Poll: YES or NO? Saying "Great Job!" On Your Diary



  • Nana_Booboo
    Nana_Booboo Posts: 501 Member
    Guess I'm just a mean Bi**h.

    I won't tell you good job unless you did a good job.

    EAT, MOVE, LIVE!!!
  • wells0707
    wells0707 Posts: 251 Member
    Who am I to judge what people use their calories on. Unless I specifically know they are trying to stay away from certain foods I say "good job staying under ESPECIALLY considering you ate junk food all day"

    To each their own way of getting there. Some days people might have super low calories, but maybe thats what they were aiming at to make up for a prior day of going way over.
  • nutandbutter
    I did a "great job" of eating my Quarter Pounder wif cheeze last night.


    Mcdouble has better macros. :wink:
    OSC_ESD Posts: 752 Member
    Rule your world as you may ... But don't encourage poor choices from others. :huh:

    Wow, you are so judgemental it's unbelieveable. You must be a clairvoyant as well as a nutritionist.

    You couldn't be farther from the truth if you tried ... That wasn't directed at you personally ... it was a general statement. To each is own ... I just am saddened to see people encouraged to make poor choices. Why not just not say anything and continue on with your day ? I mean really, are you doing them a favor ????

    I have some of the GREATEST supporters on MFP ... and I am very thankful for not only their support .. but also them calling me out when it is deserved. It's all about honesty ... That's all I ask from them and everything they get from me.

    I hope you understand I never meant to offend you ... for that I apologize. :embarassed:
  • JanieJack
    JanieJack Posts: 3,831 Member
    So it sounds like most people are saying they want the support, and those who give it are mostly saying they're trying to be "responsible supporters." Thanks for your opinions, peeps!
  • Mr_Cape219
    Mr_Cape219 Posts: 1,345 Member
    So it sounds like most people are saying they want the support, and those who give it are mostly saying they're trying to be "responsible supporters." Thanks for your opinions, peeps!

    You Are WELLCCOOMMEEE!!!!!
  • WickedGarden
    WickedGarden Posts: 944 Member
    i don't comment on food diaries, I will comment on working out because it's really tough to commit to a program like P90x EVERY DAY, especially if they are new to it.

    My diary is open to friends only, and I make notes in it so when others look at it, they will know why I only ate 300 calories for the day: "really sick, went to doctor, can't keep food down". I think it's encouraging to see someone who can eat healthy, still indulge once in a while, and still lose weight. Example: I go out with friends on the weekends and will figure in eating dinner out into my daily allowance. So what if I go to McDonalds for lunch...it's not every day, and I figure it into my allowance. My other half doesn't want to count calories, so some days I have to "eat bad". I also like to see what others eat for snacks or get inspiration for meals.

    In general, I don't usually comment...too facebook-ey.
  • WhittRak
    WhittRak Posts: 572 Member
    If you are eating junk, and still meeting your calorie goal..I am going to let you know.
  • AlsDonkBoxSquat
    AlsDonkBoxSquat Posts: 6,128 Member
    I don't say "good job" if I don't look at it. Usually it'll be something more specific like "nice protein!" or if they're one of my ed friends "wow, way to get those calories up there!" or if I know there's another struggle they've been having. As a person previously with EDs I find a blanket "congrats" can be dangerous.
  • sg1982
    sg1982 Posts: 69 Member
    I appreciate encouragement. I don't expect anyone to read and judge my food journal. I need nice people on my side. I don't enjoy the message boards being pushy or judgmental. Everyone has their own issues.

    I agree.
  • amymaria91
    amymaria91 Posts: 202
    I never comment on a food diary unless I look at it. I don't know what I'm commenting on otherwise
  • fuhrmeister
    fuhrmeister Posts: 1,796 Member
    I try to look at a diary before I comment. I uasually only coment w/o looking on friends who I've known for awhile.

    Some peopel get offended if you suggest more veggies and less crackers but I would lov eit if some said "Hey maybe you should swap 100 cals of you 200 chocolate cals for an apple" I need to be encouraged to make good swaps.
  • kiminikimkim
    kiminikimkim Posts: 746 Member
    People who eat poorly & don't take care of their health are either deleted from my friends list or I just don't accept them in my MFP circle of friends. All the MFP friends I have now eat well, exercise regularly and we encourage each other mutually. I will give them a "Good job!" even though I don't always read their diaries. (Ipad app won't show the diaries)

    I have an intimate small circle of friends which I take the time to give positive remarks but I never give unsolicited advice. I don't want to be one of those people who comment on how too many diet sodas have been consumed or if eating meat is cruel to animals.

    So I do comment when I don't read their diary sometimes.
  • HealthierMimi
    HealthierMimi Posts: 5 Member
    So glad you brought this up... haven't really thought about this Yes, I have said that. Now that I see all the comments, I think from now on I will only comment on "under calories" if I look at their diary and then comment appropriately. I know I probably needed someone to view mine before they commented sometimes. :laugh: This has been a good topic to read about.
  • delilah47
    delilah47 Posts: 1,658
    Seems like these days people expect praise for ... well, for whatever! I believe in praising for anything very impressive. And.. when people say "great job" to me for staying under calories (it would be hard to find a day I didn't eat healthy), it seem fake because I don't think it's praiseworthy. Just me. And that's why I no longer have any friends. I took'em all out!

    Do you *really* expect praise for following your meal plan on a daily basis? :huh:
  • delilah47
    delilah47 Posts: 1,658
    @ Vermilla's profile photo:

    That's about the cutest little kitty I've seen in, well, just about forever! :happy: :happy:
  • sunkisses
    sunkisses Posts: 2,365 Member
    Don't waste the characters involved in patting me on the back for calories and exercise please.
  • JanieJack
    JanieJack Posts: 3,831 Member
    I think it's great to say great job to someone starting out who stayed under (in a healthy way) or burnt more calories in exercise than they are used to.

    And I truly do appreciate the support I've been getting. I just don't like it when I'm at 900 calories though because of being nauseous or poor planning and people congratulate me. Especially this past week... my diet has been horrendous (but under calories) due to long work hours.
  • megsmom2
    megsmom2 Posts: 2,362 Member
    I keep my diary closed, and tend not to check others often. If I say "good job" to someone, its usually meaning "hey you checked in, you're still here, still working at it, good for you!" The people I'm friends with, though, aren't doing funky things with their food diary. If they were, I'd probably just say nothing.
  • sschoolfield
    I guess I just view MFP as a tool for me to set and monitor my personal goals and track my progress. It's nice to hear from friends occassionally, but at almost 50 years old, I don't need another parent bird dogging my efforts and being critical about every morsel I put in my mouth. I am accountable to myself and most other people's comments really are going to have little to no impact on my journey. There are only a few I value enough for it to matter that much....not that I haven't learned a few things on this site. I have but maybe I'm just too bull headed to let those who are super critical of others have any impact at all in my life. To me the site is about being supportive not dictating to everyone else how to make their journey.

    For some who have truly struggled with weight, there are often already self esteem issues and negative comments are just the ticket to set them back. We are not all alike and do not all respond the same. Surround yourself with friends that meet your individual needs and delete those who do not. But never, never let stongly opinionated people (regardles of what their opinions are) deter you from working toward your own personal goals. Hopefully everyone who finds their way to this site will find and take away what they need and leave the rest on the table. Good luck all.