MEN - I have a bone to pick with you!



  • TayJoMama
    TayJoMama Posts: 348 Member
    You know what? You are a Non factor and I am not going to waste typing anymore. Just GTHOH!
    ROFL, Reminded me of Evelyn on BBW! LOL, I can get back to work now!
  • Ambrogio1
    Ambrogio1 Posts: 518 Member
    STOP HOGGING THE GYM and the WEIGHTS area! I got news for are not the only one that lifts. Now, I know you look DAMN GOOD lifting...but let me stay on track, it is not YOUR gym. Us ladies get it in too.

    I went to the gym the other day with my fellow MFP girl Dollface and the men were claiming alllllllllll the benches, mirror space, free weights, etc. We HAD to make our presence known and take over.

    Okay, I'm through with my rant! But ladies, feel free to chime in :0 SMH to the men... Have a blessed day!

    I would give my weights up to you anytime you asked for them. All you have to do is walk into the middle and tell them to step aside and they probably would.:bigsmile:

    If you gave her your weights should would not be able to pick them up

    I rarely work out on the far left of the free weights. Dems for girlies!
  • PinkEarthMama
    PinkEarthMama Posts: 987 Member
    A friend and I walk into the male dominated weight area.

    I am 50 lbs overweight, look pregnant, have no boobs, I'm drenched in sweat from cardio, and I'm pretty sure I smell bad.

    Me : Hey, you almost done with that bench?

    Huge Buff Guy : Not really.

    Me : Okay.

    Huge Buff Guy : Give me 10 minutes and come back for it. Ok?

    10 minutes later ............

    Huge Buff Guy : You ready?

    Me : yep

    Huge Buff Guy : Let me just wipe that down for you. Have a nice night. Keep it up.

    Me : ............................................................................... I think I love you a little.
  • kayleen_longworth
    kayleen_longworth Posts: 147 Member
    I'll ask to work in...the best day was when I had to move the pin to a heavier weight for my pull-downs! The dude was simultaneously impressed and mortified... Good times!

    That's so awesome!
  • BADGIRLstl
    BADGIRLstl Posts: 473 Member
    Maybe I didn't make this clear in my initial post. I DO LIFT, I DO ROTATE IN WITH MEN, I AM NOT AFRAID TO ASK A MAN HOW MANY SETS DO THEY HAVE, I GET IT DONE...but its not the easiest. I have to demand respect in the weight area, where as other men do not. Also, this wasn't to be so serious. I'm just bringing it to the MEN attention that they have a tendacy to do this...and some of the women who are just starting off are intimidated by the weight area because of this....Jeesh!

    ~~~~~~~~~~All you up tight people need to get laid!!!~~~~~~~~~ LMAO! Lighten up!
  • Ambrogio1
    Ambrogio1 Posts: 518 Member
    Maybe I didn't make this clear in my initial post. I DO LIFT, I DO ROTATE IN WITH MEN, I AM NOT AFRAID TO ASK A MAN HOW MANY SETS DO THEY HAVE, I GET IT DONE...but its not the easiest. I have to demand respect in the weight area, where as other men do not. Also, this wasn't to be so serious. I'm just bringing it to the MEN attention that they have a tendacy to do this...and some of the women who are just starting off are intimidated by the weight area because of this....Jeesh!

    ~~~~~~~~~~All you up tight people need to get laid!!!~~~~~~~~~ LMAO! Lighten up!

    Apparently you didn't see me in my avatar on the left
  • BADGIRLstl
    BADGIRLstl Posts: 473 Member
    And Men, I am taking note that we do hog Zumba and the cardio area...maybe that's our passive aggressive way of getting back at you for hogging the weight area....LOL
  • BADGIRLstl
    BADGIRLstl Posts: 473 Member
    Maybe I didn't make this clear in my initial post. I DO LIFT, I DO ROTATE IN WITH MEN, I AM NOT AFRAID TO ASK A MAN HOW MANY SETS DO THEY HAVE, I GET IT DONE...but its not the easiest. I have to demand respect in the weight area, where as other men do not. Also, this wasn't to be so serious. I'm just bringing it to the MEN attention that they have a tendacy to do this...and some of the women who are just starting off are intimidated by the weight area because of this....Jeesh!

    ~~~~~~~~~~All you up tight people need to get laid!!!~~~~~~~~~ LMAO! Lighten up!

    Apparently you didn't see me in my avatar on the left
    I absolutely love the avatar! Just love it!
  • mhotch
    mhotch Posts: 901 Member
    I have no problem with the self admiration in the mirror- I don't look at them, I have no problem with the multitude of sets, I just move on to my next exercise, I do have a problem with the he men who grunt and groan through a hard set and walk away leaving 8 - 45lb plates on the machine for me to remove.

    I live with 2 pigs {aka sons} and a husband. Its bad enough spending my days picking up after them, and to have to go to the gym and pick up after strangers!
  • BADGIRLstl
    BADGIRLstl Posts: 473 Member
    A friend and I walk into the male dominated weight area.

    I am 50 lbs overweight, look pregnant, have no boobs, I'm drenched in sweat from cardio, and I'm pretty sure I smell bad.

    Me : Hey, you almost done with that bench?

    Huge Buff Guy : Not really.

    Me : Okay.

    Huge Buff Guy : Give me 10 minutes and come back for it. Ok?

    10 minutes later ............

    Huge Buff Guy : You ready?

