Worst pet peeve while driving..........

Mine include the following:

1. People who think that going five miles above the speed limit is WAY too slow for them and act like you are holding them back from going 100 (yeah, okay, I am exaggerating but still)

2. People who don't go the speed limit

3. People who don't go the speed limit but suddenly speed up once you try to move around them so you can't (but then again, I would be contradicting myself since, I too, hate to be on the recieving end........still doesnt mean I dislike it, it means that I am more mindful of this one so I don't do it to others and usually I don't unless they are being *kitten*)

4. People who won't let you into their lane and make you get behind them

5. People who tend to sit in their cars in parking lots until you move along to find a different spot before they leave..........one day this lady, in my gym parking lot, did this.........she tried to get me to move along and yet she was going on her way out of the parking lot heading for home. She waved at me to go on ahead and I waved at her to come out.......took at least 5 minutes to get this woman to move

6. Lastly, people who park RIGHT behind you in a NON parking spot, therefore pinning you in because you can't move to either side due to a car next to you and the curb on the other side..........and this ESPECIALLY when its a worker in the place you went to pick up food. Happened to me once when I went to the corner bakery........SO stupid.......and SO irritating........had to waste at least two people's time because of one person.........and the funny thing is, that there were more trucks like his parked along down the line.......

What's yours?


  • wellbert
    wellbert Posts: 3,924 Member
    Other drivers.
  • sangelic
    sangelic Posts: 207

    5. People who tend to sit in their cars in parking lots until you move along to find a different spot before they leave..........one day this lady, in my gym parking lot, did this.........she tried to get me to move along and yet she was going on her way out of the parking lot heading for home. She waved at me to go on ahead and I waved at her to come out.......took at least 5 minutes to get this woman to move

    :laugh: I have totally done this just to piss people off. It really annoys me when people have to "wait" for the closest spot to open up...just park somewhere and walk, you'd probably get to your destination faster than waiting for that car to move.
  • Chood5
    Chood5 Posts: 259 Member
    People who think they either have to have their foot on the gas or break. I hate people who use their breaks constantly, especially on the highway. There is such a thing as coasting people!!!!!
  • PinkEarthMama
    PinkEarthMama Posts: 987 Member

    5. People who tend to sit in their cars in parking lots until you move along to find a different spot before they leave..........one day this lady, in my gym parking lot, did this.........she tried to get me to move along and yet she was going on her way out of the parking lot heading for home. She waved at me to go on ahead and I waved at her to come out.......took at least 5 minutes to get this woman to move

    :laugh: I have totally done this just to piss people off. It really annoys me when people have to "wait" for the closest spot to open up...just park somewhere and walk, you'd probably get to your destination faster than waiting for that car to move.


    I had two ankle surgeries in the last six months. If someone will be pulling out in the next few minutes, you can bet I'm going to wait for that spot, instead of parking waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaay on the other side of the unplowed parking lot. I don't need a handicap placard, I don't need crutches... I am just not willing to slip and fall and hurt myself.
  • BeautyFromPain
    BeautyFromPain Posts: 4,952 Member
    You know what I LOVE doing?

    When people tailgate me I start to go JUST the speed limit (i usually always am over shush) and then when they go into the other lane to go past me i speed up so they can't :laugh: it is actually the funniest thing ever.
  • kallibrae
    kallibrae Posts: 209 Member
    I hate when you can't find parking and there's no spots left, and then you see that some idiot has used up two spots and forgot how to park. UGH.
  • KJVBear33

    5. People who tend to sit in their cars in parking lots until you move along to find a different spot before they leave..........one day this lady, in my gym parking lot, did this.........she tried to get me to move along and yet she was going on her way out of the parking lot heading for home. She waved at me to go on ahead and I waved at her to come out.......took at least 5 minutes to get this woman to move

    :laugh: I have totally done this just to piss people off. It really annoys me when people have to "wait" for the closest spot to open up...just park somewhere and walk, you'd probably get to your destination faster than waiting for that car to move.

    Honestly though, its times where I am late to something........most likely a VERY early gym experience......or times when its cold and don't want to have to walk far. Its like, who cares? Youre leaving so it really shouldn't matter number one.........number two, you don't know if its because of the coldness, that they are late, or what.

