Question for all ladies that go to night clubs with their fr



  • christine24t
    christine24t Posts: 6,063 Member
    When I go out with my friends, sometimes we'll see people that are cute that we want to dance with. But it depends on a lot of things, including:
    - what friends we're out with
    - how drunk we are
    - how we're feeling overall good night or bad night
    - what the bar scene is like
    - if anybody we know is out dancing (i'm less likely to grind if i see a million classmates that will gossip about it on Monday)

    It's kinda cheesy to ask a girl at a nightclub to dance with you, in my opinion. If you want to dance with a girl, go up behind her and dance a little bit. If she likes you, she'll respond, if not, she'll move away and that's your cue to know that she doesn't want to dance. Don't keep trying! Haha

    As for the dressing thing, this nailed it:
    Primarily for their friends, I'd say, but single girls also aren't *opposed* to meeting guys. It just has to feel right, and happen right. You don't want someone who tries too hard to dance with you because there can be no mistaking what he's trying to achieve (you know what I mean). But if you happen to click with someone, and you have fun with him, that's a great feeling.
  • ItsCasey
    ItsCasey Posts: 4,021 Member
    I don't think it's cheesy to ask. I think a woman deserves the courtesy of being asked, rather than some guy assuming she's okay with it and her having to move away from him or actually having to ask him to go away.

    When did people stop communicating with each other like human beings rather than animals who don't have the power of speech?
  • DannyMussels
    DannyMussels Posts: 1,842 Member
    Me and my boys just wanna go to the club and dance off a stressful week, can't we do that without drunk women ruining our good time??????
  • ThePhoenixRose
    ThePhoenixRose Posts: 1,978 Member
    I gotta say, i think some of the ladies here are not quite being honest... i'll get hated on for this, i know, but here goes. I dress up and look cute cause i like it. I like that my girlfriends think i look good. AND, i like getting noticed by guys. I'm married, been with him for 9 years, but still, it's nice to know someone still finds you attractive.

    when i'm dancing with girlfriends, i'll usually stick with my girlfriends though. when a guy comes up, again, it's a bit flattering that they are trying, and i know it takes balls for a guy to approach a group of girls, so i usually don't shoot him down. (like the others, unless he's really creepy!) Yes i'm married. yes i'm with my friends. but there is nothing wrong with dancing with someone. i'm not doing him, and i make that clear from the beginning.

    My girlfriends are the same way. we dance together, but if someone has the balls to try to join, he's usually welcome to it. of course we draw lines, but in general, it's fine. and when we were single, BRING 'EM ON!!! :laugh:
  • AmberJslimsAWAY
    AmberJslimsAWAY Posts: 2,339 Member
    if i were attracted to the guy, i would dance with him. otherwise, stay with the friends.

    exactly this.
  • JeanetteDee
    JeanetteDee Posts: 53 Member
    Like some others said, if I were attracted to the guy heck yes I would dance with him. But there are also times that I go out with the girls and we just want to dance with each other and not pay attention to the guys.
  • if i were attracted to the guy, i would dance with him. otherwise, stay with the friends.

    ^ this, i will reject if i'm not interested and sometimes, girls are just their with friends, maybe she even had a beyfriend
  • JeanetteDee
    JeanetteDee Posts: 53 Member
    I gotta say, i think some of the ladies here are not quite being honest... i'll get hated on for this, i know, but here goes. I dress up and look cute cause i like it. I like that my girlfriends think i look good. AND, i like getting noticed by guys. I'm married, been with him for 9 years, but still, it's nice to know someone still finds you attractive.

    when i'm dancing with girlfriends, i'll usually stick with my girlfriends though. when a guy comes up, again, it's a bit flattering that they are trying, and i know it takes balls for a guy to approach a group of girls, so i usually don't shoot him down. (like the others, unless he's really creepy!) Yes i'm married. yes i'm with my friends. but there is nothing wrong with dancing with someone. i'm not doing him, and i make that clear from the beginning.

    My girlfriends are the same way. we dance together, but if someone has the balls to try to join, he's usually welcome to it. of course we draw lines, but in general, it's fine. and when we were single, BRING 'EM ON!!! :laugh:

    I so agree with this
  • rml_16
    rml_16 Posts: 16,414 Member
    If I was at least a little attracted to a guy who asked politely I would not shoot him down. But the grinding thing? Gross and bordering on sexual assault.

