Looking smaller than you weigh.



  • KrazyAsianNic
    KrazyAsianNic Posts: 1,227 Member
    Muscle weighs more than fat, and you could just have muscles
  • MizDD
    MizDD Posts: 1
    It was that way for me when I was younger. People would underestimate my weight by about 50 lbs.

    Even now that I'm quite heavy, people misjudge my weight downards. Height has something to do with it. Also muscle is much denser than fat. So, if you've got a lot of lean muscle, then your # won't match your look in the minds of many.
  • Savyna
    Savyna Posts: 789 Member
    I am the same way. I used to be 200 or so and people didn't really believe that, I am a little bit taller than you are. I dont see it as a problem. I just say thanks ^_^
  • AmyW125
    AmyW125 Posts: 303 Member
    I'm 5'2. I now weigh the same as I did when I got married 10 years ago. !36..I was in a size 10 then now I'm a 0-4. I lift heavy and I run...no one believes me when I tell them how much I weigh!!!:love:
  • onequirkygirl
    onequirkygirl Posts: 303 Member
    I have the same "problem." I blame it on being fed up with my body since high school. So I've been working out but when I was gaining weight.......somehow, and I have no idea how, I managed to escape the cellulite thing as well.

    I definitely notice, though, when losing weight, (and I think you have a good estimation of your size compared to other objects/people....that's something we have as humans), but I notice that I'm all of a sudden much smaller than object X.

    It's only after losing do you realize how big you were..
  • Tiffa0909
    Tiffa0909 Posts: 191 Member
    When I told my doctor my weight he was shocked , because he say I looked smaller. It has to do with the way fat is distributed around your body.

    I have huge arms but considering how much I weight , I have a small stomach .

    If we go by the Navy body fat percentage , my ideal weight would be around 171. But if we go by BMI then I would still be obese at that weight and I need to be at least 140 which most people tell me I would look horrible at.
  • Shellyyy7928
    Shellyyy7928 Posts: 78 Member
    All my weight is in my mid section. My arms are tiny and my legs are as well, my thighs don't even touch. But I'm 5'5 and weigh 170. I wear tight jeans to bring attention to them as well as wearing shirts that are flow-y in the middle. I never tell people my weight but I'm always told my legs are too some, that I don't need to lose any weigh.
  • Hannova
    Hannova Posts: 50
    Well I do have a scale that does that but I'm not sure if I can trust it. On Athletic mode it gets me as 20.2% and on normal I have 24%, and I'm not sure if that's right. Is there any way to check?

    The only way I can think of is to go to a doctor/nutritionist and have them test you. Doctors had the gear to test this long before they appeared on the home market.

    For the easy way, try out some other scales and see if they agree with the first one, or each other.
  • ZippyPippy
    Bigger bossems can have something to do with it. Having a good posture, also if you carry your weight around your belly inside (which is the worst place to carry it) can have something to do with it.
  • ZippyPippy
    I have not heard of the Navy body fat calculator, do you have a web link?
  • onequirkygirl
    onequirkygirl Posts: 303 Member
    It's usually because they have more muscle......MUSCLE is the answer to this thread.
  • garp4
    garp4 Posts: 59 Member
    If someone were to ask me what I thought they weighed I would guess on the low side. I think it would be very insulting to possibly guess too high.
  • MrsKosal
    MrsKosal Posts: 415 Member
    I get that a lot too. I think a lot of it has to do with how I dress though. I refuse to be the girl that squeezes into the smaller size just because I can get it on. I'd rather by the bigger size and look better.
  • DaughterOfTheMostHighKing
    muscle is more compact than fat, that's why muscle doesn't jiggle. I've always had that problem because of my legs! I am currently 151, and at 5'4 3/4" they say it's too heavy, so I'm looking forward to losing the fat and keeping the muscle!!!
  • Anomalia
    Anomalia Posts: 506 Member
    I weigh significantly more than I appear to weigh.
  • xAndreaWx
    xAndreaWx Posts: 17 Member
    glad i found this thread.. i told someone my weight today and they thought i was nearly a stone lighter.. mentioned it to my mum and she thought the same! was curious as to how i can weigh 9st11 but people think i'm 9st.. i do go to the gym but its mostly cardio so im not building a great deal of muscle.. im only 5'2 which may have something to do with it i guess. i should take it as a compliment i guess but its frustrating that im not the weight people think i am!
  • nwg74
    nwg74 Posts: 360 Member
    My Dad thought I weighed about 18 stone but I realised I weighed 26.5 stone.
  • anyamb
    anyamb Posts: 52 Member
    I read mention in a book recently that human beings are actually really terrible at perceiving weight -- both visually and physically, as in by lifting a weight. That's why we need to actually weigh produce when we buy it.

    Example: I'm great at perceiving a volume of mushrooms (such as enough for 2 cups) when I try to buy them from a bin, but if I'm trying to buy a weight (such as 2 lb.) of mushrooms, I will always get it wrong.