Don't let exercise trick you into overeating



  • molsongirl
    molsongirl Posts: 1,373 Member
    I think the converse is true also. I find it scary to hear people say they will not have chocolate cake or cheesecake or whatever treat. So I guess they fill that extra calories they burn with 28 cups of broccoli and some slivered almonds. But if that is the food you enjoy then fine.

    I love cheesecake. So I realize I have to either have and extremely small portion (1 teaspoon) or I can have a good size slice followed by some exercise.

    We all value different things.I'm not fanatical about this lifestyle change. I believe in moderation. I like food but it is not my god. I value my body but I don't worship it. A piece of cake once or twice a week will not kill me unless I choke on it.

    I finally GET IT Dave! lol, I am going to stop, people are happy with a fat mentality but not so fat body, so be it. I just do not want to be footing the bill through our health care for their triple by pass surgery later in life, skinny does not mean fit. You are not heathy because you spend 60 minutes on a treadmill, or because yesterday you ate under 1200 calories. I GIVE UP!! and snarky comments are from people who know better, but need to bring others down to their levels in order to justify themselves.

    The whole point of my thread was completely lost....:cry: , a treat is fine, to exercise though to only be able to eat, is skewed, on any level. I think its a shame that you dont worship your body, its the only one you get, whats even scarier, if you have children you pass on the same mentality, which is scary, its the reason we have fat kids.

    there is no logic to it

    I have been slammed repeatedly for advocating cleaner foods

    just a few minutes ago...all i did was post the ingredients for a food people were goo gooing over and I get a snarky comment

    I didnt even add a single word of my own to the manufacturer;s ingredients and I get attittude.

    seems people want to be proud that they dont respect their body enough to quit putting junk in it
    like they are a rebel or something

    makes no sense at all
  • molsongirl
    molsongirl Posts: 1,373 Member
    I finally GET IT Dave! lol, I am going to stop, people are happy with a fat mentality but not so fat body, so be it. I just do not want to be footing the bill through our health care for their triple by pass surgery later in life, skinny does not mean fit. You are not heathy because you spend 60 minutes on a treadmill, or because yesterday you ate under 1200 calories. I GIVE UP!! and snarky comments are from people who know better, but need to bring others down to their levels in order to justify themselves.

    For some reason I totally bugged that reply up...soanother try here, with the good ol cut and paste
  • arewethereyet
    arewethereyet Posts: 18,702 Member
    I think the converse is true also. I find it scary to hear people say they will not have chocolate cake or cheesecake or whatever treat. So I guess they fill that extra calories they burn with 28 cups of broccoli and some slivered almonds. But if that is the food you enjoy then fine.

    I love cheesecake. So I realize I have to either have and extremely small portion (1 teaspoon) or I can have a good size slice followed by some exercise.

    We all value different things.I'm not fanatical about this lifestyle change. I believe in moderation. I like food but it is not my god. I value my body but I don't worship it. A piece of cake once or twice a week will not kill me unless I choke on it.

    The whole point of my thread was completely lost....:cry: , a treat is fine, to exercise though to only be able to eat, is skewed, on any level. I think its a shame that you dont worship your body, its the only one you get, whats even scarier, if you have children you pass on the same mentality, which is scary, its the reason we have fat kids.

    there is no logic to it

    I have been slammed repeatedly for advocating cleaner foods

    just a few minutes ago...all i did was post the ingredients for a food people were goo gooing over and I get a snarky comment

    I didnt even add a single word of my own to the manufacturer;s ingredients and I get attittude.

    seems people want to be proud that they dont respect their body enough to quit putting junk in it
    like they are a rebel or something

    makes no sense at all

    Dave, I dont always like what you say.......or how you say it...........and MOSTLY because it is true and makes me think, therefore change, something I was trotting along doing without thinking.

    I belonged to a support group at one time and there was a saying "If you dont want to hear it, it is likely the most important thing to listen to."

  • mrsyac2
    mrsyac2 Posts: 2,784 Member
    I think the converse is true also. I find it scary to hear people say they will not have chocolate cake or cheesecake or whatever treat. So I guess they fill that extra calories they burn with 28 cups of broccoli and some slivered almonds. But if that is the food you enjoy then fine.

    I love cheesecake. So I realize I have to either have and extremely small portion (1 teaspoon) or I can have a good size slice followed by some exercise.

    We all value different things.I'm not fanatical about this lifestyle change. I believe in moderation. I like food but it is not my god. I value my body but I don't worship it. A piece of cake once or twice a week will not kill me unless I choke on it.

