NEED HELP! dieting and exercise not working.



  • EatClenTrenHard
    EatClenTrenHard Posts: 339 Member
    Would choose whooper over the lower picture anyday/anytime.

    Vegetable diets failed me couple times, because all the willpower and dedication in the world wont stop you from cheating with mcdonalds.
  • lewandt
    lewandt Posts: 566
    I think your exercise calories are way too high. 4 minutes on a bike 94 cals? I burn about 200 working 30 minutes or more on a bike. You have a lot of 6 minutes here and 8 minutes there. You should shoot for a steady 20 minutes on one thing if you can.

    Also, are you weighing or measuring your food? That can make a huge difference too.
  • Lozze
    Lozze Posts: 1,917 Member
    I think your exercise calories are way too high. 4 minutes on a bike 94 cals? I burn about 200 working 30 minutes or more on a bike. You have a lot of 6 minutes here and 8 minutes there. You should shoot for a steady 20 minutes on one thing if you can.

    She's at home with a young child. As long as the exercise is happening it doesn't matter if it's all at once or broken up. I agree with it being too high though. I do elliptical for five hard minutes and it's about 60 cals. (HRM)
  • AngelsheriHackley
    AngelsheriHackley Posts: 67 Member
    Ok I looked at your diary and from what I can see you need to change your diet and increase your workouts. Your consuming too many carbs, try eating plain oatmeal and one whole fruit for breakfast a lean cuisine and small salad with fruit for lunch ( light dressing) And fish or a protein with veggies for dinner. snacks should be sugar free jello, sugar free Popsicles, snacks 100 calories per serving once a Day only, . Drink 10 glasses of water daily and workout use the elliptical for 45 mins 5 days a week. Also lift light weights three times a week and do Zumba for fun.. Don't give up this is what helped me lose 40 pounds and it will do the same for you. Also go to www.plussizedivaslimsdown you will learn so much from her.. God bless you and hang in there
  • milaxx
    milaxx Posts: 1,122 Member
    I understand you are busy, but I never use the the quick as calories. I find when you have a lot to lose those macro nutrients are really important and can factor in greatly. if you don;t have time to add specific food, find one in the database that closely resembles what you are eating. Also even if you do not add salt to your food, the processed foods you eat like lunch meat, subway, pizza hut, etc... are full of sodium and sugar. Expand your diary to monitor your sodium. I would also recommend getting more fresh food and vegetables in your diet. As for water, your body NEEDS it and while you may not like water, you indeed drink it. I am not a fan of chemical additives, but will on occasion add a bit of lemon or peppermint leaves (in cheesecloth) to my water. If you at a minimum drink a glass of water when you awaken, and before each meal you will eat less and feel fuller. Combined with fresh fruit and veg, you will feel full and lose.
    the quick added calories are from things i wouldn't find in the database, but i ALWAYS used the label to get my info and i didn't add the rest of the info such as sodium fat and everything because i have a 1.5 yr old and don't always have the time, also mfp never seemed to save the info one the few that i did complete. also i dont drink pop or anything, i do have juice because i just cant force myself to drink water, its ALWAYS tasted and smelled like fish to me, even bottled yes i know i need to drink more water and i try hard. i also don't use any salt on my food anymore, other then whats it in already. the ice cream and chocolate were valentines day and well another part of the month that i just couldn't resist it. i know my food's aren't as healthy as they could be but compared to what i use to eat they are amazing and iv new to this so i don't really know much about making up a healthy diet another thing i need help on. also for everyone telling me to do weights, i don't have access to any. memberships are really expensive and i have no one to watch my kid while i go. also for the few who think this is about loosing weight for vanity its not. i have a child and im over weight, i cant play with her with out getting winded or tired, that's not fair to her or to myself so im doing this for her and for my health. the weight thing is just a bonus, but its confusing because i don't understand why doing what i have been doing helped me loose the weight and though i haven't changed what im doing im gaining it all back.

    i am thankful for all the advice and if someone would like to email me a list of healthier foods and where to get them in Canada that would be awesome. if you could even send me a link to a site that could automatically generate me a menu plan for the month or something i would follow it. i just find soooooo many different solutions and options on here and any other site that its just more confusing. im trying it might not seem like much to a lot of you but to me it really has been a huge change in life style. i am open to all suggestions though.
  • demhareis
    My recommendation: Don't drop your caloric limit. Reduce your carbs by maybe one or two serves, but up those veggies by a good three serves, adding a lot more variety than you're currently getting.