    I do, however get you totally.........and sometimes, if I feel the need to be that way, I will do number 5........especially if they are watching me walk to my car. But honestly, I don't ever do it otherwise.
  • runnercheryl
    runnercheryl Posts: 1,314 Member
    Mine include the following:

    1. People who think that going five miles above the speed limit is WAY too slow for them and act like you are holding them back from going 100 (yeah, okay, I am exaggerating but still)

    2. People who don't go the speed limit

    3. People who don't go the speed limit but suddenly speed up once you try to move around them so you can't (but then again, I would be contradicting myself since, I too, hate to be on the recieving end........still doesnt mean I dislike it, it means that I am more mindful of this one so I don't do it to others and usually I don't unless they are being *kitten*)

    4. People who won't let you into their lane and make you get behind them

    Number 1, I totally agree with. I was doing the speed limit on a quiet residential street, but a wide one nonetheless. There was a car following right behind me, so I carried on going at my speed and they responded by getting even closer. At that point I (safely) slowed down a bit to show them they could overtake. They didn't, so I moved back up to the speed limit. They waited until I was crossing a busy junction before they overtook, narrowly squeezing between my car and one coming in the opposite direction. Why wait until it was completely unsafe to do so?

    Number 3, I have sped up on occasion if someone has been right up behind me on the motorway, and has then overtaken me but has tried to come back in RIGHT in front of me when there's enough room for them to carry on at the speed they're going and get in a bit later, giving me a bit of space to keep my speed going.

    Number 4, I have done by accident. If it's busy and I'm fixing my focus on the cars around me and driving safely, I won't notice if someone wants to come in and has indicated but has no actual reason to. If they've got a stretch of road ahead of them, I'll sometimes drive past in my lane before I realise, then I feel a bit guilty.

    For me, it has to be people who don't look at mini roundabouts, or who look and pull out anyway. I need to live somewhere without roundabouts. Of course, since they're small I'm always plenty close enough to glare at the other person as I slam on my brakes for them.
  • KJVBear33
    You know what I LOVE doing?

    When people tailgate me I start to go JUST the speed limit (i usually always am over shush) and then when they go into the other lane to go past me i speed up so they can't :laugh: it is actually the funniest thing ever.

    Love it too!! I hate to be on the recieving end though when someone does it to me........so I am willing to admit to contradiction here........but I even slow down even more so than the speed limit, especially if its a one lane road. Then when it opens up and they try to pass me, I usually like to speed up to get in front of them. Then when they try to move, I move again to be in front of them. Totally did this just to piss off this guy behind me who thought it was funny to tailgate.

    Thats actually another I despise.........tailgating.......if someone does that to me, I slam on the breaks. Cause this one person to get scared out of her mind so much to honk the horn at me............as if that would do anything.
  • KimmieBrie
    KimmieBrie Posts: 825 Member
    Happened just this morning... People who decide to just suddenly stop in a driving lane to let someone out with NO directional or hazards on - just stop in the middle of lane @ a green light. Rude all about me driving at its best. My husband laid on the horn as we barely had room to get around them due to them non signalling/warning. Guy didn't even look up.

    Pedestrians who walk against no walk signals like turtles - if you're in such a rush you can't wait than hurry the F across the St already!
  • libland
    libland Posts: 285 Member
    People who throw their cigarette butts out the car window. Why do they think that is okay?
  • BeautyFromPain
    BeautyFromPain Posts: 4,952 Member
    You know what I LOVE doing?

    When people tailgate me I start to go JUST the speed limit (i usually always am over shush) and then when they go into the other lane to go past me i speed up so they can't :laugh: it is actually the funniest thing ever.

    Love it too!! I hate to be on the recieving end though when someone does it to me........so I am willing to admit to contradiction here........but I even slow down even more so than the speed limit, especially if its a one lane road. Then when it opens up and they try to pass me, I usually like to speed up to get in front of them. Then when they try to move, I move again to be in front of them. Totally did this just to piss off this guy behind me who thought it was funny to tailgate.

    Thats actually another I despise.........tailgating.......if someone does that to me, I slam on the breaks. Cause this one person to get scared out of her mind so much to honk the horn at me............as if that would do anything.

