How obsessed are you with measuring food?



  • beckie630
    I'm forever using my food scale, I have one recommended by the Biggest Loser, and it's absolutely fantastic. It was $15 from Bed Bath and Beyond and worth every penny. My family thinks I'm crazy when they see me measuring out the food I eat, but it definitely works. :)
  • TrailRunner61
    TrailRunner61 Posts: 2,505 Member
    You def. need a good scale. Get one that you can tare ( set to zero after you put a bowl/plate on it). Make sure it's digital and weighs in lbs, oz and grams since some recipes call for food that way. And no you're not obsessed. You're measuring your intake and that's a good thing! Good luck!
  • StrongGwen
    StrongGwen Posts: 378 Member
    oh, yeah! definitely digital scale, and I've even gone to grams instead of ounces for more accuracy! My husband gives me the eye roll too, but at least he has started handing me a box or can and askiing if I would eat this (he's the cook). The other night he made gumbo and left the expty containers on the counter for me to get the nutritional info, but yet he thinks the whole "portion size" thing is just silly....of course, he is underweight and can't seem to gain enough and keep it on! :grumble:

    I hope that someday I will be able to eyeball portions with accuracy, but right now eating out is kind of stressful since I DO NOT pull out measuring cups at the table! but we don't often go out, so that's ok for now.

    and yes, I count almonds, weigh proteins, measure veggies, and keep a 1-serving size measuring cup stuck into the top of my cereal box.
  • LorinaLynn
    LorinaLynn Posts: 13,247 Member
    I'm not the least big obsessed. I eyeball just about everything. I buy a 5# pack of chicken breasts, which is usually about 10 breasts. I cook two, about a pound's worth, chopped up, and figure that my husband typically eats about a third more than I do, so I log it as 6 ounces for myself. Same for pasta. I cook about half a box, and estimate about two ounces worth for myself and leave the rest for him. If I'm just cooking for me, I use a measuring cup for pasta. And it's worked just fine for me, but I do have a really good sense of proportions, thanks, I guess, to being an artist, seamstress and Ms. Fix-it. :laugh: I've been measuring things all my life.
  • KathieSwenson
    I try to measure everything. There is a phrase that the eye is bigger than the tummy. Can't remember exactly how it goes but basically we can certainly, very easily, eyeball more than what we really need. I don't have a scale yet as most packages will tell you that 1/3 cup ect is a serving. There were several recipes I have that I question it on or have found I needed a scale but not many. I guess I just don't under stand the scale concept much yet. But measuring cups and spoons, yes I measure everything.
  • MargaretWalks
    MargaretWalks Posts: 38 Member
    I have been very religious about using my food scale. Sometimes it might be okay to eyeball it (like at someone's house), but at home I either use my measuring cups or the food scale. And I like weighing things in grams and ounces, depending upon the item.
    On a banana I like grams. There is one item in the food list that shows a 100 gram banana, so if your banana is 93 grams you'd enter it as 0.93. It becomes second nature after awhile.
  • mizjohnston
    mizjohnston Posts: 196 Member
    get theyself a food scale!!!!

    Im obsessed with mine. And measuring cups. I have about 4 sets so I have clean ones at all times. It made a monumental change in my weight loss.

    So its not just me. :happy: I do the same exact thing. :)
  • annabellj
    annabellj Posts: 1,337 Member
    LOL. thats about when I get the eye roll from the wife LOL

    Eyes are better rolled, than belly fat.
    amen to that!
  • Very!! Can't go through the day without weighing and measuring everything I eat and drink.
  • katkins3
    katkins3 Posts: 1,360 Member
    My husband and I are so obsessed that we bring out food scale to the bakery with us when we eat lunch there. We put it right on the table and weigh the focaccia! If we get a cookie with our lunch, we weigh that too.

    We take the food scale on vacation with us.

    We even took it to a BBQ at a friend's home.
  • mizjohnston
    mizjohnston Posts: 196 Member
    The other thing I noticed with the scale is that when you buy tortillas or bread, a lot of slices weigh more then the actual serving. It can be anywhere from two to thirty calories more then what it says. Even 100 calorie packs are like that. To some that makes a difference if they eat more then one.
  • stormieweather
    stormieweather Posts: 2,549 Member
    I have a wonderful scale with the tare function (you can add to and get only the weight of the additional item). So I can put a plate on it, then hit 'tare', then add my pasta and it will tell me how much only the pasta weighs.

    I weigh & measure everything where a variance matters. Pasta, meat, sauces, oils, spreads, etc. I generally estimate veggies.
  • missy3479
    If it says 1/4 then I measure it. I get crap from family and friends constantly but if the nutrition facts are on the package then follow it.
  • em9371
    em9371 Posts: 1,047 Member
    i have a food scale and i weigh everything i cook, im terrible at estimating portions, especially with dry pasta / rice. When i am cooking for myself and my husband, I will weigh the whole amount, and then log 1/3 for my portion, he will have the other 2/3.
    the only things i dont weigh are milk in tea / coffee, or a sprinkle of parmesan on my pasta.
  • Meggles63
    Meggles63 Posts: 916 Member
    Not at all. I eyeball things, and estimate. Maybe not 100% correct, but I managed to lose 20lbs., so who cares? I am way to prone to OCD and refuse to do that.
  • warmachinejt
    warmachinejt Posts: 2,167 Member
    very i have a food scale and if you see my diary some of my foods are precise, like a .56 of a cup of brown rice or 155g of banana
  • snookumss
    snookumss Posts: 1,451 Member
    Now that I have a food scale, and realized how off I was before on things like meat portions that I weigh every single thing. I have to weigh my veggies, coffee creamer, protein powder, etc... all to the very gram.

    I don't think thats being obsessed when your diet choice requires you to be precise.
  • nickyfm
    nickyfm Posts: 1,214 Member
    Yeahh I bring out my cups for breakfast, count my tomatoes and nuts. Very shameful! haha
  • mfp_1
    mfp_1 Posts: 516 Member
    musicalmargar wrote:
    There is one item in the food list that shows a 100 gram banana, so if your banana is 93 grams you'd enter it as 0.93.

    Do you know even if it is "banana 28 g", you can enter 93 servings of 1 g?
  • steach
    steach Posts: 10
    Thank you for all for the suggestions! I found a great scale with free shipping...I live in the middle of nowhere. Can't wait to trash the 'ol spring load!