What was your WORST binge ever?



  • heyghoge
    heyghoge Posts: 153 Member
    Worst was when my friend passed away of cancer and I lived a province away from him. I was so upset I went and ordered 2 dozen doughnuts from Krispy Kreme, ate both boxes, so 24 doughnuts (and they weren't just the "original" ones, they were cake doughnuts). Then went to Dairy Queen, ordered 2 blizzards and an ice cream cone, at all of that. And went home and ate and entire bag of dry oats with a spoon... blind and totally zoned out....

    so in a span of 2-4 hours:
    Calorie total... 13,000 approximately....

    I have never been so ill in my entire life...

    I spooned the oats in just to blankly.. I can't even explain my sadness to anyone here...

    *hugs* i'm sorry for your loss. that's tough.
  • I agree....I have the STRONGEST chocolate cravings during that time. I would down a bag of Hershey's Kisses without a second thought. This week was the FIRST time I ever actually ate the serving size (9 pieces). It's definitely a journey!
  • My worst binges usually comes in the form of dessert foods. Mainly involving chocolate.

    Case in point, chocolate ice cream squished between 2 plain bagels.

    Oh, and melted chocolate Halloween candy over chocolate chip pancakes with vanilla ice cream and maple syrup. I didn't eat it because the pancakes weren't GF but I made it for someone else. :x

    I seriously make the most horrible, sinfully delicious, diabetic inducing, desserts.

    That's why I'm going a whole year without chocolate.

  • CHicken dip made of bleu cheese, sour cream, cream cheese, cheddar cheese, wing sauce, and grilled chicken, with scoops. I ate it all day. It was good but the pain afterwards yikes
  • seansquared
    seansquared Posts: 328 Member
    Mine wasn't a binge, but the last time I bulked up (12lbs muscle in 2 months) I routinely ate between five- and six-thousand calories a day. It was actually pretty difficult to make sure I was getting enough clean calories. Not to mention expensive, which made me understand why many bodybuilders will take the cheap route and just fill up on fast food and then worry about cutting later (which I did week 4 or 5 because the last month of meals cost me about 3x my normal food budget).

    I drank half a gallon of whole milk a day, ate roughly 2lbs of lean meat per day, would eat 3 or 4 sweet potatoes in a sitting, and my "snacks" were typically things like 2 cans of tuna with a quarter cup of mayo on a whole-wheat sub roll.

    Let's not forget going out with friends where I'd eat two giant burritos instead of one, just to make sure I was getting enough calories.

    My worst real BINGE, though, was when I was following "4 Hour Body", very similar to a cyclic Keto diet so 6 days of lean meats, veggie carbs, etc., and then 1 day a week of "carb up". Except the prescribed "carb-up" was "eat tons and tons of junk". That being said one Saturday I had:

    * an extra-large regular Dunkin' Donuts coffee (regular i.e. with cream and sugar)
    * two large coffee rolls (from DD)
    * one egg and sausage sandwich on a bagel (from DD)
    * a large meat-lovers pizza from Papa John's
    * a gallon of whole milk
    * a bucket of extra-crispy original recipe from KFC
    * about half of a 9" velvet cake with cream cheese frosting

    Surprisingly between my weigh-in Saturday morning and my weigh-in the following Monday morning I actually lost weight and bodyfat.
  • mylittleguys
    mylittleguys Posts: 25 Member
    mine is today...chinese for lunch and probably a pizza for supper ...
  • i'm even ashamed to say, but i'm betting it was in the neighborhood of 5-7,000 calories. easily. there were so many. probably a pizza AND wings to myself. i had to completely change the way i thought about food. when i would order in, i'd always say "we" and ask for things like 2 sets of chopsticks - even though my husband was not at home - because of the shame of ordering that much food. it was awful. i don't ever want to go back to that place again.

