Since losing weight, are you cold?



  • DKev
    DKev Posts: 266 Member
    YES! Freezing most of the time!
  • boobee32
    boobee32 Posts: 450 Member
    I am always cold, but that is because I am always drinking water...and it cools the body temp.
  • sfh0wrd
    YES YES AND YES. I never thought about being cold when I was 50lbs heavier, but now it's ridiculous. My father in law thinks it's hilarious-- the first thing I do when we visit their house (super cold) is get on the couch under a blanket. And when my husband and I make long road trips, I have a sweatshirt and pants on with a blanket and he's wearing shorts and a tshirt. I'm 25 years old and have a small space heater under my desk at work. The menopausal women think I'm nuts.

    I find I have a harder time staying warm in air conditioner. Outside cold isn't quite so awful.
  • CoryIda
    CoryIda Posts: 7,887 Member
    The only thing I miss about being fat is the built-in insulation.
  • Amanda0325
    Amanda0325 Posts: 245 Member
    i'm aways cold.. my bf makes fun of me when i say 68-69 is cold.. but it is when u are sitting around the house not doing anything.. i hide under the covers then lol
  • dabomb5198
    I was always hot before losing weight. Now I'm cold all the time. It's especially bad after I eat. My nose gets cold to the touch. The Dr says all is normal so I just deal with it but it gets old.
  • CardiacNP
    CardiacNP Posts: 554 Member
    I have lost over 70lbs from my heaviest and i am not cold all the time but i cannot tolerate the cold as much. the wind kills me when it is cold.

    but i rather be cold and fitter than fat and warm!
  • SteveHunt113
    SteveHunt113 Posts: 648 Member
    YES! This is so strange to me! My wife hates it ... we now battle each night for control of the blankets! I've finally gotten a spare blanket to keep next to the bed. And I find I ware my pullover around the house more often. And my hands are always cold now. I only lost 20 pounds...
  • SaketoKim
    SaketoKim Posts: 254 Member
    Not me, I've always run hot and still do.
  • KyleB65
    KyleB65 Posts: 1,196 Member
    I lost a little over 70 lbs last year from March through Dec.

    This winter was the first I can ever remember where I felt cold. And, it was a mild winter!

    I had a check-up with my Doctor in January and asked him about it. . He said that for the weight I had lost this was normal.

    The way he put it was that all the extra weight I was carrying around kept my system going all the time. So, I felt warm if not hot all the time. Note: I used to sweat profusely just walking from the living room to the kitchen!

    Now, that I am so much closer to my target weight, my system does not need to work so hard. So, I feel the cold much more.

    Last fall, I did some interval training with a couple of the boxers at my gym. Part of that training was putting on a weighted vest @ 40 lbs. At the time I had lost close to 60 lbs. This was a real eye opening experience! I had walked, sat, slept and lived every moment with more weight on my body than I had with the vest.
  • Faintgreeneyes
    Faintgreeneyes Posts: 730 Member
    I was always cold all the time- since losing almost 20 lbs (couple more to go) I am even colder!! I didn't think it that was possible. They have tested me for thyroid and iron issues and it always comes back negative for me. I know now to just always have warm things with me- hat, scarf, extra jacket, blankets, etc.
  • sarahadele
    YES freezing! I've only lost 20 lbs but i'm really starting to feel chilly all the time.
  • penrbrown
    penrbrown Posts: 2,685 Member
    I have always been twenty-thirty pounds lighter then my roommate. Last year she decided to lose some weight.

    Prior to her losing weight she always had the temperature super low in the house to the point where I was freezing but she was perfectly comfortable. After she lost thirty pounds suddenly the temperature was raised! She complains all the time about having no more 'insulation' to keep her body temperature up. Heh.

    Anyway, we're at least in agreeance about what is warm and what is cold now so that's good.

    As for me. I lost thirty pounds two years ago and it didn't seem to affect my body temperature much. I'm trying to lose another thirty this year... we'll see if it has an effect!
  • classycouture
    classycouture Posts: 888 Member
    I am ALWAYS cold. I also have poor circulation, so when my hands and feet get cold (and it doesn't take much for them to get cold), I'll have random fingers turn white and be completely numb. Even walking in the summer, my toes will go numb. My doctor says it's called Raynaud's Phenomenon, and man is it awful!
  • ts1122
    ts1122 Posts: 99 Member
    I agree! I am always cold anymore!
  • MelissaL582
    MelissaL582 Posts: 1,422 Member
    Glad you posted this, I thought it was just me. A part of me was thinking, well it is Winter but in my house it's 68 degrees. I have to wear long sleeves- I actually just put one on.
  • evansproudmama
    I was very unusually cold and I didn't feel that I had lost enough weight at the time I noticed it for that to make a difference. I did some research and my issue was I was eating too few calories (around 1230 a day). Now that I've bumped it up by 200 a day I don't have the cold feeling near as often.

    Hmm I wondered if that had something to do with it!! I was getting cold at night it was messing up my pool playing also cause i was freezing but i couldnt get warm even with a jacket.. it was like my inside was cold so weird.. Ive sinced uped my calories so hoping that wil help
  • brittnicoledav
    omg im soo happy im not the only one! I'm always SOOO cold, especially my hands for some reason.. I get goosebumps all the time too.
  • sundancer1966
    sundancer1966 Posts: 478 Member
    Yes, I used to be hot all the time, I could go out in a snow storm without a coat, with a tee shirt on, and be asking why people are complaining it is cold. Now, I am almost always cold. Which is strange because I was always hot even when I was thin. I guess I am changing.
  • gazerofthestars
    gazerofthestars Posts: 255 Member
    Depends, are we talking mood-wise? :indifferent: :laugh:

    I wish there was a more profound way to say this but YES! I am afraid of even going outside when it's chilly. I used to love winters... well not anymore. caught the flu two times this year (and just recovering from a third).

    At least it'll make the arid climate of summers here more bearable, I think!