Worst pet peeve while driving..........



  • AmandaK3
    You guys are *kitten*.. If you just moved over like you should in the first place.. no one would tailgate you.. try checking your rear view mirror.. if you have 15 cars behind you and none in front of you... I sure hope your getting tailgated!


    It's called a PASSING LANE for a reason.
  • challengeaccepted
    Asshats who don't use their signal lights.
    Asshats who drive less then speedlimit on the left lane.
    Asshats who could move out of the left lane to allow you to pass, but don't give a single ****.
    Asshats who text while driving.
  • KJVBear33
    You know what I LOVE doing?

    When people tailgate me I start to go JUST the speed limit (i usually always am over shush) and then when they go into the other lane to go past me i speed up so they can't :laugh: it is actually the funniest thing ever.

    Love it too!! I hate to be on the recieving end though when someone does it to me........so I am willing to admit to contradiction here........but I even slow down even more so than the speed limit, especially if its a one lane road. Then when it opens up and they try to pass me, I usually like to speed up to get in front of them. Then when they try to move, I move again to be in front of them. Totally did this just to piss off this guy behind me who thought it was funny to tailgate.

    Thats actually another I despise.........tailgating.......if someone does that to me, I slam on the breaks. Cause this one person to get scared out of her mind so much to honk the horn at me............as if that would do anything.

    Which is why I don't tailgate people :P

    Amen........I don't tailgate........or I try to not tailgate...........if I do, I signal that they are going too slow.........if they don't respond with a burst of speed, I back off!
  • challengeaccepted
    Asshats who don't use their signal lights.
    Asshats who drive less then speedlimit on the left lane.
    Asshats who could move out of the left lane to allow you to pass, but don't give a single *kitten*.
    Asshats who text while driving.
  • WingMan380
    WingMan380 Posts: 2,139 Member

    5. People who tend to sit in their cars in parking lots until you move along to find a different spot before they leave..........one day this lady, in my gym parking lot, did this.........she tried to get me to move along and yet she was going on her way out of the parking lot heading for home. She waved at me to go on ahead and I waved at her to come out.......took at least 5 minutes to get this woman to move

    :laugh: I have totally done this just to piss people off. It really annoys me when people have to "wait" for the closest spot to open up...just park somewhere and walk, you'd probably get to your destination faster than waiting for that car to move.

    ^^ This.

    Why do people stress out about finding a close parking space so they wont have far to walk and then go in the store and walk for hours??
  • BeautyFromPain
    BeautyFromPain Posts: 4,952 Member
    You guys are *kitten*.. If you just moved over like you should in the first place.. no one would tailgate you.. try checking your rear view mirror.. if you have 15 cars behind you and none in front of you... I sure hope your getting tailgated!

    umm, js i'm always in the left hand lane :S and that's a load of bs where i live all that people do is speed like hoons. if i'm going the speed limit and know there is a speed camera 20 metres ahead i'm not going above the speed limit for anything?

    ETA: i live in aus so left lane is the passing lane
  • taso42
    taso42 Posts: 8,980 Member
    Anyone driving slower than you is an *kitten*. Anyone driving faster than you is a maniac.
  • dedication6
    dedication6 Posts: 184 Member
    Braking before turning on the turn signal. The turn signal is suppose to be a warning to those behind you that you are going to brake!!!! Also turning the turn signal on half way thru the turn...kinda already figured it out!! Really I just can't stand other drivers or people in general, I believe this stems from working with the public my entire life.
  • KimmieBrie
    KimmieBrie Posts: 825 Member

    5. People who tend to sit in their cars in parking lots until you move along to find a different spot before they leave..........one day this lady, in my gym parking lot, did this.........she tried to get me to move along and yet she was going on her way out of the parking lot heading for home. She waved at me to go on ahead and I waved at her to come out.......took at least 5 minutes to get this woman to move

    :laugh: I have totally done this just to piss people off. It really annoys me when people have to "wait" for the closest spot to open up...just park somewhere and walk, you'd probably get to your destination faster than waiting for that car to move.

    ^^ This.

    Why do people stress out about finding a close parking space so they wont have far to walk and then go in the store and walk for hours??