    Here's why I think this:

    You seem to be getting enough carbs, proteins and fruit. (Maybe a touch too many carbs. you only need about 4-5 a day, and it looks like you're getting about 8.)

    You're not getting nearly enough veggies, and most of them are the same thing over and over (really, how much cauliflower can one eat? You're a champion in that one!)

    You need to eat at least five serves of veggies a day, and a wide variety. Sure, cauli is a veggie, but it's not a complete whole food for humans, with the right balance of vitamins.

    I don't recommend you drop your calories, though. I believe that's not your problem.

    I think what may be happening is that you've entered a variation of Starvation Mode. Sure, you're getting enough calories for your body to do what it needs to do in a day, but are you getting a good balance of vitamins and minerals? Probably not.

    When our bodies don't get enough of *all* the right vitamins, minerals and other nutritional goodies we need for optimal health, it'll stop functioning at it's best.

    Weight loss happen when the body reaches two different points:
    1. there's not enough calories to sustain the body, so it dips into its fat stores (and muscle stores, etc). This is Survival Mode, known to our pre-20th Century ancestors as Winter Mode, the body doing its best to stay alive. Alas, this can bring all sorts of other health issues, such as Scurvy, etc, in extreme cases.

    2. The body is receiving consistent, well-balanced nutrition over a long period of time. As it doesn't need its fat stores, it's happy to let them go.

    Our metabolisms slow down when we don't receive enough of *everything* to keep them cranking away at their best. If you're not getting enough of the vitamins and minerals found in vast quantities in vegetables, your body's not operating at its best. Then you're pumping in all these carbohydrates, that take care of your energy needs, and your personal stores of fat aren't being used up.

    Everything else you're eating seems to be fine. But go more veggies. How about adding a few mushrooms, tomatoes or red bell peppers to your eggs in the mornings? How about adding a garden salad to dinner?

    Have a look at every meal and think, "how can I add another veggie to this?"
  • milaxx
    milaxx Posts: 1,122 Member
    That a lot of fake food. She can adjust her existing diet, by having a piece of fruit with her morning cereal. Buy a turkey breast and slice instead of lunch meat and have a small side salad or other green vegetable. If instead of junkfood she simply reaches for fresh fruit, or nuts there is no need to eat food coloring, fake jello as a snack.
    Ok I looked at your diary and from what I can see you need to change your diet and increase your workouts. Your consuming too many carbs, try eating plain oatmeal and one whole fruit for breakfast a lean cuisine and small salad with fruit for lunch ( light dressing) And fish or a protein with veggies for dinner. snacks should be sugar free jello, sugar free Popsicles, snacks 100 calories per serving once a Day only, . Drink 10 glasses of water daily and workout use the elliptical for 45 mins 5 days a week. Also lift light weights three times a week and do Zumba for fun.. Don't give up this is what helped me lose 40 pounds and it will do the same for you. Also go to www.plussizedivaslimsdown you will learn so much from her.. God bless you and hang in there
  • Switty_Kitty
    Switty_Kitty Posts: 538 Member
    Doesnt look like you're eatng enough REAL food. Stop quick adding and actually log what you eat. Quick add doesnt count Fat, Sodium or anything else, besides calories. Try to incorporate more fresh foods.

    By the way....Im a displaced blue noser...Yay NS!
  • milaxx
    milaxx Posts: 1,122 Member
    I think your exercise calories are way too high. 4 minutes on a bike 94 cals? I burn about 200 working 30 minutes or more on a bike. You have a lot of 6 minutes here and 8 minutes there. You should shoot for a steady 20 minutes on one thing if you can.

    Also, are you weighing or measuring your food? That can make a huge difference too.
    Depending on your weight, the calorie burn will be higher. I get insane calorie burns taking water aerobics. My sibling attended the same class with me and MFP recorded her burn at 100 calories less.
  • demhareis
    ... and now I've read more responses and had to add another tuppence of advice:

    As a mom who had a passel of children real close together, I found that getting alone time to exercise was impossible. For the mother of young'uns, alone time of any kind is non-existent. Even the loo is no longer private.

    So, you integrate the kids into your exercise, or integrate the exercise into the kids. Why leave them out?