    Me : yep

    Huge Buff Guy : Let me just wipe that down for you. Have a nice night. Keep it up.

    Me : ............................................................................... I think I love you a little.
    Awwww. I would have been in love a little too.
  • Ambrogio1
    Ambrogio1 Posts: 518 Member
    Maybe I didn't make this clear in my initial post. I DO LIFT, I DO ROTATE IN WITH MEN, I AM NOT AFRAID TO ASK A MAN HOW MANY SETS DO THEY HAVE, I GET IT DONE...but its not the easiest. I have to demand respect in the weight area, where as other men do not. Also, this wasn't to be so serious. I'm just bringing it to the MEN attention that they have a tendacy to do this...and some of the women who are just starting off are intimidated by the weight area because of this....Jeesh!

    ~~~~~~~~~~All you up tight people need to get laid!!!~~~~~~~~~ LMAO! Lighten up!

    Apparently you didn't see me in my avatar on the left
    I absolutely love the avatar! Just love it!

    Thanks- I was in a bulk phase
  • rjmwx81
    rjmwx81 Posts: 259 Member
    Men, be think that SOME women are there just wasting time...

    I think some men are there just wasting time too, when I see some of the ridiculous exercises they do. 4 different types of bicep curls, but no compound lifts. Puh-lease.
  • BADGIRLstl
    BADGIRLstl Posts: 473 Member
    STOP HOGGING THE GYM and the WEIGHTS area! I got news for are not the only one that lifts. Now, I know you look DAMN GOOD lifting...but let me stay on track, it is not YOUR gym. Us ladies get it in too.

    I went to the gym the other day with my fellow MFP girl Dollface and the men were claiming alllllllllll the benches, mirror space, free weights, etc. We HAD to make our presence known and take over.

    Okay, I'm through with my rant! But ladies, feel free to chime in :0 SMH to the men... Have a blessed day!

    I would give my weights up to you anytime you asked for them. All you have to do is walk into the middle and tell them to step aside and they probably would.:bigsmile:
    Well thank you. I know so many women that "fear" going on the "men" side of the gym. I told them, that's the place to be! Last week when I went, a group of men actually complimented us for doing a good job on lifting. I did love the respect they gave us for actually working and being serious about our fitness.
  • BADGIRLstl
    BADGIRLstl Posts: 473 Member
    You know what? You are a Non factor and I am not going to waste typing anymore. Just GTHOH!
    ROFL, Reminded me of Evelyn on BBW! LOL, I can get back to work now!
    LOL...and I went the PG version. I am trying to be a better person....but people like that be bringing the B out of me....LOL
  • BADGIRLstl
    BADGIRLstl Posts: 473 Member
    Men, be think that SOME women are there just wasting time...

    I think some men are there just wasting time too, when I see some of the ridiculous exercises they do. 4 different types of bicep curls, but no compound lifts. Puh-lease.
    You do raise a valid point.
  • deadstarsunburn
    deadstarsunburn Posts: 1,337 Member
    At my gym a lot of the guys there are wasting time. Lot's of 13 yr olds come in after school and all share the 15 pound weight and rotate between the 6 of them for an hour. Besides wanting to tell them they are stupid, I want them to just GET OUT OF MY WAY. Then there are guys who take three machines up they leave all the weights out and dirty towels on "their" benches. THAT pisses me off. SHARE WITH ME.
  • duharvalgt
    "ask and ye shall receive" ( In a mannered way of course :laugh: )

    respect if your in the free weights section
  • Smiler106
    Smiler106 Posts: 124 Member
    I have the same problem in my gym. Although I think it is the fault of the gym rather than the fault of the men. I tend to go during off peak hours (because I can and it's much nicer when it's quiet!) but still the weights section is overloaded with men. Our gym is split about 75% cardio and 25% weights. I fail to understand why they have it set out like this when in my experience I can hardly ever get near the weights because they are so busy. Recently I did a head count for interest. There were 6 people using cardio and 19 using weights. I really wish they would expand the weights section. I have suggested this to them. I work in an industry that is 95%+ male dominated. I am used to holding my own and not easily intimidated by men, however when I'm working out I feel more shy than usual. Most of the guys at my gym are friendly enough, but I just feel uncomforable around large numbers while they are grunting, strutting about and comparing willies or whatever it is they do between sets.
  • Just_Dot
    Just_Dot Posts: 2,289 Member
    I never ask to work in on the squat rack or anything else that involves racking and unracking plates--only the cable machines. I do however, have no issue with asking how much longer someone's going to be if I need the squat racknor something. One time, the two young men who were using it when I asked about how many more sets they had came and found me to let me know they were done. I loved that!
  • jackpotclown
    jackpotclown Posts: 3,291 Member
    I LOOOOOOOOVE Body Combat.

    I go to Gold's gym...and it is huge...but all MEN are working on beefing their chest up...can't get a bench for nothing...without waiting around till they get off - that slows my momentum down...when I am there with Sweetie...I don't have that problem.

    Men, be think that SOME women are there just wasting time...

    Truth? Yeah, there's one I know of, and I can describe her for you.....she shows up looking like she's going to a dance club (or maybe on the set of In Living Color)....piles on a bunch of makeup and loads of perfume, walks on the treadmill patting little bits of sweat off herself....kinda reminds me of Romy and Michelle's High School Reunion

    And yeah, I've seen some seriously narcissistic guys out there too, and would agree anyone sitting in front of a mirror admiring themselves instead of actually doing the work is a douche