    Like you, I hate to admit it. There have been times I've order enough food from a Mexican restaurant to feed a family of four. It's sad to think about my total daily calorie intake now was probably a breakfast for me before and I wasn't even thinking about what I was doing to my body.
  • Onced I used all my baking ingrediants made 2 huge cakes and gorged on them both till they were gone.....at 11pm at night ....wasnt good!!! lol

    Definately one of my biggest NSV over coming binge eating x
  • BelleEns
    BelleEns Posts: 36 Member
    One day, I will be able to afford a trip to the USA and taste all this delicious sounding stuff you all speak of. Taco Bell? Peanut butter M & Ms? Dairy Queen Blizzards? It all sounds so exotic to me ESPECIALLY corn dogs (I have no idea what they are, but I want one!)

    I used to binge all the time, never thinking of it as binging. But since I started losing weight, I've had a couple of bad binges with cake mix or cookie dough...
  • A Large Pizza.. Mmmm.. Sound good right now. I just cut out the sauce and cheese on half & easy on sauce no cheese, Diced tomatoes & pineapple.. I'd be set for the night! Lol.
  • One day, I will be able to afford a trip to the USA and taste all this delicious sounding stuff you all speak of. Taco Bell? Peanut butter M & Ms? Dairy Queen Blizzards? It all sounds so exotic to me ESPECIALLY corn dogs (I have no idea what they are, but I want one!)

    I used to binge all the time, never thinking of it as binging. But since I started losing weight, I've had a couple of bad binges with cake mix or cookie dough...

    Everything sounds so good doesnt it lol Go around America Man V Food style lol
  • shybelle
    shybelle Posts: 254 Member
    It may sounds strange but reading these actually make me feel a little better knowing that I am not alone in past binging.
  • abnerner
    abnerner Posts: 452 Member
    Back in college I used to keep a bag of Meijer Kettle Chips, Pretzel Sticks and Chewy Chips Ahoy next to my bed. They didn't usually last longer than a week, usually about three days....and I wonder how I gained all this weight.
  • abnerner
    abnerner Posts: 452 Member
    It may sounds strange but reading these actually make me feel a little better knowing that I am not alone in past binging.

    You are certainly not along @shybelle!
  • nahralynn
    nahralynn Posts: 125 Member
    I think the worst binges for me would be going to 3-4 fast food places on my way home from work and ordering 1-2 different things so that people didn't think I was eating so much. On top of that I would then go home and still eat the dinner that was made just to keep everyone from knowing I had just ate.

    My last fast food binge was awhile ago and I ended up eating a whole pizza. Ugh. I actually came clean to my boyfriend on that though which I had never done before so it was a step in the right direction. I haven't had a fast food binge since.
  • yvette2lose
    yvette2lose Posts: 5 Member
    Cold sugary cereal is a weakness for me, so on a bad day, I know I sat down and ate an entire box of fruity pebbles in one sitting. And then an hour and a half later had another big bowl! <
    This girl can definitely put it away when she allows herself to!!!! :laugh:
  • One day, I will be able to afford a trip to the USA and taste all this delicious sounding stuff you all speak of. Taco Bell? Peanut butter M & Ms? Dairy Queen Blizzards? It all sounds so exotic to me ESPECIALLY corn dogs (I have no idea what they are, but I want one!)

    I used to binge all the time, never thinking of it as binging. But since I started losing weight, I've had a couple of bad binges with cake mix or cookie dough...

    Corn dogs are a weakness of mine....especially if I go to a fair or carnival and you can get a foot long corn dog, deep fried
  • elexichoccyeater
    elexichoccyeater Posts: 310 Member
    when i was pregnant I ate.... wait for it.... 36 chocolate chocolate covered swiss rolls!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  • foster59803
    foster59803 Posts: 439 Member

    I ate all of this at Thomas Keller's restaurant in Las Vegas. It is called croque madame... i entered it into the MFP site and it was way over 2300 calories... but totally worth it! :)
  • Ok I'll admit it. This past Sunday my fiancee and daughter wanted to go to old country buffet for breakfast to make it worse when we went it was brunch so not only did we have a choice of breakfast items but also lunch. I won't say what I ate but all I know is I didn't want to move when I was done. I could have rolled home instead of hoping in the car. Was right back on track Monday mornin ;o)