have YOU LOST WEIGHT with eating carbs still?



  • spectralmoon
    spectralmoon Posts: 1,230 Member
    Haven't given up carbs, still losing weight since Jan.
  • AngelsheriHackley
    AngelsheriHackley Posts: 67 Member
    I lost 40 pounds and yes I still eat carbs I count calories and some fats. Carbs give you energy to fuel your workouts. Don't give them up
  • rudegyal_b
    rudegyal_b Posts: 593 Member
    absolutely, i looove carbs
  • hbm616
    hbm616 Posts: 377 Member
    I've lost over 100 lbs and I've never gone a day without some carbs. Your body needs carbs to make glucose to function (especially your brain). And cutting something out is unrealistic for the long term. Wouldn't it be better to just eat in moderation? Maybe have one slice of bread instead of two? The idea of disregarding an entire food group honestly baffles me.
  • lindsay1562
    lindsay1562 Posts: 2 Member
    I've lost about 8 pounds and eat carbs every day. :) Too good to give up, and some carbs are good for you.
  • Anderia
    Anderia Posts: 753 Member
    I definitely eat carbs and I'm still losing the weight. It can happen. I honestly haven't given up anything and I'm still losing. All things in moderation is what I've learned and it works.
  • ShilohMaier
    I eat carbs of all kinds, and I managed to lose over 130 pounds. I eat whole grains and healthier carbs. I also eat not-so-healthy carbs. Humans NEED carbs to function properly, anyone who says otherwise is wrong.

    And anyone who says anyone who says otherwise is wrong, is wrong. I am insulin resistant- carbs eff me up big time. I function without them just fine. I keep mine under 20g a day. It reversed my border-line diabetic blood work that eating CARBS had created. And no, not junky carbs. I was a lacto/ovo vegetarian, eating super clean when my body went hay-wire. That "before" pic you see of me right next to this post was a body that was created eating a slice of whole-grain toast, low-fat yogurt and an apple for breakfast... And the "after" right next to it was achieved with eggs & bacon.

    I am not saying anyone has to give up carbs to lose weight, but to imply that my diet is causing me to be unhealthy when in fact it pretty much saved my life (ALL of my labwork improved tremendously), is WRONG.
  • ANeWcRe8N
    ANeWcRe8N Posts: 1,180 Member
    Yup, I love my carbs :wink:
  • MariaMariaM
    MariaMariaM Posts: 1,322 Member
    I lost 8 pounds since Jan 1st of this year and didn't give up many things people and nutritionist tell you have to in order to lose weight. I eat bread every morning with my breakfast (whole grain or french / italian bread). I still eat pizza (homemade) and bread with my burgers (homemade as well). I eat other grains like brow rice and quinoa. I eat lots of dairy: cheese, yogurt, milk with my latte. The key is to have everything in moderation and as long as it fits in my daily intake, I am good. I also still drink wine and have cocktails once in a while. I have set up MFP ratios to 40/40/20 (carbs/protein/fat). Most of the time I am over on the carb ratio but most of it comes from fruits and vegetables.

    Before I lost the 8 pounds I mentioned above, I lost 26 pounds and followed a similar approach. I did P90X and followed the portion control section of the nutritional guide and the last 2 months are pretty heavy with carbs.

    Carbs are not the enemy if you use them right.
  • blessmy5
    I eat all food groups in moderation. Unless you plan to never eat them again - moderation is the name of the game!
  • eillamarie
    eillamarie Posts: 862 Member
    Cut down on the amount of "whole" grains you eat, and start eating "ancient" grains. Quinoa, oats, amaranth, couscous, milet, barley, spelt, etc. Whole is good, ancient is even better. Quinoa is even a complete protein!
  • BevsCalerieCount
    BevsCalerieCount Posts: 14 Member
    I don't think it is good to totally give up an entire food group. I would make sure it is truly 100% whole grain (read your labels) and you have to exercise, it will convert the carbs to energy. My doc said the best form of exercise is interval training, so if you run do a walk run interval or if you walk increase the incline, then decrease, etc.
  • lmelangley
    lmelangley Posts: 1,039 Member
    I've lost 39 lbs and haven't given up anything. I've modified my diet in that I eat fewer carbs and sweets but that's it. Basically, if I have the calories and I want something, I have it no matter what it is. For me, this is about making diet changes I can live with, and not about starving myself or punishing myself.
  • Craig_hyde
    Craig_hyde Posts: 161 Member
    Yup. The only main difference I made was changing to wholemeal (bread, flour, rice, pasta) and going from there. Heck, even started using unrefined sugar :-)
  • harriet_tubman
    Yes, but it was when I had A LOT to lose.

    I've found that now that I'm actually at a healthy weight, it's harder for me to lose weight while eating the amount of carbs I want to eat per day (about 150-200g per day). Lucky for me I don't care, but if i wanted to lose a little more weight I would probably cut back on carbs (maybe to like 100g a day? that sounds awful! haha) and replace those calories with protein. I think carbs are important for people who exercise regularly.
  • Huffdogg
    Huffdogg Posts: 1,934 Member
    carbs + protein = muscle building
    Muscle eats fat

    corollary: carbs are useful for burning fat
  • serenity216
    serenity216 Posts: 512 Member
    I eat carbs...I just stay within my recommended amount (and don't eat as many as I used to) and make sure to get my protein in there. I have lost 12 pounds and 15 inches in 60 days.
  • Mom0fTwo
    Mom0fTwo Posts: 326 Member
    i have and i usually go over :)
  • jenbk2
    jenbk2 Posts: 623 Member
    If you stop eating carbs to lose the last 8 lbs- once you start eating them again you will gain it back. A diet without carbs is not a healthy diet.
  • SergeantSunshine_reused
    I do. I eat chocolate, white bread, and other refined carbs too