Sixers Spring Into Summer - Week 4



  • kistinbee
    kistinbee Posts: 3,688 Member
    Thanks gals! Yes...I am VERY glad I took progression pictures. I wish I had one from like 6 weeks when I first found out, but I think I was just in so much shock, I didn't even think about it and of course those profile pictures are something I routinely take. Oh well. Now I'm going to take them every week...seems to be pretty good. You can tell some weeks I grow a bunch and some weeks not much at all. Kinda neat to see!:bigsmile: I can't wait until the ultrasound next Thursday, and then hopefully I can get those scanned in to share with you also! idea...any predictions on the sex? We aren't going to find out. I have one friend who thinks it's a girl and my aunt says it looks like I am carrying low and so probably a boy. What are your thoughts?
    Boy :flowerforyou: Just because. Just have that feeling... :laugh:
  • Phoenix_Rising
    Phoenix_Rising Posts: 11,417 Member
    I told my best friend that if I could just lose a 1/2lb, I'd be happy. I lost 1/2lb this week. :bigsmile: Yay!!!
    That puts me 2.5lbs down for the 4 weeks, which is amazing for me.
    I am very happy with my progress in the past few weeks and am ready to keep up this pace.
    A half pound a week is 26lbs a year. That would put me past my goal weight in one year!!!!
    I have no problem with my weight loss taking forever.... it took a LONG time to put on. It should take as long to come off. Besides the slower I lose it, the better it stays off. :smile:

    SW 203 lbs/ GW 196 lbs/ CW 205 lbs PROGRESS +2
    SW 211lbs/ GW 198 lbs/ CW205.5 lbs PROGRESS -5.5 lbs
    SW 174.6 lbs/GW 165 lbs/CW 167.4 lbs PROGRESS -7.2 lbs
    SW 153.4 lbs/ GW 148 lbs/ CW 154.2 lbs PROGRESS +.8
    SW 146.4 lbs/GW 141.4 lbs / CW 148.0 lbs PROGRESS +1.6
    SW 169 lbs/ GW 175 lbs/ CW 174.5 lbs PROGRESS +5.5 lbs
    SW 185.5lbs/ GW 179.5lbs/ CW 188.5lbs PROGRESS +3
    SW 180 lbs/ GW 170 lbs/ CW 178 lbs PROGRESS - 2.0 lbs
    SW 162.5lbs/ GW 159.5lbs/ CW 160 lbs PROGRESS - 2.5 lbs

    SW 211 lbs/ GW 199 lbs/ CW 213.5 lbs PROGRESS + 2.5
    SW 204 lbs/ GW 193 lbs/ CW 204.6 lbs PROGRESS +0.6lbs
    SW 152.2lbs/ GW 141.6lbs/ CW 151.2 lbs PROGRESS - 1 lb :-)
    SW 198lbs/ GW185 lbs/ CW200 lbs PROGRESS +2.0 lbs
    SW 219lbs/ GW 205/ CW 218 PROGRESS -2 lbs
    SW 174 lbs/ GW 161 lbs/ CW 171 lbs PROGRESS - 3
    SW 289 lbs/GW 279 lbs / CW 289 lbs PROGRESS +/-0
    SW 175 lbs/GW 163 lbs/CW 175 lbs PROGRESS =/- 0
  • kistinbee
    kistinbee Posts: 3,688 Member
    You know it's funny, I have a feeling it's a boy also, and my husband really wants a boy. But we will be completely happy with either!
  • Phoenix_Rising
    Phoenix_Rising Posts: 11,417 Member
    I had my little one in the year(s) of the girls.
    This has become the year(s) of the boys.
    (The years don't run Jan 1-Dec 31, not with baby sexes.)

    I'm betting boy too.

    But to scare you, I'm going to say and boy AND a girl. Twins. Two for the price of one, sorta. :wink:
  • kistinbee
    kistinbee Posts: 3,688 Member
    :laugh: twins! My husband is a twin...we don't need more in the family!:wink:
  • Phoenix_Rising
    Phoenix_Rising Posts: 11,417 Member
    :laugh: twins! My husband is a twin...we don't need more in the family!:wink:

    Well then, on the bright side, twins usually skip generations.... so it'll be your kid who has to worry!! :laugh:
  • PedalHound
    PedalHound Posts: 1,625 Member
    Kristin, funny you should ask - I was going to comment this morning along with my other comments that I was thinking it was a boy so funny to hear all the other boy feedback also!

    Lauryn, that's GREAT!!! And a great attitude too :flowerforyou:
  • kistinbee
    kistinbee Posts: 3,688 Member
    Options's interesting to me to see what everyone is thinking...then in another 20 weeks we can see who was right!:laugh: :bigsmile: FUN!
  • PedalHound
    PedalHound Posts: 1,625 Member
    :cry: I just checked my business email and found out that a customer of mine passed away. Her husband wrote to her entire email list - she died of liver cancer (which doctors opted not to remove when it was operable, deciding to wait 3 months to see the growth rate, at which point it was too late). She left behind a 3 year old daughter and 2 year old son and they were by her side as she died at home. I was looking at her picture attached to the mailing (I have a steel trap memory and I always remember my customers because they come into my home with their new babies and learn how to use their sling) and I just thought... she was at the beginning of her life with her family. She, as all parents, would have spent time thinking of years to come, moments in her children's lives and watching them grow into adults. Now there are two beautiful little children whose "story" in life will be that their mother died when they were toddlers. My heart is just aching for their Dad and her family... we just can't take life for granted. It's so easy to do. Hug someone you love today.
  • gonabfit
    gonabfit Posts: 711 Member
    Pedal Hound sorry to hear about your at friend. It is very true that life is short and no matter how confident we are about our future plans... we never know which day will be our last.