    Cardo: Chasing kids about the back yard. Nobody's got energy like a two-year-old. Play active games with them. Sure, you'll be puffed after five minutes, but do your best to keep up. If it's too cold or snowy outside, simply running up and down the hallway or around and around the family room will work.

    Put on some kid's music (Wiggles, Sesame Street, what-have-you) and dance with the kids. I highly recommend this.

    Involve them. Don't leave them out of your exercise. Not only are you getting the exercise you need, but you're teaching them good habits to last a lifetime. Also, you're spending good quality time with them which brings psychological benefits as well.

    Weight training: Don't think you must go to a gym to do weights. Forget the gym*. Busy moms don't have time. But busy moms do have a their own set of free weights in their pantry cupboard. You've got cans. You've got bottles. There's your weights. Start lifting. Bicep curls. Tricep lifts.

    And there's nothing like pushups to use your own body weight.

    You've got a toddler, probably weighing 20kg. Sit your young'un on your ankles and do leg lifts. Do chest presses and shoulder presses.

    (* That said, if you're new to doing weights, I recommend you visit a gym a couple of times and get the advice from a personal trainer on how to perform free weights properly to maximise benefits and prevent injury.)

    Improvise. Adapt. Overcome.
  • bjohs
    bjohs Posts: 1,225 Member
    Would choose whooper over the lower picture anyday/anytime.

    Vegetable diets failed me couple times, because all the willpower and dedication in the world wont stop you from cheating with mcdonalds.

    Agreed. But I went from eating fast food a few times a week to maybe once a month now. All in moderation... it's okay to treat yourself once in a while. It just depends on what some people consider "once in a while". ;-)
  • zafferFL
    zafferFL Posts: 402
    Would choose whooper over the lower picture anyday/anytime.

    Vegetable diets failed me couple times, because all the willpower and dedication in the world wont stop you from cheating with mcdonalds.

    Agreed. But I went from eating fast food a few times a week to maybe once a month now. All in moderation... it's okay to treat yourself once in a while. It just depends on what some people consider "once in a while". ;-)


    you can lose weight eating junk food, but that means either eating one meal a day or exercising an insane amount to create a caloric deficit. Over 1,000 calories for one McDonalds thank you. What a waste where you could be using that to put vitamins, decent protein etc... into your body instead of ground everything with a major dose of salt.

    CLEAN food are needed by your body..this is not just about weight loss, but avoiding diabetes, heart disease and who knows what else
  • sheri144
    sheri144 Posts: 1 Member
    KansasRain- Don't give up! It's frustrating but it takes time to learn your body's needs as you force it to change...

    It's well known that everyone needs at least 8 glasses of water per day...but you (and me and anyone overweight) actually need more. I went to a nutrition doctor last year after hitting 100 lbs. overweight, and actually learned something new:

    A body at their ideal body weight requires 8 glasses of water per day to maintain healthy cell and metabolic function. For every 10 lbs. of excess weight, a body needs an extra glass of water to perform those functions!

    At 100 lbs overweight, I needed EIGHTEEN glasses (144 oz) of water a day...That's an entire gallon plus 2 glasses! That seemed unbelievably high to me, but I did it. The weight came off. I filled a gallon pitcher with ice water each morning and I made sure to drink at least that gallon every day. I noticed the days I gained weight were always the days after not drinking all my water. My water requirements have dropped as my weight has dropped. I now need 104 ounces per day, so I don't need an entire gallon anymore, but I do maintain or gain slightly on days I don't get at least 96 ounces.

    Cola is counterproductive, even diet cola sabotages weight loss. Don't know why, just know it does.
    If you can't tolerate water, you can "dress it up" a little with tea or crystal light to give it some taste, but try to get used to drinking plain works better. I find it easy to drink ice water, actually like it. But I understand your "fishy" comment as it pertains to tepid or barely chilled water. Also, drinking ice water burns a few extra calories as your body has to "warm it up" to use it. Not enough calories to count in a journal, but every calorie burned matters!

    Also, a previous post mentioned that dehydration sends the same signals as hunger. That is TRUE! When you are getting enough water you won't feel hungry in between meals.

    Just thought I'd share this as I have been stuck at plateaus and gained weight when I thought I was working so hard...this water thing actually worked and continues to work 60 lbs later!

