Don't let exercise trick you into overeating

molsongirl Posts: 1,373 Member
I hear this quite often on this site..."you earned it", so eat it, and don't feel bad about it. The initial bell in my head goes "WHAT!?" now i'm not a doctor. I am a certified personal trainer and i'm a certified fitness instructor as well as owning my own studio and practicing Yoga for about 16 years. I do not understand the mentality of working your *kitten* off, in the gym as well as nutrionally then "rewarding" yourself with **** food. I don't get it? is it me, but why is that a good reason? It sounds totally counterproductive. First off exercise alone doesn't melt pounds. At the very best it can maintain your weight loss that you will lose through HEALTHY eating. This doesn't mean that you shouldn't exercise, the magical combination is exercise and calorie control. When you exercise you stimulate your appetite which in return can trigger psychological hunger in I EARNED that piece of cake, or I have exercised for 2 hours I earned those chicken wings. Exercising your body and your self control over food choices is wonderful for your health, providing that you don't give in to the urge to compensate all your hard work for calories burned. I'm not saying that the odd treat is going to destroy all your hard work, that's plain untrue, but consistently believing that you can have that treat cause your earned it, is a frighteneing way of thinking, and in the end will sabotage your goals. I would love to hear other opinions on the subject....please if you disagree with me tell me so! :wink: because for every pro "why I should have that treat" I have a con for ya :laugh: My last say on this subject, is eat the piece of (insert crap here) food. Because you want it, no guilt or explanatin attached. If you wouldn't have eaten before, but now that you've burned calories you think it's ok....why? Do you see the problem here?


  • molsongirl
    molsongirl Posts: 1,373 Member
    I hear this quite often on this site..."you earned it", so eat it, and don't feel bad about it. The initial bell in my head goes "WHAT!?" now i'm not a doctor. I am a certified personal trainer and i'm a certified fitness instructor as well as owning my own studio and practicing Yoga for about 16 years. I do not understand the mentality of working your *kitten* off, in the gym as well as nutrionally then "rewarding" yourself with **** food. I don't get it? is it me, but why is that a good reason? It sounds totally counterproductive. First off exercise alone doesn't melt pounds. At the very best it can maintain your weight loss that you will lose through HEALTHY eating. This doesn't mean that you shouldn't exercise, the magical combination is exercise and calorie control. When you exercise you stimulate your appetite which in return can trigger psychological hunger in I EARNED that piece of cake, or I have exercised for 2 hours I earned those chicken wings. Exercising your body and your self control over food choices is wonderful for your health, providing that you don't give in to the urge to compensate all your hard work for calories burned. I'm not saying that the odd treat is going to destroy all your hard work, that's plain untrue, but consistently believing that you can have that treat cause your earned it, is a frighteneing way of thinking, and in the end will sabotage your goals. I would love to hear other opinions on the subject....please if you disagree with me tell me so! :wink: because for every pro "why I should have that treat" I have a con for ya :laugh: My last say on this subject, is eat the piece of (insert crap here) food. Because you want it, no guilt or explanatin attached. If you wouldn't have eaten before, but now that you've burned calories you think it's ok....why? Do you see the problem here?
  • farmgirlh
    farmgirlh Posts: 240
    I totally agree!!

    When I first started I thought that as long as I stayed in my calories I could eat anything that I wanted, once I changed that mindset I started losing the weight. Yes a treat now and then isn't going to hurt you but eating **** everyday isn't going to help you reach your goals.
  • Dave198lbs
    Dave198lbs Posts: 8,810 Member
    my head hurts from beating it against this wall:wink:
  • molsongirl
    molsongirl Posts: 1,373 Member
    my head hurts from beating it against this wall:wink:

    I so agree, it drives me nuts.
  • alapointe
    alapointe Posts: 369 Member
    I actually agree with you, but i think for a lot of people who are starting out on this site it takes a while for this mindset to sink in. I know it did for me.

    I have come a long way in the last year since i started my new lifestyle. It has not been easy, and i have made the changes slowly and it took me a good 9 months to change that way of thinking.
  • molsongirl
    molsongirl Posts: 1,373 Member
    I actually agree with you, but i think for a lot of people who are starting out on this site it takes a while for this mindset to sink in. I know it did for me.

