HCG diet safe?



  • i did the Hcg diet and it worked for me. i lost 20lb in 26 days and now im maintaining. yes very low calories 500 but you can do up to a 1000 on it. but i would not buy from GNC because theirs is homeopathic. you want the real thing. go to a diet journey.com also do your research. there are doctors out there that can prescribe it to you.
  • sexycheesemonkey
    sexycheesemonkey Posts: 196 Member
    Nope. I read for about a month straight on the internet, reading both pros and cons, went to the doctor to get bloodwork done and explained to him what I was doing. He was familiar and had both patients who succeeded and failed. Spoke to numerous people before I tried the drops and no one solicted me. I prefer the pellets. I don't need to cite anything. Do what I did...research. But since most of you people have your mind made up I'm not going to bother. If anyone is interested then can do exactly what Idid.

    Might I recommend the book Weightloss Apocalypse? It is a VERY good read and clears up tons of the questions people have and reasons why many people fail after the diet. =)

    They aren't going to read it. Because everyone in here who already is so sure of their opinion but has no clue how it works is not going to take the time to do a little research. Thanks for pointing out that book. They'll just tell us to guess what exercise and eat clean. Which is what I already do!!! LMAO

    Yes I know...but maybe SOMEPONY will read it...and see that the diet isnt all the BS everyone makes it out to be. ANY diet can work...and ANYPONY can lose weight one way or another... And I do exercise...I walk daily for 45 minutes, I dont log it so I dont get the 'idea' that I have extra calories. I did research and it was either HCG or lap band...I chose what I felt right...and I am happy I did. I've lost 29lbs since the beginning of January. And seriously...I have more energy than ever, and I am motivated so much more...my hubby is happy and so am I. So everypony else and their rain clouds can go rain on another parade =D
  • Dave198lbs
    Dave198lbs Posts: 8,810 Member
    there are doctors out there that can prescribe it to you.

    Michael Jackson had a doctor prescribing to him also. Didnt turn out so well. Doctors are not always following their oath.
  • there are doctors out there that can prescribe it to you.

    Michael Jackson had a doctor prescribing to him also. Didnt turn out so well. Doctors are not always following their oath.

  • Elizabeth_C34
    Elizabeth_C34 Posts: 6,376 Member
    Nope. I read for about a month straight on the internet, reading both pros and cons, went to the doctor to get bloodwork done and explained to him what I was doing. He was familiar and had both patients who succeeded and failed. Spoke to numerous people before I tried the drops and no one solicted me. I prefer the pellets. I don't need to cite anything. Do what I did...research. But since most of you people have your mind made up I'm not going to bother. If anyone is interested then can do exactly what Idid.

    Might I recommend the book Weightloss Apocalypse? It is a VERY good read and clears up tons of the questions people have and reasons why many people fail after the diet. =)

    They aren't going to read it. Because everyone in here who already is so sure of their opinion but has no clue how it works is not going to take the time to do a little research. Thanks for pointing out that book. They'll just tell us to guess what exercise and eat clean. Which is what I already do!!! LMAO

    Yes I know...but maybe SOMEPONY will read it...and see that the diet isnt all the BS everyone makes it out to be. ANY diet can work...and ANYPONY can lose weight one way or another... And I do exercise...I walk daily for 45 minutes, I dont log it so I dont get the 'idea' that I have extra calories. I did research and it was either HCG or lap band...I chose what I felt right...and I am happy I did. I've lost 29lbs since the beginning of January. And seriously...I have more energy than ever, and I am motivated so much more...my hubby is happy and so am I. So everypony else and their rain clouds can go rain on another parade =D


  • Nope. I read for about a month straight on the internet, reading both pros and cons, went to the doctor to get bloodwork done and explained to him what I was doing. He was familiar and had both patients who succeeded and failed. Spoke to numerous people before I tried the drops and no one solicted me. I prefer the pellets. I don't need to cite anything. Do what I did...research. But since most of you people have your mind made up I'm not going to bother. If anyone is interested then can do exactly what Idid.

