Does anyone get a little offended?



  • WingMan380
    WingMan380 Posts: 2,139 Member
    Anyone got any cheese??
    We got plenty of whine

    :grumble: :yawn: :smokin: :drinker:
  • Azdak
    Azdak Posts: 8,281 Member
    Sometimes it's necessary, but, from what I see at our place, most of the time it's an affectation.
  • _Bob_
    _Bob_ Posts: 1,487 Member
    lol, I breath while I lift. And when I dead lift 315 or more. I set it down just as controlled as I lift it up, because I don't want to hurt myself. dropping weights is bad for your joints and tendons. I've seen wannabe power lifters hurt them self's dropping weights, it can cause permanent damage, it's not a definite but it's not worth the risk in my eyes. sad part about it is that you benefit the most from absorbing the negative, that's letting the weight down slow. I lift hard and let down slow and on occasion I grunt a little, not for everyone to hear but sometimes it slips out.

    and my favorite is when I make fun of the "power lifters" and they say that if I lifted as much as them I would have to drop it too. so I add some weight to it and lift it a few times to show them how to set it down gently. I know it cocky and a little rude but so is ruining someone else equipment just because you think that's how it's done :tongue:
  • abyt42
    abyt42 Posts: 1,358 Member
    I appreciate that my gym has a weight room (and the racquetball court is right next to it), so the grunting/slamming/clomping is in that area...and there's a separate and smaller cardio room (for the dainty, and obnoxious people like me, who use the rowing machine and hope no one can hear the grunt/fart combo that tends to mark the beginning of a sprint over their bubblegum rock iPod playlists...)

    I also am not offended by people who are being sincere. I get annoyed by the all flash folks....but worry that I appear to be one...
  • dokihara
    dokihara Posts: 14 Member
    Sometimes at the end of your set, your grip just gives out, especially on "As much as possible" sets in 5/3/1. Or 1 rep maxes. Sometimes drops are unavoidable. I miss my old gym, they had round rubber padded (olympic?) plates which are meant to be dropped. I hate deadlifting with the standard hexagonal metal plates.
  • withervein
    withervein Posts: 224 Member
    I grunt, I slam weights, I sweat all over the place, I don't give a damn! If someone has the stones to tell me something while I'm in the zone then they best be ready for warfare!

    At my last gym you would have had your membership revoked. And yeah, if you are acting like that, I would have told you. What would you do? Beat me up? Cool. You go to jail, and I sue you. Win win for me.
    Ah, the dulcet tones of dueling Internet Tough Guys. Like Dueling Banjos, but more annoying.
  • addisondisease2
    addisondisease2 Posts: 348 Member
    I grunt, I slam weights, I sweat all over the place, I don't give a damn! If someone has the stones to tell me something while I'm in the zone then they best be ready for warfare!

    At my last gym you would have had your membership revoked. And yeah, if you are acting like that, I would have told you. What would you do? Beat me up? Cool. You go to jail, and I sue you. Win win for me.

    Sarcasm dude.... sarcasm
  • chrisdavey
    chrisdavey Posts: 9,834 Member
    As long as they're not grunting for every rep doing bicep curls & tricep kick backs then it's all good :tongue:

    I'm pretty sure the ones complaining about it are the ones who will be stuck at mediocracy.
  • chrisdavey
    chrisdavey Posts: 9,834 Member

    As far as dumping the weights on the ground, if you can't lift without dropping it don't! You are supposed to be building muscle not just another show of He-Manitis This isn't a weight lifting competition or the or a training camp for the Olympics where they have to lift ungodly amounts of weight for two seconds (Unless of course you ARE training for the oplympics then you get a pass). Nothing is more irritating than both of them together ARHHHHGGGG, UUURRGGGGHHHH, UMMMFF BOOOM!! We get it already Arnie or Lou or Mr Atlas or whoever you are trying to be.

