Sixers Spring Into Summer - Week 5



  • Phoenix_Rising
    Phoenix_Rising Posts: 11,417 Member
    I guess I will weigh in today. Didn't make it yesterday.

    My dad's in the hospital with heart arrythmia. The heart cath resulted in no blocked arteries, which is a good thing. Now they are performing a cardiac MRI and an EP study to see why his heart keeps slowing and stopping and then racing. He's only 49 but has a laundry list of health problems.

    The job market sucks. Looking at available jobs, or the lack thereof, is depressing. At least I am resume-ready. :ohwell:

    Estranged Husband is getting on my last nerve, if I even have one left for him. He vacilates between sending me cards and caring actions trying to win me back, to being super angry and a jerk because I left. I'm sick of the emotional rollercoaster.

    My mother likes to eat dinner around my own bedtime.... so I had a terrible dinner out at a restaurant from 9p-9:45p last night. I bit my tongue when Mom asked why the cafeteria would dare close so early (at 7pm)! I will get back to normal eating habits as soon as I can. Living with unhealthy eaters who refuse to acknowledge my (trying to be) healthy eating habits is terrible. :indifferent: I will probably be eating out dinner the rest of this week while Dad is in the hospital.

    Not looking to see a loss today. Hoping not to have gained.
  • PedalHound
    PedalHound Posts: 1,625 Member
    Cathy, glad you're finding Tiff's quote helpful! I know you can get out of your funk :flowerforyou:

    Lauryn, that's brutal. I have such a hard time understanding how people could NOT be supportive of such efforts... Sorry to hear about the ex issues. That sounds like a very rough road.

    Wishing everyone a great and successful day! And WHERE IS EVERYONE?!?!
  • pettmybunny
    pettmybunny Posts: 1,986 Member
    Hello ladies! Hope everyone is hanging in there... I know some of you are facing scary personal things, and my heart goes out to you. But, you are all stronger than you realize, and you will all find your ways through these things. Keep the faith, girls.

    Today, I tried a video workout... Jillian Michaels: Cardio Kickbox... I downloaded it from Netflix instant queue. I was a bit disappointed, because it said it was 29 minutes, but only 20 minutes of it was actual workout. Bunch of time at the beginning where she was talking about how she was going to push you, and blah blah blah. It did shoot my heart rate up, my high was 188, average was 169. I like the idea of the instant queue thing and will be looking to see what other workouts I can find on there. Its funny though, I don't mind going to the gym and working out, but I feel weird doing it at home, and don't want to do it when anybody is here and might see me lol.

    By the way, I think I was right about the sodium yesterday. I stepped on the scale today, and was down a bit more than yesterday. I'll keep what I posted on there though, and just have an amazing loss next Tuesday... I'll be happy if I'm back to my starting weight at the end of this challenge.
    Hey Ladies. :heart: Just a quick check in... meeting @ 2 PM... but I hope all is well with you girls... I did the cardio kick boxing class last night and it was GREAT... then we made black bean burgers... and carrot hummus... :tongue: YUM.... so overall a good day... I had a slice of pizza today BUT I only had one slice and I still have a ton of calories left so that is okay... i guess. Where is everyone? Hope all is well! :heart: Check in thursday AM. :heart: em
  • its_B
    its_B Posts: 491
    SW 203 lbs/ GW 196 lbs/ CW 206.8 lbs PROGRESS +3.8
    SW 153.4 lbs/ GW 148 lbs/ CW 155.4 lbs PROGRESS +2
    SW 169 lbs/ GW 175 lbs/ CW 178.5 lbs PROGRESS +9.5 lbs
    SW 152.2lbs/ GW 141.6lbs/ CW 151.4 lbs PROGRESS - .8 lb
    SW 146.4 lbs/GW 141.4 lbs / CW 146.8 lbs PROGRESS +0.2
    SW 180 lbs/ GW 170 lbs/ CW 176 lbs PROGRESS - 4.0 lbs
    SW 185.5lbs/ GW 179.5lbs/ CW 188.0lbs PROGRESS +2.5
    SW 219lbs/ GW 205/ CW 215 PROGRESS 0.0 lbs

    SW 211lbs/ GW 198 lbs/ CW205.5 lbs PROGRESS -5.5 lbs
    SW 174.6 lbs/GW 165 lbs/CW 167.4 lbs PROGRESS -7.2 lbs
    SW 162.5lbs/ GW 159.5lbs/ CW 160 lbs PROGRESS - 2.5 lbs
    SW 211 lbs/ GW 199 lbs/ CW 210.5 lbs PROGRESS -0.05
    SW 198lbs/ GW185 lbs/ CW200 lbs PROGRESS +2.0 lbs
    SW 174 lbs/ GW 161 lbs/ CW 171 lbs PROGRESS - 3

    No progress. And Im sorry but.. Im just to messed up emotionally right now to spend much time on the computer.

    <3 to all of you and Red Sox congrats on the excellent work outs. Im really proud of you!

  • Phoenix_Rising
    Phoenix_Rising Posts: 11,417 Member
    SW 203 lbs/ GW 196 lbs/ CW 206.8 lbs PROGRESS +3.8
    SW 153.4 lbs/ GW 148 lbs/ CW 155.4 lbs PROGRESS +2
    SW 169 lbs/ GW 175 lbs/ CW 178.5 lbs PROGRESS +9.5 lbs
    SW 152.2lbs/ GW 141.6lbs/ CW 151.4 lbs PROGRESS - .8 lb
    SW 146.4 lbs/GW 141.4 lbs / CW 146.8 lbs PROGRESS +0.2
    SW 180 lbs/ GW 170 lbs/ CW 176 lbs PROGRESS - 4.0 lbs
    SW 185.5lbs/ GW 179.5lbs/ CW 188.0lbs PROGRESS +2.5
    SW 219lbs/ GW 205/ CW 215 PROGRESS 0.0 lbs
    SW 162.5lbs/ GW 159.5lbs/ CW 160.5 lbs PROGRESS - 2 lbs

    SW 211lbs/ GW 198 lbs/ CW205.5 lbs PROGRESS -5.5 lbs
    SW 174.6 lbs/GW 165 lbs/CW 167.4 lbs PROGRESS -7.2 lbs
    SW 211 lbs/ GW 199 lbs/ CW 210.5 lbs PROGRESS -0.05
    SW 198lbs/ GW185 lbs/ CW200 lbs PROGRESS +2.0 lbs
    SW 174 lbs/ GW 161 lbs/ CW 171 lbs PROGRESS - 3

    I don't think I will ever in my life lose any more weight. All I have done for MONTHS is sit on the fence of 158-162. Part of the problem is my complacency. I look so much better than I have in a decade, and I like it. I shouldn't. I should strive for more. The other part of my problem is my current life, stress out the wazoo. I've gotta learn to adapt there.

    I either need to work out more or stop the night time binge eating. Maybe if I literally put duct tape over my mouth it would help? :noway: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh:

    I went for a run in the pollen clouds today. My contacts are kaput -- glasses back on. The pollen does a doozie on my poor eyes. However, the run was FANTASTIC and really helped my mood!!!! I am so glad I went. A little good music and a hard workout on an already tired body actually made me feel better.

    Maybe I can focus and get work done now.

    xo Sixers :heart:
  • Phoenix_Rising
    Phoenix_Rising Posts: 11,417 Member
    No progress. And Im sorry but.. Im just to messed up emotionally right now to spend much time on the computer.

    I feel ya honey.
    If you are able, work on just maintaining. Don't backslide and gain any weight back. Just hold steady. Keep working out. I PROMISE that is the ONLY WAY to keep your mood from becoming horrible. Take out your frustrations during a workout.
  • nellienell12
    nellienell12 Posts: 325 Member
    SW 203 lbs/ GW 196 lbs/ CW 206.8 lbs PROGRESS +3.8
    SW 153.4 lbs/ GW 148 lbs/ CW 155.4 lbs PROGRESS +2
    SW 169 lbs/ GW 175 lbs/ CW 178.5 lbs PROGRESS +9.5 lbs
    SW 152.2lbs/ GW 141.6lbs/ CW 151.4 lbs PROGRESS - .8 lb
    SW 146.4 lbs/GW 141.4 lbs / CW 146.8 lbs PROGRESS +0.2
    SW 180 lbs/ GW 170 lbs/ CW 176 lbs PROGRESS - 4.0 lbs
    SW 185.5lbs/ GW 179.5lbs/ CW 188.0lbs PROGRESS +2.5
    SW 219lbs/ GW 205/ CW 215 PROGRESS 0.0 lbs
    SW 174.6 lbs/GW 165 lbs/CW 169.6 lbs PROGRESS -4.7 lbs
    SW 211 lbs/ GW 199 lbs/ CW 212.5 lbs PROGRESS +1.5 lbs

    SW 211lbs/ GW 198 lbs/ CW205.5 lbs PROGRESS -5.5 lbs
    SW 162.5lbs/ GW 159.5lbs/ CW 160 lbs PROGRESS - 2.5 lbs
    SW 198lbs/ GW185 lbs/ CW200 lbs PROGRESS +2.0 lbs
    SW 174 lbs/ GW 161 lbs/ CW 171 lbs PROGRESS - 3

    Hey ladies Sorry haven't checked in. Been on the computer, but I got myself addicted to a stupid Farm game on Facebook. Also, have been running back and forth to the hospital to try and test my daughters urine. They lost the first test, then tested the wrong thing for the second test, and finally got it right the 3rd time around, but still don't know what the heck is wrong. She has been complaining of a tummy ache for over a week now. She has her ups and downs with it. Don't know what to do.

    Well, as you see, I gained this week, but I tell you what, I'm pretty good at this maintaining thing.:laugh: :laugh: :laugh: , better than gaining I guess.

    Hey Lauryn, when you coming to Charleston? We will definately have to get together. If you bring your daughter, let me know and I'll bring mine.

    Rhiannon, congrats on the race. Great job.

    Tiff, great job on the exercise. You are doing so great.

    Mom, are you still running? I think that's awesome. I noticed after you posted that Craig and Derick were out running.:laugh:

    B, cheer up girly. It's gonna be alright.

    Em, I love seeing the pup picks. He is to cute. I love big dogs. I have 2 pits now and had a collie before them.

    Kristen, great job on the GAIN!!!! I can't wait to see my girlfriend at her baby shower next month. She is due June with a boy. I feel bad for her because she just lost her dad and FIL during this pregnancy and it was her dad's first grand baby. Plus, she was laid off her job during her pregnancy. Poor thing.

    Anyone I missed, hope all is well. Have a great night. Later.
  • chipper15173
    chipper15173 Posts: 3,981 Member

    DH has an interview tomorrow....cross your fingers.
    yes, shanell still running. i did a sprinting today, tore me up. burned very close to 500 in just 30 mins. did enjoy it. i might do it again tomorrow. i did pull a back muscle the other day at the gym doing 80#s of weight on an ab machine. a little sore, but not bad. so might do gym in the morning.

    see everyone tomorrow.

    later :heart:
  • PedalHound
    PedalHound Posts: 1,625 Member
    Cathy, GOOD LUCK tomorrow for your DH! :flowerforyou:

    Lauryn, I sure hope you find something to apply for soon. That will be an important relief. :flowerforyou:

    I MUST take tomorrow as a rest day lest I tempt over-training this week. I just can't stop... SO MUCH ENERGY! And I decided it was time for me to put my ticker back to acknowledge where I started from. I don't feel like it will be a hindrance anymore and I'm proud of how far I've come and of being back on track!
  • gonabfit
    gonabfit Posts: 711 Member
    chipper... and anyone else who needs some inspiration... read this article! on the power of bein positive I found it encouraging!
  • Phoenix_Rising
    Phoenix_Rising Posts: 11,417 Member
    Tiff, your new profile photo cracks me up. I love it.

    Shanell, I have no idea when I'll be that way. I should make it a point to get down there ASAP for a little break but I don't see that happening.

    My dad is still in Cardiac ICU. Plans have changed again as of this morning. The doc came in to talk to my dad ---- which in my opinion shouldn't be done. The doc should wait until family, a friend, another human being is there to talk important things, or write them out so the patient can re-read what they've been told. In other words, my Dad doesn't remember half of the medical jargon that was spat out at him. He knows he will be in the hospital over the weekend instead of being released tomorrow. The procedure we thought they were doing isn't going to be done the way we thought. Something is weird with his 3rd ventricle. Talk of a defibrilator in his heart. That is the info that filtered back to me from Mom, through what Dad told her. Sheesh. AND this doctor doesn't work Fridays so there is a chance we may not get to hear a repeat of what the cardiologist said.

