MFP Friends... how do you decide who they will be?



  • TonyL68
    TonyL68 Posts: 133 Member
    I looked for other guys within 10 years or so of my age who had similar goals. I also limit the number because I want to be able to encourage everyone, every day and if it got to be too many I wouldn't be able to. So far it's worked out great - my MFP buddies are very nice, work hard, appreciate and give encouragement, and keep me motivated.

    I don't befriend women because they inevitably fall in love/lust with me and hound me relentlessly for sex. :wink:

    ...either that or because my wife asked me not to. Details....whatever. :smile:
  • cnsmith2
    cnsmith2 Posts: 539 Member
    If it is a name I recognize I generally accept. I think I've only denied like 2 times though lol and it was because I had put up a different picture and I was afraid I had gotten the requests based on the picture I put up.

    If I don't recognize the name, I look to see if maybe we have any friends in common but honestly you never know who will turn out to be a great support person on here. I generally accept someone, and see how we interact. Can't hurt to try (in most cases!)
  • FlyByJuly
    FlyByJuly Posts: 564 Member
    It is no sweat of my back to accept everyone... they do get removed if they treat it like Facebook and go over every menial detail of their miserable lives...

    Same here. Lol, I do delete or "hide" some friends on FB if all they ever post are rambling, sniveling updates on their miserable lives. I'm not the one saying their lives are miserable, they are. And I don't want to read the same sort of posts on MFP. I understand that we all have our off-days and/or days when we're feeling down and defeated. But when the whining, pity-party becomes the norm, and the person doesn't appear to be making attempts to help themselves...well, then I can't do it for them.
  • rml_16
    rml_16 Posts: 16,414 Member
    1. Actually funny.
    2. Not a mean girl bully.
    3. supportive

    Hmmm ... how did we get to be friends, then? ;-)
  • JessicaHoskins
    I decide mainly on things we have in common, & sometimes I'll choose a person to be a MFP if they respond to one of my posts in a friendly manner.
  • CoryIda
    CoryIda Posts: 7,887 Member
    At this point, I am pretty strict about not accepting new requests unless the FR is exceptionally clever or complimentary, or I know how awesome they are by reputation.
    There's a queue of FR from cute little man-boys waiting for denials right now, but I like looking at them, so they are staying put for now (they are good for my poor self-esteem but I don't really need their support, nor do they need mine).
  • Scott613
    Scott613 Posts: 2,317 Member
    I don't accept friend requests from men. I don't accept friend requests without a message. I don't accept friend requests from people who type the message in all caps, because I don't want to read that in my newsfeed. I also don't accept an FR with a message like "u look cool." I don't want to friend collect, and I want to know that I'm going to be able to connect with anyone I accept. I'm pretty picky.
    You know who else was picky

  • QueenJayJay
    QueenJayJay Posts: 1,139
    I don't accept friend requests from men. I don't accept friend requests without a message. I don't accept friend requests from people who type the message in all caps, because I don't want to read that in my newsfeed. I also don't accept an FR with a message like "u look cool." I don't want to friend collect, and I want to know that I'm going to be able to connect with anyone I accept. I'm pretty picky.
    You know who else was picky


    Um, thanks. :flip:

    It's hard (for me anyway) to be a good friend to any more than 100 people.
  • ACEgirl1
    ACEgirl1 Posts: 133 Member
    The people on my list are people I went to high school with and are trying to get fit before we hit 40, which is right around the corner!
  • JessicaHoskins
    I decide mainly on things we have in common, & sometimes I'll choose a person to be a MFP if they respond to one of my posts in a friendly manner.
  • Krizzle4Rizzle
    Krizzle4Rizzle Posts: 2,704 Member
    1. Actually funny.
    2. Not a mean girl bully.
    3. supportive

    Hmmm ... how did we get to be friends, then? ;-)

    Cause you are freakin awesome. 1 and 3 most def apply!
  • jackpotclown
    jackpotclown Posts: 3,291 Member
    I'll accept requests from anyone, but if you don't log in for over a month, I'll probably delete you. I don't expect a lot, but I do expect you to be here. When I friend request, it's probably because of the humor, something in common, or something I find interesting about you....make me laugh and I'm your MFP friend for life \m/
  • Lorrie_73
    Lorrie_73 Posts: 104 Member
    Taso42..........Okay, that's funny!
  • teagin2002
    teagin2002 Posts: 1,901 Member
    I can manage a lot of friends, but over 300 was way too much and all my friends were awesome!! I dropped that number by about half so I can support them better. The ones I kept I kept them because they had similar goals (weight lifting, heavy burns, IF, clean eating) I kept them because I felt like we are on the same page and can support each other effectively.
    The ones I dropped I lover very much, but I just don't have the energy to put out for that many friends who are where I was last year on my journey. I love helping others but I can not spend this much time on it and for those that can not possible relate to where I am now. For those of you who are upset and offended by me dropping you I truly apologize for hurting you and please understand I simply can not support that many people and live my life too :flowerforyou:
  • MotorCityFemmeFatale
    They need to have similar interests, keeping my friends list to this helps keeps it relevant to me and also helps me to keep up with my friends.
  • kp1439
    kp1439 Posts: 343 Member
    I don't often solicit MFP friends personally, but when I do it is almost always because something they said in a post is something I can relate to. Or maybe it is something I notice in a photo.

    Now, I "know" that I have a HORRIBLE looking avatar photo, that by itself probably steers people away from asking me to be friends... I mean, look at it... it is BAD! But I also want it there for now for motivation.... that was me about 40 pounds ago. I never want to see "that" me again.

    So, often I wonder, when I get requests from people, why they decided to ask me.... for some unknown reason, I have a fair amount of young ladies who have requested to be friends with me.... maybe I remind them of their grandfather, LOL.... ( OK, I am only 49, but still ).

    Many times I get a request, as I am sure you do, to be friends with someone who has given you no clue why they want to be an MFP friend. So far, I have yet to turn anybody down, but I really do appreciate it when I get at least a small note with the request.

    So, how do you decide who you will and won't be friends with? Do you actually turn people down?

    Thats wrong if u turn someone down .. i would be friend with any one who wants to be my friend ... i am here to get help and help any one who needs ...
  • ashnm88
    ashnm88 Posts: 748
    most of mine i know personally
  • Qarol
    Qarol Posts: 6,171 Member
    I'm a b*tch. Not everyone can handle that...

    If I see something truly amazing, I'll send a friend request. I like to think the ones I receive were for the same. But my friends know, I work hard at getting to know them. Hello, Q system. If it's not working out, I will delete.
  • taunto
    taunto Posts: 6,420 Member
    I add alot of people based on their posts. Some are humorous and having a sense of humor is nice. Some are really motivating and inspirational. NONE of them are drama queens or are "me me me". My friends here are pretty much my lifeline, so I try to keep a small group who I can support and can support me. If you try and use this place like facebook (like some of my former friends) then sorry but our paths will have to seperate.
  • stormieweather
    stormieweather Posts: 2,549 Member
    I accept all friend invites. I offer them to anyone who seems to need additional support (new, struggling, unsure). I will delete anyone who has not logged in for 6 months or who is trying to sell something.