    I agree. I hate the parking lot stalkers. I park in the back and walk - it's better for me. Unless you're handicapped, parking lot stalking is pure laziness - especially in smaller lots.
  • KJVBear33
    You guys are *kitten*.. If you just moved over like you should in the first place.. no one would tailgate you.. try checking your rear view mirror.. if you have 15 cars behind you and none in front of you... I sure hope your getting tailgated!


    It's called a PASSING LANE for a reason.

    I don't think we are *kitten*..........I think we are making a lot of sense here..........if you are going the speed limit.........even five miles ABOVE the speed limit and someone is tailgating.........that is a huge problem. Its people that are tailgating that is the problem in that scenario because they think of themselves as a nascar driver who seems to think that if you aren't going 100 mph, then you are going too slow. 15 cars or not.........if there are that many behind us, it just means the road is a normally busy one.......and if its bumper to bumper, then they have the same problem as the person behind you whose tailgating.
  • KJVBear33

    5. People who tend to sit in their cars in parking lots until you move along to find a different spot before they leave..........one day this lady, in my gym parking lot, did this.........she tried to get me to move along and yet she was going on her way out of the parking lot heading for home. She waved at me to go on ahead and I waved at her to come out.......took at least 5 minutes to get this woman to move

    :laugh: I have totally done this just to piss people off. It really annoys me when people have to "wait" for the closest spot to open up...just park somewhere and walk, you'd probably get to your destination faster than waiting for that car to move.

    ^^ This.

    Why do people stress out about finding a close parking space so they wont have far to walk and then go in the store and walk for hours??

    I agree. I hate the parking lot stalkers. I park in the back and walk - it's better for me. Unless you're handicapped, parking lot stalking is pure laziness - especially in smaller lots.

    Depends though..........if there is a good reason for it, then I say more power to them to wait for you to leave so they can have the spot. However, if they look as though they aren't in any hurry at all.......nothing physically wrong with them........nor is the weather cold......then I do agree its pure laziness on their part
  • delilah47
    delilah47 Posts: 1,658
    People who think it's okay to cruise along in the PASSING lane on the Interstate. Did you ever see the sign "KEEP RIGHT EXCEPT TO PASS"? That means you. You aren't the police and it's not your job to keep everyone under the speed limit by driving in the passing lane. Even if you are exceeding the speed limit, pass if you are passing, then get TF over into the right lane unless ther is a line of slow cars. If you are in the passing lane and someone comes up behind you, you are supposed to MOVE OVER and not force them to pass on the right. Otherwise, you have people zipping by on right and left and trying to merge back over and that's when YOU are causing an accident. Ahhh.. I feel so much better now!
  • asgard825
    asgard825 Posts: 1,516 Member
    You guys are *kitten*.. If you just moved over like you should in the first place.. no one would tailgate you.. try checking your rear view mirror.. if you have 15 cars behind you and none in front of you... I sure hope your getting tailgated!

  • luv_lea
    luv_lea Posts: 1,094 Member
    Other drivers who go 15-20 miles UNDER the speed limit. It's their right to go whatever speed they want to go, but it seems to always happen when I'm not able to pass, and I'm not the most patient person in the world.

    And yeah, people who are going slow and then speed up when I go to pass them.....that pisses me off more than anything!!

    When people honk at me for not automatically going on a green light....as in seconds after it turning green. If there aren't a lot of cars behind them, I have been known to sit there even longer to really give them a reason to honk at me. Jerks. (this has happened a lot in my area; apparently there are people more impatient than I am...haha)
  • dedication6
    dedication6 Posts: 184 Member
    Stop sign observance--

    STOP LOOK GO!!!!

    NOT STOP LOOK and then creeeeppp thru annoyingly!!!!!

    Jus' sayin'

    There was a time I agreed with you on this...then I got a ticket for "not yielding at a stop sign". Which means...you STOP at the sign, and then creep forward before taking off!! BS, I know!
  • KimmieBrie
    KimmieBrie Posts: 825 Member
    You guys are *kitten*.. If you just moved over like you should in the first place.. no one would tailgate you.. try checking your rear view mirror.. if you have 15 cars behind you and none in front of you... I sure hope your getting tailgated!


    It's called a PASSING LANE for a reason.