    *Hi Sixers! I am exhausted and in dire need of studying so I won't write much. Despite my exhaustion and headache today i went to the gym and did a 45 min step and glide class!! It was tough! :-) Well I gotta go! Have a great day
  • gonabfit
    gonabfit Posts: 711 Member
    I'm about to watch my boys! YAY! Will be back tomorrow to tell you how I like it! :laugh:
  • its_B
    its_B Posts: 491
    Gonabfit- congrats on the class and feel better, and ohhh my gosh i havent watched My Boys since the first season! o.0

    Pedal- I am really sorry about your customer and you are right it is too easy to take life for granted. *hugs 2 all the sixers*

    Kristin- yay baby! ur looking amazing!!! (p.s. I think u and ur husband are going to get a bouncing baby boy! haha)

    Lauryn- I want twins!! haha although I want twin boys.. then a little girl.. mainly so her big brothers can beat the crap out of any boys that break her heart!!! p.s. I love ur new background pic!!


    Red Sox- you got it! so my goal for tomorrow is to stick to my cleanse, drink all of my water, and make it to the gym! What is yours?! and my goal for next tuesday is to do 250 pushups, I've done 60 so far!!! ^_^ What would you like to do for next week?!

    Amy Lou- Good luck this weekend, keep all of us posted!!!

    So nothing new about me really, Im really tired tonight, I am sooo going to bed in like 5 minutes haha.

    <3:flowerforyou: <3
  • amylou24
    amylou24 Posts: 365
    Tiff, ENJOY!!!!! I am OF COURSE watching in a few minutes too!!!!
  • PedalHound
    PedalHound Posts: 1,625 Member
    ... had an industrial-grade OOPS tonight. Darn it. At least I have a super work-out class tomorrow and the 10k coming up. I hate when this happens and I need to learn not to let an emotional funk put my hand to my mouth.
  • drtamm
    drtamm Posts: 427
    Hey Sixers!!!

    Kristin- Your pictures are amazing. YAY. Have you ever thought about scrapbooking. It would be a wonderful start. Good luck and your stomach looks cute!

    Lauryn- I love the profile picture!!! I also love your attitude about the weight loss. YAY... your goal is close. Good luck!

    Rhiannon- I agree... I don't understand my formula to weight removal either but I'm going to keep my eye's on the prize and know one day I will see my goal weight. At least we know we won't give up. LOL
    Oh at that is sooo true about your customer. I pray for the family. We should all live each day to the fullest. When someone passes away, its a reminder of how precious our time is on this planet.

    Amylou- Glad to see you posting!! Good luck!

    RedSox- WOW..... he is getting big! Today I took Dylan to the pet smart Dog/Cat Birthday Party. It was soooooo much fun. They took pictures of the animals... of course silly dylan isn't trained at was just toooo excited to see other dogs: gave out goodie bags and bandana's. And coupons!!! I'm glad I went even though we got out of work late. :)

    B!-- Yay for the first 5. You are doing well. Congrats.

    Cathy- How is this week going? Can you believe how fast this challenge is flying by? Wow!!

    Shanell- Hope you are having a great week!!

    Tiff- you did great doing that step class. Good luck with the studying.

    As for me..... I made myself eat all the calories my body is supposed to eat. I'm struggling eating 1700 but its what is suggested for the amount of fitness I do per week. :) I can't wait to see all I have accomplished in a wonderful outfit. I have put myself on clothing purchase restriction. LOL, Its fun putting my clothes in a tooooo big pile. I'm loving it. My complex is having a yard sale on May 10th so I'll be trying to get rid of plenty of items then. Well.... I'm off to relax and maybe watch a movie.

    I hope to actually do yoga this week.

    Take care ladies and I'm glad we have each other!!


    All others!!!- Love ya!!!
  • chipper15173
    chipper15173 Posts: 3,981 Member
    morning all....

    i am around and reading, just in a funk. i have been in my calorie range and becoming a workout horse. so in that area it's fine. doing some mental changes AGAIN, seems you are always adjusting.

    talked with landlord yesterday and he had another house for us to look at. it was a nice layout, bigger. but, not a good location, or condition. sits on land with 3 other homes on owners land. they take care of the yard. which is fine, but i want to garden and plant a tree, wouldn't be able to. so we will wait for the one just up the street. he said it will be towards the end of the year, or maybe sooner. we have a strange landlord, but, good. he just has loads of rentals. he's good. i finally got my new vents the other day.
    the trip we were wanting to take has been cancelled. DH has the weekend watch. stupid manager. he's such a jerk. long, long story on him.

    well, off to do laundry, maybe a slow walk on treadmill. today is rest day.

    have a great day all.....
  • kistinbee
    kistinbee Posts: 3,688 Member
    Good morning gals! Feeling good this morning! Busy day at work, so not much time to chat, but wanted to say hi!

    And it's funny that everyone so far thinks I'm having a boy!:happy: My husband is excited about this! What about the rest of you? Boy or girl??
  • Phoenix_Rising
    Phoenix_Rising Posts: 11,417 Member
    I'm about to watch my boys! YAY! Will be back tomorrow to tell you how I like it! :laugh:

    Hahaha, did you love it? I love Stephanie. That show is so great. Andy is the master of powering down!!

    HOWEVER, I did realize watching it that what Stephanie said is true -- I am SO FOCUSED on getting EVERYTHING accomplished that I NEVER power down. Ever. Honestly, it was good advice. Power down, ladies. :flowerforyou:
  • Phoenix_Rising
    Phoenix_Rising Posts: 11,417 Member
    Cathy, what kind of garden do you want?
    I want a SALSA garden!! Oh YUM. However, I have no desire to do the work. :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: In the meantime, I will be lazy and just hit the local farmer's markets for fresh ingredients.