Sixers Spring Into Summer - Week 5



  • chipper15173
    chipper15173 Posts: 3,981 Member
    DH said interview went well. hope for a return call. it's a little family owned place. said the salary he wanted was very fair. cross you fingers.

    ugly betty is on, and i need popcorn tonight.

    later :heart:
  • gonabfit
    gonabfit Posts: 711 Member
    Great Chipper! I'll send a prayer up!! Enjoy Ugly betty!

    Hey everyone else! gotta study so I can workout again tomorrow!
    My workout today:

    I just burned 2481 calories!!!! I worked out 2 hours 45 mins and I use a HRM

    Yoga- 60 mins
    rode bike to the gym- not walking distance 45 mins
    Kick n core class ---- Killer!!! 60 mins

    Heart Rate was around 190 - 140.

    I am soooo excited. Today was a good workout day!
  • PedalHound
    PedalHound Posts: 1,625 Member
    Cathy, that's good news! Here's hoping it works out!

    Tiff, you're crazy woman! That's great!!!
    morning ladies. stayed home to get some stuff around the apt. done... just finishing up now... today is my "off" exercise day but I really want to work out :bigsmile: LOVE IT! I had a different instructor last night at cardio kick boxing and I really feel it in my legs / core today.... it really is such a good feeling!!!! Anyways... the pup went in for the big apt. today... he is getting neutered, the BF was sad :laugh: but I think it is good to get it done...:wink: the little guy just marched on in there (he LOVES the vet for some odd reason)... so hopefully all goes well!

    Tiff. You are AMAZING seriously I thought the 800 calories I burned last night was a TON... :bigsmile: Keep up the great work!!!!!!! :flowerforyou:

    Pedal. How are you? What's on the menu today :flowerforyou: (you don't really have to list it... you meal plans are just so great!!!!!) Hope all is well!!!!

    Chipper. I hope he gets the job... that is great that the interview went well!!!:flowerforyou:

    More later! :heart:
  • chipper15173
    chipper15173 Posts: 3,981 Member
    did my friday weigh in only down .2 from tues. really thought it would be more. i am back to staying off the scale until weigh in days. i just don't need the extra stress right now. well, DH got enough of a last paycheck to get us through may and june for a roof over our heads and food, and utlities. as for one other bill. we will meet witht he lawyer about that on monday.
    our sprits are up.

    tiff... are you eating to help compensate for all those calories you burned? how did the test go?
    pedal...keep up the good moods, makes a huge difference.
    redsox....the baby will be sleeping lots today. his he chipped too? our clinic will do both for a reduced fee. did the u/s go?
    shanell...where are you? how is sky? what the doctor say.

    well, watching a show and than shower and pay the bills for the month, will releive lots of stress for 30 days. yea, i am all for that.

    later :heart:
  • kistinbee
    kistinbee Posts: 3,688 Member
    Good morning! And Happy Friday!!!!

    The ultrasound went GREAT!!!!:drinker: :drinker: :drinker: Baby is doing wonderful! Everything is normal! And it was SO great to see our little munchkin! Baby's hand was up by it's face which was really cute! And we got some great 4D pictures of the face! I go back again in another month, then 3 weeks later for the glucose testing, then every two weeks! CRAZY!:bigsmile: I just can't stop staring at these pictures! Makes it so much more real!!!:bigsmile:

    Hope you are all having a great morning!
    kristin... CONGRATS!!! :flowerforyou: I am so glad the he (yes I have decided it is a boy) :laugh: is doing well!!! :flowerforyou:
  • kistinbee
    kistinbee Posts: 3,688 Member
    :laugh: Another boy vote! I love it!:happy: Thanks!:flowerforyou:
    Shanell. I LOVE BIG DOGS!!! (clearly... considreing my little guy could weigh more than me if we both hit our goal weights... hahahaha...) actually i kinda think he was the runt of the bunch (okay with me)... he was def. the cutiest... :bigsmile: so I don't think he will amke it over 100 lbs... even though both mom and dad were 100+ ... so that is probably good for me :laugh:

    amylou. how is school??? lots of studying i am sure! :drinker:

    lauryn. I hope your dad is doing well today!!! :flowerforyou:
  • drtamm
    drtamm Posts: 427
    :flowerforyou: Hello Sixers! I see when I slacked off my sister was busy posting away and studying. Glad someone in my family was focused. LOL.

    Lauryn- I truly hope your situation with your husband and your new living quarters turns out well. I wish you the best. I hope your dad is getting well. I'm praying for your family.