    Once you are properly hydrated, you'll likely feel so much better and encouraged you will probably start thinking water is your favorite drink! :happy:
  • SunnyAndrsn
    SunnyAndrsn Posts: 369 Member
    Don't try to do everything at once, but as someone else suggested, shop the perimeter of the grocery store, to start with. Add a salad with dinner and some veggies at lunch. I buy a head of green leaf lettuce and some green veggies every week. Fresh green beans, broccoli, snow peas, carrots, etc.

    Try some new recipes I also have a bunch of Weight Watcher's cookbooks, and it helps to try and find lower calorie, lower fat substitutes for my old favorites. Try planning your meals and shopping accordingly. I try to eat a piece of fruit with breakfast, for example. I try to eat veggies with both lunch and supper, and keep snacks to things like a serving of pretzels (instead of chips), a serving of sorbet (instead of ice cream). I make my lattes at home with skim milk. Replace regular burgers with low fat turkey burgers, or bison burgers. If I get a french fry craving, I'll buy a bag of frozen fries and bake them--saves a ton of fat over the fast food version.

    You've made some small steps in the right direction, and it's great that you've take the first steps in logging your foods and starting to exercise. Feel free to add me as a friend. I think it's helpful to look at other people's food journals for ideas.
    the quick added calories are from things i wouldn't find in the database, but i ALWAYS used the label to get my info and i didn't add the rest of the info such as sodium fat and everything because i have a 1.5 yr old and don't always have the time, also mfp never seemed to save the info one the few that i did complete. also i dont drink pop or anything, i do have juice because i just cant force myself to drink water, its ALWAYS tasted and smelled like fish to me, even bottled yes i know i need to drink more water and i try hard. i also don't use any salt on my food anymore, other then whats it in already. the ice cream and chocolate were valentines day and well another part of the month that i just couldn't resist it. i know my food's aren't as healthy as they could be but compared to what i use to eat they are amazing and iv new to this so i don't really know much about making up a healthy diet another thing i need help on. also for everyone telling me to do weights, i don't have access to any. memberships are really expensive and i have no one to watch my kid while i go. also for the few who think this is about loosing weight for vanity its not. i have a child and im over weight, i cant play with her with out getting winded or tired, that's not fair to her or to myself so im doing this for her and for my health. the weight thing is just a bonus, but its confusing because i don't understand why doing what i have been doing helped me loose the weight and though i haven't changed what im doing im gaining it all back.

    i am thankful for all the advice and if someone would like to email me a list of healthier foods and where to get them in Canada that would be awesome. if you could even send me a link to a site that could automatically generate me a menu plan for the month or something i would follow it. i just find soooooo many different solutions and options on here and any other site that its just more confusing. im trying it might not seem like much to a lot of you but to me it really has been a huge change in life style. i am open to all suggestions though.
  • HonkyTonks
    HonkyTonks Posts: 1,193 Member
    How much have you gained back exactly? That's a pretty crucial key to the puzzle. You can get a few pounds in fluid coming up to your period, or if you've eaten a lot of salt or more carbohydrates than usual. Probably best to give it a bit longer before freaking out too much.

