5"7 ladies?



  • NiniLeeMarie
    I'm 5'7.5 exactly I've been overweight all my life the smallest I've ever been in the past was 160 & that was after having my daughter (I lost weight due to morning sickness) the heaviest I've been was 190+ I began to lose weight last year I ate under 2,000 calories and worked out for 2hours at the gym, the least I got to was 150 but ended up gaining 10 back now my GW is between 130-140 I mainly want a flat stomach thats what I've struggled with the most. good luck on your gw:)
  • sexysize12
    sexysize12 Posts: 105 Member
    I'm 5 fit 7 and 165 lbs is the perfect weight for me I'm not to slim and curvy in just the right places can't wait to get there, when I was younger I used to be on the slimmer side of 165 but the older I get volouptous just works for me. I have a ways to go though but I will make it to goal :o)
  • skywa
    skywa Posts: 901 Member
    i am 5'7 and about 123 lbs if you wana look at my pix to get an idea of how you'll look. I am toning atm. The most recent pic i have is the one with the pink bottoms.

    I wanted to be 110, but i am getting increasingly thin even at my current weight, so i might not lose anymore.
  • VeganPanda
    VeganPanda Posts: 582 Member
    Hi! I am 5'7 and aiming for 125 too! (I currently weigh 157-ish :/ )

    I don't remember ever being in the 130s at this height, and I am really just curious about what I would look like. Once I get to 135 I will re-evaluate and see if I am happy there.

    I try to work out twice a week (elliptical and spinning) but would like to increase that and start running. I also eat a vegan diet (for ethical reasons) and try to get in as many fruits and vegetables as I can, and stay around 1,250 calories per day.

    Since Christmas, I have lost about 15 pounds, but recently my weight loss has stalled. I hope to start losing again once I begin running.

    Good luck!!
  • KansasRain
    im 21 5''6.5 i currently weigh 279 i started at 290. my goal weight is about 130-140, i have an hour glass shape but also a bigger frame so i think that would look alright on me. Personally though my goal is actually to be between a size 7-9 and i want to be toned. So my goal is to drop down to about 150 and then for the last 10-20 pounds do weight training so i can tone up and really look and feel healthy.

    Your friends might be in the 120's but that doesn't mean you need to be. i completely understand feeling huge around friends who are smaller but what looks good on someone else may not look good on you. its like clothes that top might look amazing on her but put it on some one else and it might look ugly. You need to go for a weight that is HEALTHY and looks good on YOU so if at 135 you look and feel great leave it at that if you could still stand to loose 5 pounds then loose it. GOOD LUCK!
  • wildcard29
    wildcard29 Posts: 322 Member
    I'm 5'7" and currently my goal is to be 150. I am 174 right now
  • sxci8
    sxci8 Posts: 24
    Your concern seems to be more a question of size and appearance than weight so like most people suggested, focus on your target size. You may find that it is not at 125pounds... or that it is, depending on your frame and bone density.
  • misskerouac
    misskerouac Posts: 2,242 Member
    I'm 28, 5'7" currently 173 (SW was 185) my goal is 150 and then I'll go from there. At 150 I was an 8/10 but had a nice stomach and still had a booty. I'd like to get to 150 then tone and tighten everything.
  • Cassie5493
    Cassie5493 Posts: 55 Member
    5'7" here

    My goal weight is 135-145. I want to be curvy in the right places.
  • 1PoisonIvy
    1PoisonIvy Posts: 885 Member
    As most comments state, they were this weight in High School, this is an unrealistic goal, as your body is not the same as when you were a teenager.

    Good Luck on your journey
  • TropicalSeaShell
    Hey I am 5'7 1/2 and my UGW is 135....but with a lot of Lean Muscle Mass. :) You should try a BeachBody program. They work miracles if you are willing to work hard every day!
  • HisMissus
    HisMissus Posts: 119 Member
    I'm like oOmazOo. I should be 140lbs but my friend who is the same height as me was moaning yesterday about how she's now 154lbs (11 stones) as she used to be 9 stones before she met her Hubby2be. I think she looks good as she is so it's made me think that 160lbs would maybe a better goal. I suppose I'll know when I get there...
  • AmberJaebabeyy
    I'm 5,7 and currently weigh 128 pound with still 22% body fat gaa!!! So my new goal now is 119 just so I can say I'm under 120 :)
  • lisaslim1976
    I'm 5'7" and currently my goal is to be 150. I am 174 right now
    Thats about the same as me im 169 at moment,...i know i look good at 150lb ( still have my boobs then!) :-)
  • epicthin
    epicthin Posts: 23
    I'm 5'7" and I think I've always looked my best around 120 - 123. I have a small frame though, and I'd be willing to be 130 pounds if I still had muscle. :)

    Besides, my weight gain gave me ridiculous boobage and frankly it's doing a lot more for me than size 2 jeans ever did.
  • betternowthanlater
    betternowthanlater Posts: 34 Member
    That's what I want. Not skinny- so much as toned. Laila Ali-ish toned. Or Keri Washington skinny at 135.
  • khagador
    khagador Posts: 175 Member
    As most comments state, they were this weight in High School, this is an unrealistic goal, as your body is not the same as when you were a teenager.

    I actually look better than when I was in HS. More muscle developed and I'm 10 lbs heavier. I'd just like to get rid of the small belly pocket right around my belly button. To do that, I've got to lose weight and then build more muscle.

    My goals are to be a solid size 2, I'm a size 4 now. And to lose 10 lbs.
  • katiep1022
    im 5"7', as well and my goal weight is about 140. i had been 135 in high school after i lost alot of weight on weight watchers. now on MFP i started my journey at 192! i felt like 130 was too skinny for my frame, id like to still have a little meat on my bones! so now my goal is about 140, but i guess it all depends on how i feel when i get there. plz add me if u need friends, i could also use some motivation! as far as tips go ive jest been eating healthier and snacking all day long - seems to be helping so far !!
  • MelissR75
    MelissR75 Posts: 760 Member
    I'm 5'7" and am aiming for 155. I'm a size 8 at that weight and I look healthy. below that on my frame, I look far too skinny. Moreover, I think it's a weight I can maintain without driving myself crazy.

    Same here :)
  • daisytripp
    daisytripp Posts: 527 Member
    When I started MFP, I listed by goal weight at 145. I was always an athlete and never tracked my weight in high school or college (the trainers did, but I paid NO attention).

    I think that a lot of the variety in goal weights is based on fitness level and fitness type.

    If I was only going to walk for fitness (and there is NOTHING wrong with that), I would probably set a goal weight that was smaller, but I am aware of the muscle mass that I tend to have and that I am already quickly developing with increasing workouts.

    I think we all - even as a group of people who are the same height - have the unique opportunity to individual choose what weight works best for us and support each other in the individual journeying.