Starvation mode article that I found very VERY helpful....



  • suziecue66
    suziecue66 Posts: 1,312 Member
    I think "starvation mode" is becoming the new sensational thing to report about (or find old reports about).

    This guy, Dr Gary Taubes, is suggesting a whole new way of thinking about how we gain weight. Its kinda long, but totally worth the time:

    This is the basis of the "Keto" diet that I recently dove into and absolutely love.

    TL;DR: You aren't fat because you eat too much, you eat too much because you're fat. Change what you eat.

    Taubes' book was great but calories do matter. He is too concerned with carbohydrates. Low carb is a great start to get weight loss moving but you shouldn't stay low carb as a lot experience problems - low thyroid etc.

    I agree with this 100%. I am sticking to the 5% carb "Keto" approach for a few more weeks, then I will start introducing more carbs for workout energy, etc. I still think low-carb is best for those who are completely sedentary and have fully functional internal organs ;)

    Thats good. For a lot, low carb blunts hunger and gets them started on their weight loss journey.
  • BunnyKiller
    Great. Now you too can look like a dying cancer patient! Awesome, just what I've always wanted...
  • RileeMarie
    RileeMarie Posts: 113
    what is the argument? that i am not eating what you would consider the norm to loose weight? when in fact I have lost weight and inches> because I dont agree with you that everyone (including myself) can and should eat more than 1k calories a day. And then when i dont or cant because i fill full that i must be wanting to starve myself? No, I joined this site to start eating healthier not come here to be ridicule by others who think they know my life story and what is best for me. what is best for you to eat over 1k calories works for you...that is great. but what works for you and others is not the same for me (and others) doesnt make me right or wrong. it's a re-learning process for me to eat healthy and not have a fear of food. and not think because i eat this food i will gain a huge amount of weight. i came here for support not to be judged. and definitely not to belittled by you or the others that dont agree with my or someone elses feelings and thoughts.

    The argument is that chronic undereating will likely result in muscle loss, lowered metabolism, weight loss plateaus, and potentially other issues. Some people manage to get away with it for months and months, and then transition to a normal calorie intake. But most will not.

    From your profile: "I want to be healthy and not revert back to old habits of an eating disorder."

    But what you are saying in this thread contradicts that. You ARE STILL in the old habits of your eating disorder. If you want to improve, we're all behind you. But instead of striving for improvement, you're defending the disordered eating. If you were to say, "I am eating less than 1k a day, but trying my best to do better each day", then I would root you on, 100%. But on the contrary, you're eating less than 1k a day and then dismissing everyone who tells you this is unhealthy, asking to see their PhD's.

    Do you want to be fit and healthy or not? Don't kid yourself and think that eating < 1k calories per day is healthy.

    yes I want to be healthy, and I am trying to reach my calorie intake, but 2100 is mine, I can barely get to 1k, last night i even went to Jack n the box and got a sandwich 640 calories to make sure i got over 1500 which i did. I am trying trust me, I exercise probably more than I should, not excessive 40-60 minutes a day, and that is what keeps my calorie intake up. Would you rather I eat all the 2100 calories to a point of throwing it back up? NO i dont want to do that. But I eat to a point of I am so full then log it in to only find out that I have another 1k to go... I cant seriously do that. I am trying,. NO more buts, yes I have (had) an ED has it been under control sorta, I dont do the diet pills, laxative running till i dropped. So to answer your ? Yes I want to eat healthy. And I just dont think it's fair or nice that some comments like calling someone a "Twit" are you serious? That is so mean, and so disrespectful to a person that may or may not already be struggling with their journey of eating healthy.
  • Silverkittycat
    Silverkittycat Posts: 1,997 Member
    "kept library and obsessive motive"?

    taso's a good guy in my book. He took the time to listen to you and was generous enough to gather and post those links, to HELP you. Take a look at them? :smile:
  • lilojoke
    lilojoke Posts: 427 Member
    I love food too much to go down to 1200... Now when I want to cut slowly I may drop a hundred calories here and there but for most part a 2000-2500 diet makes me feel good about myself. Weight isn't everything sure I would love to lose ten pounds in a month but in actual fact 2-3 pounds per month of FAT and not muscle is much more rewarding!

    Saying the above I believe the saying "eat to lose" should really be eat according to what makes you stay on plan while eating a health maintaining for life meal plan.
  • secretgirl4611
    secretgirl4611 Posts: 474 Member
    MFP says my reccomended cal intake is 1,430 Is this too low? Def alot lower than how I use to eat. but when I workout it says I earn EXTRA cals to eat. which is good so is this ok? Im not like starving myself right???
  • foremant86
    foremant86 Posts: 1,115 Member
    I didn't bother reading all of the replies so this has probably already been pointed out


    Most of us are not here to achieve a goal on the scale and then stop. Most of us are here to lose the weight in a healthy manner AND become fit in the process AND continue on with a fit and healthy lifestyle.

