Sixers Spring Into Summer - Week 4



  • PedalHound
    PedalHound Posts: 1,625 Member
    Lauryn :heart: :flowerforyou: :heart: I'm glad you're talking about it! And YEAH on your weigh-in!!

    B & Em, sounds like a good plan!

    Cathy, sorry about the funk but a BIG :drinker: for not letting it cut in on your workouts or nutrition!!

    Tiff, that's a long haul study but it IS nice to have the time for the things you need to do.

    Tamm, thanks :wink: I know I lost 50lbs in 5 months and it felt easy as pie but now I feel like I've learned SO MUCH about the lifestyle side of it and feel so much more practical and permanent about this that I know I'm now in the correct "long term" mindset. And I absolutely know that balloon you're referring to - great to get the workouts done early!

    Well, back to my kiddos - just wanted to say hi! :bigsmile:
  • chipper15173
    chipper15173 Posts: 3,981 Member
    morning ladies....

    i am reading everyday.....
    i am just in a strange funk, can't seem to pull myself out. i am eating fairly well. i am gettin a new exercise plan in place. i found i was working out too hard for calorie intake. seems to be what i am hearing and reading lately. which is great info. answered lots of ?s i have had.
    i have been looking into some vol. work at the hospital. also i have been looking into finding a good doc to do the right hand carpal tunnel surgery. i had the left done already, need the right done and it has been bothering me real bad lately. having trouble with hand weights. doc who did the testing to see if i had it said it was the worst he had seen. long story on why not using the same doc who did left. in short i like my docs to wear gloves when removing stiches and to make sure it healed before they are removed so it doesn't open wide just hours after and screw healing up. just been doing lots of thinking lately.
    don't know where shanell has been. i know her #1 child has been seen for possible unrinary track infection. poor kid suffers from heartburn, migraines, and is highly alergic to fire ants (had yrs of shots for that) now this. she is having her protein leavels tested, which if are high, kidneys will be involved. i think for a 8-9 yr old child shouldn't be having heartburn and migraines. there has got to be a reason why. her doc doesn't seemed concerned. should know something tomorrow. her car is done. looks real nice. still needs the green. she said that will come later.

    well, on my way to do a run and than shower and need to run some errands.

    later :heart:
  • kistinbee
    kistinbee Posts: 3,688 Member
    Morning girls! No time to read any posts right now, but wanted to say hello!:flowerforyou: Have a great morning!
  • Phoenix_Rising
    Phoenix_Rising Posts: 11,417 Member
    For you, dear Cathy
    :heart: Lauryn. Congrats on meeting the goal weight :flowerforyou: STAY STRONG... it may be hard at first but these changes in your life will certainly make you happier in the long run!!!!! :flowerforyou:

    :heart: Chipper. Glad to here you are on track... new exercise routine ... FUN :bigsmile: and eating well... congrats... HUGS.

    :heart: tamm. i wish i had the motivation to get up early and workout... it would be great... but i am soooo not a morning person... and i find when i workout after work it prevents me from eating too much for dinner / random snacks... not sure why i feel less hungry after a workout... but i can't complain :bigsmile:

    B. So I got into the spin class and WOW that kicked my a** ... it was great though... it is called spin and sculpt and it is a bit over an hour of spin / strength / and abs ... CRAZY HARD... but I made it and it felt so great... I burned over 700 calories... :bigsmile: so I got to have a glass of wine with dinner :laugh: anyways tonight I am going to cardio kick boxing again... and then friday will be an off day... I am just worried about tonight because the girls are coming over and that means drinks and snacks :grumble: so I need to have a really good workout and some self control tonight :wink: .... No worries about the mac and cheese... I don't think I could do a cleanse like that... get back on track girl! :drinker: GYM> GYM> GYM!!!!!!!! :bigsmile: :heart:

    :heart: pedal. kristin... everyone else have a great day!!!! :bigsmile: more personals later.
  • its_B
    its_B Posts: 491
    RedSox- NICEEEE!!! OVER 700 CALS! THATS AMAZING!!! I AM SOOO PROUD OF YOU RIGHT NOW!!!!! ^_^ I am glad you are finding these awesome classes! I really wish my gym offered something like that.
    You should go out and get healthy snacks, like baked chips vs. standard. or veggies and dip rather then nachoes or chips and dip. and as far as drinks dont make your drinks super strong... keep them with a lower amount of alcohol, that way you wont be consuming to much extra calories...

    So last night I got called into babysit for one of my families last minute because her mom was getting set up in a hospital.. I said yes cuz I need the money, but then I didnt get off work until 12:30 and was too tired to drive back to the apt. let alone to go work out, so I crashed at my parent's house and didnt work out at all. so today after work I REALLY need to go kick my own *kitten*. really hard core. So my day has gotten even worse.. Here I am sitting in work, and a nice man comes in to ask if the Scion in the parking lot was mine, I said yes, his reply "Your front right tire just went flat" me - o.0....... Turns out someone Effing slashed my tire!!! WHO DOES THAT!?!?!!!!?!??! And I don't know anyone really up here in Grand Blanc besides my own family... and they would never do that! I am SOOOO angry and upset right now.. sigh... I have a feeling that this is how my whole day is going to go...

    So here are the rest of my personals haha.....

    Lauryn- *huggs for yesterday*

    Gonabfit- eh i had an off day yesterday too haha.

    Tamm- YAY DVD!

    Cathy- aww *hug* im sure you will get out of your funk soon! remember exorcise is addicting once you really get into it haha!

    Kristin- Morning Busy Bee!!! ^_^
  • PedalHound
    PedalHound Posts: 1,625 Member
    Gooood morning! Quick check in, personals later. The scale is still moving for me. YIPEEE! :bigsmile: TTYL!! (ps: last night's fresh bread as my new profile pic. Am I developing an obsession?? :laugh: )
  • chipper15173
    chipper15173 Posts: 3,981 Member
    ran for 1.2 miles this morning. including walk/run i spent 35 mins and burned 430. i'll take it. i like to burn quickly.
    took all my too big clothes to the church. our church just opened a clothes closet, food pantry, and doctors care place. right now it's just for the locals in north charleston area. they go out i think about 10/15 miles from where it's at. you have to have proof of income to get the help. there is no cost for any of it. even the doctor care. if you have insurance you can't be seen. it's just for the poor. they are trying to get a mobile doctors on the road. i figure they could use the plus size clothes better than goodwill. so drove the 20-25 miles to drop them off. might volunteer there, but, they have so many now.
    nice warm weather outside today. might have to take a walk this evening. time to just chill for awhile.

    later :heart:
  • Phoenix_Rising
    Phoenix_Rising Posts: 11,417 Member
    ran for 1.2 miles this morning. including walk/run i spent 35 mins and burned 430. i'll take it. i like to burn quickly.
    took all my too big clothes to the church. our church just opened a clothes closet, food pantry, and doctors care place. right now it's just for the locals in north charleston area. they go out i think about 10/15 miles from where it's at. you have to have proof of income to get the help. there is no cost for any of it. even the doctor care. if you have insurance you can't be seen. it's just for the poor. they are trying to get a mobile doctors on the road. i figure they could use the plus size clothes better than goodwill. so drove the 20-25 miles to drop them off. might volunteer there, but, they have so many now.
    nice warm weather outside today. might have to take a walk this evening. time to just chill for awhile.

    later :heart:

    Your donation and church's program warms my heart. :heart:
  • Phoenix_Rising
    Phoenix_Rising Posts: 11,417 Member
    Gooood morning! Quick check in, personals later. The scale is still moving for me. YIPEEE! :bigsmile: TTYL!! (ps: last night's fresh bread as my new profile pic. Am I developing an obsession?? :laugh: )

    You make the most beautiful loaves and photograph it well!!
    Have you thought of opening a bakery? Organic and healthy and all? Or selling your baked goods to local shops for them to sell?
    Gooood morning! Quick check in, personals later. The scale is still moving for me. YIPEEE! :bigsmile: TTYL!! (ps: last night's fresh bread as my new profile pic. Am I developing an obsession?? :laugh: )

    You make the most beautiful loaves and photograph it well!!
    Have you thought of opening a bakery? Organic and healthy and all? Or selling your baked goods to local shops for them to sell?

    seriously you should... :flowerforyou: they look so yummy!!!!!! :heart:
  • kistinbee
    kistinbee Posts: 3,688 Member
    Gooood morning! Quick check in, personals later. The scale is still moving for me. YIPEEE! :bigsmile: TTYL!! (ps: last night's fresh bread as my new profile pic. Am I developing an obsession?? :laugh: )

    You make the most beautiful loaves and photograph it well!!
    Have you thought of opening a bakery? Organic and healthy and all? Or selling your baked goods to local shops for them to sell?

    seriously you should... :flowerforyou: they look so yummy!!!!!! :heart:

    I agree!:happy: I'd buy if you could ship to the US!:wink::laugh: Don't know how well it'd keep!:ohwell:
  • chipper15173
    chipper15173 Posts: 3,981 Member
    just wanted to let you know if you don't hear from me for awhile. i am ok, DH just got fired.
  • kistinbee
    kistinbee Posts: 3,688 Member
    just wanted to let you know if you don't hear from me for awhile. i am ok, DH just got fired.

    You guys are in my thoughts and prayers. :heart: We're here whenever you can come back to us.:flowerforyou:
    just wanted to let you know if you don't hear from me for awhile. i am ok, DH just got fired.

    :heart: :heart: HUGS :heart: :heart: We are here for you! Stay strong. :flowerforyou:
  • PedalHound
    PedalHound Posts: 1,625 Member
    Cathy :heart: :heart: :heart: I'm so sorry to hear that. What a blow. As K said, we're here when you need us!

    Ladies, thanks for the comments :wink: I wouldn't dream of taking time away from my kiddos to make bread and bakies for other people :tongue: I've learned my lesson already in life about turning pleasure into business when there wouldn't really be time... but you guys are SO sweet :bigsmile: Come visit me and I'll make bread :wink:
  • gonabfit
    gonabfit Posts: 711 Member
    :noway: seems like a crazy day for everyone... Hope the rest of your day goes better!

    For me: I have been studying all day and I brought my workout clothes with me so I could workout at the Y at 6. Doing a cardio salsa class... And I'm proud to say that I have been sticking to my calories :-) Which I have put back at 1200-1500. :-/ I'm giving this a solid month of sticking to the plan and then I'm making changes!!

    Meanwhile, I have decided that I am going to take some time for me. My bf and I are arguing too frequently right now and I am tired of it. I love him. But I also need to love me. :smooched: And I am too busy with school and trying to remain mentally healthy and lose weight to spend my free time upset. So I have *secretly* decided to spend more time bettering myself and let things fall where they may. It seems like whenever I need to focus, something stupid happens. Well no more focusing on the negative :-) I'm going to keep journaling and use exercise as my stress reliever. Any other feelings will have to be dealt with after my test! :-)
  • PedalHound
    PedalHound Posts: 1,625 Member
    Tiff, good for you!! What a great headspace :happy:

    We're having a great day today. Got up at a good time, made yummy eggs to put on the bread I made last night and also had a kiwi. Then we walked along the ocean through the dog park to a playground in this great funky little village area where the kiddos played for a few hours. Stopped at the organic grocery then came home. Kyle has been really busy lately so I decided to make "supper" for late lunch and he came home and we got to eat it together. I made an AMAZING chicken shawarma that I had marinating over night and a pot of lentils/quinoa/black rice with a dressing I made a couple of days ago with Moroccan spices. Ridiculously delicious. Tonight we're going to see the new movie 'Earth' at the big theater so it was a late big lunch and we'll have light supper after the movie. I DO NOT WANT to be hungry while I'm at the movies. NO good can come of that!! It feels good to feel in control of myself again for real.

    Have a great night if I don't manage to pop back on!
  • nellienell12
    nellienell12 Posts: 325 Member
    SW 203 lbs/ GW 196 lbs/ CW 205 lbs PROGRESS +2
    SW 211lbs/ GW 198 lbs/ CW205.5 lbs PROGRESS -5.5 lbs
    SW 174.6 lbs/GW 165 lbs/CW 167.4 lbs PROGRESS -7.2 lbs
    SW 153.4 lbs/ GW 148 lbs/ CW 154.2 lbs PROGRESS +.8
    SW 146.4 lbs/GW 141.4 lbs / CW 146.8 lbs PROGRESS +0.2
    SW 169 lbs/ GW 175 lbs/ CW 174.5 lbs PROGRESS +5.5 lbs
    SW 185.5lbs/ GW 179.5lbs/ CW 188.5lbs PROGRESS +3
    SW 180 lbs/ GW 170 lbs/ CW 178 lbs PROGRESS - 2.0 lbs
    SW 162.5lbs/ GW 159.5lbs/ CW 160 lbs PROGRESS - 2.5 lbs
    SW 219lbs/ GW 205/ CW 215 PROGRESS -3 lbs (first 5!)
    SW 211 lbs/ GW 199 lbs/ CW 210.5 lbs PROGRESS -0.05

    SW 204 lbs/ GW 193 lbs/ CW 204.6 lbs PROGRESS +0.6lbs
    SW 152.2lbs/ GW 141.6lbs/ CW 151.2 lbs PROGRESS - 1 lb :-)
    SW 198lbs/ GW185 lbs/ CW200 lbs PROGRESS +2.0 lbs
    SW 174 lbs/ GW 161 lbs/ CW 171 lbs PROGRESS - 3
    SW 289 lbs/GW 279 lbs / CW 289 lbs PROGRESS +/-0
    SW 175 lbs/GW 163 lbs/CW 175 lbs PROGRESS =/- 0

    Lost 3 lbs this week, don't know how long that will last. Sorry I've been a little MIA. My oldest has had a tummy ache, and I'm trying to find out why, so running back and forth to the hosspital to test her urine. Hope to hear something this weekend.

    Mama, sorry about daddy. Hopefully something will work out.

    Well, gotta help the girls with homework and hubby is starting to tick me off. So gotta go. Later.
  • its_B
    its_B Posts: 491
    Hi everyone,

    Im having a really bad day.. no.. one of the WORST days...
    I will try and break things down in a simpler way..
    umm So my car tire got slashed,
    Had only nasty people come into the store today,
    mom and I got into a little fight,
    Dad made me cry,
    People are just super mean.... (long story bout this)
    and Grant almost got arrested,
    his mom and I staged a mini intervention,
    We broke up,
    I have packed up all his clothes,
    I have been crying for close to two hours...
    My heart is pretty much shattered into a 100 pieces... no.. a thousand.

    I did manage before the Ex-Bf drama happened to spend over 2 hours at the gym!
    I did TWO couch to 5k podcastss and a bunch of weights/strength training...
    those things felt incredible.. And this time I am not going to allow the emotional/personal stresses
    keep me from reaching my goals.. I will lose this next 15 pounds. I will!
