Does anyone get a little offended?



  • cardiokitten
    cardiokitten Posts: 401 Member
    I don't get the whole issue with it, I really could care less. I'm totally in tune to my own workout. I really have no idea why people get so wholly offended by it. Planet Fitness even has the lunk alarm for it. I don't hear or notice it 95% of the time, I feel like people are just looking for a reason to get offended, lol.
  • fiberartist219
    fiberartist219 Posts: 1,865 Member
    I absolutely hated the dropping, so I quit and I work out at home now. It is so distracting, and I could even hear it in the locker rooms. The floor would shake a bit. It was hard for me to work out and remain calm with all that going on.

    Now that I am doing some strength training at home, I know that it isn't easy and that's the whole point. I still don't understand the need to DROP stuff. My workouts are actually a lot more productive when I put things down slowly.

    The grunting I totally get though. I have been muttering swear words lately during my workouts. I guess it's better that I stay home to do them.
  • albinogorilla
    albinogorilla Posts: 1,056 Member
    I go to a planet fitness often, so there, obviously.............thats a no-no, but that works for me because i have a 24 hour gym at work that i can do whatever i want in, am alone 99% of the time, and afterward, i dont even have to clean up the weights or chalk..............they have people to do it there...............

    But i do enjoy the two different lifting styles............but sometimes, you got to let it out............
  • Evelyn_22
    Evelyn_22 Posts: 70 Member
    I don't mind a little grunting, I do it too. Not going to lie though, my grunts don't sound so grunty. o_O Anyone in ear shot might get other idea about what i'm doing. lol

    It does get annoying when there really loud about it.
  • irridia
    irridia Posts: 527 Member
    People do need to get over our primal human nature. It is an extremely large reason that our C-section rate is so high and there's so much fear around child birth. Anyone who has had a child naturally and lifted heavy can attest that there's a point when it feels the same, just in child birth that fe3elng of almost separating from oneself lasts longer... lol. I hadn't expected that response and who knows maybe I'm the only one who made that physiological/emotional response.
  • Krizzle4Rizzle
    Krizzle4Rizzle Posts: 2,704 Member
    I have my ipod on so I can't hear anything. The only person I pay attention to is myself.
  • Evelyn_22
    Evelyn_22 Posts: 70 Member
    Sorry, wanted to delete this post but it's not letting me.
  • maidentl
    maidentl Posts: 3,203 Member
    There's grunting and then there's wails of barbaric yalps that I can hear across the building with my headphones on (not making that up).

    Grunting fine. I don't need to hear a warcry.

    Exactly, and this is usually in unison with some very heavy weights CRASHING to the floor. I don't mind grunting.
  • AlsDonkBoxSquat
    AlsDonkBoxSquat Posts: 6,128 Member
    Does anyone get a little offended when people complain about others at the gym they mention the Grunters and Weight droppers.

    I'm sure they are talking about those jerks who do it too much, but do they know that we can't move super heavy weight without a little bit of "umph?"

    Do they know that there is no quiet way to put down a 300+ pound dead-lift? We don't drop it from the top but its not a pillow either.

    Do they know that sometimes we don't perform our Olympic lifts perfectly so we HAVE to drop the weight so we don't hurt ourselves?

    I'm there super early with the guys, I always announce "watch out fellas, it's about to sound like a tennis match up in here!" when I'm about to lift so heavy I can't hold the grunt in.
  • EbbySoo
    EbbySoo Posts: 267 Member
    That's one reason I'm glad I workout where I do. Everyone is grunting and dropping weights. We are all yelling for the other to get the last rep. We are making weird faces and high five-ing each other and it's all normal.

    AWESOME. :D Wish I had that kind of place to work out.
  • IronmanPanda
    IronmanPanda Posts: 2,083 Member
    I think most people that say these things have never been in a real gym before. Most have never been athletic and have never competed or pushed themselves beyond the threshold of comfort and gone into the "Pain Cave"

    Its their ignorance that makes them uncomfortable and while I find it annoying I usually just shrug it off.

    ETA: Also realize that most of the people on this site are casual gym-goers. They couldn't tell you what an Olympic lift is.
    Most barely know how to use the cardio machines. Sometime you gotta cut them some slack.
  • SassyCalyGirl
    SassyCalyGirl Posts: 1,932 Member
    People that get offended by that kind of BS don't belong at a gym!

    live and let let-and get over yourself!
  • cyclingben
    cyclingben Posts: 346 Member
    The only thing that i don't like is old naked men hanging out in the locker room. Put on some clothes, this isnt your personal bathroom. The best story so far - this was 2 weeks ago some old guy was using the hand dryer to dry himself off...and not his hands either. I was like what would posses you to think that is OK...really.... No one wants to see old man drying his balls off with the hand dryer I am never using again. Thank you old man, that will be something that is stuck in my head and i can pass this story on to my kids one day.
  • EbbySoo
    EbbySoo Posts: 267 Member
    There's grunting and then there's wails of barbaric yalps that I can hear across the building with my headphones on (not making that up).

    Grunting fine. I don't need to hear a warcry.

    Exactly, and this is usually in unison with some very heavy weights CRASHING to the floor. I don't mind grunting.

    Yes, this is true, lol only war cry type sounds you'd get from me is if the bar is falling on me, there is a big difference.
  • InnerPinup79
    I'll take grunting over hot skunky farts and B.O. funk getting in my mouth when I breathe.

    I'm a grunter and a curser. It pushes me and gets me through those last few reps. I obviously hold in the cussing as much as possible when its crowded and I try to hold in my grunting to at times because it comes off sounding kind of moanish which to me is really embarassing.
  • ironanimal
    ironanimal Posts: 5,922 Member
    There's grunting and then there's wails of barbaric yalps that I can hear across the building with my headphones on (not making that up).

    Grunting fine. I don't need to hear a warcry.

    Exactly, and this is usually in unison with some very heavy weights CRASHING to the floor. I don't mind grunting.

    Sometimes, that's the only way to put it down.

    Annoys me majorly. Let's see you clean, jerk and press 80kg overhead without making a noise.
  • EbbySoo
    EbbySoo Posts: 267 Member
    People do need to get over our primal human nature. It is an extremely large reason that our C-section rate is so high and there's so much fear around child birth. Anyone who has had a child naturally and lifted heavy can attest that there's a point when it feels the same, just in child birth that fe3elng of almost separating from oneself lasts longer... lol. I hadn't expected that response and who knows maybe I'm the only one who made that physiological/emotional response.

    No, it is very very similar, I really enjoyed birthing my babies naturally, maybe because I was a past lifter it came to me like this. I totally get what your saying.
  • alibaba77
    alibaba77 Posts: 17
    it's a gym, not a library.... having said such, I sometimes grunt when i go up the stairs... sometimes my bf laughs.... I sometimes find this offensive;-)
  • Dilfster
    Dilfster Posts: 434
    that doesn't annoy me. only if it's excessive which is real real rare. I get more annoyed by "stompers" on the treadmill. People who don't know how to run properly and thump like there is no tomorrow. lol
  • xgg2rs
    xgg2rs Posts: 128 Member
    I don't mind the grunting or the dropping of the weights, but I get really pissed off at the lazy people who don't rack their weights or wipe down the bench/equipment when they are done. Like they feel like they are better than everyone else.