How many teas and or coffees do you drink a day?

xAdrianax Posts: 269 Member
Just out of interest!

I feel i drink too many but at work we constantly do rounds i think just to get away from the desk!

I have about 2 white coffes and 2 white teas a day and then maybe a couple of large green teas.

With one sweetner in each - you?


  • xAdrianax
    xAdrianax Posts: 269 Member
    Just a thought because it can amount up to a 100 cals some days!
  • strandedj
    strandedj Posts: 128
    I drink one or two large mugs of coffee at home in the a.m. I don't use any creamer.
  • BeautifulRedButterfly
    BeautifulRedButterfly Posts: 316 Member
    if i wasnt pregnant, id drink 3-4 cups of black coffee everyday
  • i_love_vinegar
    i_love_vinegar Posts: 2,092 Member
    I'm not a fan of coffee, but white coffee seems like it would be really beautiful!

    The only beverage I really drink is tea. When I go out I like to buy sweet drinks such as frappuccinos and bubble tea. Currently I have these tea flavors that I am drinking: sugar cookie, chocolate, vanilla, peppermint, strawberry, caramel, and green :)

    I do not use sweetener. It took a while to get used to, but I am trying to cut down on sugar intake and I prefer tea this way now. :)
  • perfect_storm
    perfect_storm Posts: 326 Member
    I am not really sure what my coffee pot considers a serving but I fill my coffee cup 2 to 3 times, but drink it over 4 hours (yep, I do not mind cold coffee) and it basically is 6 servings according to the measurements on the pot. You made me curious about this now. I think I will have to take an 8oz measuring cup of water and see where it measures up in the coffee pot.

    Oh.. to add, I also drink my coffee black so I am not concerned about sugars, sweeteners or added creamers of any kind. I am also at my goal so I do not get too concerned with the minor calories in the coffee itself. This data base here has black coffee going from 0 calories to 5 calories per 8oz. serving.
  • ShifuYaku
    ShifuYaku Posts: 504 Member
    Ehh... I probably drink coffee once a week. They have this thing at school where you get free coffee on Wednesdays, so I got some today. :)
  • PinkEarthMama
    PinkEarthMama Posts: 987 Member
    Three to four extra large mugs a day.
  • mznisaelaine
    mznisaelaine Posts: 2,262 Member
    I don't drink coffee but I can drink anywhere from 1-3 cups of green tea depending how much studying I do for the day. I like to drink tea when I'm studying.
  • chachita7
    chachita7 Posts: 996 Member
    Power coffee once (coffee with chocolate protein powder)
    Coffee only maybe once in the afternoon...
  • Sweet_Potato
    Sweet_Potato Posts: 1,119 Member
    1-3 cups of coffee or tea a day. I've always drunk it black, without sweetener, so calories aren't a concern.
  • perfect_storm
    perfect_storm Posts: 326 Member
    Power coffee once (coffee with chocolate protein powder)
    Coffee only maybe once in the afternoon...

    That actually sounds good! Hmmmm a new take on a Cafe Mocha!!! Thanks!
  • dreamingchild
    dreamingchild Posts: 208 Member
    Usually two cups of coffee but sometimes three. And sometimes if i'm craving something sweet in the afternoon i'll have a decaf. I add splenda and coffee mate to mine.
  • grumpy2day
    grumpy2day Posts: 198 Member
    3 green tea, 2 white and 1 red rooibos all with 1 purevia each and a slice of lemon.:embarassed:
  • Solly123
    Solly123 Posts: 162 Member
    Cripes... I drink about 6 mugs of tea with light milk in work and I'd say another 6 large mugs in the evening...

    Tea-aholic here...

    Must be Lyons - will drink Barrys also - but not interested in any other brands..

    I will swap an Irish tea for a green tea once in a blue moon though..

    Also love coffee.. Adore Lattes but as I'm trying to loose weight I've stopped drinking them.. I'd probably have had about 4 lattes a week up to a few months ago.. Now I drink Americano instead..

    Know I'm total caffine addict probably!! :blushing:
  • dubw
    dubw Posts: 429
    I drink only decalf tea, unless it is green tea. Nonetheless, about a pitcher a day.
  • aa1440
    aa1440 Posts: 956 Member
    None. I only drink water and one or two glasses of almond milk durning the day. And sometimes vodka after work.
  • beduffbrickie
    beduffbrickie Posts: 642 Member
    1 black coffee standard mug, with sweetner
    up to 10 cups of tea with milk and sweetner again standard size mug.
  • shelbyfrootcake
    shelbyfrootcake Posts: 965 Member
    2 or 3 500ml mugs of herbal tea with nothing added a day usually.
  • jessie580
    jessie580 Posts: 87
    Usually have 24oz iced coffee or iced latte
    i make it myself or go to DD, either way, it's a nice treat for myself for around 130-170 calories.
  • DreamLittleDarling
    DreamLittleDarling Posts: 800 Member
    the amount of coffee i drink would probably kill a lesser person! LOL