    Might I recommend the book Weightloss Apocalypse? It is a VERY good read and clears up tons of the questions people have and reasons why many people fail after the diet. =)

    They aren't going to read it. Because everyone in here who already is so sure of their opinion but has no clue how it works is not going to take the time to do a little research. Thanks for pointing out that book. They'll just tell us to guess what exercise and eat clean. Which is what I already do!!! LMAO

    Yes I know...but maybe SOMEPONY will read it...and see that the diet isnt all the BS everyone makes it out to be. ANY diet can work...and ANYPONY can lose weight one way or another... And I do exercise...I walk daily for 45 minutes, I dont log it so I dont get the 'idea' that I have extra calories. I did research and it was either HCG or lap band...I chose what I felt right...and I am happy I did. I've lost 29lbs since the beginning of January. And seriously...I have more energy than ever, and I am motivated so much more...my hubby is happy and so am I. So everypony else and their rain clouds can go rain on another parade =D



  • lisakyle_11
    lisakyle_11 Posts: 420 Member
    NO. not safe. not sane. not sustainable.
  • Health_Gal
    Health_Gal Posts: 715 Member
    Good luck with your weight loss, but the HCG diet has been studied by many scientific organizations, and they all concluded that HCG, even the "real" injectable version, is no more effective than a placebo, and eating only 500 calories a day for weeks, as recommended by that plan, can cause more health problems than it solves.

    The only reason people lose weight on that plan is you are only allowed to eat 500 calories a day. HCG has been scientifically proven to do NOTHING to help with weight loss or to make it safe to eat only 500 calories a day. It will not protect muscle, reset your metabolism or do anything else the snake oil salesmen that sell it claim. Dr. Simeons was a quack doctor. His "HCG protocol" has absolutely NO scientific backing and is not worth risking your health on.

    The MFP moderators have been cautioning members against attempting that diet because it is so dangerous.

    Please read the articles on these websites before you try HCG. I know some people that put their faith in the HCG diet, and became very ill from malnutrition as a result. It is NOT safe!

    The Government is now in the process of getting all that fraudulent stuff off the market, and it's about time!







  • Does anyone know how to delete this post? I did not mean to start WWIII. I was asking a question to like-minded individuals. Period. I do not want to be part of this-I am, for the most part, a well-educated woman. I simply wanted advice, not judgment. To those who have been truthful and given advice, thank you. I needed to know both sides. To those that have been judgmental, to both other and me, thank you, too. I most likely never ask for community advice again.
  • Well said Health_Gal! :happy:
  • DanielleDavids
    DanielleDavids Posts: 96 Member
    SO if 600 calories produces quick weight loss, how come eating at this level will put you in the supposed "starvation mode?" Someone said, "It's against forum rules to talk about supplements that aren't Rx'ed by doctors." Real HCG is Rxed by doctors.

    Um, what? Haha. People who are starving lose weight. Metabolism slows down to compensate, but your metabolism can't compensate for starving! Just because SOME doctors choose to prescribe certain weight loss methods doesn't mean they're safe. Doctors don't know everything and they are susceptible to ploys and bribes just like everyone else...
  • lee3978
    lee3978 Posts: 274
    Nope. I read for about a month straight on the internet, reading both pros and cons, went to the doctor to get bloodwork done and explained to him what I was doing. He was familiar and had both patients who succeeded and failed. Spoke to numerous people before I tried the drops and no one solicted me. I prefer the pellets. I don't need to cite anything. Do what I did...research. But since most of you people have your mind made up I'm not going to bother. If anyone is interested then can do exactly what Idid.

