What's your username mean?

I thought this would be a fun thing to do, finding out the meaning behind your usernames. Mine is AandJsMommy, A is my daughter Anna and the J is for my son Jacob and then the rest is easy. What's yours?


  • hockeymomofbensam
    I have 2 boys, Ben and Sam, and they both play hockey, which I love to watch....so thats where mine came from!
  • nowornever47
    nowornever47 Posts: 333 Member
    Kind of self explanatory but... it's NOW or NEVER for me! 47 is my current age... just done with yo yo dieting, etc... this is my lifestyle change! Happy Friday! hehe
  • jenny031477
    jenny031477 Posts: 53 Member
    Mine are also due to my kids' names. Lulu is the nickname of my daughter, Lindsey and Dee used to be a nickname for my other daughter.
  • Wileyjoe
    Wileyjoe Posts: 282
    American men are often refered to as Joe's (I think it's somehow related to GI-Joe - not sure).

    And Wiley...well, wiley is as wiley does.
  • robino419
    LuLu is my daughter's nickname too!! Her name is Lucy!
  • AandJsMommy
    Thanks for sharing!!
  • suzyqs4
    suzyqs4 Posts: 20 Member
    Suzyqs4 = Suzyq is a nickname my dad called me and someone had that when I joined so I added the s and 4 for my lucky number. Lol
  • melvac
    melvac Posts: 333 Member
    My first name and Last initial
  • tig_ol_bitties
    tig_ol_bitties Posts: 561 Member
    Guess ;-)
  • fabmst
    fabmst Posts: 42 Member
    My nickname since middle school has been Fabulous (FAB for short). My name is Twanda. That makes me fabmst aka Fabulous Ms Twanda.:heart:
  • runbyme
    runbyme Posts: 522 Member
    I used to run alot of 5K's! Obviously I wasn't often the fastest runner! LOL!
  • rsdgirl
    rsdgirl Posts: 246 Member
    i was diagosed with the nervous system disease RSD/CRPS in November of 2006 and fight it everyday, there is no cure and i take it upon myself to spread the word, since most people have never heard of it :) www.rsdhope.org
  • badmediakarma
    It's from a song! Kind of silly but I like it :)
  • Squeeks70
    Squeeks70 Posts: 157 Member
    Squeeks was my childhood nickname and 70 was the year I was born. :o)
  • Ddmck1
    Ddmck1 Posts: 89 Member
    Mine is super original. It's my first and middle initial and the first 3 letters of my last name. And then that was already taken so I added a 1... lol.... I have thought of changing it but I guess I'm not very creative in name choosing.
  • Squeeks70
    Squeeks70 Posts: 157 Member
    Cute! Bon Jovi? :o)
  • sahplin
    My sister and I started writing a book called The Sapling, but since we're both visual artists the idea kinda fell-through (writing a book is hard when you don't have a gift for writing!). However, the main idea of it translated into our pieces, and it's almost transformed my whole style, personality, and fashion sense!
    Anyways, sahplin is just a variation of sapling <3
  • crunchymommy
    crunchymommy Posts: 30 Member
    When I came up with my username I hadn't really heard the term "crunchy" a ton in common usage to mean "naturally-minded," "granola girl," but now I see it all the time. Anyway, becoming a mommy was my impetus to get healthy and part of being healthy to me is going natural, whole-foods, organic-when-possible, sustainable, etc. It also has to do with a natural parenting philosophy. Hence, crunchymommy. It's a little tongue-in-cheek because I know some people think I'm a little silly with all my "natural" stuff, so it's poking fun at myself a bit. It's my username most places these days. If it's taken I combine it with my birth year to be crunchymommy73.
  • Takes2long
    Takes2long Posts: 367 Member
    I was trying to register with my insurance company, setting up an account online. Every single step was a problem. After over 1/2 hour trying and getting denied, I had to call for support. I was beyond frustrated and when I needed to pick a user name, AGAIN, I decided this was taking too long! LOL...You always need to use at least one number (of course) so I used 2. Seems fitting for so many things now. We all want instant results. We have to work for the results we want, sometimes it Takes2Long!!! LMAO:bigsmile:
  • msapril177
    msapril177 Posts: 56 Member
    My name, birthdate and birth year....although after I saw it a few times I was thinking people might think the number was weight related.