That TOTALLY awkward moment when...



  • stevewynjones
    stevewynjones Posts: 1,143 Member
    During a rugby match, running to score a try (touchdown in American football) when I get tackled by someone grabbing onto my shorts....and quickly realising I'd forgotten to wear anything underthem!

    Not the first time Id been naked during a rugby event....but thats just normal :glasses:
  • hbrittingham
    hbrittingham Posts: 2,518 Member
    When I am working out and give a good laugh and no one knows what is so funny. *kitten*.

    Ummm, yeah. Been there, done that. *kitten*.
  • Dilfster
    Dilfster Posts: 434
    happened today. i was feeling out of it & when i finished using the elliptical machine i got a towel to wipe it down, but I ended up wiping down a totally different machine. lol. i forgot which was mine.
  • oddyogi
    oddyogi Posts: 1,816 Member
    I went up to the cardio room at the gym a few years ago. There was only one treadmill available, so I eagerly hopped on it before someone else grabbed it. Little did I know it was on.. so I went flying backwards in front of about 30 people. And no one asked if I was okay.. haha.
  • Elizabeth0913
    OMG, I got a good laugh out of this one and all of the comments. Sorry for your misadventures but thanks for the laugh!
  • coraliethomas
    coraliethomas Posts: 336 Member
    Oh these are awesome! I dont feel quite so bad... cant wait to read some more later!
  • oddyogi
    oddyogi Posts: 1,816 Member
    I was on the treadmill and doing speed work. the arrows on the buttons are faded off. I was doing the speed part of the workout and when I started hitting the buttons to slow the machine down, I was actually speeding it up. I was hanging on for dear life trying to get the machine to slow down.
    Felt like something right out of a "I Love Lucy" episode. :tongue:
    I too had a good laugh about it later, but at the time I thought I was going to fly off backward.

    LOL that's hilarious!! I can only imagine. :P
  • warmachinejt
    warmachinejt Posts: 2,167 Member
    I went up to the cardio room at the gym a few years ago. There was only one treadmill available, so I eagerly hopped on it before someone else grabbed it. Little did I know it was on.. so I went flying backwards in front of about 30 people. And no one asked if I was okay.. haha.
    lol if you got up it means you're ok... everyone knows that...otherwise you stay laying on the ground and an idiot asks if you're ok (when you're obviously not)
  • oddyogi
    oddyogi Posts: 1,816 Member
    I went up to the cardio room at the gym a few years ago. There was only one treadmill available, so I eagerly hopped on it before someone else grabbed it. Little did I know it was on.. so I went flying backwards in front of about 30 people. And no one asked if I was okay.. haha.
    lol if you got up it means you're ok... everyone knows that...otherwise you stay laying on the ground and an idiot asks if you're ok (when you're obviously not)

    This is true.. guess I'd never thought of it that way. I got some crazy linoleum burn on my legs that day too.
  • jkestens63
    jkestens63 Posts: 1,164 Member
    At the beginning of the year I switched to a new gym. My first day there I completed my workout and hit the shower. Now being a former big girl I always feel more comfortable with more space so went into the handicap accessible shower. I work out hard, was tired, and there is a bench attached to the wall that you have to flip down. Figured I'll sit, enjoy the hot water. About one minute after I plopped my butt down, the bench pulled out of the wall, crashing to the floor, taking me with it. I flail out and end up grabbing the shower cutain, pulled it and the curtain rod down on top of me. Sat there for a couple seconds in my stunned naked glory and a lady comes over and hands me my towel, then asks if I am ok. Apparently more concerned with having to see my nakidness vs my well being.

    So get up, uninjured except for a scraped elbow, finish up and on my way out go tell the front desk what happened (apparently the woman who gave me my towel and who was the only other woman in the locker room never told the staff before getting on the treadmill I saw her on). The front desk kid- probably all of 20 - said , sorry about that, its probably our fault. Ya think???????

    I have broken a couple of chairs in my time but not since I lost 260 lbs, lol.
  • jcstanton
    jcstanton Posts: 1,849 Member
    Whats your most embarressing gym/public workout moment??

    Mine was the other day, I had the treadmill set for HIIT and darnit, the damn thing doesnt really warn you when its speeding up to sprint mode, and I had it set to 7.0 from 4.5.... well, I was watching the TV one moment and was kissing the floor the next!