    Yes you may lose whatever weight you need to in a certain amount of time with your ridiculous low calorie diet but 9 times out of 10 you won't sustain it for life and you will eventually either gain it all back or give yourself an eating disorder.

    I eat a healthy amount of food for my body and I workout and I plan to do this for the rest of my life, not just until i meat some arbitrary scale goal or pant size.
  • taunto
    taunto Posts: 6,420 Member
    If I can believe in virgin Mary, I can believe in Starvation mode!
  • foremant86
    foremant86 Posts: 1,115 Member
    Also if crash dieting worked so well for you then you wouldn't be back here with that same 60lbs to lose.

    and I swear to baby jesus if you blame it on having a child i might punch my monitor.
  • EbbySoo
    EbbySoo Posts: 267 Member
    what is the argument? that i am not eating what you would consider the norm to loose weight? when in fact I have lost weight and inches> because I dont agree with you that everyone (including myself) can and should eat more than 1k calories a day. And then when i dont or cant because i fill full that i must be wanting to starve myself? No, I joined this site to start eating healthier not come here to be ridicule by others who think they know my life story and what is best for me. what is best for you to eat over 1k calories works for you...that is great. but what works for you and others is not the same for me (and others) doesnt make me right or wrong. it's a re-learning process for me to eat healthy and not have a fear of food. and not think because i eat this food i will gain a huge amount of weight. i came here for support not to be judged. and definitely not to belittled by you or the others that dont agree with my or someone elses feelings and thoughts.

    The argument is that chronic undereating will likely result in muscle loss, lowered metabolism, weight loss plateaus, and potentially other issues. Some people manage to get away with it for months and months, and then transition to a normal calorie intake. But most will not.

    From your profile: "I want to be healthy and not revert back to old habits of an eating disorder."

    But what you are saying in this thread contradicts that. You ARE STILL in the old habits of your eating disorder. If you want to improve, we're all behind you. But instead of striving for improvement, you're defending the disordered eating. If you were to say, "I am eating less than 1k a day, but trying my best to do better each day", then I would root you on, 100%. But on the contrary, you're eating less than 1k a day and then dismissing everyone who tells you this is unhealthy, asking to see their PhD's.

    Do you want to be fit and healthy or not? Don't kid yourself and think that eating < 1k calories per day is healthy.

    yes I want to be healthy, and I am trying to reach my calorie intake, but 2100 is mine, I can barely get to 1k, last night i even went to Jack n the box and got a sandwich 640 calories to make sure i got over 1500 which i did. I am trying trust me, I exercise probably more than I should, not excessive 40-60 minutes a day, and that is what keeps my calorie intake up. Would you rather I eat all the 2100 calories to a point of throwing it back up? NO i dont want to do that. But I eat to a point of I am so full then log it in to only find out that I have another 1k to go... I cant seriously do that. I am trying,. NO more buts, yes I have (had) an ED has it been under control sorta, I dont do the diet pills, laxative running till i dropped. So to answer your ? Yes I want to eat healthy. And I just dont think it's fair or nice that some comments like calling someone a "Twit" are you serious? That is so mean, and so disrespectful to a person that may or may not already be struggling with their journey of eating healthy.

    See this is different again altogether. Now you have admitted you are trying to eat the amount you need for optimal health because you know right from wrong even though it is difficult for you, rather than defending eating less like you were in the beginning of the thread. I called you out on your post because it came off with red flags of someone with a past or currently has an ED. Defending the want or belief in the need to eat under 1k for means of weight loss as an adult isn't healthy psychologically or physiologically. Even though I don't have a Ph.D I do have great intuition, as well as having a background in sports nutrition, I've been helping other women who have suffered from female athlete triad and other ED's prior to becoming a stay at home mom. My intention was not to ridicule you or demean you, make you feel of lesser intellect, but the truth is, that more often than not, we can be our very own worst enemies and our cognitive thought processes can often times control our physiological needs whether we like it or not.

    Many people who "do not feel hungry" after eating only 750-1k calories per day aren't hungry because something is going on hormonally, mentally (whether brain chemistry or through an ED) which is causing them to act in such ways as eating only high fiber fruits, veggies to the point of fullness, and they end up with low calories because they are abstaining from fats, proteins, carbs which are higher in calories.
  • lilojoke
    lilojoke Posts: 427 Member
    Many people who "do not feel hungry" after eating only 750-1k calories per day aren't hungry because something is going on hormonally, mentally (whether brain chemistry or through an ED) which is causing them to act in such ways as eating only high fiber fruits, veggies to the point of fullness, and they end up with low calories because they are abstaining from fats, proteins, carbs which are higher in calories.

    ^^^ This was me few years back!