    I don't think we are *kitten*..........I think we are making a lot of sense here..........if you are going the speed limit.........even five miles ABOVE the speed limit and someone is tailgating.........that is a huge problem. Its people that are tailgating that is the problem in that scenario because they think of themselves as a nascar driver who seems to think that if you aren't going 100 mph, then you are going too slow. 15 cars or not.........if there are that many behind us, it just means the road is a normally busy one.......and if its bumper to bumper, then they have the same problem as the person behind you whose tailgating.

    (strictly talking multilane highways here) Here the left highway lanes are actually passing lanes and you are supposed to move over if someone is trying to pass. It's called common courtesy. It's really none of your business why someone wants to pass... you aren't the police... maybe they have an emergency, maybe they DO think they're a nascar driver, heck maybe they are one, who cares? I have seen people clog up all the lanes with free sailing in front of them because they are all going the same speed and all refuse to move. It's stupid - and the people who refuse to move do so simply because they are stubborn and really for no other reason but they think they own the lane and omg why should they have to move over? Geez people even are slow to get out of a cops way - probably because they are too distracted by their texting or whatever else is more important.
  • CoryIda
    CoryIda Posts: 7,887 Member
    1) Not using turn signals
    2) Waiting until the last possible minute to get into the correct lane

    Yep, that's about it. I am not a very cranky driver.
  • saragato
    saragato Posts: 1,154
    You guys are *kitten*.. If you just moved over like you should in the first place.. no one would tailgate you.. try checking your rear view mirror.. if you have 15 cars behind you and none in front of you... I sure hope your getting tailgated!


    It's called a PASSING LANE for a reason.

    I don't think we are *kitten*..........I think we are making a lot of sense here..........if you are going the speed limit.........even five miles ABOVE the speed limit and someone is tailgating.........that is a huge problem. Its people that are tailgating that is the problem in that scenario because they think of themselves as a nascar driver who seems to think that if you aren't going 100 mph, then you are going too slow. 15 cars or not.........if there are that many behind us, it just means the road is a normally busy one.......and if its bumper to bumper, then they have the same problem as the person behind you whose tailgating.

    Regardless of the actual situation, tailgaters are a hazard. Because of them being so close, if you slow down or stop, chances are they will rear-end you. My father went through many cars back in the day because he did this and when the one he was tailgating would stop at a red light or slow to turn, even with signal, he didn't have the room to stop without impact.

    If people going too slow in a lane or section of the road you think they ought to be going faster in, either speed up and get in front of them or roll your eyes and get over it. Don't decide to ride their bumper in hopes they'll quit being an *kitten* and speed up themselves. Chances are the person doesn't give a crap that you're behind them.
  • trixirn
    trixirn Posts: 130 Member

    5. People who tend to sit in their cars in parking lots until you move along to find a different spot before they leave..........one day this lady, in my gym parking lot, did this.........she tried to get me to move along and yet she was going on her way out of the parking lot heading for home. She waved at me to go on ahead and I waved at her to come out.......took at least 5 minutes to get this woman to move

    :laugh: I have totally done this just to piss people off. It really annoys me when people have to "wait" for the closest spot to open up...just park somewhere and walk, you'd probably get to your destination faster than waiting for that car to move.
    Umm, maybe there are no other parking spots?
  • monroe61
    monroe61 Posts: 620 Member
    I hate when you can't find parking and there's no spots left, and then you see that some idiot has used up two spots and forgot how to park. UGH.

    Hahaha...big pet peeve for me too. On one occasion I have left a note on windshields stating "wow, you are so awesome at parking! I can't believe I am witness to such an amazing event. I'm also so glad that now your 1995 Dodge Caravan with the wood panelling won't get it's door dinged"

    I wish I would have been there to see the look on their face when they read it.

    When I was in college I use to drive a little beat up Ford Escort with a sun roof, and when I pulled into the parkade at school I saw someone taking 2 spots...so I actually managed to SQEEZE my little car into the spot beside the idiot taking 2 spots. I actually has to exit my car via the sunroof, but it was well worth it. When I got back to my car after classes they guy was waiting because he couldn't get out. haha. He was so mad, and all I could do was laugh and tell him maybe next time he shouldn't be such a tool, and that if he likes I could teach him how to park. :) That memory still makes me smile.

    You are awesome!!!