NEED HELP! dieting and exercise not working.



  • FluttershySweetie
    FluttershySweetie Posts: 216 Member
    Looking at your diary theres wayyy too much sodium in your diet. Also, alot of takeout food and wayy too much quick add calories that don`t take any other unit into consideration like fat and carbs... eat more veggies and fruits and you`ll be able to eat much more food and eat high protein high fibre... you can take a look at my diary if you want. Some days are better than others but I eat alot of filling food in the run of a day and I`m usually always under my calories, and drink lots of water or herbal tea!
  • Di3012
    Di3012 Posts: 2,247 Member
    Would choose whooper over the lower picture anyday/anytime.

    Vegetable diets failed me couple times, because all the willpower and dedication in the world wont stop you from cheating with mcdonalds.

    Agreed. But I went from eating fast food a few times a week to maybe once a month now. All in moderation... it's okay to treat yourself once in a while. It just depends on what some people consider "once in a while". ;-)


    you can lose weight eating junk food, but that means either eating one meal a day or exercising an insane amount to create a caloric deficit. Over 1,000 calories for one McDonalds thank you. What a waste where you could be using that to put vitamins, decent protein etc... into your body instead of ground everything with a major dose of salt.

    CLEAN food are needed by your body..this is not just about weight loss, but avoiding diabetes, heart disease and who knows what else

    Excellent posting Alexpapa!
  • climberchic
    climberchic Posts: 83 Member
    Give it more time and you should really try not to stress it too much. Think slim and healthy and you will be. Don't dwell on the scale!! Eat right, stay active and think positive and it will happen. Just not overnight. Anything worth while takes time. :) Good LUCK!!!
  • MrsBlobs
    MrsBlobs Posts: 310 Member
    Your sugar and sodium seem consistently high, that may not be helping :)
  • mangozulu
    mangozulu Posts: 90 Member
    19 days isn't enough time to see results. How long did it take you to reach your current weight? It will take at least a similar time frame to lose it. Be patient. A person can see 5-10 lb fluid fluctuations during a month. The point of dieting is to retrain yourself to eat healthfully and sensibly so that you can maintain a healthy weight for the long term. You will not being 'going off the diet' in the near term. So you'll just have to buckle down and do the work. If you have problems losing weight after 3 or 4 months of consistent adherence, see your doctor and/or a registered dietitian.
  • ejohndrow
    ejohndrow Posts: 1,399 Member
    1.) Your daily caloric goal seems pretty high, but to each their own I guess.
    2.) Just looking back at the last week of your diary, there is very little nutritional value in the foods you are eating.

    I know people say calories in vs calories out, but I've noticed that personally I need to eat a healthy diet in order to lose weight and keep it off. Also, if you don't already have one, get a heartrate monitor to see what you actually burn. Sometimes we think we burn more than we really are on a home workout.

    Lastly, drink water.

    oops, didn't see your post above, but well to beat a dead horse this is it. if you want to follow what we've told you works for is then go for it, if not, then oh well.
  • duffydog1
    duffydog1 Posts: 76 Member
    Hi, Many people here will have you beleive it is a simply what you put in against what you burn up. Maybe like me you have a low metabolism and need a little more thought about what you actually put into your body. I had a quick look at your diary ( no wonder you are hungry). You are eating quite a lot of dairy . yoghurts, shakes etc which have a fairly low nutritional value, but higher on calories - the same with pizza - just don't bother with that, you can only get a slice or 2 within your calorie allowance and it doesn't fill you. Try googling foods that boost your metabolism.
    I have an underactive thyroid and find that if i eat within my calorie limit but more processed foods like you are eating I just don't loose weight at all. Try for just one week making everything yourself. Fruit salad for breakfast with wholemeal toast. Homemade salad for lunch with low fat dressing and maybe some lean ham. Chicken or white fish for dinner with loads of green vegetables and a small serving of brown rice or pasta. You will feel as if you have eaten properly and have more energy - plus the pounds will start to move providing you keep up the exercise.
    Good luck to you!
  • If you're gaining or at a standstill then you're eating too little. I eat about 1500 and burn 400-500 daily at the gym. When I ate 1200 my weight loss was extremely slow or I'd even gain a little. At 290 you should be dropping weight fast, as the heavier you are the quicker it comes off. And then it'll slow down. So basically reevaluate your plan, eat around 1500 and exercise a few days a week, be patient and it will come off.
  • CallmeSbo
    CallmeSbo Posts: 611 Member
    Its only been 15days.
    TONYAGOOCH Posts: 470 Member are MY suggestions. I'm not here to criticize you cuz I know how hard it is. Especially when you are just starting out and have NO idea where to even begin. I used to be on Weight Watchers (which you might be interested in by the way). They taught me how to eat healthy and make healthier choices. They also showed me how my ESTIMATE of food portions were sooooo way off base from the actual MEASUERED ones. So my 1st suggestion is to measure your foods so that you can accurately log them. Suggestion # 2. Drink plent of water or fluids. If you don't like water, try adding Crystal Light to it for flavor. Drink unsweetened ice tea or Green Tea. You need to drink at least 8-8 oz glasses everyday. Preferrably 1/2 your body weight in ounces though. Suggestion # 3. Get at least 5 servings of Fruits and Veggies every day. Break it down to like 2 fruits and 3 veggies. Watch your fruit intake. Whereas fruit is very good for you, the have a lot of natural sugars and carbs. Choose the fruits that are more fiberous like apples and pears. Berries are great too. Suggestion #4. When cooking, try to sub "healthier" varieties of foods such as lower or fat free products instead of full fat. Applesauce instead of butter or oil when baking. There are several websites that have healthier versions of our favorite foods. is just one of them. Try using whole grain products instead white. As far as eating out goes, I feel ya on that one. We LOVE to eat out. We have slowed down a lot though and that has really helped. It's really hard to chose healthy things at fast food restaurants. TRUST ME. Just when I think I did really good, I look up the nutritional information and WHAM! I'm hit with a ton of bricks. If you are gonna go out, I suggest looking at the restaraunts website and checking their nutritional information so that you can make the best choices. Most fast food chains will have a website. Unfortunately not ALL local ones will. When that happens, just do the best you can. Order without butter or oil, baked and not fried, lowfat or fat free dressings. You CAN do this. Hang in there and give it some time. If you are able to, I really do suggest Weight Watchers. The meetings are so very helpful. Then once you get your materials and get the hang of it and feel you can do it on your own then you can stop. There are no contracts binding you to it. Good luck and hang in there. ((hugs))