovering flies. true story, law suit filed. .......

    Nair lol. I've seen that picture!
  • terra32903
    terra32903 Posts: 185 Member
    I blew up someones fully restored 1968 Corvette.

    Literally blew it up.

    I would like to be your friend. I would HATE to be your enemy! :smile:
  • emilysuelemus
    emilysuelemus Posts: 66 Member
    Amen! me too an many areas of my life!
  • sjtreely
    sjtreely Posts: 1,014 Member
    My ex now (husband at the time) gave me back a cell phone that was under my name. In his defense he had already moved out, but we were still married.

    Too bad for him he didn't let his friends know. One lady kept calling and leaving messages. Well, I just needed to have a little fun in my world, so I carried on a text conversation with her for 21 days. TWENTY-ONE.

    She'd call. I'd text. It was like taking candy from a baby. She left quite the graphic messages on the phone. Yet, even without calling back ... for ... did I mention 21 days ... she'd continue to call and leave voice mail messages.

    My phone could only hold 20 messages before it was full. So, I'd make strategic decisions on which messages to keep and which to delete so more could be stored.

    Once I had what I wanted, I made a CD of the messages. It was an early Christmas present. I sent it to my husband. I called the female and told her she may want to be a little more careful on what she leaves on a recordable device. Told her she could have him and asked about the "floating deck" she had referred to in a VM.

    Good God .... 21 days. 'Ya can't fix stupid.
  • katcod1522
    katcod1522 Posts: 448 Member
    In high school..was mad at a friend..stole a for sale sign from in front of a house on her street that was for sale and put it in forn tof her house. Her dad was not happy.

    A few yrs ago..mad at the hubby..cleaned the toilet with his tooth brush...and never told him til like last yr. I made sure it didnt touch mine :)
  • I have never done anything myself but my mother on the other had get some good ideas when she's pissed. About 10 years ago she found out my Dad was cheating on her so she first beat him with a dozen roses then when he went to work she took all of his bedding and clothes outside covered them in honey left them at the bottom of a tree. They were completely covered in ants by the time he found them lol Oh she also scratched a little message into the windshield of his motorcycle and sliced the seat down both sides. I think he deserved every bit it after 25+ years of marrage.
  • CallMeCupcakeDammit
    CallMeCupcakeDammit Posts: 9,377 Member
    The pee in the juice was brilliant! I did things he didn't know, like served him food that had dropped on the floor, made sure he got the pork chop one of the dogs had licked, and also made fried chicken with chicken that smelled like it was going bad, but unfortunately he didn't get sick. :ohwell: Now we're separated, and he's living in a single wide with his gf and her parents. I guess that's the best revenge of all!
  • I have nothing good to say, just had to respond so it would show up on my home page and my friends would read this post...entertainment for sure!!!! Great ideas muah hahahahaha!!!!
  • not big on renvenge but these stories are pretty freaking funny
  • I usually don't do anything to get back at someone. Although 2 nights of driving around with my ex-best friend lead to us pouring slushies and some sort of coffee mixed with a whole bunch of other stuff in it, all over her ex's nice new car!!!! Oops.

    I like to think that if you hurt someone, some how some way it will come back at you. Ten fold. Thats why if someone does something to me. I walk away, end the friendship, relationship or whatever connection it may be.
  • CountryDevil
    CountryDevil Posts: 819 Member
    Came across very nice and expensive dear stand in one of my trees that was clearly inside my property and posted as no hunting. When initially came across it I just tore it down and figured that was the end of it. Happened to go back to that same area of property a couple of days later to see the dear stand in the tree again. At this point, it was only a couple of days before dear season opened.

    That is when I put my plan into action....

    The morning of opening day of dear season, my Uncle, neighbor and I had gone out to the same area and hid in full camo, waiting until the a-holes show up. And they did all happy to see the dear stand still in place. I let them get in the stand and get situated, still hidden and waiting for the perfect moment. Then is happened, the perfect dear came through, but I still waited until they had them in their sites. At that point I got up from my hiding spot, walked over to the tree, started the chain saw that I had brought with me and began to cut the tree out from under them.