    Which is why I don't tailgate people :P
  • asgard825
    asgard825 Posts: 1,516 Member
    Stop sign observance--

    STOP LOOK GO!!!!

    NOT STOP LOOK and then creeeeppp thru annoyingly!!!!!

    Jus' sayin'
  • JamesonsMommy
    JamesonsMommy Posts: 771 Member

    5. People who tend to sit in their cars in parking lots until you move along to find a different spot before they leave..........one day this lady, in my gym parking lot, did this.........she tried to get me to move along and yet she was going on her way out of the parking lot heading for home. She waved at me to go on ahead and I waved at her to come out.......took at least 5 minutes to get this woman to move

    :laugh: I have totally done this just to piss people off. It really annoys me when people have to "wait" for the closest spot to open up...just park somewhere and walk, you'd probably get to your destination faster than waiting for that car to move.

    guilty here too... especially on major shopping days like black friday :) It's even more fun when you have a great parking spot.. I've been known to sit in my car just long enough to give people hope then get out and shop some more :)
  • saragato
    saragato Posts: 1,154
    1. Tailgaters. My father was notorious for this. If he thought someone was going too slow (aka the speed limit) or they somehow made him mad he would ride their bumper well past where we should have changed directions just so he could aggravate them.

    2. People who honk the horn at you the very second the light changes to green. Yes you have a good reflex on that horn, give my foot two more seconds for the gas pedal.

    3. Texting and driving. I have seen drunk people keep in their lanes better. Same could be said for some folks who talk on the phone and drive.

    4. Anyone with a sound system cranked up to allow the bass to rattle the center of the earth. Only thing worse would be if their music contained little more than the F-bomb, the n-word, and b*tch. I listen to my share of hip hop and other genres that don't exactly have clean lyrics but does everyone within a 3 block radius need to hear it too?

    And I agree about the whole no one letting you into their lane thing. People where I live are pretty bad about it and you basically have to wait until the lane's empty or a dozen cars have gone by before you get a kind soul behind the wheel. It's pretty much why one of our interstates is a notorious death trap. A lot of 18-wheelers use it and when the 2 lanes converge to 1 the cars won't let them through and so they just barrel on in and end up smearing people on the road.
  • JenaePavlak
    JenaePavlak Posts: 350 Member
    You guys are *kitten*.. If you just moved over like you should in the first place.. no one would tailgate you.. try checking your rear view mirror.. if you have 15 cars behind you and none in front of you... I sure hope your getting tailgated!
  • AmandaK3
    I hate when you can't find parking and there's no spots left, and then you see that some idiot has used up two spots and forgot how to park. UGH.

    Hahaha...big pet peeve for me too. On one occasion I have left a note on windshields stating "wow, you are so awesome at parking! I can't believe I am witness to such an amazing event. I'm also so glad that now your 1995 Dodge Caravan with the wood panelling won't get it's door dinged"

    I wish I would have been there to see the look on their face when they read it.

    When I was in college I use to drive a little beat up Ford Escort with a sun roof, and when I pulled into the parkade at school I saw someone taking 2 spots...so I actually managed to SQEEZE my little car into the spot beside the idiot taking 2 spots. I actually has to exit my car via the sunroof, but it was well worth it. When I got back to my car after classes they guy was waiting because he couldn't get out. haha. He was so mad, and all I could do was laugh and tell him maybe next time he shouldn't be such a tool, and that if he likes I could teach him how to park. :) That memory still makes me smile.
  • Jipples
    Jipples Posts: 663 Member
    People who drive 20 mph in the merging lane into traffic doing 70. The merging lane is long so that you can get up to traffic speed as$holes!!!
  • jamesblood13
    jamesblood13 Posts: 175 Member
    People that don't indicate...

    Driving along and the person in front pretty much slows to a stop, before turning into a Cul-De-Sac or something...not only dangerous, but bloody annoying.

    I love just shouting at other drivers while in my car. Definately relieves a lot of stress. I'm not even an agressive driver.
  • KimmieBrie
    KimmieBrie Posts: 825 Member
    People who throw their cigarette butts out the car window. Why do they think that is okay?

    It's not just smokers - really look at the side of the highway - it's cans, bottles, trash - I mean really - it's disgusting. You shouldn't throw ANYTHING out the window.