    Main stream calls us out and tells us eat low calories this, low fat that, protein kills your kidneys and carbs make you fat so all your left to eat are all the low calorie stuff that makes you bloated, stuffed but yet only consuming a near 1000 calories. Again if we all listened less to main stream and listened more to our bodies and how we feel things would be different.

    Fuel is food and without it we can not function. I know I can't function on low carbs I need energy foods... Oatmeal, whole wheat toast, meats and nuts in order to feel and perform strong.
  • SalishSea
    SalishSea Posts: 373 Member
    Options first.
  • RileeMarie
    RileeMarie Posts: 113
    what is the argument? that i am not eating what you would consider the norm to loose weight? when in fact I have lost weight and inches> because I dont agree with you that everyone (including myself) can and should eat more than 1k calories a day. And then when i dont or cant because i fill full that i must be wanting to starve myself? No, I joined this site to start eating healthier not come here to be ridicule by others who think they know my life story and what is best for me. what is best for you to eat over 1k calories works for you...that is great. but what works for you and others is not the same for me (and others) doesnt make me right or wrong. it's a re-learning process for me to eat healthy and not have a fear of food. and not think because i eat this food i will gain a huge amount of weight. i came here for support not to be judged. and definitely not to belittled by you or the others that dont agree with my or someone elses feelings and thoughts.

    The argument is that chronic undereating will likely result in muscle loss, lowered metabolism, weight loss plateaus, and potentially other issues. Some people manage to get away with it for months and months, and then transition to a normal calorie intake. But most will not.

    From your profile: "I want to be healthy and not revert back to old habits of an eating disorder."

    But what you are saying in this thread contradicts that. You ARE STILL in the old habits of your eating disorder. If you want to improve, we're all behind you. But instead of striving for improvement, you're defending the disordered eating. If you were to say, "I am eating less than 1k a day, but trying my best to do better each day", then I would root you on, 100%. But on the contrary, you're eating less than 1k a day and then dismissing everyone who tells you this is unhealthy, asking to see their PhD's.

    Do you want to be fit and healthy or not? Don't kid yourself and think that eating < 1k calories per day is healthy.

    yes I want to be healthy, and I am trying to reach my calorie intake, but 2100 is mine, I can barely get to 1k, last night i even went to Jack n the box and got a sandwich 640 calories to make sure i got over 1500 which i did. I am trying trust me, I exercise probably more than I should, not excessive 40-60 minutes a day, and that is what keeps my calorie intake up. Would you rather I eat all the 2100 calories to a point of throwing it back up? NO i dont want to do that. But I eat to a point of I am so full then log it in to only find out that I have another 1k to go... I cant seriously do that. I am trying,. NO more buts, yes I have (had) an ED has it been under control sorta, I dont do the diet pills, laxative running till i dropped. So to answer your ? Yes I want to eat healthy. And I just dont think it's fair or nice that some comments like calling someone a "Twit" are you serious? That is so mean, and so disrespectful to a person that may or may not already be struggling with their journey of eating healthy.

    See this is different again altogether. Now you have admitted you are trying to eat the amount you need for optimal health because you know right from wrong even though it is difficult for you, rather than defending eating less like you were in the beginning of the thread. I called you out on your post because it came off with red flags of someone with a past or currently has an ED. Defending the want or belief in the need to eat under 1k for means of weight loss as an adult isn't healthy psychologically or physiologically. Even though I don't have a Ph.D I do have great intuition, as well as having a background in sports nutrition, I've been helping other women who have suffered from female athlete triad and other ED's prior to becoming a stay at home mom. My intention was not to ridicule you or demean you, make you feel of lesser intellect, but the truth is, that more often than not, we can be our very own worst enemies and our cognitive thought processes can often times control our physiological needs whether we like it or not.

    Many people who "do not feel hungry" after eating only 750-1k calories per day aren't hungry because something is going on hormonally, mentally (whether brain chemistry or through an ED) which is causing them to act in such ways as eating only high fiber fruits, veggies to the point of fullness, and they end up with low calories because they are abstaining from fats, proteins, carbs which are higher in calories.

