who here worries about getting older?



  • AntWrig
    AntWrig Posts: 2,273 Member
    I wonder about it all time.
  • Alicai
    Alicai Posts: 55
    The only bad thing about getting older is that is makes you realise just how short life is. I dreaded my 20's, and then they arrived and they were great. I dreaded turning 30, but so far (I'm 36) those years have turned out pretty damn good too. Now I'm waiting for the big 40 to hit, and I'm feeling the pressure all over again, but based on past experience I figure they won't be as bad as I'm anticipating.

    A friend of mine once told me that 'life is not about trying to play by all the rules, so that when you finally reach the end you do so in a well-preserved body with a relaxed mind. Truly getting the most out of life means living it hard and fast and to the fullest, so that you can slide into your grave sideways shouting 'what a ride'!'

    The only rule to living it the second way, is to make sure that the choices you make are one's YOU are happy with. So, getting older may seem daunting, but as long as I keep trying to get the most out of my life, I reckon I'll be sliding in sideways with a big smile on my face! :happy:
  • ludogx87
    ludogx87 Posts: 286 Member
    im nearly 25, still single and live at home with my parents......

    still feel (and look about 18) hahahahah xx
  • Gail3260
    Gail3260 Posts: 354 Member
    No.....because it has to be preferable to the alternative!!!

    I am 52 and am not old.......my teenage kids would probably disagree but they are wrong!!!!
  • Matt_Wild
    Matt_Wild Posts: 2,673 Member
    I'm enjoying growing older. I love seeing the different aspects of life and how you view things and what is important and what is not, as you age.
  • xxxAimeeHxxx
    xxxAimeeHxxx Posts: 28 Member
    When i became single January 2011 i became i much better and stronger person within myself and figured it was time to take controle of my life! got myself a new flat and job, and felt really good as if mylife was going somewhere i was doing somthing!!!
    Got myself a new boyfriend 6 months ago and broke up with him a day before Valentines because i felt he was holding me back in life. Just left i was plodding along not doing anything. taken away the 'going somewhere in life feeling'
    So i turn 23 on Friday and im facing it alone! i dont want to be old and hit my ''scare age'' and be single :(
  • xxxAimeeHxxx
    xxxAimeeHxxx Posts: 28 Member
    I just worry i wasted my life being fat and by the time i am smaller i am gonna be too old to enjoy living
    Dont let your weight holdyou back in life!! have the confidance to be yourself! easier said than done i know.
  • Solly123
    Solly123 Posts: 162 Member
    It's not the years, it's the miles.

    So true..

    Guys, don't get caught up in the numbers.. Whats done is done.. You can't change the past - you can only learn from it and move on.. I'm 43 on Sunday.. Still live at home with my mom, single with a grown up son whos in university.

    I wasted so many years regretting or wishing things were different..

    Took me to my mid thirties to grab life and live it. I now own 3 horses, drive a nice jeep, have a horse box, so can travel my horses, have a decent job that pays me well so I can afford nice things.. All those crappy things that happened in the past - well, that done and dusted, I won't get caught again - I've learned the lesson and moved on..

    Love my life, love riding my horses (well, till I fell off jumping last night and I'm now here in work thinking I may have done more to my shoulder than pulled muscles!! Lol!!)

    I'm still single - not sure when I'll sort that one out.. If it happens it happens, if it doesn't it doesn't.. I'm not going to make it a must do thing - its not something I can control - so no point depending on it for happiness..

    Just remember - this life is yours and yours only. You must remember to respect yourself and love yourself - cause if you can't do that, how can you expect anyone else to.. I may not be pretty or thin, but I am honest, loyal and hardworking.. And I totally believe that what goes round comes round.. I always do to others what I would expect in return.. Of course I look in the mirror and see the lines and grey hairs - but you know, they are sign of experience aswell as age.. And some of the lines definitely come from smiling..