    I don't even look at cheesecake the same I look at it like that little slice is 500 calories :noway: --
  • arewethereyet
    arewethereyet Posts: 18,702 Member
    I finally GET IT Dave! lol, I am going to stop, people are happy with a fat mentality but not so fat body, so be it. I just do not want to be footing the bill through our health care for their triple by pass surgery later in life, skinny does not mean fit. You are not heathy because you spend 60 minutes on a treadmill, or because yesterday you ate under 1200 calories. I GIVE UP!! and snarky comments are from people who know better, but need to bring others down to their levels in order to justify themselves.

    For some reason I totally bugged that reply up...soanother try here, with the good ol cut and paste

    Hey dont give up!! It took me 10 yrs of ppl like you telling me this stuff before I went "AHA!!"

    I have a friend who did sx, lost 100 pounds, looked fabulous and felt like crap. Why? Because she didnt exercise, she ate fettucine alfredo for her 3 oz of food, she stopped taking the supps because it was a pain in the *kitten*. You can't make ppl do what they don't want to do.

    So I will not expect you to stop extoling the virtues of healthy eating........any more than I expect my friend who eats the doughnut to stop.
  • molsongirl
    molsongirl Posts: 1,373 Member
    People need to lighten up. :happy: the whole changing people thing is still irritating me, I have a feeling thats the same mentality of the passerbys while I was being repeatedly stabbed...why should I get involved...its not my problem, she probably had it coming to her anyway, why should I risk getting hurt...if anything I hope I pass on compassion and social responsibility to my children, it never hurts to help someone out, even if they do not realize they may need it. If the spit in your face, so be it, you tried.
  • mrsyac2
    mrsyac2 Posts: 2,784 Member
    I finally GET IT Dave! lol, I am going to stop, people are happy with a fat mentality but not so fat body, so be it. I just do not want to be footing the bill through our health care for their triple by pass surgery later in life, skinny does not mean fit. You are not heathy because you spend 60 minutes on a treadmill, or because yesterday you ate under 1200 calories. I GIVE UP!! and snarky comments are from people who know better, but need to bring others down to their levels in order to justify themselves.

    For some reason I totally bugged that reply up...soanother try here, with the good ol cut and paste

    I agree about not working out to eat-

    I eat anywhere from 1200-1450 calories a day I kill myself in the gym burning 550-800 calories plus weight training- I DO NOT GO OVER OR EAT THE EXTRA CALORIES I BURN-- What I do do is eat 6 small meals a day and make smart choices--

    People should look at food like:

    Would you put Sh*tty Gas in your car? if not then why put Sh*tty food in your body-

    Bottom Line is the Majority of Americans are Fat!!! there is a reason why but people don't want to see it or believe it.

    You can be fit and eat like crap and still have health problems like a massive heart attack and the reason is eating Unhealthy Sh*tty Food--

    My husband is ridiculously fit- but doesn't make good food choices and of course he won't listen to me because he says he doesn't have to worry because he isn't FAT-- So it took a man (my kids Peditrician) to tell him he knows 4 men personally who were very fit and athletic who dropped dead from massive heart attacks because they ate Crappy Food- I just sat there with my Told you so face as he listened lol.--
  • arewethereyet
    arewethereyet Posts: 18,702 Member
    People need to lighten up. :happy: the whole changing people thing is still irritating me, I have a feeling thats the same mentality of the passerbys while I was being repeatedly stabbed...why should I get involved...its not my problem, she probably had it coming to her anyway, why should I risk getting hurt...if anything I hope I pass on compassion and social responsibility to my children, it never hurts to help someone out, even if they do not realize they may need it. If the spit in your face, so be it, you tried.

    That is my point. You MUST continue to speak of good healthy eating and living. Because it IS a part of who you are. I went about my biz thinking it was OK to eat Micky D's everyday. I mean I only had a small cheese burger and fries, with diet soda, right? I was living on the commercials being fed to us each day in our homes. At least BK is honest, they are singing they like big butts...

    It took a 47 birthday and cholesterol level of almost 300 for me to realize I was killing myself. There is nothing I cant live without when it comes to food. I am not saying I eat all the right things, all the time, but I can tell you I ate Key Lime Pie this weekend and it was a treat...........I havent tasted it in almost a year. We had fresh prepared grilled fish, with capers/tomatoes/olive oil and steamed veggies. I didnt miss a darn thing. Even the Pie was homemade with fresh grown keylimes.

    I do not speak up like you do, and watch many of my friends kill themselves with food each day.

    Maybe I should change my attitude and speak up about healthy lifestyle, instead of watching like those indiots who didnt help the woman being stabbed by a maniac????:mad:
  • ivykivy
    ivykivy Posts: 2,970 Member
    First of all I do not worship my body. The only entity I do worship is God the Almighty. And I realize this body is not the only one I will have I will get a new everlasting body. But I digress.

