stay at home moms?



  • Mandy_Pandy
    Overlord of the house. I have 2 jesters and 4 furry acrobats. :) I live san jose, Ca I have a 3 and 4 year old. It's so hard not to "help" them finish their plates and snacks :bigsmile:

    Tooo funny! I know, my youngest (is 2) she is ALWAYS trying to feed me saying "mom...bite" I'm like no thank-you sweetie as she is trying to jam whatever food in my mouth! LOL!
  • kimiel51
    kimiel51 Posts: 299 Member
    My kids are grown, but I'm a SAHM to 3 fur balls! It's really hard being home with the fridge all day!!:laugh:
  • Asheea
    Asheea Posts: 211 Member
    *Raises hand* SAHM of a 2 1/2 yr old . Daughter is 7 and in 1st grade. I do my workouts at home while the kids are outside playing in the backyard. It does get annoying when I'm flat outta breath and the kids are pounding at the door wanting to tattle on the other. I'm so tired I can barely stand up and I get so annoyed I just want to flip them off!!! Sounds bad I know but I never and will never do it. :) Just like to think about it.
  • lmz1100
    lmz1100 Posts: 10
    SAHM here in Florida to a 9 year old boy & 6 year old girl. I am struggling with being in my early forties I think I am pre-menopausal and the PMS has gotten so much worse! Like many of you, all I want to do is eat. The snacking is killing me. I have gained almost ten pounds in a year which may not sound like a lot but I don't want any of it. I want my clothes to fit good again and to feel confident about myself. So, here I am back at MFP.

    I also started taking classes at the community college this semester, always thought I'd get back to work when my youngest was in school full days...but I admit - I LOVE my time during the day so I am taking the time to better myself through school and back the the gym.
  • MeMountainMom
    MeMountainMom Posts: 88 Member
    I'm a stay at home christian wife and mom. Just getting started. I'm looking for friends to help me get going on fitness pal plz add me so we can swap food ideas and encourage each other to loose some pounds.
  • bethhyg
    bethhyg Posts: 209
    I am a SAHM. I have three girls, 14,6,and 5. I homeschool them. And yes, it sounds crazy but I think the house stays more cluttered because everyone is at home all day long. So I find it hard to find time for myself. I am constantly running around all day between cooking, cleaning, teaching, laundry and all the other things that happen in one day. I really want to lose some weight. I just need to find the balance of me in there somewhere.
  • beaglenutty
    beaglenutty Posts: 160 Member
    I stay at home with my two girls almost 4 and 10 months. I do work part- time abt 10-15 hrs at a hardware store. Its nice to get out of the house and have adult conversation lol Yes I thought my house would be nice and clean all the time yeah right!! Today I was trying to workout with my kids crawling all arnd me but I got it in.
  • liog
    liog Posts: 347 Member
    SAHM of a 4 year old girl and a 3 year old boy. Finding the time to work out isn't easy but I fit it in when ever I can, even if it is 11:30 at night. :yawn:
  • moma0910
    moma0910 Posts: 1
    yes ur doggies count their ur babies jz like my babies r 2 me
  • NavyWifeTwinMom
    NavyWifeTwinMom Posts: 98 Member
    *raises hand too* I'm a SAHM to 6 yr. old twin boys. I home school currently due to our frequent moves (5 since they were born alone!) and hubby is deployed right now as well...alone time is literally out the window! I find that eating right and keeping snacks to a minimum are my biggest challenges! Not to mention all the food left on hard to throw away food! We are constantly on the go with classes at at a co-op, swim, tae kwon do, etc. I workout in the a.m. or it just doesn't happen!
  • HSingMomto7Kids
    HSingMomto7Kids Posts: 345 Member
    Did I miss the stay at home dad thread? :) My daughter is 3. I plan my workouts for when she is in preschool (9am to 12pm) or during nap. We eat healthy as a family, so I am never tempted to eat any of the "kid food". Snacks for her are almonds, cashews, cheese, vitamins, fruit. I try and make it a point to go to the playground at least once a week (good activity for both of us!). Anyways, I do all the cooking, cleaning, laundry, dishes, yardwork, gardening, car maintenance, bill paying, grocery shopping, etc so I consider myself a stay at home mom, i mean dad :P

    That is fantastic!!! Not a lot of sahd, so I think you are doing fantastic. Good for you!!
  • Mandy_Pandy
    Can I just say that all you homeshoolers totally rock my socks! I was planning on HSing my almost 1st grader next year but, I decided to try the local private christian school first. If I'm not happy, I plan on pulling him out and doing it myself!
  • slightner
    slightner Posts: 61 Member
    SAHM to two boys 4 and 2.5, definitely hard not to clean up their plates. Since I have been on MFP the dog sure has gained weight but I am losing! lol and I know I will want to snack to I plan them into my day. You would think with all of the chasing the kids we do, us SAHMs would all be thin!
  • tistal
    tistal Posts: 869 Member
    SAHM to 2 but both are in school. One is in 3rd and the other is in 3/4 day preschool. I am home with my hubby during the days (he works 2nd shift) and he keeps me out of the fridge. He is my biggest motivator. If I am sitting around doing nothing he will say "lets go outside and do something" as long as the weather is nice! And I have a little fur baby! In MO.
  • HSingMomto7Kids
    HSingMomto7Kids Posts: 345 Member
    Sometimes when I buy my snacks the kids get into them and then I am left with nothing. So I have started hinding my snacks. lol. My healthy snacks are so much more expensive than their regular snacks are. I do try to keep apples, oranges and bananas around so they can snack on some healthy snacks. When they want more snacks because they are hungry I tell them to drink a glass of water first and they have to wait so long before they can go get another snack and usually it has to be a healthy snack when they do.
    I did want to comment to this. I know that healthy snacks are expensive, but I suggest not to hide them. Let the kids eat them with you. I used to not let the kids eat my healthy snacks too. But then I thought what was I teaching. I want to teach my kids to eat more healthy. I've tried to buy more and more healthy foods. When it is snack time, and the kids want for example a whole fruit fruit bar they do need to ask. I try to keep it stalked, so that they can eat them if I allow popsicles that day. If it's only one left I'll tell them to have a different popsicle. With my 90 calorie Fiber-one brownies every time I turned around there was a box empty, so I started to buy a big box of them at BJ's, and it's cheaper too. I no longer buy vienna fingers. I only buy oreos on total occasion. I'm not sure how many kids you have. I have 5, and with kids the grocceries can get expensive. Try coupons or emailing about coupons. I'm not saying at all that you are not giving healthy choices. I just suggest to involve them in the entire process.
  • EmmieSu
    EmmieSu Posts: 136
    SAHM, in IN! Four beautiful children! (11,6,4, and 2) The oldest 2 are homeschooled. Do you ever feel like you never sit down. I feel like I've been running crazy all day.
  • garp4
    garp4 Posts: 59 Member
    I have been working out M,T,W,Th,F in the mornings after the three older ones go to school. I go to the YMCA and they have childcare for my youngest. I have been doing couch to 5k on M,W,F and zumba on Tues, and Thurs. Seems like now that I am going to the gym, my house is falling by the wayside. By the time I return and shower, I have to run out to do my errands then P is ready for a nap. I know I *should* clean and stuff while he naps, but I really just need to decompress.
  • HSingMomto7Kids
    HSingMomto7Kids Posts: 345 Member
    Sorry don't know how to multi-quote. I am a SAHM to 5 kids, and I home-school 4 out of my 5 kids right now. Ages are 12, 10, 7, 5, and 2 all which will all be having birthdays soon, so soon I'll be a mom to a teenager. I am in Massachusetts. I don't have a tough time with snacking. We do have a time of day that the kids, and I have a snack, so I guess that helps. A lot of times at night after everyone is in bed I do like a snack. As long as I stay in calories all is good. lol I think I answered all. Anyone is welcome to add me!! I always love encouragement and added motivation with others in the same exact boat as myself.
  • HSingMomto7Kids
    HSingMomto7Kids Posts: 345 Member
    Oh and I suggest everyone to involve your kids in work-outs. Tonight most of my kids were on the floor doing a Jillians Michaels work-out with me. Kids love it, and they can be taught at a young age too.
  • Mandy_Pandy
    Oh and I suggest everyone to involve your kids in work-outs. Tonight most of my kids were on the floor doing a Jillians Michaels work-out with me. Kids love it, and they can be taught at a young age too.

    That is cute! My kids LOVE to do my exercises with me! LOL! They are too cute doing it!