    I have come a long way in the last year since i started my new lifestyle. It has not been easy, and i have made the changes slowly and it took me a good 9 months to change that way of thinking.

    Only because they are misinformed. You had your lightbulb moment! congrats!
  • jazzy020106
    jazzy020106 Posts: 485 Member
    I totally agree with this!! My grandmother gets totally annoyed with me when she tells me what were having for dinner and i tell her i will be making my own. She thinks if i use portion control i will lose the weight. I think that is balogna to a point. Yes you have to use portion control but you still have to eat good. She thinks if you eat one peice of pizza instead of 2 you will be ok LOL.. drives me nuts.
  • leann_m_olson
    leann_m_olson Posts: 363 Member
    I think everyone's journey is different and you have to find what works for you in your own time. You can't change others you can only change yourself. :smile:
  • molsongirl
    molsongirl Posts: 1,373 Member
    I think everyone's journey is different and you have to find what works for you in your own time. You can't change others you can only change yourself. :smile:

    I am trying to change others, and you cannot stop me, if I change one persons opinion, view point or a lightbulb goes off for one person then yay for me! I'll be a happier person knowing I just didn't sit by putting happy faces at the end of snarky sentences. Opinions ok, nastiness NOT
  • Dave198lbs
    Dave198lbs Posts: 8,810 Member
    I think everyone's journey is different and you have to find what works for you in your own time. You can't change others you can only change yourself. :smile:

    I am trying to change others, and you cannot stop me, if I change one persons opinion, view point or a lightbulb goes off for one person then yay for me! I'll be a happier person knowing I just didn't sit by putting happy faces at the end of snarky sentences. Opinions ok, nastiness NOT

    ( I hope that flowers are safe:wink: )
  • molsongirl
    molsongirl Posts: 1,373 Member
    I think everyone's journey is different and you have to find what works for you in your own time. You can't change others you can only change yourself. :smile:

    I am trying to change others, and you cannot stop me, if I change one persons opinion, view point or a lightbulb goes off for one person then yay for me! I'll be a happier person knowing I just didn't sit by putting happy faces at the end of snarky sentences. Opinions ok, nastiness NOT

    ( I hope that flowers are safe:wink: )

    the mood i'm in, only snapdragons :laugh:
  • Wolfena
    Wolfena Posts: 1,570 Member
    If you follow the MFP program, it teaches you to eat back your exercise calories (and hope that you're not over-guesstimating)

    Of course we should be making food choices that are good for us, but some people don't.... & While I don't think that eating cake and ice cream on a daily basis is a good idea just because you "earned it" by exercising, I also don't think it's the end of the world if that is what you chose to do with your "bonus calories" at times. I lost 60 pounds in 7 months and still ate cake, chocolate, ice cream and other treats periodically.... Maybe I would have lost 70 if I didn't, who knows. I was happy with my progress.
  • leann_m_olson
    leann_m_olson Posts: 363 Member
    :smile: :smile: :smile: :smile: :smile: :smile: :smile: :smile: :smile: :smile: :smile: :smile:
    smile: :smile: :smile: :smile: :smile: :smile: :smile: :smile: :smile: :smile: :smile: :smile:
  • ivykivy
    ivykivy Posts: 2,970 Member
    I think the converse is true also. I find it scary to hear people say they will not have chocolate cake or cheesecake or whatever treat. So I guess they fill that extra calories they burn with 28 cups of broccoli and some slivered almonds. But if that is the food you enjoy then fine.

    I love cheesecake. So I realize I have to either have and extremely small portion (1 teaspoon) or I can have a good size slice followed by some exercise.

    We all value different things.I'm not fanatical about this lifestyle change. I believe in moderation. I like food but it is not my god. I value my body but I don't worship it. A piece of cake once or twice a week will not kill me unless I choke on it.
  • arewethereyet
    arewethereyet Posts: 18,702 Member
    I like that some consider me fantical.

    Some of my friends say "I believe it is silly to think you will never eat another doughnut" I say "TO ME it is like hitting your self in the head with a hammer, what purpose does it carry?. I think it is silly that you think you can live a healthy lifestyle eating something that does NOTHING for your body!"

    If eating doughnut would help me lose weight, I would be 108 and not 168 when I began changing things. It was that thinking that got me to 178 at my heaviest. Oh, I deserve this-I am tired, overworked, stressed, the mother of 3, a wife, 2 jobs. But how did that doughnut change any one of those things??