    If you smile - the world smiles too.. Don't be negative, don't concentrate on the bad bits.. Push forward the good bits in your mind and you'll see.. People will only see the good bits..

    Big hugs to you all.. You've loads of life to live yet.. Go out there and enjoy it!!
  • Ro0kins_Wedding
    I wouldn't worry about it. I'm 35 and I'm happy. :-)
  • Shelly_here
    Shelly_here Posts: 44 Member
    It's not the years, it's the miles.

    my work computer is full of quotes... this just made it on there :) x
  • roguex_1979
    roguex_1979 Posts: 247 Member
    I am 32 (I think...), not exactly an old age pensioner, but because I work with lots of younger than me people - only 3 other people in my department are older than me (both my superior advisor and team leader, and I think even my manager!, are younger than me) - I feel very old and feel like I can't go out anymore and party with the rest of them. They are all off in their own teen/early 20's dream world, and I'm just trudging through my life with no hobbies, save for the laptop, and in my own eyes, I don't see that changing. For example, their future is 'What shall I do for my 21st birthday?!' or 'OMG I drank too much last night! LOLZ - where are we going tonight to do the same?'. My future is 'Will I ever be able to save enough money to buy the house with a garden I've always wanted?' That's what getting older means...dreams change and in my case due to current circumstances, seem to never be achievable.

    I worry for the future, getting older. I have no special skills, so the only thing I can hope to achieve in my life is that I have created the child that will one day do something special with her own life.
  • cavemancop
    cavemancop Posts: 42 Member
    I just turned 30.............................................. :(
  • hennyben
    hennyben Posts: 317
    I'm 35 next birthday and still feel 21! I'm enjoying getting older, experiencing different aspects of life and wising up. Someone already said it but you can't change your past and I don't see the point of regrets. I used to be a quite judgemental person but life has taught me that nothing is black and white and everyone deserves to live their lives as they see fit.
    There are things to worry about, like my children's future and their safety etc, but you could drive yourself crazy with what ifs.
    Oh and there's always face lifts.
  • nickyfm
    nickyfm Posts: 1,214 Member
    I'm 21 years old, and am terrified that I am starting to approach the age of settling down, and there is no husband in sight -.-
    I worry that I'm gonna wake up 1 day in my forties, alone
  • havingitall
    havingitall Posts: 3,728 Member
    I turn 50 this year and only wish I was 25 again. There is so much I would have done differently.

    25 is amazing...you have your whole life ahead of you...and the wrinkles and gray skin...............just you wait :smile:
  • annemckee
    annemckee Posts: 170 Member
    im 50 this year and it scares me to death how fast the last 49 years have gone, its like i blinked and my kids are grown up with kids of there own, very scarey, lol.

    No way are you 50! You're so pretty
  • annemckee
    annemckee Posts: 170 Member
    im 50 this year and it scares me to death how fast the last 49 years have gone, its like i blinked and my kids are grown up with kids of there own, very scarey, lol.

    No way are you 50! You're so pretty

    So 50+ and pretty are mutually exclusive - good to have that confirmed.
  • BeetleChe13
    BeetleChe13 Posts: 498 Member
    I just turned 23 and am not worried at all. I have been through more than my share of hardships and lived with my grandparents off-and-on growing up. I'm actually looking forward to getting older because I could wear oversized hats and crazy sweaters without being judged. I love playing Scrabble and card games, and I find the elderly are much easier to get along with than people my age. I will admit to plucking out my numerous silver hairs though when I find them. :blushing: At least til I get some cool streaks going.
  • rainbow1974
    rainbow1974 Posts: 48 Member
    Im 38 this year and am dreading the big 40 - dont feel that grown up and I dont think i ever will, i have fun with my kids and with the new man, i think life is pretty ok and the moment and getting better...........:love:
  • pucenavel
    pucenavel Posts: 972 Member
    There is an alternative to growing old.....

    ...it's called dying young.

    I'll take growing old. Thanks.