have any of you took the depo shot???? HELP!!



  • ganbaranba
    ganbaranba Posts: 34 Member
    I have been on the pill and the shot and I didn't drastically put on weight while I was on either. Like others have said, everyone's body is different and one needs to be conscious of one's intake in any case. As a BC method, I prefer depo.
  • stlbluesangel
    stlbluesangel Posts: 23 Member
    I was on it for 4 years before I was told I had to have a bone marrow test done before I could get another shot. Ended up switching methods - several times, & wound up pregnant (my body was just AWOL after the switch).
    I got it about 8 months before starting college and gained maybe 10 pounds the first year. I contribute that more to college & driving everywhere as opposed to high school and walking.
    The biggest thing that I did to help was highly monitored my salt intake (and still do) when on the shot.
    Both of my sister's tried depo and each gained 20+ pounds. Guess it really depends on the body type/person over all.
  • MrUgly
    MrUgly Posts: 54 Member
    From my experience as a husband, weight gain is very likely, as is decreased sex drive.
  • FreshStart89
    FreshStart89 Posts: 297 Member
    Women who use Depo-Provera Contraceptive Injection may lose significant bone mineral density. Bone loss is greater with increasing duration of use and may not be completely reversible.

    It is unknown if use of Depo-Provera Contraceptive Injection during adolescence or early adulthood, a critical period of bone accretion, will reduce peak bone mass and increase the risk for osteoporotic fracture in later life.

    Depo-Provera Contraceptive Injection should not be used as a long-term birth control method (i.e., longer than 2 years) unless other birth control methods are considered inadequate. (See Warnings and Precautions (5.1)).

    Thats why the DR should tell you take calcium supplements...... Mine sure did.
  • Corruptkitten
    Corruptkitten Posts: 157 Member
    I HATE THE DEPO SHOT! I had that one time and one time only about 10 years ago if not more. I turned into a raging b!t(h, gained so much weight, was an emotional train wreck. I was not myself and was miserable. I literally hated myself and EVERYONE around me. I know pills are a pain in the *kitten*, but if you are having issues once the depo wears off I would look into a low dose contraception pill.
  • Kittie_Kat
    Back in 2008 I lost 35lbs and then went on the depo ( I had it 2 times) so a total of 6 months. I gained all my weight back plus some while I was still eating healthier and trying to maintain my weight. So therefore I stopped. Sucks to think I could possibly be not needing to lose weight anymore because of it.

    Also, I didn't have my period for about a year after I stopped. Boy was that scary!
  • HBinOC
    HBinOC Posts: 78 Member
    I too did the depo shot for about 6 months and had to stop. I have been using the nuvaring and have had no issues for like 4 years now.
  • ErinNichole76
    ErinNichole76 Posts: 52 Member
    Depo was my first form of birth control. I was on it for about 3.5 years. In the first few months I gained about 15 lbs then gradually a few pounds every few months. My schedule was all kinds of crazy in during a good period of the 3.5 years, I worked the night shift at a hotel for just over a year in the middle of it.

    The worst part of it was the MOOD SWINGS! During the 2-3 weeks before I was due for my next shot I was a Crazy B!tch of a mess. I'm surprised my boyfriend (now husband) put up with me through all that.

    I've tried a couple different types of pills. For the past 4-5 years I've been using NuvaRing and I LOVE IT! had one minor scare when it popped out once but other than that its been great.
  • shaycat
    shaycat Posts: 980
    I was on it for about 7 years. I never gained any weight from it. It did take me almost a year to get pregnant though.
  • sangelic
    sangelic Posts: 207
    I 1000% suggest Neuvaring. No weight gain or side effects since it's low dose hormone. I've been on it for 10 years and it's the suggested solution for women in their 30s - 40s.

    I had the WORST cramps of my life with Nuvaring. Everyone reacts differently to different birth controls. I gained almost 40 lbs over a year and a half on Depo. Was it the bc? Maybe. I think it had more to do with my habits (eating horribly, no exercise, etc.).
  • destiniwells
    I'd heard horror stories about weight gain on depo as well and didn't want to go on it, but it was one of very few options for me due to other health issues. Now I've been on it for almost two years and it hasn't effected my weight, my mood, or my sex drive. In fact, it has considerably reduced the number of migraines I get every month. If you're concerned I would suggest talking to your doctor. Everyone is different, and everyone will have a different experience.
  • garlic7girl
    garlic7girl Posts: 2,236 Member
    The studies our doctor review that it is predominately Northern American women who gain weight. In other countries they do not gain like we do here. Before a woman chooses Depo-Provera I discuss with her all of the side effects and assess her nutrition and exercise patterns then I warn her of possibility of wt gain if she does not have good habits. The clients I have found who do not gain have good habits with exercise and portion control.
    SInce your wt gain was so immediate it does not sound like the depo.
  • rubyrubano
    I get this shot every ten weeks for management of my adenomyosis and endometriosis. I gained 12 pounds without realizing it. Then I started mfp january 3rd and have lost 25 pounds as of today! So obviously this shot isn't preventing me from losing weight. If you keep under your calories, exersize a bit and eat healthy, depo shouldn't effect you that much... Good luck!!!
  • Jemmastorm
    i was on it for 2 years to help my PCOS. don't recommend it. all birth controls are designed to make your body think it's pregnant so you don't ovulate (and with depo, skip periods too) some women gain heaps while "pregnant" and some don't. your digestive system slows waaaay down when you're pregnant to get the most nutrients out of your food for the baby and makes you super hungry. a double whammy for weight gain. the same happens on depo. my advice would be find something that is going to be the least disruptive to your natural bodily functions because like a lot of people on here have said; the side effects take a long time to go away (if ever) my doctor was shocked at how long the family planning clinic had let me stay on depo because it can wreck your fertility in the long term
  • Febrlovecinq
    I had it when I was 18 and I gained weight. I recently got back on the depo shot and I gained back the 15 I lost and I had a 3 week period. I don't think i am going to get my next shot. I will probably switch to the pill
  • RockChick1984
    I have been on the depot shot for 10 years now and its never once made any difference to my weigh thankfully
  • ChelsChubzz
    I lost 35 lbs on it.
  • JanetLM73
    JanetLM73 Posts: 1,277 Member
    I had that shot 9 years ago and I wish I would have researched it....I was in the ER with chest pains, they did an MRI to check for a blood clot in my lung, it was super scary....never again! I was the 2-5% of cases that had that side effect.
  • chergarr73
    chergarr73 Posts: 59 Member
    I was on it for a few years around 15 years ago...no weight gain for me at the time, but I was extremely active back then ;)
  • tena1785
    I have been on the depo shot for over 4 years. I didn't gain any weight. I don't know if it was because I was heavy to begin with or what. but then again i have known people who have gained from it. It depends on the person.