Question about attraction... just curious.



  • Bridget28152723
    Bridget28152723 Posts: 372 Member
    Nah my wife would be hot to me skinny or not.

    I think your observation might be based more in the fact that couples influence each other greatly. If you end up in a relationship with a couch potato it's very hard not to become one yourself. If your significant other drags you to the gym every day it works that way round too. I think couples just tend to fall into following each others habits over time, or at least some sort of comfortable middle ground for both is reached.
    Im with you, my husband would be attactive to me no matter how he looked(he has a great bod) I have told him that, I dont like skinny men so I would prefer a little weight to being scrawny. Me and my husband both workout, but a few years ago we didnt .so yea couples kinda have the same habits
  • Buddhasmiracle
    Buddhasmiracle Posts: 925 Member
    There is a lot more than weight to any relationship to be sure (thankfully lol), but you are on the right track. Almost all psychological studies indicate that we seek out people with a level of "sameness" to ourselves. Of course part of that is weight and perceived attractiveness, part of it is perceived socio-economic status, cultural backgrounds, similarities in upbringing, etcetera but it goes so far beyond that it's incredible.

    This is one of my favorite studies of all time, it suggests that we seek out people with a similar speaking style, it goes that deep:

    Oh, I have to read this study. My husband is from da Bronx .
  • Matt_Wild
    Matt_Wild Posts: 2,673 Member
    Good basic idea but flawed.

    For example (and in my case) I'm a big guy at 266lb. However my OH is 122lb - a good 144lb difference in weight. She's a slim size 6/8 and I've never been attracted to bigger girls. Most of the women that I attract (and let me know about it) are slim and confident or in their late 30's/40's.

    So, as a result, it (the OP idea) may carry some merit but then it totally ignores that actually physical attraction and social status one may have or gain by attracting a partner of a similar social status, rather than weight.

    For me a slim woman represents (when you get down to the raw tac's and nails) everything that i'm pre-programmed as a male to look for (good breeding capability and healthy) is found and for her, a protector and provider (in the old sense).

    TBH, these days there so many different permutations its hard to say its because of xyz.
  • christine24t
    christine24t Posts: 6,063 Member
    All of the major crushes in my life have had the same body type - tall and skinny. But it's not even the body type I was attracted to, it's the personality. But if it actually came down to it, I don't know if I could be with them since I would feel self-conscious that I was bigger. As far as body types go, I like the bigger football player body. But I've never had a crush on someone with that body type.

    So what I'm getting at is that I'm weird! Hahaha
    I've seen a lot of big guys with little women which always bummed me out before I was married because as a tall, bigger woman, I liked bigger guys--easier to kiss, nicer to cuddle and I don't feel huge next to them.

    Amen. I want the short, skinny girls to stay with the shorter skinnier men! Maybe that's rude but save the bigger guys for us.