Help needed with my project on Diet, Relationships & Stress



  • WeCallThemDayWalkers
    Took it!
  • phee
    phee Posts: 147 Member
    Thanks guys. Thanks for giving your time to participate. I'm so glad to hear that others also find this an interesting topic. I will be more than happy to share my findings with the community here. You guys have been an integral part of the research.

    Thanks for sharing a bit of your story Marie. I also struggle with some of the same issues which is i guess why I am interested in this topic in the first place. Congratulations on your success so far. I wish you all the best for the remainder of your journey.

    :laugh: :bigsmile: :happy:
  • phee
    phee Posts: 147 Member
    Great news!! I have officially reached my minimum quota of participants in less than one day folks!

    And its all mostly thanks to you guys here. I have another week or so to collect more data but I am just so happy that i have passed the minimum number required.

    So thank you all once again. I mean that sincerely.


  • marianne_s
    marianne_s Posts: 986 Member
    I took it... but was slightly confused that there wasn't a choice under Ethnicity for Black people....

    Aren't there any black people in Australia?
    Hi Marianne, so sorry about that. When i first started the study, I was only going to be recruiting from Australia. But yes, we do have black people in Aus. They are our Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islanders. I did have an "other" category for ethnicities that fall outside of the ones listed.

    But i do appreciate your valuable feedback as it will help me to ensure that i take into consideration the fact that i may advertise internationally for participants in future studies. So thank you again. I apologise if you felt offended in any way. I promise that it was not intentional. All the best!

    Oh.... I wasn't offended... just curious...

    I entered my weight in pounds (196.2)

    Also, I found the questions quite good...
  • LaurenAOK
    LaurenAOK Posts: 2,475 Member
    Took it! (Though I recently got down to a "healthy" BMI). I too am very interested in the results - I am studying psych in undergrad and considered going on to a graduate program in clinical psych for a while there. Keep us posted!
  • wickedcricket
    wickedcricket Posts: 1,246 Member
    be happy to help- link not working- but I'll tell you - BEING MARRIED TO AN *kitten* IS STRESSFUL. I bought healthy food- husband stopped working pretty much as soon as wedding ended. So he's home all day- eats all the healthy food in like 2 days so I come home from work starving, don't feel like shopping & cooking, so we get Lee's fried chicken.
    Get the picture? He EATS all the healthy food so we HAVE to eat junk food - pretty soon I'm 20 lbs heavier, broke & discouraged. I give up- another 20 lbs
    Good news is- HE GAINED OVER 100, he's far closer to death than I (high blood pressure, diabetes) I got a divorce- lost 30 lbs and HE'S STILL GAINING.
    I will be burning calories dancing on his grave
    next survey ...
  • suemurphy2010
    Completed, good luck with your thesis/dissertation and future career. I love Psychology
  • ranewell
    ranewell Posts: 621 Member
    Done :) Kinda appropriate in having such an extremely stressful month in regards to health issues, finances, and both impacting my marriage. Good luck with the rest of your study!!
  • phee
    phee Posts: 147 Member
    Hi guys. Thanks heaps. Its nice to wake up to find that the survey numbers have continued to go up a little over night. Which is fabulous!

    To Wicked,
    the first link doesn't work but if you go down to the third post from the top, you will find a link that does work. Thanks for sharing. I'm glad you got away from the negative influence in your life. And Congrats on your success!

    It's great that so many people are interested in the outcome of the study. I will gladly post a summary of my findings here for you guys. Im looking forward to it.

    Have a great day / night guys!
  • samantha1953
    samantha1953 Posts: 156 Member
    Sure, why not? Good luck with your study!
  • lucybell333
    Done! Good luck completing your study!
  • AutumnsPassage
    AutumnsPassage Posts: 33 Member
    Done! Good luck with your study. I believe stress and a poor relationships have been the main factors in my weight gain over the last few years. Looking forward to seeing the feedback from your study.
  • amjolst
    I'll take it. :smile:
  • JoJoDoerr
    JoJoDoerr Posts: 173 Member
    Done ;)
  • nahralynn
    nahralynn Posts: 125 Member
    Done! Good luck!
  • icemaiden17_uk
    icemaiden17_uk Posts: 463 Member
    About to be done!
  • bstoetzer
  • KellieLouise84
    hey, just completed it... my cousin is in the nearing the end of her psych course so taken part in loads of these now!!