    If I decide to eat something say the cheesecake then I know I have consumed a certain amount of fuel and must do something to burn it off.

    I do understand what you are saying about the fuel though. My dad and uncle own an automotive repair business. One of their pet peeves is people who drive high end cars and stop and walmart for gas. Most people think all gas is the same but it is not. So a man comes and needs a new engine is his Caddy because he has been using walmart gas. Now using walmart gas every now and then in a Caddy will not wreck your engine. However; repeatedly using walmart gas every fill up will.

    So will I do get my fuel from Krispy Kreme and Cheesecake factory every now and then I do not fill up on it everyday. My engine is till good.
    I would love to hear other opinions on the subject....please if you disagree with me tell me so!
  • Cinnamon_Kisses
    How long on the exercise bike for some of these treats? :wink:
  • molsongirl
    molsongirl Posts: 1,373 Member
    Im taking my thread home and not sharing there :tongue: :tongue: :laugh:

    I agree with most of what you said, and I for one, still occasionally have the odd Micky Ds hamburger, but too many people workout to include it everyday, its still clogging your arteries, cannot get away from that whole shpeel was to bring attention to consistent behaviour that COULD be damaging peoples efforts. I truly was not advocating clean eating, but making people see how some atitudes if practiced can be very damaging to weight loss, and for that fact your health in general.
  • molsongirl
    molsongirl Posts: 1,373 Member
    First of all I do not worship my body. The only entity I do worship is God the Almighty. And I realize this body is not the only one I will have I will get a new everlasting body. But I digress.

    If I decide to eat something say the cheesecake then I know I have consumed a certain amount of fuel and must do something to burn it off.

    I do understand what you are saying about the fuel though. My dad and uncle own an automotive repair business. One of their pet peeves is people who drive high end cars and stop and walmart for gas. Most people think all gas is the same but it is not. So a man comes and needs a new engine is his Caddy because he has been using walmart gas. Now using walmart gas every now and then in a Caddy will not wreck your engine. However; repeatedly using walmart gas every fill up will.

    So will I do get my fuel from Krispy Kreme and Cheesecake factory every now and then I do not fill up on it everyday. My engine is till good.

    Not everyone believes in your god, and I did not tell you that you had to worship it, I said it was a shame that you did not. You can burn off the calories through exercise, what i am getting at is the obsession people have with making this a daily part of their lives, not the occasional binge. I wanted OPINIONS not shove it down my throat holier than thou attitude.....I expect that from my 5 yr old not grown adults. Make your point without belittling others, and I will listen........this one for theones who insist on pm-ing me because ive pissed you off, cmon we are not in grade school, a discussion can be had, and it surprises me how many ten foot people are here behind their keyboards.
  • molsongirl
    molsongirl Posts: 1,373 Member
    why are my replies getting all bungled up! :grumble: inserted inthe middle of quoted posts...i am such a reply post loser today :laugh: :laugh:
  • leann_m_olson
    leann_m_olson Posts: 363 Member
    molsongirl have you ate healthy your whole adult life? Did you know before you started eating healthy that junk food was bad for you? There must have been a moment when you decided for yourself that you were going to live healthy. I just think that if you are frustrated with trying to change others it will always be that way, like trying to change an addict. That was the purpose of my previous comment it was not meant to be nasty towards you. I have just dealt with many addicts in my life and have learned that I can only control what I do and not what others do. Please keep posting healthy options but you can't expect everyone to listen all at once.

    Sorry if I offended you in any way.
  • arewethereyet
    arewethereyet Posts: 18,702 Member
    why are my replies getting all bungled up! :grumble: inserted inthe middle of quoted posts...i am such a reply post loser today :laugh: :laugh:

    Damn, I was going to PM you, too!:angry:
  • arewethereyet
    arewethereyet Posts: 18,702 Member
    How long on the exercise bike for some of these treats? :wink:

    Bad I have to PM you, too!:grumble:

  • arewethereyet
    arewethereyet Posts: 18,702 Member
    I would like to re-iterate the point MG was making in her 1st post.

    It is not good for you to exercise 2 hours to burn 600 calories a day, JUST so you can go eat a piece of fried chicken or chocolate cake.

    It is counter productive.

    Did I get this right MG?:glasses:
  • arewethereyet
    arewethereyet Posts: 18,702 Member
  • HealthierMamasita
    HealthierMamasita Posts: 1,126 Member

    I'll stop eating cool whip.
    That's the only bad thing that I eat so... I shall stop.

    See.. all this talk has helped someone so keep it up lady!

  • HealthierMamasita
    HealthierMamasita Posts: 1,126 Member
    rut roh... wrong thread :blushing: