


  • AnarchoGen
    AnarchoGen Posts: 400 Member
    A body builder needs much more than 1g/lb of lbm. Arguably 1.5-2g/lb of body weight.

    1g/lb LBM is what is typically recommended as a minimum for non drug using bodybuilders. Keep in mind, that's a minimum. If someone is using dat-dere celltech then I could see a much higher dosage.

    Lyle McDonald typically recommends 1.5g/lb lean mass.

    I'd take the advice of someone who has a real profile pic, who has results to show.
  • Sidesteal
    Sidesteal Posts: 5,510 Member
    Edit: nvm.
  • JenAiMarres
    JenAiMarres Posts: 767 Member
    At 122 lbs..I strive to get in about 120ish grams of protein a day... Mfp protein goals are way too low...change your goals in your settings...good luck with your journey!
  • christinac1011
    i always go over protein its what eats the fat away i even purposely add protein powder shakes the nutrients in it is what our bodys need especially on low cal diets :smile: worry more about sugar and carbs
  • JacksMom12
    JacksMom12 Posts: 1,044 Member
    i always go over protein its what eats the fat away

    Now, THAT is broscience.
  • MMarvelous
    MMarvelous Posts: 1,067 Member
    Are you using the MFP default protein settings? If so they are low. What kind of workout are you doing?
  • blondejillie
    blondejillie Posts: 305 Member
    Options you had no idea what a Cr@pstorm you would start with the bodybuilders in this thread. :sad:
  • kardsharp
    kardsharp Posts: 618 Member
    Change your settings. Protein is ridiculously low on here. I changed mine right away.

    How do you change them and how do you know what to change them too?
  • Matt_Wild
    Matt_Wild Posts: 2,673 Member
    YOU said that you can grow with just calories. This isn't remotely true. You even just admitted there are 9 amino acids that the body cannot produce that it needs for muscle growth, Leucine esp.

    Whilst my 600g protein is excessive for most (and I never said everyone should follow it), I know my body and I know what I need to make it grow. I could take in more carbs or fats but I'd rather have too much protein than not enough. Put it this way I've trained for 6 years and been sponsored now for 2 years - what I do, works which real people in the real world see and agree and this is me -

    And I know from my own empirical results, what makes my body grow AND i've repeated it with clients and made them grow and cut them to show standard. I have regular blood tests with my Dr to ensure constant good health and my kidneys come back with results that exceed flow thro rates they can measure - it is unaffected by my protein consumption.

    In terms of growth you need training to create the micro tears for your body to repair and this repair is done thro the mTOR signaling via protein, insulin and growth factors and will be impaired by energy deficiency (from your over all diet). mTOR plays key roles in cell physiology. mTOR regulates numerous components involved in protein synthesis, including initiation and elongation factors, and the biogenesis of ribosomes themselves.

    As for your journals... - no study citied, no test subjects available and a lot "MAY". Far from conclusive. - was a 4 day study. - nearly every claim is unsubstantiated and indeed shown in the study I brought to the table to be wrong.

    I cannot however be bothered to argue any more with someone who clearly has read a lot and thinks he understands it all so feels he can dish out a lot of bad advice. Ciao!
  • Matt_Wild
    Matt_Wild Posts: 2,673 Member
    As for proof of what I say I would cite the guys I train:

    Before and after

    Before and after

    I have loads more. What I do, works.
  • tigersword
    tigersword Posts: 8,059 Member
    I can do N=1 examples, too! You know who got results eating HALF the protein you say you eat?

    This guy. Maybe you've heard of him.

    You said yourself that without enough energy, your body won't grow. Eating those high levels of protein can cause issues, and even if it doesn't, at least half of what you're eating is being burned for energy, and not muscle growth or repair . Hence, wasted.