Your diary bores me.

"Such-and-such burned 40,000 calories jogging their *kitten* off!"
"Mr. Six-pack did an infinitely larger quantity of sit ups than you'll ever do-- for fun!"

C'mon guys, everybody's doing squats and lunges these days. JOGGING IS SO MAINSTREAM.

What are some fun, quirky, unorthodox, (semi)ridiculous, and especially NEW workouts for me to try?
Most recently I've delved into belly dancing. It's kiiinda unique. Better than crunches and planks.


  • Di3012
    Di3012 Posts: 2,250 Member
    "Such-and-such burned 40,000 calories jogging their *kitten* off!"
    "Mr. Six-pack did an infinitely larger quantity of sit ups than you'll ever do-- for fun!"

    C'mon guys, everybody's doing squats and lunges these days. JOGGING IS SO MAINSTREAM.

    What are some fun, quirky, unorthodox, (semi)ridiculous, and especially NEW workouts for me to try?
    Most recently I've delved into belly dancing. It's kiiinda unique. Better than crunches and planks.

    Yes, I am a mainstream type of person, I like running, it burns lots and lots and lots and lots and lots and lots and lots and lots and lots and lots and lots and lots and lots and lots and lots and lots and lots and lots and lots and lots and lots and lots and lots and lots and lots of calores :)
  • susannamarie
    susannamarie Posts: 2,148 Member
    Hey, I met someone who lost almost 200 lbs due to daily bellydancing combined with a sensible diet.

    I do aikido though. I don't have time for much else since I'm there 12 hours a week :P
  • DaughterOfTheMostHighKing
    I was told sex burns quite a few calories... go try that! lol:laugh:
  • misseca
    misseca Posts: 3
    I feel yah, I get so bored working out with the same ole routines. Here's what I've ben doing to make it work.

    If you have the time and money (I no longer do LOL) FENCING between the suit and the physical labor that is intense.

    If you can find one, seriously ask a wrestling coach. If you have someone around your weight 3min round of wrestling is hands down the most rewarding, most fun, and best work out I have ever done.

    But here is what real life for me turned into I hope it can help.

    Mon: Youtube Zumba/Hip hop/bellydancing or whatever is fun. 30 min- after my last routine I will typically hit the deck (finish by just kind of falling into my mat.), sweating and kinda dead. (It gets better if you have a few favorites and I plug it into my tv for more music and better visual help.

    Tues: 10 mins - or 3 youtubes of dance followed by: 3 rounds 10 Burpees (jumping jack push ups) 20 squats, 30 sit ups, and 40 bicycles. total time is like 25 min

    I always hate the hell out of this one after I'm done but I can see results after like 1 1/2 weeks. Seriously the key is really awesome music, I like kinda 90's dance, but house music and industrial kick so much *kitten*. Also Like Rob Zombie Dragula go ahead and try not to do a crazy work out to that. Even if your not a fan I turn into a monster to that.

    I do a free day, normally wednesday.

    Thursday take it easy with Wii fit Yoga ( I unlocked the poses and do one round of all of them), then Hula-hoop, I swear by hula hooping, 6 minutes each direction will roast those cals. Then finish up with boxing.

    Friday is free choice, I like dancing the most it's what I have the most fun with.
  • UponThisRock
    UponThisRock Posts: 4,522 Member
    I burn calories worrying about my sugar intake
  • sweetiepaia
    sweetiepaia Posts: 68 Member
    Pole dancing is quite the calorie burner I've heard. I would love to try that one...
  • nickyfm
    nickyfm Posts: 1,214 Member
    I burn calories worrying about my sugar intake


    And yes, I 100% second Pole dancing. I do it 2-3 times a week and absolutely love it. You get shoulders and abs of steel! hah
  • Rayman233
    Rayman233 Posts: 51 Member
    Sex , Sex,and then when your worn out .. More Sex !:wink:
  • pinkhu13
    pinkhu13 Posts: 133
    Pole dancing is quite the calorie burner I've heard. I would love to try that one...

    omg me too
  • llahairdna
    llahairdna Posts: 521 Member
    I was told sex burns quite a few calories... go try that! lol:laugh:

  • cloud2011
    cloud2011 Posts: 898 Member
    Arm wrestling, hiding from co-workers by running stairs. Having your car break down and walking a few miles. There are so many possibilities and ways I've burned calories. But I guess the most exciting was trying not to drown as the sail was strangling me, keeping me underwater, when I was dragged across a lake during the takeoff for parasailing.

    Like I said, lots of possibilities. Don't depend on everyone else for new ideas...get out there and try something!
  • Veganbambina
    Veganbambina Posts: 108 Member
    Take a pole dance class! So fun, you don't even know you are exercising. Muscles you didn't know you had will hurt for a week!
  • mixedfeelings
    mixedfeelings Posts: 904 Member
    How about Kara-T-Robics?
  • nfgchick79
    nfgchick79 Posts: 89 Member
    Monday: 30 minutes of spinning, 30 minutes of TRX suspension training (both classes), 60 minute Zumba class
    Tuesday: 50 minute Zumba class
    Wednesday: 60 minute "Total Body Workout" class. Includes Hiit, strength and cardio
    Thursday: 60 minute Zumba class
    Friday: Rest
    Saturday: 60 minute different "Total Body Workout" class. Includes Hiit, step, strength, cardio and TRX. 60 minute Zumba class
    Sunday: Rest (60 minutes Step class to be added)

    Every once in a while I skip something. Tonight I skipped class because I did something to my back in TRX on Monday. Those muscles aren't as strong so I think I strained something.

    Interesting enough???

    Oh and I second the sex thing :tongue:
  • tataliciousd89
    Pole dancing is quite the calorie burner I've heard. I would love to try that one...
    Ooh, me too. Looks like an amazing workout.
  • Sl1ghtly
    Sl1ghtly Posts: 855 Member
    Pole dancing is quite the calorie burner I've heard. I would love to try that one...

    Sure does! I do it all the time.
  • hiker282
    hiker282 Posts: 983 Member
    If it isn't broke, don't fix it. But YMMV.
  • Meggles63
    Meggles63 Posts: 916 Member
    I'm a preschool teacher's aide. I work in the toddler room. I get a workout every day, lifting and squatting, running and wiping. And I get paid for this. I guess it's a good thing :tongue:
  • HWeatherholt
    HWeatherholt Posts: 283 Member
    I was told sex burns quite a few calories... go try that! lol:laugh:

    I just bought a HRM and considered putting it on the next time...but figure it wont look very sexy and not sure if I want to explain it to my (kinda sorta) SO.
  • Justice96
    Justice96 Posts: 29
    I bought Turbo Jam DVDs and Jillian Michaels - 30 day shred DVD. Whooa there both awesome fun workouts that leave you sore for weeks and ready to come back for more. Turbo jam is the funnest workout evver! It combines a dancy version of kickboxing. Love it. Zumba is another fantastic workout that is held at my local gym.