Poll: YES or NO? Saying "Great Job!" On Your Diary



  • Mr_Cape219
    Mr_Cape219 Posts: 1,345 Member
    I only say something when they have lost about 2 lbs or so. Honestly any more than 2 lbs. is really dangerous to loose per week. I also congradulate when they have logged in for "x" amount of days. I think that regardless of how poor or well they are eating, if they are constantly commited to logging everything in, they deserve the praise. Whenever MFP says "John Doe has logged in for 20 days in a row!" a simple "awesome job pal!" is sufficient. Hey, it makes me feel better when I log in for "x" days and someone recognizes me for it. Despite the crap i've eaten this weekend =_=; (I still feel sick. ugh)
  • _binary_jester_
    _binary_jester_ Posts: 2,132 Member
    There are so many different opinions as to what's the right thing to eat, I don't think you would get a stright answer. Personally I don't post my food journal (when I do) to be judged.

    I agree with binary. But if you're gonna post, I can tell if you're posting without actually looking at my diary. #justsayin

    "Great job" ...when I had 3 donuts, a candy bar, and a cheeseburger? <
    I am proud of my friends when they post everything..even their warts. It happens. You move on.

    Yeah, but I prefer it when my friends don't encourage me to binge. Does that make me crazy?
    Binging, I assume, would put you over. if you are a person that constantly goes over then whines about not losing weight, that might get you a comment.
  • QueenJayJay
    QueenJayJay Posts: 1,139
    There are so many different opinions as to what's the right thing to eat, I don't think you would get a stright answer. Personally I don't post my food journal (when I do) to be judged.

    I agree with binary. But if you're gonna post, I can tell if you're posting without actually looking at my diary. #justsayin

    "Great job" ...when I had 3 donuts, a candy bar, and a cheeseburger? <
    I am proud of my friends when they post everything..even their warts. It happens. You move on.

    Yeah, but I prefer it when my friends don't encourage me to binge. Does that make me crazy?
    Binging, I assume, would put you over. if you are a person that constantly goes over then whines about not losing weight, that might get you a comment.

    I wish you would stop telling my personal business in like every thread.

  • _binary_jester_
    _binary_jester_ Posts: 2,132 Member
    I wish you would stop telling my personal business in like every thread.

    We're not friends. heh
  • QueenJayJay
    QueenJayJay Posts: 1,139
    I wish you would stop telling my personal business in like every thread.

    We're not friends. heh


    I should probably stop yelling...
  • mgpage
    mgpage Posts: 123
    And I absolutely hate getting that PM that says ... "Whoa! A little too much wine today." or "You went way over on sodium today good luck ever having abs." <--(it happened) ....I logged it, so trust me, I know

    Oh I know! I was in my first week of logging and I got some of those critical comments and I'm thinking, who asked you to be my police? And I wanted to ask some questions on the forums, but I saw how people jumped so harshly on others and decided to stay away.

    I like straight shooting, but I'm making good progress and am in good shape so anyone who is consistently critical without either a) being a good friend already or b) my asking their opinion gets X'ed off the friends list.

    So, what do you want from your friends? No, GREAT JOB, when your diary looks like crappy but you managed to stay under or at goal. And NO, pointing out the BAD things you should be doing in moderation, that caused you to be over goal. If your MFP friends never commented, what then? Would there be a post to whine about that?

    I am thankful for all of my friends and there comments, regardless if they have read my diary or not. There is nothing wrong with constructive criticism, or wanting to be supportive but unable to read everyone's diaries. We have all have a life outside of MFP.
  • ItsCasey
    ItsCasey Posts: 4,022 Member
    I don't log as much anymore, but when I did, I always appreciated the comments about specific things, like "Great job on the protein" or "Way to drink your water." That let me know that they actually opened my diary and looked at what I was eating.

    And I usually only commented on diaries I had actually viewed. I don't really care as much about the quality of the food. If someone's calorie goal after exercise is 1600, and they ate 1500 calories of some healthy and some not-so-healthy foods, I would still applaud them for staying below their calories. Even if they're eating some "bad" food here and there, they're doing it in moderation, which is the whole point. If someone only ate 400 calories and there wasn't a legitimate reason for it, like being sick or being on an intermittent fasting program, I would not say "Way to go." That's not helpful or honest.
  • QueenJayJay
    QueenJayJay Posts: 1,139
    And I absolutely hate getting that PM that says ... "Whoa! A little too much wine today." or "You went way over on sodium today good luck ever having abs." <--(it happened) ....I logged it, so trust me, I know

    Oh I know! I was in my first week of logging and I got some of those critical comments and I'm thinking, who asked you to be my police? And I wanted to ask some questions on the forums, but I saw how people jumped so harshly on others and decided to stay away.

    I like straight shooting, but I'm making good progress and am in good shape so anyone who is consistently critical without either a) being a good friend already or b) my asking their opinion gets X'ed off the friends list.