    Might I recommend the book Weightloss Apocalypse? It is a VERY good read and clears up tons of the questions people have and reasons why many people fail after the diet. =)

    They aren't going to read it. Because everyone in here who already is so sure of their opinion but has no clue how it works is not going to take the time to do a little research. Thanks for pointing out that book. They'll just tell us to guess what exercise and eat clean. Which is what I already do!!! LMAO

    And yet you refuse to post any information that you've found, and just say "do your own research." HELLO cop-out!

    No I refuse because you are all smart people do your own research. You have time to find stupid pictures to post find the google search button. Not going to sit in a parody of jokes with juvenilles If you want to argue something on an adult level then please do so otherwise continue to hide behind your screens. In essence how about if you dont like it STFU and keep it moving
  • sexycheesemonkey
    sexycheesemonkey Posts: 196 Member
    So wait...if we cant rely on doctors....then who are we supposed to rely on??? omfg...the church! REPENT NOW YE SINNERS
  • There is no substitute for healthy eating and exercise. That is all
  • Jorra
    Jorra Posts: 3,338 Member
    Does anyone know how to delete this post? I did not mean to start WWIII. I was asking a question to like-minded individuals. Period. I do not want to be part of this-I am, for the most part, a well-educated woman. I simply wanted advice, not judgment. To those who have been truthful and given advice, thank you. I needed to know both sides. To those that have been judgmental, to both other and me, thank you, too. I most likely never ask for community advice again.

    Don't feel bad. You had no idea this was such a hot-button topic. No one is upset with you, you made your conclusions based on the information given, and that's just fine. The ensuing debate is not about you at all, it's between people with different and strong philosophies. This always happens with topics like these.

    For reference, if you would like to delete a topic you created, you can go to the original post and hit "Report Post." In the comments, explain that you would like the topic deleted.
  • Elizabeth_C34
    Elizabeth_C34 Posts: 6,376 Member
    Does anyone know how to delete this post? I did not mean to start WWIII. I was asking a question to like-minded individuals. Period. I do not want to be part of this-I am, for the most part, a well-educated woman. I simply wanted advice, not judgment. To those who have been truthful and given advice, thank you. I needed to know both sides. To those that have been judgmental, to both other and me, thank you, too. I most likely never ask for community advice again.

    You can report your initlal post and ask that a mod delete it. They will often honor this request.

    I do wish you all the best. The "judgemental" responses are not meant to be mean, just amusing or sarcastic.
  • I have been on the HCG diet and while doctor oz and others agree that it is safe on the body...its REALLY tough mentally. Ive been on and off HCC about 6 times and I failed everytime! lol..SOME have the will power to carry on through the entire thing..i just couldnt...eating 500 cals a day..no way..i love food way too much..I DID see SUPER fast weight loss tho and when I DID cheat..the weight packed on very quickly but also went away soon after.....its a toss up..if you are MENTALLY strong..its safe..otherwise it could lead to unsafe eating habits in the long run or even eating disorders...:/
  • DanielleDavids
    DanielleDavids Posts: 96 Member
    If my doctor told me that the HCG diet was safe I would be finding a new doctor. Nobody's perfect, including doctors.
  • Elizabeth_C34
    Elizabeth_C34 Posts: 6,376 Member
    Does anyone know how to delete this post? I did not mean to start WWIII. I was asking a question to like-minded individuals. Period. I do not want to be part of this-I am, for the most part, a well-educated woman. I simply wanted advice, not judgment. To those who have been truthful and given advice, thank you. I needed to know both sides. To those that have been judgmental, to both other and me, thank you, too. I most likely never ask for community advice again.

    You can report your initlal post and ask that a mod delete it. They will often honor this request.

    I do wish you all the best. The "judgemental" responses are not meant to be mean, just amusing or sarcastic.

    I thought you couldn't see.

    I have a spare set of glasses :smile:
  • If you have the mindset, the motivation, and determination, HCG resets your metabolism and rids your body of stored fat. It works for the positive people who doesn't CHANGE their mindset, motivation, and determination.
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