    I eat my exercise calories, because for ME it works. I only have 15 pounds or so to lose, so I need all I an get. 1200 cals is not enough, so I eat 1400 and exercise (getting ready to kick things up a notch!!" But I eat an extra piece of chicken, or olive oil , or a banana, or peanut butter.

    I try now to eat things that nurture my body, that help my immune system, that clears the cholesterol from my veins.

    I am more active and feel great!! I snorkeled for 2 hours on a reef this weekend. I had energy, and confidence to put on a bathing suit...............and endurance to stay out there the entire time.

    I LIKE it !!!
  • molsongirl
    molsongirl Posts: 1,373 Member
    I think the converse is true also. I find it scary to hear people say they will not have chocolate cake or cheesecake or whatever treat. So I guess they fill that extra calories they burn with 28 cups of broccoli and some slivered almonds. But if that is the food you enjoy then fine.

    I love cheesecake. So I realize I have to either have and extremely small portion (1 teaspoon) or I can have a good size slice followed by some exercise.

    We all value different things.I'm not fanatical about this lifestyle change. I believe in moderation. I like food but it is not my god. I value my body but I don't worship it. A piece of cake once or twice a week will not kill me unless I choke on it.

    The whole point of my thread was completely lost....:cry: , a treat is fine, to exercise though to only be able to eat, is skewed, on any level. I think its a shame that you dont worship your body, its the only one you get, whats even scarier, if you have children you pass on the same mentality, which is scary, its the reason we have fat kids.
  • arewethereyet
    arewethereyet Posts: 18,702 Member
    A piece of cake once or twice a week will not kill me unless I choke on it.

    :laugh: :laugh: Good one!!! :laugh: :laugh:
  • arewethereyet
    arewethereyet Posts: 18,702 Member
    I think the converse is true also. I find it scary to hear people say they will not have chocolate cake or cheesecake or whatever treat. So I guess they fill that extra calories they burn with 28 cups of broccoli and some slivered almonds. But if that is the food you enjoy then fine.

    I love cheesecake. So I realize I have to either have and extremely small portion (1 teaspoon) or I can have a good size slice followed by some exercise.

    We all value different things.I'm not fanatical about this lifestyle change. I believe in moderation. I like food but it is not my god. I value my body but I don't worship it. A piece of cake once or twice a week will not kill me unless I choke on it.

    The whole point of my thread was completely lost....:cry: , a treat is fine, to exercise though to only be able to eat, is skewed, on any level. I think its a shame that you dont worship your body, its the only one you get, whats even scarier, if you have children you pass on the same mentality, which is scary, its the reason we have fat kids.

    Hey, I still work for food!!! :laugh:

    (have been known to do 15 on the ellip to have real butter on my potatoe!!)
  • molsongirl
    molsongirl Posts: 1,373 Member
    real butter is the best! :laugh:
  • Dave198lbs
    Dave198lbs Posts: 8,810 Member
    I think the converse is true also. I find it scary to hear people say they will not have chocolate cake or cheesecake or whatever treat. So I guess they fill that extra calories they burn with 28 cups of broccoli and some slivered almonds. But if that is the food you enjoy then fine.

    I love cheesecake. So I realize I have to either have and extremely small portion (1 teaspoon) or I can have a good size slice followed by some exercise.

    We all value different things.I'm not fanatical about this lifestyle change. I believe in moderation. I like food but it is not my god. I value my body but I don't worship it. A piece of cake once or twice a week will not kill me unless I choke on it.

    The whole point of my thread was completely lost....:cry: , a treat is fine, to exercise though to only be able to eat, is skewed, on any level. I think its a shame that you dont worship your body, its the only one you get, whats even scarier, if you have children you pass on the same mentality, which is scary, its the reason we have fat kids.

    there is no logic to it

    I have been slammed repeatedly for advocating cleaner foods

    just a few minutes ago...all i did was post the ingredients for a food people were goo gooing over and I get a snarky comment

    I didnt even add a single word of my own to the manufacturer;s ingredients and I get attittude.

    seems people want to be proud that they dont respect their body enough to quit putting junk in it
    like they are a rebel or something

    makes no sense at all