why are people afraid of 'fats'?



  • Elen_Sia
    Elen_Sia Posts: 638 Member
    I'm only afraid of spiders, ghosts and clowns.

    I'm afraid of mice, and teeth falling out.

    I am deathly afraid of mice.

    But I love me some good fats every day.
  • Victoria2448
    Victoria2448 Posts: 559 Member
    Goood post!

    Importance of Dietary Fat
    Dietary fat contains nine calories per gram, which is more than double what protein and carbohydrates contain, four calories per gram. Because of this, dietary fat can be helpful for providing energy to fuel exercise and other strenuous activity. Dietary fat also helps your body absorb vitamins, and promotes proper growth and development. The American Heart Association suggests consuming between 25 and 35 percent of your daily calories from dietary fat.

    Omega-3 Fatty Acids
    Omega-3 fatty acids are unsaturated fats that are found in fatty fish, olive oil and nuts. Omega-3 fatty acids are purported to improve heart health, but research indicates that this type of fat may also promote muscle gain. A study published in the October 2010 issue of the "Journal of the International Society of Sports Nutrition" found that six weeks of supplementation with an omega-3 fatty acid product resulted in a .5 kg, or 1.1 lb, gain in muscle mass and a 1.1 lb. reduction in fat mass.

    Read more: http://www.livestrong.com/article/428268-fat-intake-causes-muscle-growth/#ixzz1nt7zZ4lU

    Great post!

    Might I add, that healthy fats are also essential for proper brain and organ function too.
  • firstnamekaren
    firstnamekaren Posts: 274 Member
    My husband is weird about this too! When he asks me to read the fat content on any food, I always point out "but it's unsaturated fat, the good kind". He doesn't like for me to cook with EVOO either (like I'll make his separate, even though I'm use it pretty sparingly). I just want to shake him!

    Saturated fat is not a bad fat. It has been unnecessarily demonized by one Ancel Keys and the AHA took and ran with it. SMH

    Good to know! I just thought monounsaturated and polyunsaturated were the good kinds. :smile:
  • forgtmenot
    forgtmenot Posts: 860 Member
    I'm only afraid of spiders, ghosts and clowns.

    Me too.. and teeth falling out.
  • Kalynx
    Kalynx Posts: 707 Member
    Sorry to be debbie downer to all the peanut butter people..but most store bought peanut butters have hydronated oils in them. I'm considering doing as suggested by some and making my own with a food processor and dry roasted peanuts so I know what the one ingredient is.
  • Bikini27
    Bikini27 Posts: 1,298 Member
    I'm only afraid of spiders, ghosts and clowns.

    Yep, ditto.
    Lawn gnomes, too. Creepy.
  • HeidiRene
    HeidiRene Posts: 335 Member
    I am not afraid of fats and I didn't check your age; however, for many people my age (38) we lived through so many years of the "low-fat" craze that it is hard to free ourselves of that mentality. For years all the hype was that fat made you fat. Luckily, I continued to educate myself and my thoughts about nutrition evolved. Also, some people are not afraid of fat but fat does have more calories so maybe they are avoiding the calories.
  • mickyjd
    mickyjd Posts: 97
    Great thread - answered a few questions I've had, so thanks to the OP :)
  • rebeccap13
    rebeccap13 Posts: 754 Member
    I'm only afraid of spiders, ghosts and clowns.

    Me too.. and teeth falling out.

    I am afraid of that too! Thought I was a weirdo! I grind my teeth at night so I have nightmares of my teeth falling out.

    People don't understand that fats are energy and that fat in food doesn't equate to fat being added to your hips, thighs, stomach, wherever. It's calories just like every other food you eat. Fat is essential for processing certain nutrients because not all of them are water soluble.
  • BAMFMeredith
    BAMFMeredith Posts: 2,829 Member
    I generally don't get enough fats in my diet, which I know, this is bad, and I know I need to step it up. Unfortunately, I don't like peanut butter, I'm beginning to be able to deal with almonds, but I still just really don't like them. I try to eat more fish and take my Omega-3 fish oil capsules daily though. I do love some avocado, however it's quite high in calories. Oh and I kinda have to force feed myself eggs. Not really a huge fan of those either, but I try. This is probably why at my last dr's appt he was concerned about my abnormally LOW cholesterol!
  • kgordon7
    kgordon7 Posts: 130 Member
    Before I learned better, I use to be afraid of eating a lot and eating a lot of fats. Now since, I do know better, I eat healthy fats and eat between 1600-1900 calories netting at my bmr. I guess some people just don't educate themselves enough to know that we need fat especially healthy fats, so now I'm no longer afraid of eating fats or eating period. I might add that I'm not eating 1600-1900 calories worth of junk, it's healthy foods and a limited amount of processed foods.
  • mrsjennifermaffei
    I'm only afraid of spiders, ghosts and clowns.

    I'm afraid of mice, and teeth falling out.

    I am deathly afraid of mice.

    But I love me some good fats every day.

    Me too, deathly afraid of mice also.
  • HeidiRene
    HeidiRene Posts: 335 Member
    Sorry to be debbie downer to all the peanut butter people..but most store bought peanut butters have hydronated oils in them. I'm considering doing as suggested by some and making my own with a food processor and dry roasted peanuts so I know what the one ingredient is.

    I always buy natural PB (b/c I don't eat trans fat) and it has one ingredient...peanuts. You don't have to make your own unless you just want to. Most grocers now sell natural. I haven't had that fake crap I grew up on in years.
  • poustotah
    poustotah Posts: 1,121 Member
    I usually forget to log mine. For instance, I cook with EVOO but I never log it. And I put avocado on a lot of things too but I forget to log it or I just don't because I've talked myself into believing that since it's a fruit, I can spread it on everything and eat it all day. I do log my nuts though.
  • jimmie25
    jimmie25 Posts: 266
    A lot of people are also afraid of carbs that come from fruits and vegetables.

    yeah. this i don't get either.

    i personally don't really like the taste of olive oil but i use it anyways every now and then. and unfortunately, i'm allergic to nuts :(
  • tiffanydawnn
    tiffanydawnn Posts: 122 Member
    Unfortunately, I think a lot of people believe that dietary fat leads to body fat.

    I love fats. I mix coconut oil into my oatmeal every day.
  • _Timmeh_
    _Timmeh_ Posts: 2,096 Member
    I thought it said "farts"
  • DrBorkBork
    DrBorkBork Posts: 4,099 Member
    I whole heartedly embrace fats. Yesterday I drizzled macadamia nut oil over my scrambled eggs that I cooked in bacon fat. Pork jowl bacon is probably the best bacon EVER!
  • c_armbrust
    c_armbrust Posts: 8 Member
    i completely agree! i think most people dont realize there are healthy fats and unhealthy fats. i try to eat raw almonds eveyday, and always cook w olive oil. almost all the fat i take in are healthy fats. more people need to know this.
  • secretlobster
    secretlobster Posts: 3,566 Member
    I agree with HeidiRene, lots of people are afraid because they mentally translate fat from food into fat-on-my-body. It's not true, but it's very tempting to buy low-fat everything - What isn't so obvious is the fact that healthy natural fat is usually replaced by chemical substances.

    I take whole milk in my coffee (raw if I can get it). I love steak. Avocado is one of my favorite snacks. If you ate more healthy fats and less complex carbs/sugars, your body learns how to process fat as fuel when you are active. Balance is everything, a low-fat lifestyle is not good for anyone looking to gain or maintain an athletic body.