    RedSox- I really wish you the best. Its tough trying to focus with lots going on in your life...Best Wishes, and 800 cal is alot. Tiff is just a fitness robot. :laugh: :laugh:

    Cathy- I hope the interview went well and I wish you the best with your runs. Sounds like you are getting a routine down.

    Shanell- I hope your daughter is feeling better. Facebook is an addictive place. I log on very seldom.

    Rhiannon- It seems like you are doing well. Glad to see you keeping a float.

    Robin- I used to hate working out at home too. But, now that's all I do. But I do live alone so no one can walk in on me. LOL. Good luck

    Amy lou- You seem to be in the final stretch .... Good luck!

    Tiff- You did some great motivational things this week and you found time to workout and study. I believe you are super woman!! Keep it up, it will pay off soon!!!

    As for me!!! Tuesday, we had a surprise birthday party for my coworker, Dr. Allen and we had fried chicken, mashed potatoes and green beans and hawaiian rolls. I enjoyed my plate and as I was enjoying my last bite of chicken, the office manager said she was going to her personal trainer. I said oh I have been looking for one. I went to the session and he pushed me extremely hard. I love fitness and I push myself hard, but he does it even more intensely. I WANT to do it but as Tiff says, its easy to talk yourself out of something you know is right. It is 25.00 a month for the use of the gym, for a year, 300.00 and his personal training sessions are 15.00 an hr and he recommends twice a week. Therefore that is 30 a week and I assume I will need about 6 months to reach my goal of 140. So.... that's another, 120 a month..... Long story short, I'm going to spend this money on myself, willingly, LOL.... well in hopes of success. I've been riding slow at around 37 lbs removed, I am happy but I have been at it since August 08. I'm going to kick it into high gear.

    I deeply missed you all and I will keep you posted. I even followed a meal plan this week, wrote in my journal nightly, read my bible every other night and I worked out at least 40 mins a day. :wink: I'm trying to get myself as balanced as I possibly can. Dylan has been sick, throwing up his food and I can't figure out why, at first he had lots of snacks but it may be the raw hide.

    I'll check back later,

  • chipper15173
    chipper15173 Posts: 3,981 Member
    i guess all the stress caught up with me. i have eaten since 3pm and stopped about 2 hours ago. i just don't care. i will again. i guess i needed to get this out of my system. already getting plans together to get back again.

    it's the weekend, means not many will be here. hope everyone has a great weekend.

    later :heart:
  • drtamm
    drtamm Posts: 427
    Cathy- If you want to get it out of your system, then have at it. You will know when you are ready to stop. We all have these moments in life. I wish you the best!!

  • PedalHound
    PedalHound Posts: 1,625 Member
    Good morning ladies!

    We're leaving for camping today, just overnight, but I'm so excited :happy: However, I'm having scale drama. Before my race I was holding at 176 for a few days then the morning after my race I was at 178 and I've been hovering there most of the week too. I've run a few times, did my Wednesday workout class, yoga on Thursday and my nutrition has been aces for weeks now so it must be fluid retention in my muscles but it's bothering me. I'm glad I'll be away from the scale tomorrow at least :tongue: I guess I just need to give my body a chance to adjust to the new use of these muscles but you all know that no matter what the logical reason, the scale can mess with your mind!!

    Have a wonderful weekend lovelies!
  • drtamm
    drtamm Posts: 427
    Rhiannon- Yes the scale does mess with our minds. Its just a series of numbers, you know you are doing well so don't worry about them. I know, its easier said than done. Enjoy Camp!!! YAY!

    Cathy- I hope you are feeling better today!!!

    As for me..... I have lost another 2 lbs. I'm happy, and surprised bc I was believing that I was in plateauville. I decided to get a personal trainer. After thinking more and looking at some of my high school classmates facebook photos, I know I MUST DO it. I really want to feel comfortable in my body, not necessarily a number... though its important too, but I want to feel like I did my best. :wink: So ladies, I have removed 39 lbs. Seems crazy to me. I guess tomorrow I should pick up a forty pound weight to remember where I have come from. To motivate me I still look at my pictures from last year and I just shake my head, how did I not know??? ANyway, I'm new and fresh and ready to remove the last 61 lbs. I know they will jump off when they are ready! Here's to the journey!!

    Have a great weekend sixers!!:flowerforyou:

  • chipper15173
    chipper15173 Posts: 3,981 Member
    i have a delema......the house we had wanted (bigger, newer, better neighborhood) wasn't to be empty until the end of the year. i think i mentioned this lots before. anyway the landlord called today and said they are leaving and it will be ready the 3rd of june did we want it. well.....we went and looked at it. the people still there were super nice to let us look. we really liked the house. now here is the problem.
    it's $100 more in rent. with no jobs and just his retirement and unemployment we can do it fine. but, we had filed a chpt 13 and we can no longer make the payments to the courts. we can switch it to a chapt 7. we will lose both cars. (one is broken down anyway). but, with the amount of pay he got when he left is enough to buy a decent used car, move us and pay all bill for the months of june and into july. so do we or don't we take it. we are meeting with the lawyer on monday to see what he says about the bankruptcy. as DH said even just small side jobs we could make it. if we don't' take it we lose it and have to stay here until who knows when. we have a great landlord now. don't really want to change. choices we are praying on it at church tomorrow for sure.... i am thinking that the things happen in 3s is he got descent pay, the house came open, now for the 3rd he gets that job.
    please pray for us to find our direction.

    otherwise had a good tiring day. took the grands out hiking again. long one this time and it was hot. their poor faces were beet red. they should sleep good. we have showered and ready for bed ourselfs.

    later :heart:
    Pedal. I have noticed that when I make a big change in the workout department my weight tends to increase... then in a week or two I see a BIG drop... not sure what the science behind it is but it must be, as you said, some part of how the body adjusts... so hopefully your hard work will pay off Tuesday! :flowerforyou:

    Chipper. I truly believe that things happen for a reason... and I really think things will work out for you and DH... :heart: We are here to listen and help you through this... PS. If you have a good landlord that will work with you now... possibly you could talk things over with him/her... ? if you really want the new house I hope it works out for you guys!!!! :flowerforyou:

    tamm. WOW...!!!! YOU ARE AMAZING!!! ps. I am in plateau-vill :noway: :laugh:

    More later girls....
  • gonabfit
    gonabfit Posts: 711 Member
    Hi all! I have 2 more tests this week... so I'll be m.i.a. Still working hard and eating within calorie range! Hope to see a drop on Tues... but almost TOM so that means +5-7 llbs :noway: Have a great week!
  • amylou24
    amylou24 Posts: 365
    Hey ladies,

    back from the wedding weekend which was B-E-A-UTIFUL!!!! And i didn't even have any cake!! (kind of regretting that actually, but replaced those calories with alcohol calories i'm pretty sure).

    couple of papers this week and a test and another paper next week so i will be lurking but may not be posting all that much. So close to being done with this year I can taste it!!!
  • pettmybunny
    pettmybunny Posts: 1,986 Member
    Hello ladies...

    Tamm, good for you deciding to splurge on yourself with the personal trainer. I'm surprised he's pushing for two times a week. When I had one (back before the wedding, lol) I only worked with her once a week, and she would work with me and give me the changes in my routine. I'd do it for the week, then meet up, and do the changes for the next week...

    Cathy, those are hard decisions to make for sure. So much upheaval in your life in such a short amount of time.

    Lauryn, how's your dad doin'?

    Amylou, glad you had a good time at the wedding.

    Rhiannon, you are soooo perky and upbeat! I'm loving it!

    For everyone else I missed, hellos all around!

    So... I've done a few more of these exercise videos here at home. I'm starting to love the netflix instant queue. I did a candlelight yoga video a couple of afternoons ago. Bad bad move, it had me sooo relaxed all I wanted to do was curl up and sleep! My heartrate hit a low of 64 during it (normally when I'm just sitting around, it's upper 70's lower 80's). Good video for right before bed, that's for sure, because I really enjoyed it, it was very stretch oriented, it just relaxed me too much! I've done a couple of dance aerobic videos, one was so-so, but the one I did this morning was great! It's not taking the place of the gym, but it is nice at times. Like this morning, DH was driving the kids to school, and I was able to do the video while he was gone, just finishing it when he walked in the door. I don't feel very graceful doing these dance moves, so I'm just glad there's not a wall of mirrors like at the gym, lol.
  • Phoenix_Rising
    Phoenix_Rising Posts: 11,417 Member
    Hi Guys,
    I'm lurking.
    Dad is undergoing an EP study today. (Heart cath with the cardiologists trying to figure out the electrical problem, sorta.) He should be in now. Hoping they find and eliminate the problem.
    I applied for 7 jobs last night. One little hit would really make me happy.
    In general, life is really tough right now. Seems like a lot of us are going through rough patches.
    These too shall pass, right?
    :heart: , Lauryn