Do u take ur shoes off before entering someone's home :-?



  • persian_star
    persian_star Posts: 197 Member
    I think generally yes (unless you're at a party/bbq etc) although it's best to ask. People ask me when they come over and I always tell them whatever they're comfortable with is fine, and that normally means they take them off. I'm at the stage with some friends though that we automatically take our slippers (or as my american hubby, who would NEVER wear shoes in the house, calls them, House Shoes) with us, as we would feel impolite leaving our shoes on but the floor is cold! It's a running joke now, who has the coolest slippers *lol* I alwats wear my slippers at home, my feet get very cold even on carpet. They have donkeys on them. Oh yes.
  • the_journeyman
    the_journeyman Posts: 1,877 Member
    Depends. If it's a new place, I either ask or if it's obvious they don't then I don't worry about it. The rest of the places I visit, I know if it's a shoe off or on house. I don't expect people to take theirs off. We've got hardwood throughout, so if a footprint is left, it gets wiped up easily.

    I ALWAYS take them off it I've got shoes on I KNOW are dirty/muddy.

  • LizV32
    LizV32 Posts: 127 Member
    I live on a small island, and the culture here is to take off your shoes before you enter or when you enter.
  • 1546mel
    1546mel Posts: 191
    I am amazed at the responses. I ALWAYS take off my shoes, even when told i dont have to unless they absolutely insist. I find it rude to walk around in the house with shoes on. Even if the floors are dirty, i will still take them off as i do not want to be rude and will just wash socks later, that is what they are there for!
  • oouurr__aayylleeyycan
    Yes I always do. I don't think it's right to wait until someone asks you to take them off - that's just rude imo. Usually if they're cool with them staying on they'll say don't worry about it as you do it, but I'd still rather do it than not because it's courteous.

    I have cream carpets at my new house so I always take mine off when I go through the porch and normally other people follow suit...
  • peacefulsong
    peacefulsong Posts: 223 Member
    I don't generally wear shoes around my own house just because it's more comfortable not to, but it honestly never occurred to me to ask others to take their shoes off when they come in, or to take mine off in someone else's house. I would if anyone asked me to, but in 40 years of life no one has ever asked me to. Maybe if they had shoes really caked in mud or something I would ask them to, or if mine were I would (but generally I don't get into situations that would end up with my feet caked in mud lol). Otherwise, in my own house, unless it's someone I know very very well or someone who is planning to stay awhile, I'd find it a bit rude for someone to come in and kick off their shoes without asking if I mind, like they're planning on staying for a long cozy visit. :P
  • maria1113
    maria1113 Posts: 508 Member
    In Sweden, it's customary to remove your shoes at the door, but again, methinks that's due to a lot of snow and muck in the winter months. Swede's also provide slippers for their visitors.
    Same here in Finland. Except that not all provide slipper, even in Sweden (have few friends in Sweden and they don't offer slippers). I always have comfy socks with me and I'm good.
    I could not even imagine of hanging in my apartment with shoes on, it sounds ridiculous. Of course back here we have cold winters, so winter shoes are way too warm to be worn inside. I actually have indoor shoes at work so I can change into them. And I only wear them if I walk somewhere. And mind you, I don't go barefoot, I wear socks :wink:
    It's not healthy and comfortable to wear shoes all the time.

    ETA: Oh yeah, and we don't do those soft fitted carpets back here. It's easier to keep your floors clean when you can take your carpets out to snow (or to be washed) and wash the hard floor.
  • blazergrad
    blazergrad Posts: 603 Member
    Kinda' pointless for me to do so ... :laugh:
  • erikazj
    erikazj Posts: 2,365 Member
    In the UK, it's not customary to take your shoes off when entering another person's home, although we would do if asked to do so, or if we were coming in out of the snow (which isn't very often). We have door mats and it's customary to wipe your feet before entering a home.

    I'd disagree with this, I'd say it was customary to take your shoes off (although not a cultural requirement) in the UK...but maybe it was just where I was brought up. At a couple of friends houses where I visit a lot I have left a pair of slippers for when it's cold, but otherwise its socks or barefeet. I hate wearing shoes anyway!
  • LaMujerMasBonitaDelMundo
    LaMujerMasBonitaDelMundo Posts: 3,634 Member
    Heck no! If I am in my aunt's house which requires us to take off shoes (her husband is Japanese & I think its part of their culture), I would just request for a slippers but no way will I go on barefoot.
  • TeutonicKnight
    TeutonicKnight Posts: 367 Member
    99% of the time, I do. What I find odd is that the people's homes I take my shoes off NEVER take their shoes off in my home. What gives?
  • Aviendha_RJ
    Aviendha_RJ Posts: 600 Member
    Uh... yeah!? You mean there are people who actually DON'T?!

    Who wants the chewed gum, dog ****, spit, mud, & whatever else you managed to trod in tracked all the way through their house? That's freakin' DISGUSTING.
  • TheRoadDog
    TheRoadDog Posts: 11,788 Member
    I would if someone asked me to, but, otherwise, No. The only time it is customary for me, in my life, is when enterring a Dojo.
  • kaetra
    kaetra Posts: 442 Member

    When I was in Austria everyone had a pair of "indoor" shoes, usually sandal-type, just by the door to wear in the house. They didn't like walking on the floor with their socks or bare feet ("floors are dirty") and everyone there thought it was odd that I hadn't brought any "indoor" shoes to wear.

    I thought it was a good idea, though I didn't incorporate into my life when I came back to the U.S.
  • HauteP1nk
    HauteP1nk Posts: 2,139 Member
    I always take off my shoes unless they say otherwise....
    And I expect people to take off their shoes when they enter my house too.
  • abby0077
    abby0077 Posts: 6
    I'm in the habit of taking my shoes off since living in Italy; people tend to wear slippers indoors, plus, in this city, everyone has a dog and they use the streets as a dog toilet so you are constantly avoiding pee or poo... it's disgusting to think i'd be walking all of that through my house! My husband couldn't understand the concept of having carpets everywhere, wall to wall, he didn't like the idea that you cant wash them everyday like a tiled or marbled floor. I get his point but I'm english, I can't live without cosy carpets, especially in winter!
  • Crimson21
    Crimson21 Posts: 148 Member
    It's a custom in Canada to always take your shoes off at the door. And it's just respectful to take your shoes off when you're entering someone else's home. I never wear shoes in my own home because I don't want to track any dirt in.
  • rachemn
    rachemn Posts: 407 Member
    I find it soooo annoying when people require shoe removal. It's a pain in the *kitten* and can be uncomfortable and can ruin the look of an outfit. I would never ever have this rule for my own house. Of course I oblige people who request it as I am not rude, but man, it feels like such an imposition. Big pet peeve.

    As a matter of fact I avoid going to "no shoes" houses when I can. Just find it so annoying.

    This! It is so rude. I never require it at my house. Unless for some reason your shoes happen to be really filthy (like from the kids playing outside) then they take them off at the door, but we walk through the house with our shoes on. Just take them off to get comfortable!
  • Ballybabe1
    Nope never take my shoes off inside until I relax for the evening when kids are in bed and then I kick them off to put my feet up on the couch. No one else takes them off either, no one would even think to ask and I wouldnt dream of telling them to take them off. In my neck of the woods I think it would seem rude to ask them to remove them, I guess customs are different in every country. I do not know of one house I go to that shoes are an issue inside !
  • TinaLTaylor79
    TinaLTaylor79 Posts: 140 Member
    Of course i do!!! Who wants someone trucking around inside their home with shoes that have been walking around on the dirty ground outside?! Its common Courtesy in my opinion.