    Needless to say, after they scurried out of the tree asking my what the hell I was doing. I explained they didn't have permission to hunt on my land and was clearly marked as no hunting. I needed firewood and this was the tree I picked. I told them they would be escorted off the property without their dear stand or guns and could return with the Sheriff and game warden to retrieve them. They came back with the Sheriff trying to twist the story a bit but didn't work. In the end, they got fined, a 45 day hold put on their guns (well after dear season) and I ended up with the dear stand.
  • CallMeCupcakeDammit
    CallMeCupcakeDammit Posts: 9,377 Member
    I blew up someones fully restored 1968 Corvette.

    Literally blew it up.

    Why? I'd like to find out the reason before I decide if I'm impressed or appalled :)

    Next door neighbor and local bully who picked on me unmercifully for years. Culminated in him killing my cat in a rather horrific manner.

    No one was injured and no damage other then the car (interior totally destroyed, blew the engine apart and off its mounts, completely severed right front tire and cut the front axle in half).

    This happened well over 25 years ago- since then I have read in the local papers through the years his constant arrest for domestic violence, drunk and disorderly, DUI, etc. All in all not a nice person.
    Killed your cat? He got off easy.

    What's sad is that if the police got involved, you would be punished worse for the car.

    no, whats sad is he hurt an innocent car. :(

    no what's sad is you talk about being above revenge and all that uppity crap but yet you can't turn your cheek far enough to get yourself out of this thread. Screw a stupid car if someone did something to an animal I consider family they would be worrying about me ruining their life not their car. Now you can just turn your other cheek and try your best to leave this thread your uppity morals are in the wrong place and definitely off balance.

    Seconding that. If someone ever harmed any of my cats I could guarantee something jail-worthy as revenge. A car is more replaceable than a life, even a pet's.

    You definitely let him off easy. :cry:
  • SilverStrychnine
    SilverStrychnine Posts: 413 Member
    A bit of background info: I used to work for a very well known ghost tour company in Brisbane, it was my dream job as I had idolised and crushed on the "dark historian" who started it up...

    Until I got to know him. He turned out to be a real a-hole.... And lacking in research skills, which has lead his tours to be factually incorrect, and even some outright lies. He had a terrible temper and had quite erratic mood swings. He was also a real sleaze. Some of his comments to me include "You'd make a good burlesque dancer, you've got great curves", "I reckon we'd make more money if I bent you over the desk and my way with you and sold tickets to THAT!" and when I came in feeling unwell one day he said" well, let me know if you need a doctor.. I can make you feel better , *wink wink*" UGH.

    On my last day, I made one mistake. I was in the middle of rectifying it when he burst into my office and proceeded to yell at me for nearly an hour, without giving me a chance to explain myself. Finally, he yelled from his office "So can you fix this or not?!" That was it. I'd had enough. I yelled back, "NO. No I can't fix this. We're beyond repair." I gathered up my things and toddled out with my head held high.

    The last he ever saw of me was a pair of pitchfork stockings and blood splatter print heels.

    I have since become good friends with an actual, qualified historian who is dedicated to exposing my ex boss! (Here's his blog! Oh, and he also happens to be the guy that helped my ex-boss get his business up and running, and worked alongside him for 5 years.

    Now to the revenge!

    In addition to posting links to the above blog, and several other exposing articles on his facebook page with my gaming account (check out this one from the Boggo Road Gaol Historical Society:, the office of Fair Trading has been contacted, and his business is drying up as people are becoming more aware of things. And I sent a letter to his home address, a single piece of paper with only the words "Karma is such a *****" smack bang in the middle, in small, neat font. No return address on the back of course! It would have arrived at his house on Valentine's Day

    Lastly, market stalls are held every Sunday at the grounds surrounding the old Boggo Road Gaol, one of the original tour sites. My ex boss of course has a little stall set up to promote his wares. My new friend and I took a lovely stroll past his stall, arm in arm, smiling and laughing with each other, me looking SUPER good, I must say :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh:

    The look on his face was pure poison.
  • zenchild
    zenchild Posts: 680 Member
    I worked in a retail pet store where I was the most experienced person. I'd been with the company 14 years and could work in any department. The store manager and assistant manager did their best to make my life miserable. Constantly changing my schedule, giving me the worst shifts, scheduling me alone so I couldn't take a lunch (and then yelling me when I didn't take a lunch). I think it was because I knew more about how the store operated than they did and they hated it. I eventually found a new job. I had three weeks between the new job offer and my first day. I waited a little while before telling them that I was leaving. I left one week before Black Friday.
  • UsedToBeHusky
    UsedToBeHusky Posts: 15,228 Member
    You know that country song by Carrie Underwood, I think. You know the one where she trashed his truck. Yeah... that was me. :embarassed:
  • Wileyjoe
    Wileyjoe Posts: 282
    College pranks were many. Best one I can remember was when living on the 5th floor in a dorm. We cleared everything out of our friends room, hauled up a lot of snow and built a large snowman in the middle of their room. What fun!
  • "Living well is the best revenge.'

    When I read that it was attributed to one of Johnny Carson's ex wives.

    I've found that to be absolutely true. I get no joy out of causing someone else pain. So, I just do something really cool, and I feel better. After that, it doesn't matter what they think about it.
  • Squidgeypaws007
    Squidgeypaws007 Posts: 1,012 Member
    I am usually too lazy to do anything to "get back" at people but there was one occasion at university. One of my friends had pissed me off (for a reason I can't even remember) just a day before we all had exams....sooo, when he left his room to go to the bathroom I took his clock down and put it forward by half an hour. He didn't realise, and the next morning he set off for his exam, getting there about forty minutes before he should have and found no one there. He thought he had the wrong day, so he turned around and came home.....

    Luckily we found him and managed to get him there in time, but it still makes me giggle to think of it.

    Also (this wasn't really getting back at someone, but on the topic of memories that make me laugh) the first time I met my hubby for a date, we went to a pub near us. About half way through he asked me where the toilets I gave him directions to the ladies. His face when he got back to me : priceless ;)
  • thepanttherlady
    thepanttherlady Posts: 258 Member
    This makes me not want to date.

    Agreed. Some of these posts are appalling. O_o
  • UsedToBeHusky
    UsedToBeHusky Posts: 15,228 Member
    Came across very nice and expensive dear stand in one of my trees that was clearly inside my property and posted as no hunting. When initially came across it I just tore it down and figured that was the end of it. Happened to go back to that same area of property a couple of days later to see the dear stand in the tree again. At this point, it was only a couple of days before dear season opened.

    That is when I put my plan into action....

    The morning of opening day of dear season, my Uncle, neighbor and I had gone out to the same area and hid in full camo, waiting until the a-holes show up. And they did all happy to see the dear stand still in place. I let them get in the stand and get situated, still hidden and waiting for the perfect moment. Then is happened, the perfect dear came through, but I still waited until they had them in their sites. At that point I got up from my hiding spot, walked over to the tree, started the chain saw that I had brought with me and began to cut the tree out from under them.

    Needless to say, after they scurried out of the tree asking my what the hell I was doing. I explained they didn't have permission to hunt on my land and was clearly marked as no hunting. I needed firewood and this was the tree I picked. I told them they would be escorted off the property without their dear stand or guns and could return with the Sheriff and game warden to retrieve them. They came back with the Sheriff trying to twist the story a bit but didn't work. In the end, they got fined, a 45 day hold put on their guns (well after dear season) and I ended up with the dear stand.

    Nice! Movie worthy story for sure!!