Ladies - Brazilians



  • gtwin
    gtwin Posts: 290 Member
    Another it true you have an orgasm just from walking? I'd assume that's only if you're not wearing underwear...
  • blv0267
    blv0267 Posts: 100 Member
    Totally worth it!!!!! I'm going on my 4th year of having it done every 4 weeks and the hair grows back less and less. I don't have issues with in-grown hairs and I think that's because I don't do any maintenance work with a razor in between waxings.

    And yeah, it still hurts in places where there is a concentration of hair...but you do get used to it.
  • revren10
    revren10 Posts: 116
    Perhaps the men should weigh in on this too?

    women who have it, looks great to us guys :bigsmile:
  • I haven't gotten one but I'm thinking I might just prefer the laser hair removal surgery to avoid all that pain and then the repeat of it every time I want to get it done afterwards. Of course I'm 100% positive that my wallet wouldn't appreciate the price of such a process.

    laser hair removal hurts way worse imo. You won't avoid pain doing this. I would rather wax:)
  • Pamela3
    Pamela3 Posts: 96 Member
    The only part I mind is when she tells me to flip over and she spreads my cheeks... uhm.... I can take care of that on my own, thank you.
  • r1ghtpath
    r1ghtpath Posts: 701 Member
    in my case. no, LOL!

    i was getting waxed on a regular basis about a year ago. i loved the look and feel, but the discomfort is what made me stop. i figured out a great way to shave and not deal with razor burn or ingrown hairs. and it works..... the waxing did leave the area soft and smoother for a longer period of time. but, inflicting pain on my nether regions every 6 weeks or so, got old.

    i would LOVE to have it all lasered off!!!!!

    as for men. i'm not 100% crazy about it all shaved off....... but, it has to be trimmed SHORT and VERY neat. if i'm doing it i kinda expect he is too, LOL!!!
    Another it true you have an orgasm just from walking? I'd assume that's only if you're not wearing underwear...
  • Pamela3
    Pamela3 Posts: 96 Member
    Another it true you have an orgasm just from walking? I'd assume that's only if you're not wearing underwear...

    Is this to be taken seriously?...
  • gwmedicgod
    gwmedicgod Posts: 180 Member
    Loves Brazillian on a woman.. whether it's shaved or waxed.. kills the rhythm of things when you have to stop to pull hairs off your tongue... sure the women agrees with that point where a guy is concerned also...
  • Cindym82
    Cindym82 Posts: 1,245 Member
    It hurts like hell, like to the point i thought i'd pass out!!! You have to make sure that the hair is a certain length and that you have a really good waxer because you can get bruises from the blood rushing to the skin. Also it is really sore for about 24hrs. Looks nice and feel nice after, not something i'd do all the time. Only special occasions.
  • as part of a rugby team, we did a charity 'back s*ck and crack' < not sure if it sounder rude, anyhow we did the wax to raise money for a child with an illness, I must say, I was considered as one of the tougher players, and yet here I was screaming like a 4 year old little girl! all or a good cause though :)
  • SlimStacey74
    SlimStacey74 Posts: 74 Member
    The only part I mind is when she tells me to flip over and she spreads my cheeks... uhm.... I can take care of that on my own, thank you.

    Oh , I am sooooo with you on that part..I had it done once, and it did hurt a bit, and was going for the full when asked to do that, I said , "uh, no..that's ok..I'll pass on that part"...LMAO!! It was super embarrassing!!!!
  • AtticusFinch
    AtticusFinch Posts: 1,262 Member
    5lbs ! Are you a Sasquatch down there ?

    It's good that pubic topiary has become a sort of fashion statement but personally I like with or without on a partner, as long as she's fragrant :laugh:

    There's something primal about a woman with hair, although 'clean shaven' in Summer has got to be more comfortable I guess
  • scs143
    scs143 Posts: 2,190 Member
    Trim your hair to a 1/4 inch, take Ibupropen 30 mins before, and have it done just after the start of your cycle. The first time is worst, subsequent times, not too bad.

    Follow this ^^ advice.

    I think it's worth it. It gets less painful the more you do it. It is expensive though.
  • scs143
    scs143 Posts: 2,190 Member
    Another it true you have an orgasm just from walking? I'd assume that's only if you're not wearing underwear...



    If you could have an orgasm from walking, people wouldn't care about the pain and we would all be bare!
  • Hazular
    Hazular Posts: 2 Member
    I had mine done once just to see what it was like and honestly I didn't think it was painful at all \: The only reason I haven't had it done since is because I can't afford it.
    Also I found it really awkward. But I'm socially awkward at the best of times.
  • jaxCarrie
    jaxCarrie Posts: 214 Member
    Once you go bare, you never go hair.

    The pain is worth the pleasure you'll get from it.

    ^^Couldn't have said it better!!!
  • skylark94
    skylark94 Posts: 2,036 Member
    I did it once, but I couldn't stand having to let it grow out for the next round, so I just shave. Every other day usually does the trick.
  • mizjohnston
    mizjohnston Posts: 196 Member
    I just asked the lady who does my eyebrows about this. She said if you are brunette it hurts more because the hair is much more coarse. So no thank you, I'll continue to take care of it myself. lol
  • As a guy who has actually gotten a Brazilian wax, i can say it is kinda painful.. but totally worth it... once i got one, i've never wanted to not get one.
  • cindy4mica
    cindy4mica Posts: 777 Member
    I haven't gotten one but I'm thinking I might just prefer the laser hair removal surgery to avoid all that pain and then the repeat of it every time I want to get it done afterwards. Of course I'm 100% positive that my wallet wouldn't appreciate the price of such a process.

    laser hair removal hurts way worse imo. You won't avoid pain doing this. I would rather wax:)

    You won't avoid the pain, but eventually, it's permanently gone and you won't have to worry about removing it anymore at all!