public diary?



  • laceybrobie
    laceybrobie Posts: 495 Member
    Mine is public!! i like to be able to see wht people are doing that are successful with their weight loss. as well as let people see mine.

    you do what is better for you! if you dont want everyeone to see it, keep it private. i will friend you weither its public or private. that means nothing to me.
  • mygrl4meee
    mygrl4meee Posts: 943 Member
    I made mine public. It might help me not to eat the yummy stuff.
  • Kirabelly
    Kirabelly Posts: 60
    Mine was private at first, but now that I make only good food choices I have nothing to worry about so it's public. In the beginning I felt the same way... I had it public for a couple of days and noticed I wasn't being as honest so I went private again. Now I know exactly what I'm doing and I know I'm doing it right so no worries :)
  • Mrsairforce
    Mrsairforce Posts: 130
    Mine is public to friends and keeps me accountable. I love getting feedback on different foods or better choices!
  • 0RESET0
    0RESET0 Posts: 128
    Public. I don't really give a flying fart what other people think about what I eat. However, since I like to give advice on here when people ask for it, I made it public so they can judge for themselves whether or not they should head my advice.
  • ts1122
    ts1122 Posts: 99 Member
    Mine is public for the accountability I feel to myself and others and feedback from others on my food choices helps to give better ideas of "healthy."
  • Cold_Steel
    Cold_Steel Posts: 897 Member
    Public... people see me eat right ? Or do you hide in a corner and eat ?
  • dalgal26
    dalgal26 Posts: 781 Member
    I keep mine open for others to see, to give ideas. I like looking at other diaries to get ideas for different foods.

    :drinker: :drinker: :drinker:
  • alise_lmx
    alise_lmx Posts: 292 Member
    I had the same concerns as you. I really wanted to do it but I was afraid I would not log everything if I messed up. Honestly, since I've made mine public (to my friends only), once I got used to it I never really thought twice about it. I think that making it public has really helped me stay accountable. And none of my friends have EVER said anything negative in regards to my diary on an "off" day (I have great mfp friends!!) If anything, they tell me encouraging things so that I can start the next day on a positive note. And if I have a REALLY off day, I just quit logging for that day so i don't get super discouraged and just start fresh the next day. It's kind of cheating, but it keeps me sane :)

    I'd say try it for a week and see how you feel! I think it's a big step in making mfp really work for you, at least it has been for me!
  • wowbagger42
    wowbagger42 Posts: 25 Member
    Public.. I have good days, I have bad days... and I have REALLY gluttonous days... I just love food. I'm always thinking about it, haha. I could eat a whole pizza, and be hungry 2 hours later. In a way the 'public' setting shames me into eating lighter, but I need to realize I'm eating for myself, and that no one really gives a crap about what I'm eating anyhow. :) Either way, it doesn't keep me from tracking every morsel. The REAL shame would be if I had to track cigarettes smoked... Still working on that...
  • I keep mine open for others to see, to give ideas. I like looking at other diaries to get ideas for different foods.

    I do the same for the same reason. It never occurred to me to be snarky to other people about what they put in theirs. At the end of the day, it all comes down to you and I think we all know how we got here. Do what works best for you! It is helpful to see what others are putting together for meals. :smile:
  • jamiem1102
    jamiem1102 Posts: 1,196 Member
    Mine is public.

    Originally I kept it private, but then I realized... if I don't log it, the only person I'm lying to is myself. So... I opened it up, and whenever I'm thinking of having something bad, I think "Uh... everyone's going to see it..." and usually I end up not eating it. haha...

    But you know what? If I want to eat it, I'll eat it, because if someone on this site is judging you for having a piece of cake, they're an *kitten*. Plain and simple. Judgment is not what this site's supposed to be about. :(
  • FitN50s
    FitN50s Posts: 179 Member
    Choose whichever option that will ensure you are being honest. I've heard of people leaving things out of their diary because it's public, but on the flip-side, some people tend to make better choices knowing that their diary is public. Just be honest with yourself and you'll make the right choice. me personally, I just started a 30 day challenge I made for myself for this month, and to go along with it, I decided to make my diary open to my MFP friends starting today. If you want to see the challenge it's in my blog.

    Good luck!!

    This. Everyone is different, and it takes what ever works for you. Mine is private. I'm a boring, very picky eater. Sometimes I drink. I log it all, but I don't need anyone lecturing me (which did happen when it was public and I was here before) I log for myself, to keep track of what I am doing and how it's working. I don't ask for advice so I don't feel the need to open my log for anyone else. Some people like the accountability, and I think that's wonderful - for them.
  • jmobashrn11
    jmobashrn11 Posts: 120
    My log is public and I'm ok with that because I like to share the link with my best friend, who does not want to sign up to view it. I've had a few days when I've gone over really bad, but never had anyone criticize me at all. I can't imagine being discouraging to anyone on here and I hope no one ever does that to me.
  • LadyBeryl
    LadyBeryl Posts: 344 Member
    Mine is open to "friends" for accountability and advice but I prefer not to share much with the "public".
  • KLavallee322
    KLavallee322 Posts: 86 Member
    My diary is public. The only reason is so when I ask for advice or if I get frustrated I don't have to hear the "well maybe if your diary was public we could help." Plus I feel like I am doing a good job (most of the time) and I am proud to show it.
  • rosemiller11
    rosemiller11 Posts: 224 Member
    The locked with a Key is an awesome compromise on this. lock it with a key, then share that key with only a few select people that you know will motivate you, and not judge. It helps you to be accountable, but also have some control over who gets a chance to peek into your life. IMHO
  • hedgiie
    hedgiie Posts: 1,245 Member
    i think it's a personal choice, if your not comfortable making it public then by all means don't. this is all about being stress free so you can concentrate on the most important thing.
  • emstgm
    emstgm Posts: 117 Member
    Mine is public. Not just to my friends, but to all. I changed it a while back when I was asking for feedback so I could get 'unstuck'. I have bad days, I have high calorie days, and I recently had a 5 day long cake splurge! No one has judged me for it. But I have received honest and constructive feedback from people, such as, 'wow, do you realize how much sodium you consume?' Or "You might try to get a bit more protein." It all helps. It helps me to see other people's diary's too, because I get ideas for new things to eat or try.

    It is really each person's choice, but I personally prefer if my friends have open diaries, as I prefer to have similar goals.
  • StatHaldol
    StatHaldol Posts: 414 Member
    Mine is public, I like the positive AND negative feedback from others. It keeps me accountable.