Worst pet peeve while driving..........



  • DS67ATX
    DS67ATX Posts: 289
    Stupid drivers and there's plenty of them.
  • anelahm
    anelahm Posts: 237 Member
    -old people. sorry.
    -people who dont understand that its ok to make a right turn on a red light
    -people who pull out 100ft infront of me when im going 50mph and theres no one behind me...seriously, they cant wait ONE FREAKING SECOND till i pass and not risk both our safety?! GAWD!!
  • mickyjg
    Not sure there's enough space on here to record all mine so I'll just list a few in no particular order of preference

    1)People who think that going five miles above the speed limit is WAY too slow for them and act like you are holding them back from going 100 (yeah, okay, I am exaggerating but still)

    2. People who don't go the speed limit

    3. People who don't go the speed limit but suddenly speed up once you try to move around them so you can't (but then again, I would be contradicting myself since, I too, hate to be on the recieving end........still doesnt mean I dislike it, it means that I am more mindful of this one so I don't do it to others and usually I don't unless they are being *kitten*)

    4. People who won't let you into their lane and make you get behind them

    5. People who tend to sit in their cars in parking lots until you move along to find a different spot before they leave..........one day this lady, in my gym parking lot, did this.........she tried to get me to move along and yet she was going on her way out of the parking lot heading for home. She waved at me to go on ahead and I waved at her to come out.......took at least 5 minutes to get this woman to move

    6.people who park RIGHT behind you in a NON parking spot, therefore pinning you in because you can't move to either side due to a car next to you and the curb on the other side.

    7. People who don't check their lights are working when driving in the dark causing you to almost run into them

    8. People who don't use their signal light when turning off the road, changing lanes or turning off roundabouts

    9. People who use their mobile phones when driving (IT'S DANGEROUS YOU ASSHATS)

    10. People who play their stereos so loud they must burst their eardrums

    11. Wagon drivers who block all the lanes to other traffic because they are trying to overtake each other at 30mph

    12. Tailgaters

    and that's just a tiny portion of my list
  • skinnieminniemouse
    I hate it when you let somebody out and they don't even say thank you. How rude!
  • seal57
    seal57 Posts: 1,259 Member
    Arseholes who don't indicate.....
    Arseholes who brake before they indicate.....
    Arseholes who talk on the phone while driving....today I past a young mum who had her 2 kids in the back seat and she was talking on the phone and SHE was wondering why I kept looking at her......
    Arseholes that instead of pulling over and get of the road to look at something, just slow to a snails pace......
  • Sox90716
    Sox90716 Posts: 976 Member
    People who text while driving and camping out in the passing lane.
  • kag1526
    kag1526 Posts: 210 Member
    -old people. sorry.
    -people who dont understand that its ok to make a right turn on a red light
    -people who pull out 100ft infront of me when im going 50mph and theres no one behind me...seriously, they cant wait ONE FREAKING SECOND till i pass and not risk both our safety?! GAWD!!

    For that last one there are alot of old people here that will at times when there are barely any cars wait a minute or more when no one was in front of you or behind you to pull out just in front of you. They could ahve gone sooner, or waited a second but no they have to do that. Then they drive 10 mph under the speed limit.

    As for the one about sitting in your car. Here is the thing, sometimes I just plan to sit in my car for a minute. I often get in my car and then check my phone and text or call someone before I start driving (most parking lots are really windy so I don't want to try and hear over that and I'm not going to drive while I'm talking) I hate people waiting for my spot and not taking the others further back (parking lots around here are much larger then they need to be for the people typically in them, unless its like a week before Christmas so its not that they can't find a spot they are just wanting a close one) So sometimes I will take longer due to this, and I definitely won't take less time.
  • kag1526
    kag1526 Posts: 210 Member
    Oh I forgot. People that don't use their headlights in heavy rain. I know its not technically illegal not to in my stupid state (although it is in the state 10 min from me) but still its kind of dumb since it gets really foggy when it rains and NO ONE CAN SEE YOU.

    Also old people who have so bad eyes and or are too short (in their large car) to see where they are going. This includes my own mother that admitted to me that she couldn't see over the steering wheel in her car and looks though the hole under the steering wheel to see.

    Oh and people that drive huge cars and can't park straight. I don't always park perfectly straight but my car is tiny so I'm still between the lines. If your car is huge you don't get this luxury.
  • DogsK
    DogsK Posts: 94
    People who completely drive through stop signs Ch89 Sec9 $100.00 ;-)
    Only $100? ARR 67.total expiation fee $421 down this neck of the woods. My pet peeve, drivers with their seats laid so far back they cant possably see over the dashboard whilst they have one arm hanging out the window
  • monkeymouse74
    I have most of these pet peeves, but one that I haven't seen yet (forgive me if it has been said). Is when people dont dim there brights when approaching at night! The temptation is to blind them back, but what good is two blind drivers passing eachother at high speed...I will however flash my lights to warn them, but by that time it's too late anyway.:explode:

    And to the person who said they live in Aus and hog the left lane, you ARE WRONG!!!!!!! I live in Aus too, and the left lane is meant for PASSING!!! Not cruising!:explode:

    And the person who slows down and then speeds up when the person behind her tries to pass :noway: You need to go back to driving lessons and learn how to behave on the roads!!!