    I also had a situation last time I went dancing with girlfriends where some random guy (old enough to be my father and NOT attractive) saw me get up to go dance with my friends. My friends were going up there, but had to wait for something, so I was trying to wait for them and this man literally grabbed my arm and tried to drag me to the dance floor even as I was telling him I was not ready to go out there. A guy who does that doesn't stand a chance, either, even if he's attractive to me.
  • MissVCI
    MissVCI Posts: 277 Member
    I gotta say, i think some of the ladies here are not quite being honest... i'll get hated on for this, i know, but here goes. I dress up and look cute cause i like it. I like that my girlfriends think i look good. AND, i like getting noticed by guys. I'm married, been with him for 9 years, but still, it's nice to know someone still finds you attractive.

    when i'm dancing with girlfriends, i'll usually stick with my girlfriends though. when a guy comes up, again, it's a bit flattering that they are trying, and i know it takes balls for a guy to approach a group of girls, so i usually don't shoot him down. (like the others, unless he's really creepy!) Yes i'm married. yes i'm with my friends. but there is nothing wrong with dancing with someone. i'm not doing him, and i make that clear from the beginning.

    My girlfriends are the same way. we dance together, but if someone has the balls to try to join, he's usually welcome to it. of course we draw lines, but in general, it's fine. and when we were single, BRING 'EM ON!!! :laugh:

    Yes, I love dressing up and looking hot and i expect to get cat called by men walking down the street.
    yes I go out to meet and flirt with men.

    but i have to be ATTRACTED to him, and for some reason only the creepers talk to me, and being accosted by a guy with a hard on is not my idea of a good time.
  • bettyboop573
    bettyboop573 Posts: 610 Member
    usually girls go to the club to dance/have fun with their girlfriends.

    see i always thought the same thing.... just sucks for the guy i guess. i'm married and dont care but its hilarious to see some guys try hard.

    oh and another thing, are girls just getting really dressed up and looking extremely hot for their girlfriends?

    haha my friend and I just had this discussion! Women dont dress up for men they dress up for other women! lol :P
  • SilverStrychnine
    SilverStrychnine Posts: 413 Member
    This is why I go to Goth clubs. The men are ever so polite and gentlemanly (in my experience anyway).
  • If I want to dance with a guy I usually give eye contact and a smile.. BUt if you try to make eye contact with a girl and she quickly turns away don't even bother. Another way to see if she might be interested in dancing is to see if one of her girlfriends is already dancing with someone then you can try.. LOL.
  • mnishi
    mnishi Posts: 419 Member
    Unfortunately, most guys at clubs just want to hook up. If you let them dance with you they will usually be all over you all night, and some get handsy. It's easier to just ignore them all.
  • Di3012
    Di3012 Posts: 2,247 Member
    Ok so i recently went to a club in NYC and i see a couple of group of girls. Girls looked good... but then the girls just danced with each other. Thats fine.

    but then i saw these random fellas try to dance with one of the girls and no luck. Then i see the moronic man who tries to grind behind and still no luck. LOL not surprised..

    but then i ask myself, is it a lose lose situation. Does a guy have no chance approaching a girl at a club? is the setting the bad place? i mean even if a guy asked a girl politely, "want to dance?" they would get shot down.

    what say you ladies?

    Personally, I met my husband at a nightclub, he asked me to dance, then asked if he could buy me a drink, we chatted and made a date for the next night, we've been together for 16 years now. Nightclubs are like cattle markets really though, aren't they, they're not always the best place to meet somebody..
  • duharvalgt
    duharvalgt Posts: 319 Member
    Will take note ; won't be finding with that grinding. :laugh:
  • aqua_zumba_fan
    aqua_zumba_fan Posts: 383 Member
    No...Women get dressed up for other women LOL

    Particularly if their primary attraction is to women. There is also an assumption by guys who try to dance with girls that these girls are even into men. I hate it when men try it on cos it's rude and presumptuous but also cos I'm into women (well, I'm in a long-term relationship, but if I was in a club when single) and I hate that men assume I'm not!
  • sblair77
    sblair77 Posts: 355 Member
    It's all about attraction.

    If I find someone attractive I would probably chat with them at the bar...not interested in them dancing with me. I have more fun with my girls.

    I personally do not like guys that are into dancing much. Just me. All the guys I've ever dated and now my husband are at the bar or close by talking with other guys....doing guy things. My girls and I dance - together.

    Sometimes I do want to dance with my husband and so I will ask my husband to please come dance with me.
  • _Timmeh_
    _Timmeh_ Posts: 2,096 Member
    I picture those creepy old guido looking guys, fake orange tan, fake rug on top, shirt unbuttoned with a thick gold chain lost in a sea of hair on the chest.......
  • NYCDutchess
    NYCDutchess Posts: 622 Member
    I think it depends on the girls and the group. If a good looking guy approaches me and is polite about it, I'm good. But some guys are arrogant. I'm married, so as long as you're fine with it just being a dance, it's all good.

    But sometimes your just out to hang with your friends, you don't want to dance with guys. I think men should take the signs.