    I'm assuming you weren't hurt to badly, and you're okay with people laughing (WITH you, not AT you, of course) or you wouldn't have posted it on here.....SOOOOOOO ^^^^ :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: ^^^^

    My most embarrassing gym moment was when I had a membership at the YMCA a few years back. They had a weight machine that works the glutes. The positioning is similar to the leg lifts that require you to get on all fours and lift your leg up and back so that the sole of your foot is parallel to the ceiling. In order to acheive this with a resistance machine, there was a small pedal-like platform behind you for one foot, a pad on which to rest your opposite knee, a pad on which to rest your lower abdomen, and a pad on which to rest your elbows and forearms. Well, this is a sort of embarrassing position in which to find yourself to begin with, as your rear is completely exposed to everyone else who is behind you (I can only imagine what the guys must have been thinking when they saw the women using this machine...doggy style anyone? :bigsmile:) So anyway, I had myself positioned on the machine, and pushed with my left foot with all my might. I don't know if it was the pressure from the pad on my abdomen, or the pressure from using my core to lift the weight, but all of a sudden....FWEEEEEEEEEEEP!!! :noway: :ohwell: :embarassed: Yup, you guessed it, I ripped a loud, long, squeaker F-A-R-T!! Fortunately, the music was up pretty loud, there were only a couple of other people in there at the time, and they were at the other end of the room with their earphones in, so I don't think anybody heard least, that's what I told myself at the time to keep myself from running out of the room in tears. I WAS MORTIFIED!!!
  • Merc71
    Merc71 Posts: 412 Member
    So anyway, I had myself positioned on the machine, and pushed with my left foot with all my might. I don't know if it was the pressure from the pad on my abdomen, or the pressure from using my core to lift the weight, but all of a sudden....FWEEEEEEEEEEEP!!! :noway: :ohwell: :embarassed: Yup, you guessed it, I ripped a loud, long, squeaker F-A-R-T!! Fortunately, the music was up pretty loud, there were only a couple of other people in there at the time, and they were at the other end of the room with their earphones in, so I don't think anybody heard least, that's what I told myself at the time to keep myself from running out of the room in tears. I WAS MORTIFIED!!!

    Women's farts are the WORST. End of story.
  • elbandito
    elbandito Posts: 157

    I laughed out loud here at work when I saw your 'bump' in response to the OP's "I kissed the floor" post! :D
  • Caiii
    Caiii Posts: 27
    Oh my gosh. Could not agree more...hahahaha
  • jcstanton
    jcstanton Posts: 1,849 Member
    So anyway, I had myself positioned on the machine, and pushed with my left foot with all my might. I don't know if it was the pressure from the pad on my abdomen, or the pressure from using my core to lift the weight, but all of a sudden....FWEEEEEEEEEEEP!!! :noway: :ohwell: :embarassed: Yup, you guessed it, I ripped a loud, long, squeaker F-A-R-T!! Fortunately, the music was up pretty loud, there were only a couple of other people in there at the time, and they were at the other end of the room with their earphones in, so I don't think anybody heard least, that's what I told myself at the time to keep myself from running out of the room in tears. I WAS MORTIFIED!!!

    Women's farts are the WORST. End of story.

    Hence my TOTAL mortification. LOL It's COMPLETELY out of character for me to let one go in public (I would certainly never do it on purpose), and I rarely do it at home if there's someone else in the room. Oddly enough, though, it doesn't usually bother me to belch in front of someone else (although, I have enough sense to know when it's waaay too inappropriate).
  • elbandito
    elbandito Posts: 157
    I listen to podcasts when I work out, and one of my favourites is 'My Brother, My Brother and Me' - a comedy advice podcast for the modern era...

    ...anyway, I'm doing DB curls, and something super funny happens in the podcast, I laugh, lose control of the DB and it crashes down into my testicles.
  • catfish9
    catfish9 Posts: 138
    Last week, in a super crowded Zumba class. We were doing some weird punching motions, and I accidentally punched myself in the jaw so hard that my eyes teared up. If anyone noticed, they were kind enough to pretend that they didn't. :P
  • jcstanton
    jcstanton Posts: 1,849 Member
    I listen to podcasts when I work out, and one of my favourites is 'My Brother, My Brother and Me' - a comedy advice podcast for the modern era...

    ...anyway, I'm doing DB curls, and something super funny happens in the podcast, I laugh, lose control of the DB and it crashes down into my testicles.

  • sarahkatara
    sarahkatara Posts: 826 Member

    I laughed out loud here at work when I saw your 'bump' in response to the OP's "I kissed the floor" post! :D

    and here i was thinking i was the only one who saw that!
  • oddyogi
    oddyogi Posts: 1,816 Member
    I listen to podcasts when I work out, and one of my favourites is 'My Brother, My Brother and Me' - a comedy advice podcast for the modern era...

    ...anyway, I'm doing DB curls, and something super funny happens in the podcast, I laugh, lose control of the DB and it crashes down into my testicles.

    Oh man. Poor little guys.