    So, what do you want from your friends? No, GREAT JOB, when your diary looks like crappy but you managed to stay under or at goal. And NO, pointing out the BAD things you should be doing in moderation, that caused you to be over goal. If your MFP friends never commented, what then? Would there be a post to whine about that?

    I am thankful for all of my friends and there comments, regardless if they have read my diary or not. There is nothing wrong with constructive criticism, or wanting to be supportive but unable to read everyone's diaries. We have all have a life outside of MFP.

  • Kell_Smurthwaite
    Kell_Smurthwaite Posts: 384 Member
    I don't tend to comment on the "coming in under calories" notifications - but I DO comment on the ones that mention how many calories have been burned doing exercise, because I know how hard it can be just to get up and do it in the first place and I thin kpeople need all the encouragement they can get when they DO get off their butts and burn off some energy in a healthy way.

    I'm also more likely to comment on blogs to encourage and help keep people motivated and/or congratulate someone on hitting their goals or completing an activity. :)

    Created by MyFitnessPal.com - Nutrition Facts For Foods
  • dinosnopro
    dinosnopro Posts: 2,179 Member
    I tend not to comment, but here is my take. Right now I am following a body recomp so my goal is to hit my macros and stay at or a bit under my goal. In a few months when summer is over I will be starting a bulk so I will raise my calorie goal, at that point my goal will be to hit my macros and be at my goal or a bit over (don't want to end up on that dreamer bulk). With all that being said, if you were to look at my diary from a few month ago people would have been offended because my goal then was to hit my protine macros and stay at under 50g of fat and under 50g of carbs, that meant for multiple days in a row I would be below 1000 calories, but I was following an RFL diet.

    So in short I dont know what plan they are working with so it's not for me to judge, plus I fallow IIFYM so I could not give a ***t less about what people are eating. I feel hitting you macros is the most important, after that have what you want if it fits your calorie goal.

  • mgpage
    mgpage Posts: 123
    And I absolutely hate getting that PM that says ... "Whoa! A little too much wine today." or "You went way over on sodium today good luck ever having abs." <--(it happened) ....I logged it, so trust me, I know

    Oh I know! I was in my first week of logging and I got some of those critical comments and I'm thinking, who asked you to be my police? And I wanted to ask some questions on the forums, but I saw how people jumped so harshly on others and decided to stay away.

    I like straight shooting, but I'm making good progress and am in good shape so anyone who is consistently critical without either a) being a good friend already or b) my asking their opinion gets X'ed off the friends list.

    So, what do you want from your friends? No, GREAT JOB, when your diary looks like crappy but you managed to stay under or at goal. And NO, pointing out the BAD things you should be doing in moderation, that caused you to be over goal. If your MFP friends never commented, what then? Would there be a post to whine about that?

    I am thankful for all of my friends and there comments, regardless if they have read my diary or not. There is nothing wrong with constructive criticism, or wanting to be supportive but unable to read everyone's diaries. We have all have a life outside of MFP.


    Not angry, just confused about what is wanted here?
  • Smiler106
    Smiler106 Posts: 124 Member
    Rule your world as you may ... But don't encourage poor choices from others. :huh:

    Wow, you are so judgemental it's unbelieveable. You must be a clairvoyant as well as a nutritionist.
  • mo_is_here
    My diary is set to private. I only congratulate friends on their work out or weight loss not on their diary. I dont care or have the time to read everyones diary. Im not the food police.
  • Dilfster
    Dilfster Posts: 434
    i'll take any comment...good, bad, whatever... at the very least, a response (no matter how bad it might be) reminds me that other people can see what I am doing.
  • Wileyjoe
    Wileyjoe Posts: 282
    I don't have any friends, so I just leave messages to myself like "WTG!","Great Job!", "LMAO!"
  • RunHardBeStrong
    RunHardBeStrong Posts: 33,069 Member
    I don't reply on a diary post unless I've actually looked at their day and it was a good day. I don't reply at all about a bad diary unless they ask for advice or come on the next day and complaining that they just don't get why they feel like crap and can't seem to lose any weight. Even then they usually don't take any solid advice (not just mine as others say the same as I do often) and keep going on the same way then the next week it's the same exact post. "I'm sick again, feel like crap and my scale hasn't budged." SMH!
  • elenathegreat
    elenathegreat Posts: 3,988 Member
    There are so many different opinions as to what's the right thing to eat, I don't think you would get a stright answer. Personally I don't post my food journal (when I do) to be judged.

    you are taking all the fun out of judging others....
  • PHATmommy68
    PHATmommy68 Posts: 112
    I really feel that what one person does is no one else's business! I am a healthy eater but have an occasional sweet tooth! As long as I am under calories and doing my work out, I'm happy! That happiness isn't your business!
  • therealangd
    therealangd Posts: 1,861 Member
    I don't reply on a diary closing post and I don't close my diary.
  • PHATmommy68
    PHATmommy68 Posts: 112
    I don't reply on a diary closing post and I don't close my diary.
    I agree with you! :smile: