HCG diet safe?



  • trac3
    trac3 Posts: 134 Member
    Oh yeah ~ lots of people lose weight on the HCG diet ~ many of my friends.....and they regain it, with interest (more weight, more fat).:frown: I only know one woman who has kept it off for almost two years, but she follows the Atkins diet now to stay at that weight. The instant she eats anything with carbs, she puffs right up and goes back to her Atkins. Not my idea of living, but to each his or her own!:huh:

    On another note, I tried the HCG stuff for a whole 5 days because I wanted to see what it would do....mind you, I couldn't stay under 1,100 cals to save my life, even with these miracle drops (and I payed a lot of money for the "primo/pure" junk my good friend was using). All it gave me was major headaches, foggy thinking, my blood pressure shot up 25 points, and I ended up in the ER with tachycardia. The ER doc had kittens I was putting that kind of *kitten* in my system... So be careful with what you put in your body ~ I'll never mess with anything like that again!!!:embarassed: Many people have no problems with it, but you need to be aware that it can give some people adverse effects, and you might not want to find out the hard way! I swear I didn't feel normal for at least two months.....

    Good luck with your decision ~ I vote lower calories (no less than 1200 a day) and more exercise ~ seems to get the job done!:wink:
  • lee3978
    lee3978 Posts: 274
    Okay-let me put this out there: I am simply asking a question, not promoting anything. I thought this was a place to get answers, not slammed for asking a question. I have not said that anyone should do anything. I was not aware of the HCG thing being 'unpostable'. If I have offened anyone, I do apologize. I wanted advice from others that know more than I do about it, that is it. I did not mean to start a huge free-for-all.

    From the information given, my initial suspicions are confirmed: 600 calories a day is why you lose the weight, not the drops.

    THank you for the info. We can drop the subject now, please.

    Phoenix, I tried google to understand the process and science behind it. You don't lose based on 600 calories.
  • peachied
    peachied Posts: 117 Member
    I wouldn't.... My friend did the HcG diet twice and she lost a significant amount of weight BUT each time she gained the weight back and all her starving during that time was for nothing. I think it would be better (and safer) to lose weight gradually and with exercise. There's less chance that you'll be in starvation mode or you'll have the extra saggy skin.
  • onedayillbamilf
    onedayillbamilf Posts: 662 Member
    Is anorexia safe?
  • I'm proof it works as well. I'm down 35lbs since last february and glad I did it. I have great muscles. I didn't see the boys lifting like I was at the gym today and doing 250 push ups.

    If you don't know what someone has tried already don't judge and assume they haven't tried other options.

    I'm still currently on it and everything is normal.

    But no one will pay attention to anything myself or anyone else on has to say to I'm more than likely wasting my time. Just came on here because saw a friend post on it even though she's on the flip side.
    I know people who have changed their lives with the weight they've lost and kept it off from following the HCG diet. I too loved it and still do. The recipes are so yummy with all the meats and veggies, we continue to eat off the recipe list because its so healthy.
  • sexycheesemonkey
    sexycheesemonkey Posts: 196 Member
    Is anorexia safe?

    Safer than bulimia =)
  • spammyanna
    spammyanna Posts: 871 Member
    Okay-let me put this out there: I am simply asking a question, not promoting anything. I thought this was a place to get answers, not slammed for asking a question. I have not said that anyone should do anything. I was not aware of the HCG thing being 'unpostable'. If I have offened anyone, I do apologize. I wanted advice from others that know more than I do about it, that is it. I did not mean to start a huge free-for-all.

    From the information given, my initial suspicions are confirmed: 600 calories a day is why you lose the weight, not the drops.

    THank you for the info. We can drop the subject now, please.

    Phoenix, I tried google to understand the process and science behind it. You don't lose based on 600 calories.

    Really? Only eating 600 calories a day doesn't cause weight loss? Interesting. Which google did you use? Fake fantasy land google?
  • lee3978
    lee3978 Posts: 274
    Phoenix, I tried google to understand the process and science behind it. You don't lose based on 600 calories.

    Really? Only eating 600 calories a day doesn't cause weight loss? Interesting. Which google did you use? Fake fantasy land google?

    No I used the google you apparently don't know how to use. WTF is this 5th grade playground antics? Please.
  • sexycheesemonkey
    sexycheesemonkey Posts: 196 Member
    Phoenix, I tried google to understand the process and science behind it. You don't lose based on 600 calories.

    Really? Only eating 600 calories a day doesn't cause weight loss? Interesting. Which google did you use? Fake fantasy land google?

    No I used the google you apparently don't know how to use. WTF is this 5th grade playground antics? Please.

    <3 dont let them get to you...their powers of knowledge are too strong for us to handle...
  • TMasticTB
    TMasticTB Posts: 62 Member
    I've lost 20 pounds in 3 months by simply following MyFitnessPal and the 500 calorie reduction. 20 pounds at 3 months = 80 pounds at 12 months, if I had that much to lose.

    I eat about 1800 calories a day and obviously am not starving my body of vital nutrients. Do what you think is an easy way to lose weight, but I'm on pace to lose the same amount you'd lose on a plan that I can actually sustain for the rest of my life. But to each their own.
  • Dave198lbs
    Dave198lbs Posts: 8,810 Member
    Phoenix, I tried google to understand the process and science behind it. You don't lose based on 600 calories.

    Really? Only eating 600 calories a day doesn't cause weight loss? Interesting. Which google did you use? Fake fantasy land google?

    No I used the google you apparently don't know how to use. WTF is this 5th grade playground antics? Please.

    well could you kindly cite the information you found? It didnt happen to come from some company who also sells HCG was it?
  • lee3978
    lee3978 Posts: 274
    Nope. I read for about a month straight on the internet, reading both pros and cons, went to the doctor to get bloodwork done and explained to him what I was doing. He was familiar and had both patients who succeeded and failed. Spoke to numerous people before I tried the drops and no one solicited. I prefer the pellets. I don't need to cite anything. Do what I did...research. But since most of you people have your mind made up I'm not going to bother. If anyone is interested then can do exactly what Idid.
  • I'm debating on starting the HCG diet. I have a friend that has lost 80lbs in the last year on it, and I'm very impressed. The problem is that, even at my weight (225), I know how unhealthy 600 calories a day divided into two meals can be for the body, that on top of skipping breakfast. The idiot at GNC that sold me my HCG drops 'gave' me protein shakes knowing that it is not acceptable on HCG.

    So, I guess this is my question...Is it possible to lose the weight taking HCG and not cutting back to 600 calories? I'm currently at 1300, and rarely reach that goal. I'm usually 100-200 below goal. Can I cut back to 1000-900 and lose MORE weight with the drops? Or, will I lose the same amount without the drops because of the change in calorie intake? Someone please help! Thank you!
    from experience you will lose a pound a day. If you can cut out most sugars and white flour from your daily calories, you will keep it off. I know I did and so did my husband.
  • sexycheesemonkey
    sexycheesemonkey Posts: 196 Member
    Nope. I read for about a month straight on the internet, reading both pros and cons, went to the doctor to get bloodwork done and explained to him what I was doing. He was familiar and had both patients who succeeded and failed. Spoke to numerous people before I tried the drops and no one solicted me. I prefer the pellets. I don't need to cite anything. Do what I did...research. But since most of you people have your mind made up I'm not going to bother. If anyone is interested then can do exactly what Idid.

    Might I recommend the book Weightloss Apocalypse? It is a VERY good read and clears up tons of the questions people have and reasons why many people fail after the diet. =)
  • Dave198lbs
    Dave198lbs Posts: 8,810 Member
    Nope. I read for about a month straight on the internet, reading both pros and cons, went to the doctor to get bloodwork done and explained to him what I was doing. He was familiar and had both patients who succeeded and failed. Spoke to numerous people before I tried the drops and no one solicted me. I prefer the pellets. I don't need to cite anything. Do what I did...research. But since most of you people have your mind made up I'm not going to bother. If anyone is interested then can do exactly what Idid.

    yep...ok then

    good luck to all of you HCG folks
  • sarallong
    sarallong Posts: 74 Member
    Flat out NO!
  • lee3978
    lee3978 Posts: 274
    Nope. I read for about a month straight on the internet, reading both pros and cons, went to the doctor to get bloodwork done and explained to him what I was doing. He was familiar and had both patients who succeeded and failed. Spoke to numerous people before I tried the drops and no one solicted me. I prefer the pellets. I don't need to cite anything. Do what I did...research. But since most of you people have your mind made up I'm not going to bother. If anyone is interested then can do exactly what Idid.

    Might I recommend the book Weightloss Apocalypse? It is a VERY good read and clears up tons of the questions people have and reasons why many people fail after the diet. =)

    They aren't going to read it. Because everyone in here who already is so sure of their opinion but has no clue how it works is not going to take the time to do a little research. Thanks for pointing out that book. They'll just tell us to guess what exercise and eat clean. Which is what I already do!!! LMAO
  • fastbelly
    fastbelly Posts: 727 Member
    People lose 80 pounds in a year all the time without practically starving themselves. Just saying.

    101 in less then 12 months here and I haven't gone hungry a single day!
  • I think it is too unhealthy to only consume that many calories a day.
  • Elizabeth_C34
    Elizabeth_C34 Posts: 6,376 Member
    Nope. I read for about a month straight on the internet, reading both pros and cons, went to the doctor to get bloodwork done and explained to him what I was doing. He was familiar and had both patients who succeeded and failed. Spoke to numerous people before I tried the drops and no one solicted me. I prefer the pellets. I don't need to cite anything. Do what I did...research. But since most of you people have your mind made up I'm not going to bother. If anyone is interested then can do exactly what Idid.

    Might I recommend the book Weightloss Apocalypse? It is a VERY good read and clears up tons of the questions people have and reasons why many people fail after the diet. =)

    They aren't going to read it. Because everyone in here who already is so sure of their opinion but has no clue how it works is not going to take the time to do a little research. Thanks for pointing out that book. They'll just tell us to guess what exercise and eat clean. Which is what I already do!!! LMAO

    And yet you refuse to post any information that you've found, and just say "do your own research." HELLO cop-out!
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