MFP Friends... how do you decide who they will be?



  • tataliciousd89
    I accept pretty much every request and send out to those who amuse me on the message boards, but I wind up deleting people when they don't log in for prolonged periods of time or if their behavior is offensive to me. I'm very difficult to offend tho so that hasn't happened just yet.
  • allison_42
    When I send friend requests I usually look for someone who is around my age, or who has the same weight loss goals, etc. I generally accept people when they add me but I will not be friends with someone who "hasn't filled out" any of their information or has no picture. It makes me not take them seriously.
  • galegetsthin
    galegetsthin Posts: 1,352 Member
    I have an octopus in a tank with one platform that says yes and one that says no. I send a small electric current through the water when I want an answer and if he tells me yes, you made the list!
  • felice03
    felice03 Posts: 2,732 Member
    I have an octopus in a tank with one platform that says yes and one that says no. I send a small electric current through the water when I want an answer and if he tells me yes, you made the list!

    i love your octopus....
  • SofaKingRad
    SofaKingRad Posts: 1,592 Member
    I decline most people because I'm a d*ck and people will just end up hating me anyways. But, I will accept some FRs.
  • MrsCon40
    MrsCon40 Posts: 2,351 Member
    I don't accept friend requests from men. I don't accept friend requests without a message. I don't accept friend requests from people who type the message in all caps, because I don't want to read that in my newsfeed. I also don't accept an FR with a message like "u look cool." I don't want to friend collect, and I want to know that I'm going to be able to connect with anyone I accept. I'm pretty picky.
    You know who else was picky


    Um, thanks. :flip:

    It's hard (for me anyway) to be a good friend to any more than 100 people.

    I like to have friends who lift heavy, ride horses, or who have been with me for a long time already...


  • Mcctin65
    Mcctin65 Posts: 507 Member
    I very seldom request anyone but when I do it's typically because I've seen them so often on different forums that I've come to recognize them. Basically to me it's showing they are interested in the same issues or I just like their comments and feel I can learn from them also.
  • Articeluvsmemphis
    Articeluvsmemphis Posts: 1,987 Member
    Of all my friends I have only deleted 1, she made crazy posts all day long, could not take it.

    I turned 1 person down by accident, stupid "smart phone"

    than that, all are welcome, I will add
  • rm830
    rm830 Posts: 531 Member
    I'm happy to add anyone who wants to support me and who needs support. Don't care about anything far, I love all the friends I've met. Everyone's great!!!
  • anubis609
    anubis609 Posts: 3,966 Member
    Unless they come with a warning, I usually accept whoever the hell sends me a request. They can always delete me at will once they realize the mistake they've made.
  • CalJur
    CalJur Posts: 627 Member
    I accept just about everyone who friends me but you need a picture and often a profile. I figure people seek me because they want support and/or motivation. I comment frequently but if you are keeping track and seek a comment every single day and tally at the end of the week then you have the wrong person. Like most people there are things going on outside MFP that take time. I do try to find multiple ways to motivate and support. Routinely I check my list and if you haven't logged in for a month or longer I figure you aren't really interested and there is no reason to keep you among my friends. In addition, my friends list must be drama free. I'm on here primarily for fitness and health. I reserve a Facebook account (which I check every blue moon) for all the nonsense.
  • madamepsychosis
    madamepsychosis Posts: 472 Member
    I usually accept friend requests from most people, unless they give off a creepy perv vibe on their profile, or I can't see their profile and we haven't had a conversation on the forums. I think I'm going to put a note saying to message me if you want to be friends, as it makes it really hard if their profile is set to private.
  • scs143
    scs143 Posts: 2,190 Member
    I don't reject any one and I rarely send out requests (fear if rejection) but I have to a few people who really needed support or who are hysterical! I only delete of you have been off the site for 3-4 months.
  • Contrarian
    Contrarian Posts: 8,138 Member
    I decline pretty much everyone, but that says nothing about them and everything about me. I'm shy and private.
  • lmrw1959
    lmrw1959 Posts: 31 Member
    I look for people close to my age (and that would be you), but will accept anyone. Go ahead and add me if you like.
  • penrbrown
    penrbrown Posts: 2,685 Member
    I don't add people based on how they look. In fact, I care very little about how someone looks. I friend people based on what they say. If their personality seems a match to mine or if they seem like someone who could motivate me then I friend them.

    ... actually, that's not true. I do admit to being turned off by certain avatars.... not because someone looks bad in them but those avatars of super skinny people in bikinis or whatever kind of make me pass right on by. I try not to be judgmental but I'm not so sure seeing something like that would motivate me.
  • La_Amazona
    La_Amazona Posts: 4,855 Member
    I'm a b*tch. Not everyone can handle that...

    If I see something truly amazing, I'll send a friend request. I like to think the ones I receive were for the same. But my friends know, I work hard at getting to know them. Hello, Q system. If it's not working out, I will delete.

    :love: This just touched me.. and you DID work hard on me!!
  • galegetsthin
    galegetsthin Posts: 1,352 Member
    I have an octopus in a tank with one platform that says yes and one that says no. I send a small electric current through the water when I want an answer and if he tells me yes, you made the list!

    i love your octopus....

    It's just because he said "yes" for you. He is also really good at helping me decide if I should get hookers and blow.
  • _SusieQ_
    _SusieQ_ Posts: 2,964 Member
    I'm a b*tch. Not everyone can handle that...

    If I see something truly amazing, I'll send a friend request. I like to think the ones I receive were for the same. But my friends know, I work hard at getting to know them. Hello, Q system. If it's not working out, I will delete.

    I can handle it. In fact I can handle you jusssst fine..... *wink wink*
  • Scott613
    Scott613 Posts: 2,317 Member

    Um, thanks. :flip:

