I am feeling bad about ordering pizza but...



  • Skinny_Beans
    Skinny_Beans Posts: 405 Member
    As long as you look up the calories and fat for whatever pizza you're ordering and it's under your caloric goal, go for it!
  • Anomalia
    Anomalia Posts: 506 Member
    I ate a pizza last night for dinner.
  • knapowell
    knapowell Posts: 230 Member
    I have pizza and breadsticks about once a week, but I make it at home and I always try to have it on a run or zumba night. I never feel guilty about having homemade. On the other hand, I always feel guilty about eating out, so I know how you feel. It is something that I am still trying to overcome. I have conquered my emotional eating, but the guilt is much harder to deal with.
  • bikiniready201
    I feel bad too when I order pizza, etc. but as long as we are on track for most of the time enjoy !
  • momuv3princesses
    momuv3princesses Posts: 154 Member
    I just ate 2 slices of a big pizza from our local pizza shop. I do pretty much every Wed. because they do a "beat the clock" deal from 5 to 9 pm. You pay the price of the time you call. I try to call right at 5 o'clock so I can get my pizza for $5 plus tax. It is hard to feed a family for less so it has become our treat. I put it in my food diary before hand so I know how much I can eat and still have a snack later. :)

    Enjoy your pizza!!! :):)
  • sherrirb
    sherrirb Posts: 1,714 Member
    If you can work it in without going over your goal all I would say is GO FOR IT!!!!!

    We need to be able to treat ourselves ocassionally with the things we really enjoy. And look at it just that way, its a TREAT, not something you want to do every other day.

    Enjoy the pizza, dont over eat and go over your calorie goal. Figure out how much you can have without going over and put the rest away. Split it into "servings" that you can have over the next day or two and work it in so you can enjoy it.

    If you go over on calories... get some exercise in to bring yourself even.
  • tigersword
    tigersword Posts: 8,059 Member
    MMMMMM.... pizza.... :drinker:
  • Sidesteal
    Sidesteal Posts: 5,510 Member
    You only feel guilty because people have demonized pizza as some horrible food you can never eat. You can have it, and you should enjoy it when you have it. Save guilt for moments you genuinely did something wrong, like if you're texting while driving and accidentally squish a bunny.

    ^ Very well said. Great post.
  • CMmrsfloyd
    CMmrsfloyd Posts: 2,383 Member
    If you can fit it into your calories/macros for the day, eat it and enjoy every bite, you worked hard for it! I'm planning a trip to Olive Garden tomorrow night, complete with pasta, breadsticks, AND a dessert, and I'm going to workout a little harder and eat lighter the rest of the day so I can earn it and love every minute of it!
  • Meggles63
    Meggles63 Posts: 916 Member
    Pizza is the food of the gods (well, one of the foods of the gods, along with chocolate) and should never be demeaned like this. Be proud when you order and eat it! :wink:
  • CheshireKat13
    It should be fine weight-wise, but you might retain some water (lots of sodium). Pizza is one of my weaknesses but when I had some after eating really healthy for awhile I felt a little sick afterwards, like there was a rock in my stomach.
  • sarbu24
    sarbu24 Posts: 129 Member
    I split a pizza with my husband at least once a week, ever week, since I started on here in December 2010.

    You only feel guilty because people have demonized pizza as some horrible food you can never eat. You can have it, and you should enjoy it when you have it. Save guilt for moments you genuinely did something wrong, like if you're texting while driving and accidentally squish a bunny.

    Love this:)

    I feel the same way. Pizza is just not something I am willing to give up. I may skip the pepperoni or soak some of the grease off with my napkins first. But I still love every bite:) And I also drink water instead of soda.
  • ValerieMartini2Olives
    ValerieMartini2Olives Posts: 3,024 Member
    Eat that pizza! Everyone needs to splurge every now and then. It keeps you human. Splurge, but order healthier toppings. I like ordering a thin crust with olive oil sauce, ricotta cheese, tomatoes and spinach. So good. And only do it on occasion!
  • meshashesha2012
    meshashesha2012 Posts: 8,326 Member
    enjoy it. if i didnt have issues with gluten i'd definitely indulge.

    my favorite pizza has bacon (or prosciutto), anchovies, mushrooms, green peppers and onions. :happy:
  • 99cherrypie99
    99cherrypie99 Posts: 205 Member
    You guys are killing me! I last ate pizza in August of last year. I miss it!
  • sondra216379
    sondra216379 Posts: 174 Member
    Last night was my spike night and I had pizza!!!
  • bellevie23
    bellevie23 Posts: 208 Member
    I will never..and I repeat never..try and persuade someone to cut pizza out of their life lol. There is nothing better to eat to me. Enjoy it, have some self control, and you should be fine :)...now I want some pizza
  • Prefessa
    Prefessa Posts: 90
    Pizza is one of my Favs...so I learned to make my own...My Dough Rounds for a whole pie are 300grams(@62% Hydration)..it makes a 13-14" pie....there is as much dough and toppings in the whole pie as 2 slices of NYC style pizza...so I eat 1/2 a pie and love it!!! and still stay on track!

    Its kinda like the whole concept of using smaller plates..... Pizza is good food...Pizzaria Pies and especially Chain Pizza is a formulation...some places use sugar in the dough, shortening, Fake Mooz.

    Once you have had Pizza Vera Napoletana you realize why Italians in Italy don't get fat!!! Lean Dough, Minimal, high quality toppings, Mozzarella di Bufala....its 2X the flavor at 1/2 the fat and calories. Doen't mean you can scarf down 2 pies....but you get more with less!!!

    In the summer, every 2 weeks I re-feed my natural levain, and make pies...the old fashioned way, Italian 00 flour, Buffalo Mooz, Parmengiano Regiano, fresh tomato, fresh garlic, good fruity EVOO, fresh basil from the garden. Yumm!
  • mgdiock
    mgdiock Posts: 26 Member
    Splurging keeps you sane. No worries. Just don't let one day become two and three ect...
  • lilfurson
    lilfurson Posts: 190
    I too decided it was easier to make my own dough so I knew how many calories were in it. It's so easy to make pizza dough that once you do it you don't feel right ordering pizza.

    Next time I'm going to try to use Coconut Oil instead of Olive oil to see if that makes a difference.