    i was simply defending the fact that some (including myself) are having a hard time reaching the right amount of calorie intake without being profiled. for me right now that is all i can do, i just started this less than 3 weeks ago, it will take me time to get there. i didnt gain the 15lbs that i want to loose over night it took 3.5 years, it will take me hopefully less than 6 months to get that back off. And also rethink my eating habits. I just dont thinks it's right to judge people without knowing their story. And then to say (not you) that I use my food allergies as an excuse....really are you serious? so that is why I guess my doctor has me carry an E pi-pen where-ever i go. Some comments I feel are so rude when all the poster is asking for advise or suggestions. Or the fact they are being honest with post. Then to read my profile and make lite of my ED, that is so uncalled for. Well that is gone... Cant even be honest on here without someone tearing your apart.
  • superstarcassie
    superstarcassie Posts: 296 Member
    I will admit I didn't have time to read all the posts, but I thought I would just enter my 2 cents....take it for what its worth. Eating under 1000 calories a day will never be healthy for anyone- Your body needs more than that to SURVIVE- where I'm going??? Just finished heavy lifting and I'm going to enjoy all 2300 calories I ate today :) Here's to FAT loss, preserving muscle, allowing my metabolism to function properly, and finishing this journey I started 2 years ago. A tip- figure out your BMR, if you are consistently eating under it (not just a day or two here...but for weeks, months, years....), your body will preserve its energy to keep your brain and organs functioning. Your muscle will go first because it takes more energy to stay around which leads to a slower metabolism overall.
  • chattipatty2
    chattipatty2 Posts: 376 Member
    Reading all this just made me hungry...LOL. Off to the fridge again!
  • JulieJacobus
    JulieJacobus Posts: 9 Member
    Shouldn't the issue be more about how good or bad you may be feeling while loosing the weight? If you feel good while taking in only 980 calories, go for it. But if you are feeling sluggish and tired, you probably need more fuel for your body. And let's not forget exercise. Without exercise, the weight really does come off slowly.
  • EbbySoo
    EbbySoo Posts: 267 Member
    The only thing I am tearing apart is the fallacy and outright dangerous opinions people have on eating under 1k per day, they are not based by science, they are not contributive to the overall wellbeing of people who could be at risk of ED or recovering from one. No one should be defending such a practice, especially people who are more than likely not seeing a psychologist or registered dietician/nutritionist to ensure that they are reaching their micro and macronutrient goals. Sure starvation mode is a myth (in some scientific based respects) but it doesn't justify active adults eating less than what a growing child needs to thrive.
  • LorinaLynn
    LorinaLynn Posts: 13,247 Member
    i was simply defending the fact that some (including myself) are having a hard time reaching the right amount of calorie intake without being profiled. for me right now that is all i can do, i just started this less than 3 weeks ago, it will take me time to get there. i didnt gain the 15lbs that i want to loose over night it took 3.5 years, it will take me hopefully less than 6 months to get that back off. And also rethink my eating habits. I just dont thinks it's right to judge people without knowing their story. And then to say (not you) that I use my food allergies as an excuse....really are you serious? so that is why I guess my doctor has me carry an E pi-pen where-ever i go. Some comments I feel are so rude when all the poster is asking for advise or suggestions. Or the fact they are being honest with post. Then to read my profile and make lite of my ED, that is so uncalled for. Well that is gone... Cant even be honest on here without someone tearing your apart.

    I don't think anyone was making light of your ED. They were showing concern... concern that you didn't appear to be showing, but now do show. I can't speak for anyone else, but I know I hate to see people suffer, in any way. And eating less than you should is causing your body to suffer, even if you don't feel it. I've done it, too. I went a long time eating between 700-1000 calories a day, and after a while, my brain stopped sending hunger signals. I didn't feel hungry, but my body was suffering.
  • AmyMcDonald808
    reading the first few pages of this has gotten me confused. When I signed up for MFP and entered my current weight and goal weight it told me to lose 1 lb a week I should be eating 1200 cals a day. Is this wrong? would I be more succesful eating more?

    ETA: its worked great so far but im also on the south beach diet and have only been on for 2 weeks so I know most of my weight loss has been water weight.
  • RileeMarie
    RileeMarie Posts: 113
    i was simply defending the fact that some (including myself) are having a hard time reaching the right amount of calorie intake without being profiled. for me right now that is all i can do, i just started this less than 3 weeks ago, it will take me time to get there. i didnt gain the 15lbs that i want to loose over night it took 3.5 years, it will take me hopefully less than 6 months to get that back off. And also rethink my eating habits. I just dont thinks it's right to judge people without knowing their story. And then to say (not you) that I use my food allergies as an excuse....really are you serious? so that is why I guess my doctor has me carry an E pi-pen where-ever i go. Some comments I feel are so rude when all the poster is asking for advise or suggestions. Or the fact they are being honest with post. Then to read my profile and make lite of my ED, that is so uncalled for. Well that is gone... Cant even be honest on here without someone tearing your apart.

    I don't think anyone was making light of your ED. They were showing concern... concern that you didn't appear to be showing, but now do show. I can't speak for anyone else, but I know I hate to see people suffer, in any way. And eating less than you should is causing your body to suffer, even if you don't feel it. I've done it, too. I went a long time eating between 700-1000 calories a day, and after a while, my brain stopped sending hunger signals. I didn't feel hungry, but my body was suffering.

    your right, I am done. Until I get my own eating habits under control who am I to comment on someones else post.