    And the person who thinks it's funny to sit in the car in a car park so that the person who is waiting for your parking moves on before you leave, Nasty piece of work!:angry:
  • lorro
    lorro Posts: 917 Member
    Aggressive driving. I usually wave or stick my tongue out - drives them even more crazy. Lol
  • BeautyFromPain
    BeautyFromPain Posts: 4,952 Member
    I have most of these pet peeves, but one that I haven't seen yet (forgive me if it has been said). Is when people dont dim there brights when approaching at night! The temptation is to blind them back, but what good is two blind drivers passing eachother at high speed...I will however flash my lights to warn them, but by that time it's too late anyway.:explode:

    And to the person who said they live in Aus and hog the left lane, you ARE WRONG!!!!!!! I live in Aus too, and the left lane is meant for PASSING!!! Not cruising!:explode:

    i dunno where in australia you live but where I am there are signs EVERYWHERE that if you are not in the left hand lane unless overtaking you can get fined and have seen quite a few get fined...

    And the person who slows down and then speeds up when the person behind her tries to pass :noway: You need to go back to driving lessons and learn how to behave on the roads!!!

    when you are going above the speed limit and someone is tailgating the **** outta me, yeah i am gonna go down to the speed limit. maybe THEY should learn to behave and stay the whole 3 seconds behind my car?

    And the person who thinks it's funny to sit in the car in a car park so that the person who is waiting for your parking moves on before you leave, Nasty piece of work!:angry:
  • monkeymouse74
    I have most of these pet peeves, but one that I haven't seen yet (forgive me if it has been said). Is when people dont dim there brights when approaching at night! The temptation is to blind them back, but what good is two blind drivers passing eachother at high speed...I will however flash my lights to warn them, but by that time it's too late anyway.:explode:

    And to the person who said they live in Aus and hog the left lane, you ARE WRONG!!!!!!! I live in Aus too, and the left lane is meant for PASSING!!! Not cruising!:explode:

    i dunno where in australia you live but where I am there are signs EVERYWHERE that if you are not in the left hand lane unless overtaking you can get fined and have seen quite a few get fined...

    And the person who slows down and then speeds up when the person behind her tries to pass :noway: You need to go back to driving lessons and learn how to behave on the roads!!!

    when you are going above the speed limit and someone is tailgating the **** outta me, yeah i am gonna go down to the speed limit. maybe THEY should learn to behave and stay the whole 3 seconds behind my car?

    And the person who thinks it's funny to sit in the car in a car park so that the person who is waiting for your parking moves on before you leave, Nasty piece of work!:angry:

    Sorry, I meant right lane.:blushing: Got caught up in the passing lane. LOL. If you're in the cruising lane then you have every right to drive at a comfortable speed. It's a very different story in the passing lane (which is our right lane), I get out the way when I see a car approaching, that is driving faster than me.

    If someone is tailgating you, stay at the speed limit, but dont speed up when they try to pass!!! I never tailgate, but if the person who was tailgating me finally decides to pass, I'm not going to make it difficult and potentially cause an accident. I'd rather be rid of them anyway!
  • carlie_carl
    the thing I despise most is people who dont indicate! grrr they make me go green!!
  • aimibean
    aimibean Posts: 243
    People who take FOREVER to set off at traffic lights when they go green. It takes like a second to lift your foot off your brake & onto your accelerator!

    People who drive in the middle/end lane on the motorway despite there being no reason to.

    People who come to a stop at roundabouts when they don't need to.

    People who drive 20 miles under the speed limit.

    The list goes on!
  • FadedFreckles
    FadedFreckles Posts: 81 Member
    Braking before turning on the turn signal. The turn signal is suppose to be a warning to those behind you that you are going to brake!!!! Also turning the turn signal on half way thru the turn...kinda already figured it out!! Really I just can't stand other drivers or people in general, I believe this stems from working with the public my entire life.

    No, the turn signal indicates your intent to turn. Brake lights are a warning that you are braking. If you are too close to the other driver to respond in time then your driving is at fault not theirs. What would you do if they pressed the brake on a straight road?
  • Artemis726
    Artemis726 Posts: 587 Member
    1) People who pull out in front of me when there is no one in back of me, causing me to have to slow down. Which is just awesome because they were in 'such a hurry' that they go 5 miles below the speed limit...

    2) People who smoke in the car with kids

    3) Not signaling until they are right on top of the turn, especially since I was being considerate and not pulling a #1

    4) Not getting out of the passing lane when you are done passing. My DH does this and it drives me nuts.

    5) Speeding around parking lots

    6) People who tailgate when I am already over the speed limit or when the roads are bad
  • laurastrait21
    laurastrait21 Posts: 307 Member
    Tailgaters and litterbugs. Get right!
  • AnarchoGen
    AnarchoGen Posts: 400 Member
    ridiculously old people who shouldn't be operating a motor vehicle
  • calliope_music
    calliope_music Posts: 1,242 Member
    1. people who turn left on red. wtf.

    2. people who creep into the intersection thinking it's going to make the light change. most of the lights here are on timers and can't be triggered by cars. back the eff up, people.

    3. people who speed in school zones!

    4. people who pull out in front of me and then proceed to go 15 mph in a 40. omg, gtfo my way!