stay at home moms?



  • Adshill
    Adshill Posts: 130 Member
    SAHM in Ohio here. I have 2 kids in school now, so I'm not sure how much longer I will be at home. And resisting snacks all day is definitely a challenge! But I also have more time to plan and prepare healthy food since I'm home. So I guess it's good and bad. :smile:
  • wired0202
    I am a stay at home Mom of 2 kids, 8 & 6. Wish losing weight wasn't such a struggle...continuous battle.
  • KimKramer
    KimKramer Posts: 44
    I am a SAHM to 3 kids, my boys are 6 &4yrs old and our baby girl is 18months already :( Definitely find myself snacking more mid-afternoon......handful of goldfish or a cookie sure does add up by the end of the day! LOL
  • hesn92
    hesn92 Posts: 5,967 Member
    I'm not really a sahm.. I go to school but I don't have a job right now lol :-p I have a 4 year old son.
  • leeann788
    leeann788 Posts: 72 Member
    I'm a sahm of 2..and when I have downtime (not often) all I want to do is jam the food down my throat!! :laugh: Fortunately my will power has gotten me by thus far...but I do crack some days. :wink:
  • cdthom
    cdthom Posts: 108 Member
  • Mandy_Pandy
    Yay! SO happy there are lots of SAHM on here! :drinker: Cheers!!!!
  • mrschappet
    mrschappet Posts: 488 Member
    SAHM 2 kids.. and I run an in-home daycare!
  • bebreli
    bebreli Posts: 229 Member
    In CO, with twins :o) I find it hard not to taste their stuff as I am preparing it. Not because I want to but I don't want to give them something I wouldn't eat. Then of course they snack and I end up getting fed by them. I have been saying "No Thank You" often lol.
  • scotrunner
    Hello, I'm a SAHM to 2 little girls, nearly 3 & nearly 5. I live in Aberdeen, Scotland. I agree that there is so much temptation being at home all the time :( I often find myself mindlessly finishing leftover food or in the kitchen snacking. I'm trying really hard to stop it or log it. I have 3 mornings where both my girls are in nursery so I always go out. I either go to the gym for body pump or yoga or I go for a run (I'm training for a couple of races just now). If I don't go out I stay at home and waste my time or end up doing housework.
  • erinlinhubbard
    erinlinhubbard Posts: 1 Member
    I am a SAHM of a 2 year old. Before I got pregnant I did a pretty good job of keeping my weight in check. But during my pregnancy, I let myself eat whatever I wanted, whenever I wanted. Thankfully, I continued to exercise throughout my pregnancy and have never given that up. However, my eating habits have never gone back to what they were prior to my pregnancy. It is a daily struggle not to snack all day/night. I am still trying to get back to my pre-pregnancy weight two years later. I know what I need to do, but I just can not convince myself to do it.
  • lutkica01
    lutkica01 Posts: 65
    I am a stay at home mom of a almost 3 year old girl :)
  • Rachel2178
    Rachel2178 Posts: 3 Member
    I'm a SAHM of 2 kids age 5 months and 4 years in Ontario, Canada. I was doing fairly well getting to the gym, but now my husband feels that I am not able to keep up on housework, etc because I am trying to get to the gym each day. Not sure how I am going to figure out how and when to work out without it affecting the rest of my family! Both kids nap, but never at the same time. My oldest is in preschool 3 days a week for 2.5 hours and I have tried to take the baby to the day care at the gym, but he just screams the whole time. Any suggestions?
  • AReasor
    AReasor Posts: 355 Member
    I am a SAHM of 9yr old and 6 yr old girls. My youngest is still in half day Kindergarten.

    I love almonds. That is my go to, grab a handful when I'm craving something snack.

    Hopefully when they are both in school full time I can start working outside the home part time.
  • kgillikin
    kgillikin Posts: 191 Member
    SAHM of 2 boys, ages 2 and 7, transitioning back to work as a substitute teacher. i find it easier on days I stay out and shower during naptime! Days I work take a lot more planning...

    I am a stay at home mom of 23 month old twins and a 4 year old. I am also transitioning back to work as a substitue teacher and hoping to get a full time job next year teaching.
  • Alanakrahenbil
    Alanakrahenbil Posts: 811 Member
    I'm a SAHM of 2 kids, 4 year old son and a 20 month old daughter. Living in Vancouver B.C :)
  • usmcwifeb15
    usmcwifeb15 Posts: 470 Member
    I'm a stay at home mom of 2 beautiful little girls. I almost always feel the need to snack. It's so hard being home all day and not wanting to eat whatever is in the kitchen.
  • Mandy_Pandy
    Were any of you effected (affected?????) by the storms? I'm in Alabama. It got really scary in my town but, thanks be to God we were spared again. I can't tell you the amount of damage we have here in my state. It's terrible.

    Ok, I'm off to run while my youngest naps. If I don't do it now, I'll get stuck doing it at 8:00pm and I REALLLLLLLY hate running that late!
  • ashtonalayna
    SAHM of 2 ages 2 and 10 months in Indiana. Than 4 days a week I babysit a 4yr old, 3yr old, and 10month old. Very little time to do any snacking except at naptime. That's when the chocolate cravings start :(
  • kaithenderson
    I'm a stay at home momma to a 5 month old baby named Jaheim:)In 2009 I lost 40 pounds,met my hubby and I gained 20 of if back then I got pregnant and I gained 60 plus.I was 245 when I delivered and now im at 196.The first 45 just fell off but I still have about 15 left till prebaby weight.But that's not where I want to be.