    I used to think this too until I aggravated my shoulder. I had no idea why people dropped db's doing db bench. I can physically do the lifts no problem but there is NO way my shoulder will handle the weight of slowly dropping them all the way to the floor. \

    p.s not training for the olympics but do compete in powerlifting :)
  • 1Timothy4v8
    1Timothy4v8 Posts: 503 Member
    I'm just kinda a shy so when I hear grunting it makes me think about sex and then makes me feel uncomfortable lol so thats why I don't like that but I don't complain about it to staff or the person doing it, I just try and think about something eles and ignore it,

    if your not hurting some one don't care what they think
  • jesska812
    jesska812 Posts: 102 Member
    My weights are hardly heavy enough to have to grunt or drop them but I do wonder would people have the same 'hater' attitude if it were a larger, more unfit person say breathing heavily, moaning and sweating all over a piece of cardio equipment? I imagine people would be much more accepting - maybe that's a sign that this all stems from people's own insecurities? In the end everyone is in the gym for a similar purpose, to become the best versions of ourselves, maybe people should try turning their iPod up and practice focusing on their own exercise??
  • Tajdancer
    Tajdancer Posts: 82 Member
    Heh. When I work too hard at Planet Fitness, I'm afraid they'll punch the Lunk Alarm on me. So I try to grunt daintily.
  • chrisdavey
    chrisdavey Posts: 9,834 Member

    I go slow on cardio machines because I do them AFTER a hard weight workout. I also usually get on MFP on my phone on the cardio machine.

    don't you know, you'll get fat if you do this? :tongue:

    BTW to those referring to people dropping weights doing deadlifts. The exercise is called a deadLIFT not a deadLOWER. By going too slow on the way down, it can put a LOT of unnecessary pressure on the lower back. I do exercises in the most safe way possible and if that means the bar comes down with a bit of a thud to save my back then so be it.
  • coquette87
    coquette87 Posts: 114
    As long as they're not grunting for every rep doing bicep curls & tricep kick backs then it's all good :tongue:

    Oh you've met that guy in my gym, apparently. Yeah, I don't mind grunting. I don't even mind dropping (technically, my gym has a don't drop the weights rule, but it's not enforced, and since I've started lifting heavier, I understand that sometimes, dropping happens). But this one guys grunts and pants and counts really loudly from the minute he steps in the gym. This isn't a "needing a little primal sound to finish off a set". It's constant with this guy. He also does it while on the bike. It comes across as "LAM! I'm working SO HARD! Aren't I AWESOME!?"
  • Going4Lean
    Going4Lean Posts: 1,077 Member
    I have only seen one guy at my gym that grunts all the time and sometimes he sounds like hes taking a dump. I feel weird about it because i dont want people starring at me so i make sure not to grunt or make any kind of noises.
  • killagb
    killagb Posts: 3,280 Member
    I think the HUGE grunting is compensating fora "little" something else... KWIM?
    It's either that or you complaining about guys doing their own thing helps divert the attention away from your own "little" something else... KWIM? It's ok dude, we get that you don't want to be interrupted in Zumba class while you're in the zone.
  • MissFit0101
    MissFit0101 Posts: 2,382
    Offended? No. Annoyed sometimes? Absolutely. But whatevers, I'm making changes to my body ... big changes, good changes, and I'm seeing results so I could care less what anyone else thinks.
  • saragato
    saragato Posts: 1,154
    I could probably get offended about any "newbie" comments or about people who take forever to just use equipment, but considering how much I annoy myself trying to remember what machine does what and where things are, I don't blame the onlookers who are shooting me inside their heads.

    Thing is, everyone's gonna complain about something. Everyone has a pet peeve, those little things that annoy the everloving crap out of them, and sometimes they're going to take the passive-agressive route and rant on the internet. Personally I'd rather someone go home and complain about me where I'm oblivious than stand within earshot and talk about me.
  • Nopedotjpeg
    Nopedotjpeg Posts: 1,806 Member
    I think the HUGE grunting is compensating fora "little" something else... KWIM?
    It's either that or you complaining about guys doing their own thing helps divert the attention away from your own "little" something else... KWIM? It's ok dude, we get that you don't want to be interrupted in Zumba class while you're in the zone.

    Zumba will turn me into a Brazilian god of dance. True story.
  • thefuzz1290
    thefuzz1290 Posts: 777 Member
    There's a difference between droping weights due to failure, and throwing weights. Its okay to drop weights safely to the ground, but you should never throw them. I'm guilty of trying to eek out 1 last rep and dropping a set of dumbbells. I usually don't grunt either, but I talk to myself..."come on, one more, up up up."

    Now I would rather someone drop weights than injure themselves, but this should be done safely. If you're doing any kind of serious lifting, you should have an "exit plan" if things go bad with the lift. Like squats, if things go bad, you should ideally be squatting where you have catch bars.