    I just needed to get that off my chest.
  • amylou24
    amylou24 Posts: 365
    Hey ladies!!

    Sorry i've been MIA, one more paper down!! Don't even want to think about how many are left though!!

    I was way down when I weighed in this morning ---WEIRD!! But I am going home for a wedding after class gets out at 11 today so an 8 1/2 hour drive today! boo convenience store and fast food. taking some Kashi bars for snacks to ward off bad food. we shall see!!

    I will jump back on tonight when i get to my hometown and do some personals so i can avoid homework.

    Lauryn - I'm so sorry about your dad, hang in there!!
    :heart: :heart: :heart: :heart: :heart: :heart: :heart: :heart: :heart:
  • kistinbee
    kistinbee Posts: 3,688 Member
    Morning girlies! Not much time to talk (yet again) but I wanted to say hello! I have my ultrasound this I'll report back again tomorrow! Have a great day!:flowerforyou:
  • PedalHound
    PedalHound Posts: 1,625 Member
    Kristin, HAVE FUN!!! It's the most beautiful sight you'll ever see until you get to actually meet your baby!

    Lauryn, sorry about the drama with the Dr. That's so frustrating! I agree, they should have someone else there too. It's always a lot of information to absorb. I hope things improve for you guys!

    AmyLou, that's a long haul! Have fun at the wedding though, and I'm glad you got your paper done!!

    I'm meeting myself half way with my rest day today. I know I need to take a very slow day so I'm going to do a yoga class at noon. It's 55 minutes long and I think it will feel really nice. I do sun salutations on a regular basis at home but I've never done a yoga class before. I'm excited about it :bigsmile:
  • PedalHound
    PedalHound Posts: 1,625 Member
    Mmmm.. I had the tastiest omelet for breakfast this morning and just had to share :wink: I used 1 whole egg and 3 egg whites. sliced up 3 asparagus spears (on a fancy angle, of course) and 6 small cherry tomatoes. I lightly sauteed the asparagus and tomatoes and I seasoned the eggs with pepper, garlic and cayenne. Right before I folded the open omelet over the veggies I crumbled about 2T of soft chevre over the open face. It was LOVELY! Savory and crisp and really fresh tasting.

    Well, off to play with my kiddos! :heart:
  • gonabfit
    gonabfit Posts: 711 Member
    That Omelette sounds SOO good! I woke up late today... around 12 :-) I figured I deserved a break after alllll that hard work I did studying for my test! Not to mention I kept up with all of my workouts so far!!! :-) And today I have a bike ride, yoga, kick boxing, and 30 day Shred planned! :-) YAY!

    Since I woke up I was tempted to grab some fast food on the way home BUT I said no.. .went to my kitchen and am making some quick chicken spaghetti! :-) 4 oz. of chicken, serving of wheat spaghetti and ragu! :-)

    Gotta study now so I can workout tonight! Have a great day sixers!
  • PedalHound
    PedalHound Posts: 1,625 Member
    Yeah Tiff! Good on ya :happy:
    Hey Ladies. Sorry I have not been very supportive this week... just a TON of work ... and classes are almost over so exams and papers are driving me up the wall... needless to say I have NOT been doing well in the food dept. not horrible but not what I would expect from myself at this point in the game... working out on the other hand has been great, I really need it to keep from stressing out... so I think that is why I have been able to get back to my start weight... :huh: anyways you girls are great and I am so sorry to hear that some of you are going through some rough times... :flowerforyou: if you need to take the focus of weight loss for now... that is fine... just (as chipper said) hold steady... and remember that getting a good night sleep and some exercise (a nice walk, or whatever) can really boost your moral... love you girls. keep your heads up and push through this.... SUMMER is almost here :bigsmile: Personals in the AM... or possibly after class tonight if I have time before cardio-kick boxing! :noway:
  • gonabfit
    gonabfit Posts: 711 Member

    Kristin I voted for your baby being a girl! Not sure if you saw that I wrote that last week! :-) Have fun with your U/S!