    Secondly, if you do feel you are gaining and have been for a while then you are miscalculating somewhere along the way. Weight loss is pretty simple, calories in vs calories out. I would focus on ensuring you are calculating the correct number of calories in, and not overestimating your calories out.
  • chuckleswk
    chuckleswk Posts: 13 Member
    I saw in there several times that you are eating out. Those meals are going to severally kill your diet....even if it's just one. It also doesn't list your water intake. If I were you, I would lower your caloric intake to close to 1600 and keep exercising and then go from there. The worst thing for your diet is McDonalds and Pizza Hut and other such fast food restaurants. If we are feeling pizza, we have a chain here that uses everything fresh and cuts it all themselves called ZPizza. We also have dropped the buns if we want a burger and eat out at Smashburger building our own meal and food so that we stay within out calories (the wife is doing it with me). I would also suggest weighing your food (which is what we've gone to). Hope that this helps. Feel free to add/message me anytime.
  • carriecarrot
    carriecarrot Posts: 70 Member
    I am going to be blunt. Based on what you said about your current exercise habits and how many exercise calories your diary says you are earning... I think that maybe you are overestimating how many calories you have burned. When you do the girl push ups and use myfitnesspal to record the calories--do you differentiate between real push ups and girl push ups when recording the calories burned? Do you think it is possible that you overestimate on how long or (if running) how fast you are doing the exercise? Also, it is possible to overestimate on how much effort you put into the exercise. I say this because I have noticed for myself, that exercise calories are much harder to accurately track than calories consumed. For instance, I played tennis for two hours, and put in 120 minutes of playing tennis. I don't remember the exact amount of calories myfitnesspal said I burned, but I knew it wasn't accurate because there were times when I was resting (waiting for serve, in between points, picking up scattered balls around the court) and not running around and hitting tennis balls for the entire 2 hours. So I changed it to an hr of tennis, knowing that at least half of that was spent actually running and hitting the ball. My point is, the diary can overestimate how many calories you burned due to input errors. If you went swimming, you have to put in separate exercise entries for treading, light swimming, backstrone, breaststroke, etc because putting in swimming (general) for 3 hours is likely to get you a highly skewed number and claim you burned over 100 calories lol
  • KansasRain
    UPDATE: at the first post i mentioned i lost SEVEN POUNDS in about 1.5 weeks and that since then even though i had changed what i was doing to loose those pounds i gained them. I STARTED at 290 after i lost the seven pounds i was 283 then the weight came back and i was at 289 TODAY i weighed in at 282.4!

    People asking how i know how long i worked out? simple, i have a stop watch and i use it, when i take a break i pause it when i start up again i start the watch again. i do NOT add time unless im actually working out. As for the the mfp telling me i have burned to many calories then what i actually burned. i had noticed some times the amount would seem high so i always took off about 10-15 min to be on the safe side.

    Also for mfp give to FEW calories for food, if this is the case why should i bother using this site? why are any of you on this site? if everything i track is wrong according to all of you then whats the point? anyway i DO add more then i THINK iv eaten. if i think i had 1 serving i always add 1.5 servings to mfp to be on the safe side. Also no i do not weigh my food but i will start to do so if that's really what it takes.

    As for the water/juice....if i drink it i add it. Honestly i usually DON'T drink much of anything during the day. i don't like water and i know juice isn't good for me so i go with out, but not to an extreme if i am thirsty then i DO drink and i DO add that. i am working on drinking water, and I DO NOT DRINK SODA not even a sip. YES i know i need more water then that.

    yea i go to fast food places, like i said i JUST STARTED so no i don't have a HRM i don't know how to make healthier versions of my favorite meals, i don't know which veggies is healthier then the others or any of that, thus the reason im asking for help. Also my exercise is what i can do NOW as a fat person who hasn't been active in over a year, in a couple weeks it will be better.
    My activity level is set to sedentary. I have started tracking my sugars and sodium like some of you suggested.

    I think for the most part that answers all the questions i have seen, also im not discouraged im just simply confused and a bit stupid when it comes to all this. i have no clue about exercising or dieting this is the FIRST time i have ever tried. I WILL SUCCEED AT THIS and not because i want to be skinny or because i want cute clothes but because i have a daughter who deserves to have a mommy who CAN pay tag or hide n seek or teach her to swim and skate. Because i have a husband who is a big kid at heart and deserves some one who can keep up with him. I want more kids and this body is NOT up to ready for a HEALTHY pregnancy and i WANT to FEEL HEALTHY so for those of you who have emailed me calling me vain or telling me im doing this for the wrong reason tell me what better reason is there for loosing weight other then for your family and health?
  • instructor03
    instructor03 Posts: 56 Member
    Here are a few tips: Don't like water? Buy light Crystal light or MIO. It flavors the water and there are some great choices. There are also many flavored waters out there. I recently had a Disani Strawberry water and it was delicious.

    Green and orange veggies are the healthiest. Eat a variety of fruits. Go to It will guide you on what is healthy and portion sizes. Here is a hint: the palm of your hand is about the portion of protein you should have.
  • Di3012
    Di3012 Posts: 2,250 Member
    Would choose whooper over the lower picture anyday/anytime.

    Vegetable diets failed me couple times, because all the willpower and dedication in the world wont stop you from cheating with mcdonalds.

    Actually I don't need any willpower to avoid MacDonalds - ever. Their grub does nothing for me and leaves me starving two minutes after eating a burger. Total waste of time for me is MacDonalds lol.