Too many friends?

Any thoughts on how many friends someone should have on this site? I have been here just a week and already have 73. I haven't denied anyone. How do you handle it?


  • dls06
    dls06 Posts: 6,774 Member
    You feed must be crazy. I can't take how you get the people you are friends with, along with everyone they are friends with.
    I don't have friends for that reason. I would rather do it on my own. That's just me.
  • ChellieIrish
    ChellieIrish Posts: 593 Member
    Ha ha :laugh: I have 182 and rarely say no to a new one ... I do however ignore the blank FR :tongue: and do a clean up every few months for anyone who hasn't been active in 3 + months unless I know from chatting they are away or busy in RL :smile:

    IMO having friends here to support and motivate you is priceless ... I couldn't have gotten where I am now without them :drinker: :grumble: I tried it on my own yes I lost some but on the bad days you need the support :wink: Also scanning friends food diaries can give you great new ideas :bigsmile:
    BIGJIMMYU Posts: 1,221 Member
    Nobody takes it personal! Sometimes I can't answer all friends comments! Just do it when you can! That's all one can do right?
  • cmriverside
    cmriverside Posts: 34,126 Member
    It's the uniform.
  • angbak60
    angbak60 Posts: 31 Member
    Ha ha :laugh: I have 182 and rarely say no to a new one ... I do however ignore the blank FR :tongue: and do a clean up every few months for anyone who hasn't been active in 3 + months unless I know from chatting they are away or busy in RL :smile:

    IMO having friends here to support and motivate you is priceless ... I couldn't have gotten where I am now without them :drinker: :grumble: I tried it on my own yes I lost some but on the bad days you need the support :wink: Also scanning friends food diaries can give you great new ideas :bigsmile:

    I don't have too many, but add a few after reading posts. I too feel that many great ideas can be learned. I especially like the one above about scanning diaries and getting new ideas! I hadn't thought about that - I'll start though!
  • jesscaponigro
    jesscaponigro Posts: 114 Member
    I usually accept requests, but if I find that they aren't supportive, logged on in a few weeks, or just don't seem to be serious about it I defriend them.
  • pamelad77
    pamelad77 Posts: 292 Member
    Same here, accept everyone, then do a cull occasionally!
  • lalala06
    lalala06 Posts: 153
    i have over 100 friends in my list and to be honest only about 15-20 of those are supportive the rest log in but i have never heard of them.. so new friends don't hurt me i guess.. :indifferent:
  • shanlynt
    shanlynt Posts: 754 Member
    Just don't delete mmeeeeeeeeee. I love having lots of friends.
  • KCox8604
    KCox8604 Posts: 41 Member
    It is HUGE motivation to have friends on here. Most of the people in my life don't understand the journey and sometimes struggle that weight loss is. It is nice to have so many people going through the same struggle. Friends are great! Haha.
  • beduffbrickie
    beduffbrickie Posts: 642 Member
    I get fed up of accepting a request then never hearing from them again. whats the point in adding me, Im deadly serious about reaching my goals, so like to offer support to others, put when you keep giving it and getting nothing back then its time to chop em I say!!:grumble:
  • kryptonitekelly
    kryptonitekelly Posts: 335 Member
    Just accept it :)
  • Giraffe33991
    Giraffe33991 Posts: 434 Member
    The way I see it, this isn't Facebook or Myspace and I'm not in middle shool trying to be most popular. I'm here to achieve a goal and want to surround myself with like-minded people for mutual support.

    I've been on since May 3, 2011 & currently have 51 friends, but am ready to pare that down to the essential core group of 15-20.

    Keep who you click with.

    Good luck!
  • thirtyandthriving
    thirtyandthriving Posts: 613 Member
    This is just me. If someone requests I do not deny unless they don't send a message. I find it a little creepy to not send a message. Anyhow, other than that everyone else is in. I don't always keep everyone. I don't delete people often, but when I do its because they don't log in often, arent serious about their weight loss, or have very different goals than me. I would rather have a smaller group of people that I can get to know and can support. I only have 47 friends and have been on the forums since august.

    But IMO I have the greatest group of MFP friends around so win/win! :) I wouldn't be here without them.
  • reese66
    reese66 Posts: 2,920 Member
    I have over 200, I comment on as many as I can, especially if the seem to be needing the extra support. I don't delete people for not logging on, I figure they will need the extra support when they get back on the wagon.
  • mixedfeelings
    mixedfeelings Posts: 904 Member
    For me the more the merrier. I try and keep up and certainly comment if a friend is at a low point. I wouldn't expect anyone to keep up with me all the time I really appreciate all the friends I have on here, they are all wonderful.
  • RuthRW
    RuthRW Posts: 247 Member
    1) If they aren't active I delete.
    2) If they are just here for drama or social activity I delete.
    3) When I comment on their weight loss/ exercise/ food diary and they don't bother to comment on mine I delete.

    You are here to lose weight and get support and if the people you are friends with don't provide that then delete. This is your journey and if it's stressing you out trying to keep up with all those people its not worth it. I keep my list under 50 for that very reason.
    Good luck to you on your journey!!!
  • lad9669
    I have 2 and could use more. I think the more people u can lean on the better
    OSC_ESD Posts: 752 Member
    My thoughts are ... if I can inspire, motivate, support ... or help somebody in anyway ... I have accomplished what this site is all about. I have alot of friends on my page and get new requests daily ... when I log on I go to my feed and respond to whoever I see there ... I don't pick and choose who is " worthy " of my friendship ... I mean really ... aren't we all ????

    People spend way to much time overthinking what others do ... instead of focusing on making this journey fun ! I don't know about anybody else on here ... but I'm here for me ! And quite frankly ... being me is just enough !

    Have an awesome day my friends ... smile whenever possible ... somebody else will definitely appreciate it !

  • Jendenlar
    Jendenlar Posts: 7 Member
    Hi there!

    In my experience on sites like these-when you are new-get as many friends as possible. As you move forward, you'll see a few that "stick out" to you. They are serious, very supportive, and people you have things in common with. After creating a support base-you will "clean up" your friends. For example-as time moves on-people will go through periods of inactivity but come back, while others will completely drop out (this is common). There are times where you may even have to go back out on the friend search looking for people that are still very active. Everyone is different and how many friends you can be truly supportive to depends on how much time you spend on the site and what type of support you have with some people. For example-for some of your friends-you will be a daily supporter while other you may only be a weekly supporter and some even more sporadically. so that leads me to the answer to your question: it varies. Feel it out for yourself and what you feel comfortable with because it's different for everyone!

    Have a great Sunday funday!