What was your WORST binge ever?



  • crlyxx
    crlyxx Posts: 186 Member
    My latest one was at the beginning of the month. Not too sure if it was a binge, but I definitely ate my fair share of food :I

    1) half a slab of ribs
    2) cup of ice cream
    3) Pastel easter rabbit (not hollow)

    That in one day...uuugh. I guess it doesn't sound too bad, but it really bugged me haha. Oh well, I've lost like 4 pounds since then, so I'm good.
  • Cat_Lifts
    Cat_Lifts Posts: 174 Member
    Back when I used to smoke, I celebrated a 3 day weekend and got baked out of my gourd. I then proceeded to order a Large Round Table Pizza and turn on a horror flick.

    After 15-20 minutes, the damn thing was gone. All of it. I blamed the cat.
  • jamiek917
    jamiek917 Posts: 610 Member
    at the greek bridal shower of one of my best friends, i consumed a ton of fantastic food, and then continued to eat long after i was full. then i went to a friends house...by the time i got there, the food was digested and it physically hurt me to sit up. i then laid down and literally fell asleep in a food coma.

  • elsaekstedt
    Oh.Some of your binges sound so small,compared to my worst Bulimia days.I am ashamed.

    Breakfast: 10-15 bread slices 12 hard crispbreads(Both with TONS of butter and full fat cheese).4 Cups of nesquik like chocolate milk.(Soooooo much powder).1 liter milk with branflakes/cornflakes and tons of sugar!

    Lunch:school lunch.

    Afternoon:20 crispbreads,10 slices of bread(Butter and cheese),I bag of cinnomon roles.Gingerbread mix.200 gr Choclate bar.

    Dinner:pasta (toons of butter and salt) with meatballs.

    Night:Bag of popcorn,bag of chips,pepsi max,1 liter milk with branflakes(again with a lot of sugar) and Then about 1,5 lifers icecream

    Late night:after purging/waiting feeling empty and having sore throth I would cry infront of the tv with 1 liter icecream.

    These where bad days when my parents where somewhere else,about once a week.Rest of the days i would binge smaller(but still huge) amounts in my room alone.Im 77 days bingefree now!Ofcourse I gained weight at this time but I was never overweight.(Started binging after anorexia period In my life.)
  • happieharpie
    happieharpie Posts: 229 Member
    A pound of extra sharp cheddar fried in butter- and then I started looking for dessert.......
  • JisatsuHoshi
    JisatsuHoshi Posts: 421 Member
  • caramelgyrlk
    caramelgyrlk Posts: 1,112 Member

    Dear GOD!!!!!!
    I love this picture
  • caramelgyrlk
    caramelgyrlk Posts: 1,112 Member
    A dozen of Raw vegan chocolate chip cookie dough with a 1/2 gallon of almond milk. Can you say sick!!!!!
  • chelseascounter
    chelseascounter Posts: 1,283 Member
    I can't remember all of them, but my LAST one was tuna with loads of mayo and salt then I was still hungry and ate 2 hot dogs with mayo and ketchup. YUM. Then I ate an entire bag of individually packed cookies.

    I remember one back when I was 15 I drank an entire pack of sunny d, it wouldn't stay down and threw it up. Some came out of my nose :sick:
  • JayStu
    JayStu Posts: 332 Member
    Just 2 weekends ago I was camping for Canada Day long weekend and the first night drank 12 beer and a 26er of rum and almost a 2 litre bottle of diet ginger ale(need mix)
  • AislinnKitten
    AislinnKitten Posts: 18 Member
    I can't remember it exactly as it has been quite sometime since a true binge but my best friend and myself we're going to grab a snack at her place before heading to the gym, which turned into about 11 courses of very fatty, high sugar, high sodium food binge, and then we needed to nap, we couldn't move, it was awful, lol. Somethings that were on the menu that lovely day were two HUGE slices of very rich cakes (one lemon, one chocolate), Frozen fried chicken strips (this was before I stopped eating meat), a few handfuls of crisps (you know those nasty lays that are loaded with so much salt your lips burn and chap? Lol), I believe we both alsohad a drumstick ice cream, eggs, cereal, bagels, croissants, and I believe I am still missing a few things that I just can't remember. My second equally bad was also with my best friend and we each ate a pizza from dominos, each a cheesey bread, soda pop, and I believe there may have been some hot wings with blue cheese in there somewhere. Just thinking about it makes me feel a second chin coming on, ha.
  • sg2kca
    sg2kca Posts: 1 Member
    Started Friday July 12 at 6pm. Bowl of Tuna pasta, 25 TimBits, 1 Medium all dressed pizza, 1 regular poutine, Small Oreo Ice cream, Starbucks Iced coffee. All within a 5 hour span. I fasted yesterday and am now back on my regular eating plan. I just read this http://www.jcdfitness.com/2009/03/how-i-eliminated-binge-eating-completely/ and currently looking into intermittent fasting.
  • jen_zz
    jen_zz Posts: 1,011 Member
    Yesterday.. over 3500 calories worth of food for a 5"3 female. So disgusted..
  • xoxobollywood2
    3 sandwiches with nutella, a bag of chips and a box of chocolate chip cookies. Think I was around 3000 calories by the end of the day....ughhh
  • nwatrous
    nwatrous Posts: 13 Member
    I used to buy tortilla chips with a range of dips (cheese, guac, salsa, sour cream, etc.) and eat until I made myself sick. While drinking a 6-pack of beer. It was a regular Friday night thing when I was single. Ugh.
    OMGSugarOHNOS Posts: 204 Member
    The only I binge on is alcohol. Beer, wine, hard liqour. All of it.
  • juicy_cat
    juicy_cat Posts: 145 Member
    A whole tin of biscuits...there was around 48 in it...and i'd already had Breakfast Lunch and Dinner...for those who are in the UK - they were Marks and Spencer Chocolate covered ones...
  • aschlender30
    I don't think this is a very healthy topic at all. We shouldn't encourage bragging about self destructive behavior.
  • seltzermint555
    seltzermint555 Posts: 10,741 Member
    I have never really been a binge eater. This thread is so interesting to me because I just haven't ever done this really. My worst ever was probably a day in high school when I had an Arby's roast beef sub with lots of mayo, curly fries, and a large Dr. Pepper, and then at least 4 Bar None chocolate bars over the course of the evening.

    Worst in the past decade would be eating 1/2 box of Chips Ahoy cookies and 2 big glasses of milk, I did that 2 days in a row and although I ate very little else on both days I still consider that a binge, ugh
  • seltzermint555
    seltzermint555 Posts: 10,741 Member
    I don't think this is a very healthy topic at all. We shouldn't encourage bragging about self destructive behavior.

    Agreed! I do find it fascinating, but it's pretty bad.