Does anyone use coconut oil

Does anyone use coconut oil? It really works? How much use? Any information is valid. I just bought one, but I still have many doubts. Thank you for your attention


  • I take 1 tbsp of virgin coconut oil on a daily basis. So far, my body's resistance to cough, colds, flu and all other viral diseases has been so strong. While almost everyone around me at work is sneezing or coughing due to common colds, I never get infected.
  • I use coconut oil in all of my sweet baking also in smoothies and sometimes in my veggies. I love the taste and really notice a difference in my skin and hair! It is also great for a deep moisturizer!! My mother is a Chiropractor and a Nutritionisit and she reccommends it 100%. Its the only oil that doesn't change at the molecular level when heated.
  • treetop57
    treetop57 Posts: 1,578 Member
    I've been wondering about this. My boyfriend bought a batch of it, but I've never been sure what to do with it. I've used it half and half with olive oil in cooking a few times, but usually I forget about it entirely. The good news is that it is so saturated that the shelf life is very long so it's not going bad very quickly.
  • melsinct
    melsinct Posts: 3,512 Member
    I just started using it. Make sure you buy virgin coconut oil!

    For cooking, so far I have only used it to saute vegetables but they were delicious! It works in anything where you want a light coconut flavor. Also makes the house smell great! I have read you can substitute coconut oil for butter in baked goods (but not cookies). I am going to make banana bread next weekend and use coconut oil and see how it works out. When you sub for butter, you need to use it in the same state it calls for the butter to be in, e.g. warm up the coconut oil until liquid when a recipe calls for melted butter; use the oil in its regular solid-ish state when a recipe calls for soft butter.

    I have had a dry patch of skin that I have been using the oil on that has now disappeared. It's great stuff, for cooking and for moisturizing!
  • mugsisme
    mugsisme Posts: 127 Member
    I've also started using it. I use it in place of oil in the frying pan when a tablespoon or so is needed. I think if I remember correctly, it has a higher burn/smoke temperature, unlike olive oil. A lot of my online friends use it in pie crusts and says it works pretty well. I don't make pies too often, so for me it isn't an issue.
  • jlemoore
    jlemoore Posts: 702 Member
    I started using it last week. LOVE IT! I have been on a plateau for weeks and last week I finally broke through it. I spread it on rice cakes.
  • sk2775
    sk2775 Posts: 699 Member
    A friend of MFP mentioned that she uses coconut oil on her hair and it has done wonders. Was thinking of buying some to try.
  • nml2011
    nml2011 Posts: 156 Member
    It's good for:

    Scrambled Eggs
    Spread on Meat and then grilled
    In coffee
    In baking
  • it is amazing...FACT LOL
  • dport7
    dport7 Posts: 123 Member
    Popcorn! 1Tbsp coconut oil 1/2 cup popcorn, about 8 cups popped, tastes great.
  • bethvandenberg
    bethvandenberg Posts: 1,496 Member
    I've been injesting it for a week. I do feel better and my skin is softer. As for the weight loss I will let you know tomorrow.
  • pullipgirl
    pullipgirl Posts: 767 Member
    Very good and high in lauric acid which is antibacterial and antiviral
  • :smile: Mens health magazine says a teaspoon on a morning.... thes full of medium chain fatty acid that helps break other fats down and is a great source of energy....thats what they say and it works for me !!!
  • victoria4321
    victoria4321 Posts: 1,719 Member
    I use it for everything! For my food, skin, and hair. I love it after a shower because it smells so good and sometimes I'll put a little in my hair overnight since it's curly and can get dry. I'm not sure if it actually makes a difference because I always use it and can't tell but I can tell you that it won't hurt. Also I read that it'll stop cravings if you put a little bit in some tea and drink it. I tried it once and it actually works I think. It should be plain tea with nothing else added though. I think black coffee works as well.
  • azure7
    azure7 Posts: 136 Member
    I use it everyday as my cooking/sauteing oil because it has a higher smoke point than olive oil, which can break down at high temperature releasing harmful free radicals. I buy a cold pressed virgin oil at Whole Foods which has a lighter coconut flavor (I don't even notice it).
  • I also started using it on my skin, lips and hair. Love it so far. haven't tried it in cooking yet.
  • melsinct
    melsinct Posts: 3,512 Member
    It's good for:

    Scrambled Eggs
    Spread on Meat and then grilled
    In coffee
    In baking

    Really, in coffee? Interesting. Does it make the coffee have an oily type texture? I will have to try this!

    I also like the idea of putting it on meat before grilling. I bet chicken would be fantastic, especially served with a mango salsa. YUM.
  • It's great stuff. :)

    I use it in my little low-carb flax-meal breakfast muffins (not low-cal, just low carb! About 235 cal per muffin, but only a couple of net carb grams), and they taste great.

    (1/4 c flax meal, 1 tsp baking powder, 1 tsp splenda, 1 tsp cinnamon, 1 egg, 1 tsp coconut oil--mix everything up in a mug, then microwave for 1 minute!)

    I also use coconut oil to saute veggies, have mixed a bit into rice sometimes so that it cooks up with that nutty aroma, and so on. Love it.
  • splashangel
    splashangel Posts: 494 Member
    I use it and I love it. I put a thin coat in my pan for turkey bacon. Eggs. I use it for cooking , where I used to use olive oil. Now I use olive oil in anything that I don't heat. I also started giving it to my gramaw( 4 tsp. a day) for her demensia. It is said to be helpfull for alzeimer's. I thought it might work for the demensia. She hated taking it however. We did it for about a month I guess. Didn't have time to see a change in her memory. I am going to get some koolaid though and mix the powder with it and see how that goes.I havn't noticed a coconut taste or smell to it..... But I love the flavor. Healthier? Maybe so. I got the same cold as several other family members but it like to have killed them! But, I am in better shape overall then them anyways. With all of that said. I'm hooked.
  • It's good for:

    Scrambled Eggs
    Spread on Meat and then grilled
    In coffee
    In baking

    Really, in coffee? Interesting. Does it make the coffee have an oily type texture? I will have to try this!

    I put a teaspoon in my coffee first thing in the am (also use 1/2 & 1/2) and it does give it an oil slick, but it mosturizes your lips at the same time as you drink it. I was having lots of trouble with regularity (if you know what I mean) but not anymore. I don't notice a flavor in the coffee although I think it does take away some of the bitterness. I used to use sweetner of some sort and lots of it, but stopped due to the reports of it not being all that healthy, especially as I used so much. I am fine with some of that bitterness being gone. We also add it when cooking at every opportunity. LOVE IT and the results have been great.

    I also like the idea of putting it on meat before grilling. I bet chicken would be fantastic, especially served with a mango salsa. YUM.